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Venting It feels bad that many great users have the inclination to LARP-brag



May 2, 2018
Fontaine and now Zesto.

I won't question the rules because even with my minor disagreements on them, I'm satisfied with them and with the mod team, both of which mog the respective ones from Brazilian imageboards like 55chan to oblivion (where I used to post before migrating here).

But it's such a shame. I perfectly understand why the brag rule is in place; it would suck hard if we had good-looking Chads and Chadlites infesting our incel forum and rubbing in that we're virgin losers and that they just fucked some cute blonde Stacy or something. That's the reason I never made an account on Lookism.

But when said brag is an obvious LARP done by a confirmed ugly user, it just doesn't have the same effect. Fontaine's brag seemed like a poor (and dumb, tbh, which was strange coming from an otherwise such high IQ user - I believe he must have been under the influence of some drug when he did that post) attempt to encourage other incels not to give up on the dream of ascending.

Zesto's brag was just an autistic LARP like pretty much most of the things he posts. It's quite clear he makes various personas for himself, he has a very particular style of posting. And having seen his pic, I just can't feel displeased at all by his brags since he's ugly and it's impossible for a sub4 guy to be a slayer.

I know everyone is supposed to be equal before the law/rules, but since being ugly is so tremendously disadvantageous compared to being attractive IRL, it doesn't feel that wrong that confirmed ugly users would have more leeway with bragging than confirmed good-looking ones. Again, I don't have any intention of confronting the moderation team or the rules, but it's just surreal to see knajjd pointing out to Zesto how he has said he's a Chad and is certain that he'll slay in Japan. Knajjd's face is about double the rating of Zesto's face, lol (7-8/10 - 3,5-4/10, respectively). I know, I know, lack of dimorphism, extreme manletism and whatnot, but still looks good.

Just venting tbh.
Don't worry ı'm still here brother
According to knajjd, if Zesto had just waited a month he would’ve been allowed back in. And if it’s any consolation, Zesto has numerous alts, it wouldn’t surprise me if it takes months for the mods to route out and ban all of them unless they implemented an IP ban on him
Im glad that faggot Zesto is banned. Also I don't see how spamming anime, bragging, and derailing threads with something to do with Japan is considered a "great user".
Lol Zesto wasn't larping he was writing a manga series based on himself to cope with obvious failures and to feel superior to other losers

Knajjd is a white euroboy in turkey lol cope if he is an incel, he's not 5'2 cus that was debunked back in /r/incels disc iirc

The people who insult Zesto don't understand that this is merely but a coping mechanism, humans have a NEED to feel superior and be socially valuable and important even it they're stuck up introverts or losers. the difference between Zesto and these alt righters on here is the topics and frequency they spew :feelswhat:

@Zesto prepare your neck
I'm glad (((Fontaine))) and Zesto are gone tbh.
Don't worry ı'm still here brother
According to knajjd, if Zesto had just waited a month he would’ve been allowed back in. And if it’s any consolation, Zesto has numerous alts, it wouldn’t surprise me if it takes months for the mods to route out and ban all of them unless they implemented an IP ban on him
I saw this, and I think knajjd was right on that part. Knajjd is a good mod, good-looking or not.

But the part in which he confronted Zesto on his brags about being a Chad just feels bizarre, I can't help it. We all know how the looks blackpill affects all interactions.

Im glad that faggot Zesto is banned. Also I don't see how spamming anime, bragging, and derailing threads with something to do with Japan is considered a "great user".
I know a lot of users didn't like his weebspam, but the fact is, Zesto belongs here. He's just like Kointo, an autistic truecel who belongs here (just look at how many posts both had in their short lifespams; it's clear they're autistic truecels with no social life whatsoever), but, sadly, has the tendency to confront and disrespect the rules (probably because with all the autism, it becomes impossible to have enough self-control to respect a rule such as "wait one month before coming here again", as much as this was very reasonable from knajjd).

he's not 5'2 cus that was debunked back in /r/incels disc iirc
What's his height then? Never heard of it. Link/story?
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Lol Zesto wasn't larping he was writing a manga series based on himself to cope with obvious failures and to feel superior to other losers

Knajjd is a white euroboy in turkey lol cope if he is an incel, he's not 5'2 cus that was debunked back in /r/incels disc iirc

The people who insult Zesto don't understand that this is merely but a coping mechanism, humans have a NEED to feel superior and be socially valuable and important even it they're stuck up introverts or losers. the difference between Zesto and these alt righters on here is the topics and frequency they spew :feelswhat:

@Zesto prepare your neck
i don't know who told you that i'm actually taller than 5'2", but they were lying. it's never been "debunked".
The more slashes through users I see on my ignore list (the spammers), the better this forum gets. Good work mods!
I still don't believe they're LARPing about being non-virgins, once a LARP always a LARP. If it's true they're LARPing about being non-virgins/ascending rather than LARPing about being incels, I still can't trust those faggots for lying in the first place.
Literally noone cares about zesto and some other faggot. Just as you don't care if I get brapped.
Bragging is one of rules both in concept and execution that mods handle well.
I still don't believe they're LARPing about being non-virgins, once a LARP always a LARP. If it's true they're LARPing about being non-virgins/ascending rather than LARPing about being incels, I still can't trust those faggots for lying in the first place.
I know lying makes them lose credibility but to be quite honest, a good-looking face bothers me more than some lie or brag. Talking about my feelings here, and before someone replies with "muh feelings", this is the reason why the brag rule exists in the first place.

Like I said, both Zesto and Kointo are truecel aspie sperglords. Blackpill101 was also like this. And also ugly btw.
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Zesto is going to be banned from life.
His obsession is going to kill him.
Zesto is going to be banned from life.
His obsession is going to kill him.
I have a good friend IRL who's just like Zesto.

Do you know what I think will happen with Zesto?

He will persist on his Japan obsession for a long time, regardless of all that can happen, and then, one day, after years, he'll just find a new obsession and everything starts from scratch.
I know lying makes them lose credibility but to be quite honest, a good-looking face bothers me more than some lie or brag. Talking about my feelings here, and before someone replies with "muh feelings", this is the reason why the brag rule exists in the first place.

Like I said, both Zesto and Kointo are truecel aspie sperglords. Blackpill101 was also like this.

This is not an autism forum. This is not a stormfront forum (shame). This is not a SJW shitskin whitey hating forum. This is an incel forum. There are rules here. You follow the rules or you get axed.

Content: No low effort, spam, advertisement, all-caps, or selfies. No NSFW or worship avatars nor signatures.

I'm tired of these fucking faggots shitting up my forum. I love this place porbably more than most. I don't want it ruined like /r9k/.

Any incel who falls for these people's games/fanfiction storywriting and/or RPing is a fucking mong and deserves the pain they get for being incel for having a gaping hole for a brain.
Zesto got banned? Finally?! Oh, glorious day! That retard was a real pest. If he bragged, I'm all the more glad he's gone.
This is not an autism forum. This is not a stormfront forum (shame). This is not a SJW shitskin whitey hating forum. This is an incel forum. There are rules here. You follow the rules or you get axed.

Content: No low effort, spam, advertisement, all-caps, or selfies. No NSFW or worship avatars nor signatures.

I'm tired of these fucking faggots shitting up my forum. I love this place porbably more than most. I don't want it ruined like /r9k/.
I agree tbh. I just think it's a shame things have to be this way. I wish Zesto, Kointo, Fontaine, Blackpill101 and others hadn't broken the rules like they did.

Also, what ruined /r9k/ was allowing females. It's what ruins all communities on the internet.

Spam sucks, bragging sucks, but comparing even those with females is like comparing some volleys of rifles with an atomic bomb.
I have a good friend IRL who's just like Zesto.

Do you know what I think will happen with Zesto?

He will persist on his Japan obsession for a long time, regardless of all that can happen, and then, one day, after years, he'll just find a new obsession and everything starts from scratch.
I think; he is going to get damaged so hard after failing. Blackpill overdose. There is even a chance if snapping.(But you're also true.)
How did Zesto even brag, was it his confidence of ascending in Japan that counted as bragging?
I think; he is going to get damaged so hard after failing. Blackpill overdose. There is even a chance if snapping.(But you're also true.)
He will undoubtedly go through a very sad phase, given how much mental energy he has invested in this particular obsession and goal. I wish the world was fair and he could get a 10/10 Japanese mommy girlfriend just like he wants, because he's a gentle and good person tbh. But sadly, the world is a competition and violence hell, as unfair as it could be (the only real fairness is the fact we all die).
How did Zesto even brag, was it his confidence of ascending in Japan that counted as bragging?
He said he was a Chad pretty boy or something, which was obviously a LARP and part of his autistic persona.
Coping manifests in different ways. Sometimes it's LARP-brags.
I saw this, and I think knajjd was right on that part. Knajjd is a good mod, good-looking or not.

But the part in which he confronted Zesto on his brags about being a Chad just feels bizarre, I can't help it. We all know how the looks blackpill affects all interactions.
I'm sure he was more concerned with his demanding special immunity regardless of his rule breaking antics rather than bragging, but it certainly played a role in sealing his fate
How did Zesto even brag, was it his confidence of ascending in Japan that counted as bragging?
He will undoubtedly go through a very sad phase, given how much mental energy he has invested in this particular obsession and goal. I wish the world was fair and he could get a 10/10 Japanese mommy girlfriend just like he wants, because he's a gentle and good person tbh. But sadly, the world is a competition and violence hell, as unfair as it could be (the only real fairness is the fact we all die).
I'm sure he was more concerned with his demanding special immunity regardless of his rule breaking antics rather than bragging, but it certainly played a role in sealing his fate
I think; he is going to get damaged so hard after failing. Blackpill overdose. There is even a chance if snapping.(But you're also true.)

Yo you people got any brain activity? How dumb do you have to be to fall for this?

The dude is paying a character, acting, pretending to be someone he is not. There is no real person. There is no real obsession. It is someone behind a computer screen looking to shit up a small forum. He is looking for reactions and attention just like I'mma bout to give him. I'm trying to wake people up for when the next spamming RPer comes around. They come around all to often given the nature of the website.

If mods let me make up an alt account, I could EASILY shit up this forum and have retards fall for my schemes. Don't be the retard.
He will undoubtedly go through a very sad phase, given how much mental energy he has invested in this particular obsession and goal. I wish the world was fair and he could get a 10/10 Japanese mommy girlfriend just like he wants, because he's a gentle and good person tbh. But sadly, the world is a competition and violence hell, as unfair as it could be (the only real fairness is the fact we all die).

He said he was a Chad pretty boy or something, which was obviously a LARP and part of his autistic persona.
Idk why he did it seems pretty minor tbh I think most people could guess that he wasn't anywhere close to chad but it was stupid to risk it anyway. I really liked his posts but he did probably deserve it. I never cared for Fontaine, sure he was probably smart but he felt arrogant, I thought it was annoying that every time he thought about something he had to explain it with big words in his blackpill threads.
Yo you people got any brain activity? How dumb do you have to be to fall for this?

The dude is paying a character, acting, pretending to be someone he is not. There is no real person. There is no real obsession. It is someone behind a computer screen looking to shit up a small forum. He is looking for reactions and attention just like I'mma bout to give him. I'm trying to wake people up for when the next spamming RPer comes around. They come around all to often given the nature of the website.

If mods let me make up an alt account, I could EASILY shit up this forum and have retards fall for my schemes. Don't be the retard.
Yo you people got any brain activity? How dumb do you have to be to fall for this?

The dude is paying a character, acting, pretending to be someone he is not. There is no real person. There is no real obsession. It is someone behind a computer screen looking to shit up a small forum. He is looking for reactions and attention just like I'mma bout to give him. I'm trying to wake people up for when the next spamming RPer comes around. They come around all to often given the nature of the website.

If mods let me make up an alt account, I could EASILY shit up this forum and have retards fall for my schemes. Don't be the retard.
I think he might have exaggerated about things and did some larping towards the end when he noticed that people liked it and gave him attention, but I still believe his japan enthusiasm was real.
Yo you people got any brain activity? How dumb do you have to be to fall for this?

The dude is paying a character, acting, pretending to be someone he is not. There is no real person. There is no real obsession. It is someone behind a computer screen looking to shit up a small forum. He is looking for reactions and attention just like I'mma bout to give him. I'm trying to wake people up for when the next spamming RPer comes around. They come around all to often given the nature of the website.

If mods let me make up an alt account, I could EASILY shit up this forum and have retards fall for my schemes. Don't be the retard.
I never thought of it from that angle, though tbh he remained consistent all throughout his time here and I've never seen anything from him that would make me think his shtick was one big LARP. Wether he was a legit weeb spamming autist or not, I'll never know but he was certainly bringing the quality of the place down, no question about that
Yo you people got any brain activity? How dumb do you have to be to fall for this?

The dude is paying a character, acting, pretending to be someone he is not. There is no real person. There is no real obsession. It is someone behind a computer screen looking to shit up a small forum. He is looking for reactions and attention just like I'mma bout to give him. I'm trying to wake people up for when the next spamming RPer comes around. They come around all to often given the nature of the website.

If mods let me make up an alt account, I could EASILY shit up this forum and have retards fall for my schemes. Don't be the retard.
Having seen how he looks like, and given the sheer amount of gigantic posts he had here, I doubt he's just some normie LARPing with the malevolent intention of disturbing the forum and bothering real incels.

Normies don't go to an incel forum and make thousands of long posts like those Zesto did. I know a shitton of normies, I can guarantee you that.

Real, successful, normies with active sexual lives would, at best, make an account here just to post some low-effort "lol you are such losers" and that would be it.

Even most IT users who are really obsessed about us are just incels in denial.

Also, Zesto is a turboweeb. Show him some anime shit and he can instantly tell you the name of it and what it's about.

Zesto is 100%, DEFINITELY, not a normie. Let alone a "pretty boy Chad" or something. He's an ugly autistic weeb without any social life whatsoever.
It seems like Incels.is mods were using against Zesto stuff he said on Looksmax.org. That defeats part of the point of having two separate sites, though. There are some users who straddle the line between incels and looksmaxxers, in that they might ascend but it hasn't been proven they can. There's not really a place on the Internet for such people, because they don't fit perfectly into either community. Zesto might be too incel for Looksmax.org (in that they might call him a coping incel) and too potentially noncel for Incels.is.

If bragging on Looksmax.org can be held against you on Incels.is, then someone in Zesto's situation (where he was banned but hoping to eventually come back) can't really use Looksmax.org in the way in which it was intended. In contrast, stuff people say on non-sister sites like Truecels.org supposedly isn't held against them; but that site has its own rules against bragging.

The fact that there's a grey area between incels and noncels creates some touchy situations. Most users of incels.is probably fall into that grey area (since truecels are a minority here; it's been admitted that a truecels-only site would fail before starting) but they have to keep quiet about it. The inner contradictions can be tough to deal with sometimes, unless everyone just pretends to tacitly agree they don't exist, while simultaneously being aware they exist, so as not to accidentally fall afoul of the rules.
there are direct contradictions between what he's said here and there. if that happens, certainly, it'll be held against you, though his appeal would have been denied even if that was not the case.
Just cure him from incelism (if he even is incel :rolleyes:) and suck his dick already :soy::soy::soy:
And having seen his pic, I just can't feel displeased at all by his brags since he's ugly and it's impossible for a sub4 guy to be a slayer.

I know everyone is supposed to be equal before the law/rules, but since being ugly is so tremendously disadvantageous compared to being attractive IRL, it doesn't feel that wrong that confirmed ugly users would have more leeway with bragging than confirmed good-looking ones.

Did his pic include a time stamp? and an indication that he is a member of the site, e.g. Username, Date, "Incels.me". If not then I don't trust that shit, anyone can just go online and find some pictures of some ugly low tier male on a public facebook profile or something and larp as him on this site.
Still can't believe he wrote an essay for his ban appeal. Don't know if it was sincere or not.
There are facts, and then there are interpretations, though. E.g. height is an objectively measurable number, while "ugliness" and "Chadliness" are interpretations of physical features. Did he give conflicting facts, or conflicting interpretations?

The two sites have different cultures. On Incels.is, people would tend to exaggerate their ugliness to fit in better. On Looksmax.org, people might go more in the direction of exaggerating their Chadliness, since being overconfident can be helpful in getting laid. But to say "I'm a really Chadly guy" could just be puffery.
calling yourself "Chad" there, sourcing your successes in the West to support your claim while calling yourself an ugly bastard with no hope in the West here in this forum is the definition of a contradiction. anyway, as i've said, that is not the primary reason his appeal was denied, though it has certainly played a role.
I agree man. It makes me sad that guys like @Zesto who are actual virgins are banned while some users here have had sex without paying and are pretty much normies and are still allowed to post.
I'm not saying to ban unvirgins, I don't have anything againts blackpilled normies like I have already said on previous posts, but feels bad that an actual incel brother can't post with us :cryfeels:
Just cure him from incelism (if he even is incel :rolleyes:) and suck his dick already :soy::soy::soy:
Careful not to be banned by knajjd there buddy boyo.

Did his pic include a time stamp? and an indication that he is a member of the site, e.g. Username, Date, "Incels.me". If not then I don't trust that shit, anyone can just go online and find some pictures of some ugly low tier male on a public facebook profile or something and larp as him on this site.
I must admit it didn't. I trusted him on that one. But like I said, just for his sheer amount of posts and weeb knowledge, I seriously doubt he's some normie or better LARPer.

Still can't believe he wrote an essay for his ban appeal. Don't know if it was sincere or not.
All his posts were Bibles. If characters counted instead of posts he would be the greatest postmaxxer ever.

He was a good boy who dindu nuffin.

It will be sad that if he fails in japan (most likely), he won't be able to come here. Japcels exist too. :feelsbadman:
I liked Zesto but the rules are the rules.
I wish Zesto, Kointo, Fontaine, Blackpill101 and others hadn't broken the rules like they did.
I miss the old forum too tbh. All those names will be lost in time, like tears in rain. :cryfeels:

Bring back our dudes admins.

Make incel.me great again.
Even if you break the rules, you can always be pardoned. A mod could just say, "Zesto's situation is a tragedy in which we all have played a part. It could go on and on and on, or someone must write the end to it. I have concluded that only I can do that, and if I can, I must."
I guess they discuss between themselves before permabanning a big user.
High IQ.

Fontaine's brag seemed like a poor (and dumb, tbh, which was strange coming from an otherwise such high IQ user - I believe he must have been under the influence of some drug when he did that post)

Booze? I think Fontaine was drunk when he made that post.

Is LARP-bragging the ultimate cope? It seems like the cope people go to when all other copes fail.

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