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Venting It feels bad that many great users have the inclination to LARP-brag

High IQ.

Booze? I think Fontaine was drunk when he made that post.

Is LARP-bragging the ultimate cope? It seems like the cope people go to when all other copes fail.
Good question. It's difficult to explain that phenomenon.
I know that you said you don't intend to argue with us about implementation here, and that knajjd already voiced his position briefly here, but I would like you to engage in a thought experiment with me.

If we are extremely generous and say that 20% of all members of this site have seen Zesto's photo, that still means that 80% have not. To that 80%, what is the difference between Zesto making claims of being Jpopmaxxed "Chad in the East" and befriender-of-Asian-girls-in-the-West and any other user, if there is no photo reference available to them?

There is none. It comes down to a matter of available information and more importantly, your personal perspective on that information. As an active member, you have ingested a ton of Zesto content and may have gotten even more from other sources such as private Discords and the like. You have formed an interpretation of this content based on your own perspective. However, for a poster who is either new or not very active or doesn't bother to participate in the recurring popularity contests of various identities here, seeing "LARP-brags" is no better than seeing regular brags.

In a similar vein, from the perspective of a moderator, why should we resort to our own limited perspectives of a user's persona and content when deciding how to enforce the rules? That simply wouldn't be fair. I can see how this could negatively impact people who LARP or cope with multiple personalities or have some sort of mental conditions, but catering to them based on their word in some cases but not others would open the doors for further biased decisions and a deterioration of standards for all.

Either way, there will be an opportunity for a few of us to take a closer look into the Zesto situation soon enough.
Im glad that faggot Zesto is banned. Also I don't see how spamming anime, bragging, and derailing threads with something to do with Japan is considered a "great user".
Also, since everyone keeps bringing up this "Fontaine was drunk/high" cope, I've said it before and I'll say it again - the timeline doesn't fit. He would have had to be drunk for multiple days straight to cover all of the questionable content/posting decisions he made in that period. It's far more likely that it was suicide-by-mod, or that he simply thought he was above getting permabanned for it, hard to tell which. If you look at his post history, just a few days prior to the incident he was saying that he was planning on leaving the site, or at the very least heavily moving away from it.
You know what they say, "Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning." Before you can create a new reality, first you must masturbatorily fantasize about it, mentally sketching the outlines of this new sexual paradise which you seek to inhabit and signing the blueprint with your seminal fluids, for truly it is a work of art.
Fantasizing about future success seems to be linked to diminished chances of success:


Similar to other normie-fueled bluepilled ideas like positivity mantras:

Nobody can't prove anything without photos or even with them , and things like ''height'' can't be proved, anyone can lie, get it? i am not talking about anyone personaly. I miss Zesto and i hope he will find his peace and finds a better life in Japan. As for the larpers ''Oh look at me I am like you an incel but good looking '' yeah , give them a few years and they will get bored and leave us in peace. We already know who is fake here or on discord....we are not idiots
I know that you said you don't intend to argue with us about implementation here, and that knajjd already voiced his position briefly here, but I would like you to engage in a thought experiment with me.

If we are extremely generous and say that 20% of all members of this site have seen Zesto's photo, that still means that 80% have not. To that 80%, what is the difference between Zesto making claims of being Jpopmaxxed "Chad in the East" and befriender-of-Asian-girls-in-the-West and any other user, if there is no photo reference available to them?

There is none. It comes down to a matter of available information and more importantly, your personal perspective on that information. As an active member, you have ingested a ton of Zesto content and may have gotten even more from other sources such as private Discords and the like. You have formed an interpretation of this content based on your own perspective. However, for a poster who is either new or not very active or doesn't bother to participate in the recurring popularity contests of various identities here, seeing "LARP-brags" is no better than seeing regular brags.

In a similar vein, from the perspective of a moderator, why should we resort to our own limited perspectives of a user's persona and content when deciding how to enforce the rules? That simply wouldn't be fair. I can see how this could negatively impact people who LARP or cope with multiple personalities or have some sort of mental conditions, but catering to them based on their word in some cases but not others would open the doors for further biased decisions and a deterioration of standards for all.
High IQ. To be fair, as much as I wish Zesto and the others I have already mentioned were still here, yeah, they all broke the rules. And rules must be simple, if it were "you must not brag if you're above PSL4 measured by a council of 20 users and at least 5'10; if you provide documentation proving your autism, it'll be also taken into consideration", this would get too bureaucratic and inefficient just like some government stuff like affirmative action is.

This thread was more about my feelings than anything tbh. I saw a Zyros post which seemed like a humblebrag and kinda bothered me a bit since he is very good-looking; then I saw knajjd, who I personally also find extremely attractive, responding to Zesto's ban appeal and I got frustrated because Zesto is incel tier and the type of guy who in my view belongs here. But yeah, he broke the rules, which sucks. This case is similar to Kointo's. Sadly, catering to people like that would open loopholes for malicious people to make the forum shitty.

You mods have a very difficult job tbh.

Either way, there will be an opportunity for a few of us to take a closer look into the Zesto situation soon enough.

Also, since everyone keeps bringing up this "Fontaine was drunk/high" cope, I've said it before and I'll say it again - the timeline doesn't fit. He would have had to be drunk for multiple days straight to cover all of the questionable content/posting decisions he made in that period. It's far more likely that it was suicide-by-mod, or that he simply thought he was above getting permabanned for it, hard to tell which. If you look at his post history, just a few days prior to the incident he was saying that he was planning on leaving the site, or at the very least heavily moving away from it.
Yeah, I think it was suicide-by-mod too, after all. But the fact he seemed to regret it and made a ban appeal was painful for people who like him.
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Nobody can't prove anything without photos or even with them , and things like ''height'' can't be proved, anyone can lie, get it? i am not talking about anyone personaly. I miss Zesto and i hope he will find his peace and finds a better life in Japan. As for the larpers ''Oh look at me I am like you an incel but good looking '' yeah , give them a few years and they will get bored and leave us in peace. We already know who is fake here or on discord....we are not idiots
Great that the bitch got banned, next all other anime fags!
Great that the bitch got banned, next all other anime fags!
And you reply and bait me to fight you....ok does this has anything to do with the thread. Do you have any proof that anime fans are larping or bragging... ?
”lifefuel”??? i hope you didn’t get “zesto may be unbanned soon” from blickpall’s post, because he won’t be getting unbanned.
Confirming the above.
Bragging and LARPing is 100% subjective and willa lway sbe the bane of this community. A dick measuring contest in where people try to figure out who is the biggest loser.
I have a good friend IRL who's just like Zesto.

Do you know what I think will happen with Zesto?

He will persist on his Japan obsession for a long time, regardless of all that can happen, and then, one day, after years, he'll just find a new obsession and everything starts from scratch.
Fucking hell you described me also
Zesto, a great user.

I agree man. It makes me sad that guys like @Zesto who are actual virgins are banned while some users here have had sex without paying and are pretty much normies and are still allowed to post.
I'm not saying to ban unvirgins, I don't have anything againts blackpilled normies like I have already said on previous posts, but feels bad that an actual incel brother can't post with us :cryfeels:
He is with us still you just can't know who really is, he probably moved out to change the IP and the account.
Yo you people got any brain activity? How dumb do you have to be to fall for this?

The dude is paying a character, acting, pretending to be someone he is not. There is no real person. There is no real obsession. It is someone behind a computer screen looking to shit up a small forum. He is looking for reactions and attention just like I'mma bout to give him. I'm trying to wake people up for when the next spamming RPer comes around. They come around all to often given the nature of the website.

If mods let me make up an alt account, I could EASILY shit up this forum and have retards fall for my schemes. Don't be the retard.
Scary highIQ cel, stop mogging us.

This forum is for inept people and you are mogging us all in that aspect, the only thing you lack of (besides looks) is your fiercely believe in the blackpill, sooner or later you will realize your mistakes related to this matter.

If your age is not a lie then it's just the lack of experience.

Tbh I don't like you, you are always looking incels like we are subhumans and we are but that's what the forum is for, to have a place without normies telling us how subhumans we are, you are better of on another place this is not the one you are looking for.
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Scary highIQ cel, stop mogging us.

This forum is for inept people and you are mogging us all in that aspect, the only thing you lack of (besides looks) is your fiercely believe in the blackpill, sooner or later you will realize your mistakes related to this matter.

If your age is not a lie then it's just the lack of experience.

Tbh I don't like you, you are always looking incels like we are subhumans and we are but that's what the forum is for, to have a place without normies telling us how subhumans we are, you are better of on another place this is not the one you are looking for.

Trying to lord over us is a coping mechanism.

Dude probably has problems getting chicks or something irl :lul::lul:
Zesto, a great user.

He was way greater than users who moralfag/whiteknight or young hoes (sorry if I'm mistaking you for something else tbh, but I'm pretty sure I've seen you doing that).
He was way greater than users who moralfag/whiteknight or young hoes (sorry if I'm mistaking you for something else tbh, but I'm pretty sure I've seen you doing that).
I am a moralfag, but that's because my mental state is normal. I'm just short and ugly.
I am a moralfag, but that's because my mental state is normal. I'm just short and ugly.
I'd say that being a moralfag in the sense of opposing sex with actual kids is pretty comprehensible and normal in the non-pejorative sense of the word. I also am one in that sense (although you won't see me shaming men for feeling attraction to females, regardless of their ages).

Being a moralfag in the sense you recoil at the sight of innocent people being tortured or something, is also normal; it just means you're capable of empathy and sane, moral judgement.

But being a moralfag in the sense of adhering to the Puritan-feminist-influenced (mainly American, but it was unfortunately already spread to a good deal of the world) status quo opinion that feeling attraction, or expressing this attraction, towards developed, fertile teenage girls, as an adult male, is something immoral, harmful and unacceptable, makes you a "normie" in the pejorative sense of the world.

I'll concede that "great" isn't the most accurate term to describe Zesto; "notorious" would fit better. But the idea is, an autistic, ugly, weeb sperglord belongs here more than pretty much anyone else. But sadly, users like that tend to have problems adhering to the rules, among other things.
Everyone brags about something, both IRL and on the internet. Many users here brag or humblebrag about their supposed IQ, SAT scores, grades, dick size, height etc.
Intelligence is a big cope for many users here.
Unfortunately, a lot people here are severely autistic and are thus prone to LARPing.
Everyone brags about something, both IRL and on the internet. Many users here brag or humblebrag about their supposed IQ, SAT scores, grades, dick size, height etc.
Intelligence is a big cope for many users here.
Unfortunately, a lot people here are severely autistic and are thus prone to LARPing.
Most of the users who have "personalities" or uniqueness are always fakecels.

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