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RageFuel IT bullying a nice normie that's dating for being a lame but polite texter (I think)

What a boring foid, constantly replying with one word responses, I don't think she wrote a single message longer than a line
I have no idea what IT is even criticising here
I'm somewhat baffled what IT is even talking about. The foid is literally giving one word answer after one word answer, yet they are saying that the guy is as boring as a "paint drying on a wall." Claiming that he needs to learn how to text. Well what about her?

IT and feminists always talk about equality and how they hate gender norms, yet they treat men as if we are supposed to entertain women. She didn't contribute anything meaningful to the conversation.

The fact that they are this biased just shows me how much more retarded they are than I previously thought.

Now of course what actually happened in that conversation, was that the guy thought the girl was interested in her, and she wasn't. Which is why she gave those one word answers. But the fact of the matter is, if the girl was interested in the guy then she would have been giving him longer answers and shown actual interest.

Chadfishing has already proved that you can give one word answers like "hi, wassup, good, nice" and the woman will self-reliantly carry the conversation by herself. Even texting is literally ALL ABOUT LOOKS.
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What a boring foid, constantly replying with one word responses, I don't think she wrote a single message longer than a line
Most of them are like this. If a womans romantic success hinged on their personality, society would be fucked
I'm somewhat baffled what IT is even talking about. The foid is literally giving one word answer after one word answer, yet they are saying that the guy is as boring as a "paint drying on a wall." Claiming that he needs to learn how to text. Well what about her?

IT and feminists always talk about equality and how they hate gender norms, yet they treat men as if we are supposed to entertain women. She didn't contribute anything meaningful to the conversation.

The fact that they are this biased just shows me how much more retarded they are than I previously thought.
I'm somewhat baffled what IT is even talking about. The foid is literally giving one word answer after one word answer, yet they are saying that the guy is as boring as a "paint drying on a wall." Claiming that he needs to learn how to text. Well what about her?

IT and feminists always talk about equality and how they hate gender norms, yet they treat men as if we are supposed to entertain women. She didn't contribute anything meaningful to the conversation.

The fact that they are this biased just shows me how much more retarded they are than I previously thought.

Now of course what actually happened in that conversation, was that the guy thought the girl was interested in her, and she wasn't. Which is why she gave those one word answers. But the fact of the matter is, if the girl was interested in the guy then she would have been giving him longer answers and shown actual interest.
I'm somewhat baffled what IT is even talking about. The foid is literally giving one word answer after one word answer, yet they are saying that the guy is as boring as a "paint drying on a wall." Claiming that he needs to learn how to text. Well what about her?

IT and feminists always talk about equality and how they hate gender norms, yet they treat men as if we are supposed to entertain women. She didn't contribute anything meaningful to the conversation.

The fact that they are this biased just shows me how much more retarded they are than I previously thought.

Now of course what actually happened in that conversation, was that the guy thought the girl was interested in her, and she wasn't. Which is why she gave those one word answers. But the fact of the matter is, if the girl was interested in the guy then she would have been giving him longer answers and shown actual interest.

Chadfishing has already proved that you can give one word answers like "hi, wassup, good, nice" and the woman will self-reliantly carry the conversation by herself. Even texting is literally ALL ABOUT LOOKS.
Women would simply ghost and block if they weren't interested.

I mean, to get any response is actually doing well IMO as an incel
I have no idea what IT is even criticising here
They don't realise girls act like this when they're not attracted to you, when they're attracted they make initiative and make the convo easy
''oh wow you're a great conversationalist'' says a foid that has already decided whether she'd fuck you or not
you could be the most interesting nigga and if she doesn't like you, you could be talking about whatever and she'd say 'omg he's so boring'

tl dr, IT got no clue what the fuck they're talking about again.
They don't realise girls act like this when they're not attracted to you, when they're attracted they make initiative and make the convo easy
''oh wow you're a great conversationalist'' says a foid that has already decided whether she'd fuck you or not
you could be the most interesting nigga and if she doesn't like you, you could be talking about whatever and she'd say 'omg he's so boring'

tl dr, IT got no clue what the fuck they're talking about again.
Makes sense. They're just being fools again
Women would simply ghost and block if they weren't interested.

I mean, to get any response is actually doing well IMO as an incel
Well I mean, watch Chadfish videos and look at what lengths women are actually willing to go for when they are actually interested.

Most people have hard time saying no to someone they aren't interested in, which was probably the case with this girl. Most people don't say no, they just do no. Guaranteed if they set up another date then she would ghost him before the date.
What a boring foid, constantly replying with one word responses, I don't think she wrote a single message longer than a line
AWAB (All Women Are Boring). They have no actual interests other than the most basic stuff
Well I mean, watch Chadfish videos and look at what lengths women are actually willing to go for when they are actually interested.

Most people have hard time saying no to someone they aren't interested in, which was probably the case with this girl. Most people don't say no, they just do no. Guaranteed if they set up another date then she would ghost him before the date.
It's hard for me to step in the shoes of a man who gets responses from foids back. Like this guy IT is mocking is ten levels of Chad beyond me in experience as a 44 year old. I'm viewing this guy as some kind of underdog that's just treading the surface but is at least surviving admirably.
It's hard for me to step in the shoes of a man who gets responses from foids back. Like this guy IT is mocking is ten levels of Chad beyond me in experience as a 44 year old. I'm viewing this guy as some kind of underdog that's just treading the surface but is at least surviving admirably.
Well for reference back in my bluepilled days, when I was texting women and they didn't know what I looked like, they were always enthusiastic talking to me. But when they actually saw what I looked like the texting became exactly like that. Short one word answers, ambiguity and uncertainty. After blackpill the picture becomes much clearer.

Believe me he isn't "surviving" and if my past experiences with women tell me something, its that he's just about to get dropped off or ghosted.
AWAB (All Women Are Boring). They have no actual interests other than the most basic stuff
If you ask any of these people for dating advice as a man they always come back with "Get some more hobbies", "Become more interesting", "Work on your personality" but women can have the personality of a brick and it doesn't even matter for them
I think the main thing that they are trying to criticize here is the guy showing too much interest, coming off too strong when the foid doesn't seem interested based off the constant one word answers anytime he tries to talk about anything. But that can only be considered a "bad trait" if you are unattractive. Do you really think a foid would dislike a chad showing lots of interest in her, of course not. Some of his messages do come off very non nt but the guy doesn't seem like a bad person at all, he shouldn't be being used as an example of a "bad pERsonality"
I think the main thing that they are trying to criticize here is the guy showing too much interest, coming off too strong when the foid doesn't seem interested based off the constant one word answers anytime he tries to talk about anything. But that can only be considered a "bad trait" if you are unattractive. Do you really think a foid would dislike a chad showing lots of interest in her, of course not. Some of his messages do come off very non nt but the guy doesn't seem like a bad person at all, he shouldn't be being used as an example of a "bad pERsonality"
to me that just means that women are bad people with insipid personalities, because this guy is actually bearing his soul much more, being honest with who he is, trying to get her to respond beyond 1 word answers, and this bitch does not have the mercy to at least be honest and block him
to me that just means that women are bad people with insipid personalities, because this guy is actually bearing his soul much more, being honest with who he is, trying to get her to respond beyond 1 word answers, and this bitch does not have the mercy to at least be honest and block him
Yeah she's being a bitch leading this guy on, she's the one with the bad personality
sure the foid was boring but why tf did he start talking about africans :lul:
If you ask any of these people for dating advice as a man they always come back with "Get some more hobbies", "Become more interesting", "Work on your personality" but women can have the personality of a brick and it doesn't even matter for them
Very true. Women can have the most introverted autistic personality with no hobbies and still find a loving partner with no issues
I like how they take no issue with the foid's uh personality, whatever that's supposed to be
to me that just means that women are bad people with insipid personalities, because this guy is actually bearing his soul much more, being honest with who he is, trying to get her to respond beyond 1 word answers, and this bitch does not have the mercy to at least be honest and block him
Yeahhh me too
What a boring foid, constantly replying with one word responses, I don't think she wrote a single message longer than a line
Too busy talking with the chad in the other chad , seriously
I don't get it either
I can’t tell who’s more boring the foid or the man :lul: yin and Yang man. Men just naturally have more personality. Foids are usually cookie cutter they’re pretty much the same they aren’t funny they’re boring yet they tell us to “improoove” our Personality.

Persoynaliteehee theory in general is retarded. Literally just be NT and that will do all the work assuming you have the looks.

I literally been seeing the same one liners as captions for ITposts whenever I see them here :lul: and then I see one word replies on these images. And then personal experience of foids just being boring asf and predictable.
Seriously fuck this world tbh. Everything’s backwards
I have no idea what IT is even criticising here
they do this all the time. Post about incels who are doing nothing wrong just to bully them and feel better because they enjoy seeing us suffer. @The Enforcer can confirm this.
If it’s his personality that’s the problem, then why is she lusting after him anyways?
Wait, is the foid the one replying or the one texting, bcs I just read the comments and it seems like she’s the one replying.

If the guy is the one texting then he sounds like a woman, and therefore he sounds like a faggot, so is IT now saying total faggot death????
It’s the foid with the bad personality
they do this all the time. Post about incels who are doing nothing wrong just to bully them and feel better because they enjoy seeing us suffer. @The Enforcer can confirm this.
Tbh. IT's excuses for not liking incels are lies. They just hate rejects and want reject death
If it’s his personality that’s the problem, then why is she lusting after him anyways?
Reads like he's a little socially inept and paid for a girlfriend experience or something. Either that or she's purposely keeping him around as an orbiter.
I wish more women would die in car accidents. (in gta)
Most of us would ever get that far anyway plus most of us have bad social skills which isn't a choice either. My social skills are shit due to a combination of being born with bad social skills and lack of practice from being isolated most of my life. (Also not a choice.)
Also water but if that guy was 6'3 most foids would definitely be talking about what a great personality their bf has even if they just texted like that.
Reads like he's a little socially inept and paid for a girlfriend experience or something. Either that or she's purposely keeping him around as an orbiter.
I posted that before I realized that the guy was the one with the purple text. He sounds very feminine so I thought that was the woman texting. Now I think he’s a faggot, but that begs the question of why IT is against him since I thought that they liked faggots?
I posted that before I realized that the guy was the one with the purple text. He sounds very feminine so I thought that was the woman texting. Now I think he’s a faggot, but that begs the question of why IT is against him since I thought that they liked faggots?
They're hypocrites who don't follow their own stated values and reasoning. Their only interest is in making lives more difficult, or deleted for reject males
They're hypocrites who don't follow their own stated values and reasoning. Their only interest is in making lives more difficult, or deleted for reject males
I suppose that’s true, I found it weird that they would pick on a guy for sounding like a faggot when a lot of them are faggots (trannies) too, but I guess they also pick on incels despite a lot of them being incels too so it shouldn’t surprise me.

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