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JFL It bodes well for me that you guys have skyhigh standards in what you want in a gf

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I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017
User was warned for this post. Please don't generalise incels.
I got a warning for the original post from knajjd so I can't post it again, but wow. I wish all men had standards as high as yours. If you want to see the original post, I reposted it on braincels.

I really thought guys here were struggling to find any kind of gf who wasn't obese or too old. Anyway, it's a good thing. I think you guys should stick to your guns and not settle for anything other than a 10/10 Victoria Secret model virgin who approaches you through your basement's trapdoor.

If knajjd flags this thread for female worship, I'd love to know where the worship is? All I'm discussing is incels' standards here, which is a valid topic of discussion. Not EVERY thread should be in the tone of "KILL ALL FOIDS" lest it be censored. Mind you, I'm a lot older than knajjd who is 15 yo??? 20??? so my outlook on life is very different.

I really thought guys here were struggling to find any kind of gf who wasn't obese or too old. Anyway, it's a good thing. I think you guys should stick to your guns and not settle for anything other than a 10/10 Victoria Secret model virgin who approaches you through your basement's trapdoor.

Normie tier cope.
I won't lower my standards, not until I turn 25.
Til face is a white-knight kek.
You do realise that a man can be desperate enough to tell that a girl is ugly and still pursue her.
The only standard I have is that she can't be too fat. Why are you attacking us faggot, did you marry a landwhale?
a thread that includes a picture of some female and has nuggets of gold such as "If you don't think Sab if cute enough to have as a gf, you are too far gone and need to rope", "I would kill every guy here to date her for a few weeks even", etc. below it of course violates the "no female worship" rule. really, i'd be perplexed if you personally thought otherwise.

i'm 21

OK Fair enough. The revised op however, you would agree, isn't.
However a 10/10 victoria's secret model would totally fuck an incel if he had sufficient status. Most of people here do know what their league is and what standard to choose accordingly. Don't presume things.
Not sure how age is relevant.
I mean you kinda sounded cucked in that post, why are you gonna compliment a girl who probably wouldn't even fuck you

I have extremely low standards. Just be female theory kinda thang..
lmao I don't think anyone here has standards.
I think having ridiculously high standard is a pretty blatant sign of fakecelling tbh. I don't think actual subhumans think they absolutely deserve the top 20% of women, let alone that they'll actually land one.
However a 10/10 victoria's secret model would totally fuck an incel if he had sufficient status. Most of people here do know what their league is and what standard to choose accordingly. Don't presume things.
>women are sexually aroused by social status

women want height face frame. even donald trump the most powerful man in history gets embarassed by his wife on live tv
I just want my looksmatch buddy.
lol sab is hot, easily hotter than majority 50%+ of foids out there

you getting warned for that thread didnt surprise me 1 bit. the warning of fucking course came from knajjd. "it's female worship if you call out people on their standardcelling BS"

Face, I told you this before. this isnt really an incel only website. this is a general forum for all mens movements. You shouldn't assume every moderator or user is involuntary celibate. because they are not. the only thing that hold user base of this forum is women hate. that's the the lowest common denominator.
The average 16 yo mogs sab.
i never had high standards i want realistic girlfriend within my range
Ppl would be surprised at the undercover homosexuals that have homed in on the incel community
Til face is a white-knight kek.
You do realise that a man can be desperate enough to tell that a girl is ugly and still pursue her.

I'm not WKing her IRL or directly.
lol sab is hot, easily hotter than majority 50%+ of foids out there

you getting warned for that thread didnt surprise me 1 bit. the warning of fucking course came from knajjd. "it's female worship if you call out people on their standardcelling BS"

Face, I told you this before. this isnt really an incel only website. this is a general forum for all mens movements. You shouldn't assume every moderator or user is involuntary celibate. because they are not. the only thing that hold user base of this forum is women hate. that's the the lowest common denominator.

This is the closest to an incel community there is, yet many guys here haven't approached a woman before or are too high-inhib to. I get not approaching women after YEARS of rejection but not doing a few half-assed approaches at a 16 yo, mumbling something autistic to them, being rejected and then giving up forever.

I am starting to think that there are at least as many incels OUTSIDE the incel community as inside. Many guys inside are shut-ins who want to be approached.

I can't imagine being the kind of incel who thinks they are "settling" for -- rather than "lucking out by dating" -- Sab. No female-worship. Like I said, I am fine with the guys here having those kind of standards, but I hate that normies lump me in with them, claiming that we ALL want VS models.
I didn't see the thread you got warned for but I assume the point of the thread was about the bold part above rather than praising sab's looks.


You are a really legit poster. And surprise suprise, your face is sub5. It seems as if we sub5s are legit meanwhile the 5/10-tier guys are the mentalcels, edgelords, etc.
Ppl would be surprised at the undercover homosexuals that have homed in on the incel community

Maybe not LEGIT homo but definitely low-T/asexua/aromantic.
Blue pill thread.

- Even old and obese women don't want incels.

- Incels provide no sexual competition to you.

- Don't confuse preferences with requirements.

- Stop white knighting in YouTube comments.
My standards are not even human anymore, or from the planet.
I’m killing time, that’s what happens when you’re rejected by 2,000+ women. As someone else said, you can recognize a woman isn’t attractive to you and still pursue her. My fate was sealed, people can learn from my life NOT to have kids.
I got a warning for the original post from knajjd so I can't post it again, but wow. I wish all men had standards as high as yours. If you want to see the original post, I reposted it on braincels.

I really thought guys here were struggling to find any kind of gf who wasn't obese or too old. Anyway, it's a good thing. I think you guys should stick to your guns and not settle for anything other than a 10/10 Victoria Secret model virgin who approaches you through your basement's trapdoor.

If knajjd flags this thread for female worship, I'd love to know where the worship is? All I'm discussing is incels' standards here, which is a valid topic of discussion. Not EVERY thread should be in the tone of "KILL ALL FOIDS" lest it be censored. Mind you, I'm a lot older than knajjd who is 15 yo??? 20??? so my outlook on life is very different.


That knajjid guy takes his job too serious tbh. Didnt had any problems with the mods when he wasnt one of them.
Blue pill thread.

- Even old and obese women don't want incels.


- Incels provide no sexual competition to you.

Yes they do. I'm ogre-tier. 2-3. The average guy here is a 4-5.5.

- Don't confuse preferences with requirements.

I would argue that if you find a girl unattractive, you probably aren't going to go out of your way to approach her [with any degree of perceivable sincerity]. You might give off signs of repulsion. Esp if you are a shut-in aspie and aren't used to manipulating others and hiding your real feelings.

The only standard I have is that she can't be too fat. Why are you attacking us faggot, did you marry a landwhale?

This. Even if i orbited ugly fat girls in college, i still didnt and dont find them attractive. I could have fucked any of them if they let me (which never happened), but i would have needed help like viagra or something.
So... are you telling us that it is really possible to get turned on by a 0.5/10 demon from the deepest of hells? Im 27 btw. Is it the age? Maybe when im 35 i will find goblins attractive, who knows. But then, ill probably find attractive traps too. Idk.
spot on, people think we are all bunch of delusional shut ins who wanna score smoking hot 10/10 babes and not gonna settle for anything less.
thats why I call myself a truecel (an actual incel that is).
I didn't see the thread you got warned for but I assume the point of the thread was about the bold part above rather than praising sab's looks.


not a link

for real

i would more than happily settle for my looksmatch. In real life I dont even hit on women of sab's looks. Cos I know they are waay too outta my league.
Who is sab
i never had high standards i want realistic girlfriend within my range

Also, this. I really never got rejected by an stacy... because i never tried. I got rejected by my looksmatch and by foids i consider even more disgusting than myself, so why trying?
Sab is not hot you just have low standards
I think having ridiculously high standard is a pretty blatant sign of fakecelling tbh. I don't think actual subhumans think they absolutely deserve the top 20% of women, let alone that they'll actually land one.

just wanting 20-25yo female already means you want the top 10% of females. And thats even before saying yo want non obese one or childless one which further reduces the %
Didnt read.

I cant get it up for sub4
Trucels only try to date semi-femoïd half decomposed cadavers amirite ?
Also, this. I really never got rejected by an stacy... because i never tried. I got rejected by my looksmatch and by foids i consider even more disgusting than myself, so why trying?
Same here.... the machine is just rigged! without wealth or power they will not even take you seriously, so I agree
Trucels only try to date semi-femoïd half decomposed cadavers amirite ?


Same here.... the machine is just rigged! without wealth or power they will not even take you seriously, so I agree

Yep, foids have from OVER 9000 to FUCKING INFINITE sexual value in the market, but most males have barely any SMV. The actual state of the sexual market is so fucking unbalanced that it really requires extreme solutions like women slavery, male genocide, beta uprising (kek)....

Yep, foids have from OVER 9000 to FUCKING INFINITE sexual value in the market, but most males have barely any SMV. The actual state of the sexual market is so fucking unbalanced that it really requires extreme solutions like women slavery, male genocide, beta uprising (kek)....
Exactly! they accuse US of having to high standards, but expect perfect chads with cars and respect for their feminist doctrine! if you don't comply and accept their "values", not only no validation for you, no, nowadays they want to get all the man fired! they claim to want men accepting them, but do they accept us? No!
Almost no one on this site is a real incel. they are all 17 year olds that want 6/10+ females.
Lower your standards? Have you seen how girls are with their standards?
Sab is not hot you just have low standards

I'd rather be an incel with LOW- rather than high-standards. I can't imagine how over it would be for any incel who is holding out for a girl better than Sab or is only attracted to girls better looking than her.

I guess if you don't find women of her looks level hot then you can't really blame women for chasing chad - after all, women have less T than we do so their standards will ofc be higher.

But, yeah @NeverSubmit , ironic username. Never settle for a girl who isn't your ideal gf. Even if that means lifelong inceldom. Stick to your guns, please. I fully support your decision/taste.

Who's Sab?

I can't be too explicit but you will find out...


not a link

Almost no one on this site is a real incel. they are all 17 year olds that want 6/10+ females.

One of the most legit posts ever from you.
I'm not WKing her IRL or directly.

This is the closest to an incel community there is, yet many guys here haven't approached a woman before or are too high-inhib to. I get not approaching women after YEARS of rejection but not doing a few half-assed approaches at a 16 yo, mumbling something autistic to them, being rejected and then giving up forever.

I am starting to think that there are at least as many incels OUTSIDE the incel community as inside. Many guys inside are shut-ins who want to be approached.

I can't imagine being the kind of incel who thinks they are "settling" for -- rather than "lucking out by dating" -- Sab. No female-worship. Like I said, I am fine with the guys here having those kind of standards, but I hate that normies lump me in with them, claiming that we ALL want VS models.

It's mere projection on the part of hambeasts and cucks as the reality is that it is these hambeasts who think they deserve male underwear model Chads when they themselves are butt-ugly and have fupas that alone put most guys' beer guts to shame.
CuckLMS is a bluepilled whiteknight larping as a redpiller. You can tell by watching his videos. He believes women and men have the same standards.

Blackpill or gtfo, cuck.
If a 5.5/10 guy is on this board it means he's probably socially braindead, in which case he still can't fuck 1/10 trolls.

Foids demand social charming if you're not Chad.
I got a warning for the original post from knajjd so I can't post it again, but wow. I wish all men had standards as high as yours. If you want to see the original post, I reposted it on braincels.

I really thought guys here were struggling to find any kind of gf who wasn't obese or too old. Anyway, it's a good thing. I think you guys should stick to your guns and not settle for anything other than a 10/10 Victoria Secret model virgin who approaches you through your basement's trapdoor.

If knajjd flags this thread for female worship, I'd love to know where the worship is? All I'm discussing is incels' standards here, which is a valid topic of discussion. Not EVERY thread should be in the tone of "KILL ALL FOIDS" lest it be censored. Mind you, I'm a lot older than knajjd who is 15 yo??? 20??? so my outlook on life is very different.

Shut up normalfag, not even the ugliest woman gives me th time of the day. Go back to cucktears.
Shut up normalfag, not even the ugliest woman gives me th time of the day. Go back to cucktears.

Why did you feel so alluded to personally?
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