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JFL IT bluepiller/former .is user posts a vid of himself leaving a room of British boomers speechless with his incredible autism (NUCLEAR CRINGE WARNING)



Every girl needs him
Apr 6, 2020

I'm fucking loling:lul::lul: There are just so many layers to this shit:lul: First of all when this guy was active on this forum as @FuRed he would always post redpill shit about "going outside and to social events" and accused us all of being basement dwellers. So I guarantee that when he decided to go to a "poetry reading" he was expecting there to be young gen z art hoes there. And he would impress them with his crazy avant garde sense of humor by reading an Insane Clown Posse song with a shit ton of obscenities and it would get him a gf. But then he shows up and it's all just male boomer oldfags:feelskek:

And then he decides to go ahead and read it anyways but it's extremely fucking awkward and he's stuttering and tripping over his words every few seconds like a complete autist with 0 social skills:feelshaha: And you can see clearly how instead of finding it funny everyone in the room was just extremely uncomfortable and waiting for the special kid to finish what he had to say and get the fuck out

I cannot fucking believe that this same guy once accused us of being basement dwellers with no social awareness:feelskek:

I downloaded the video as an mp4 here just incase he deletes it:feelsdevil:
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Average ricecel coper, turning to the bluepill and denigrating fellow sub 5 males for need of at least elevating himself in a way over someone; I wonder how eager he is to worship and stutteringly white knight over the same noodlefoids leaving him for white Chad! :feelsaww:

As expected; those subhumans who leave this forum will never truly forget the blackpill, latching on by way of obsessing over this forum and every member of it due to their incessant need to disprove the bitter truth of reality, that they really will forever be disadvantaged and discriminated against as sub 5 males... :feelsjuice:

Willing to bet the ITcuck still hasn't ascended, the magical personality detector not noticing his extremely white knighting, foid-worshipping ways. :feelshaha:

This is why so many attempt to reject or otherwise even attempt to "disprove" the bitter truth of reality that is the blackpill; accepting that you will always be treated in a discriminatory way and belittled by most simply for being born with the wrong genetics, not to mention forever cursed with the snowballing effect of all that on top of isolation from foids due to hypergamy and their inherent entitlement and privilege, is simply too much for most coping subhumans and truecels... :feelswhat:

It must be spoon-fed to those like ITcucks and redpilled copers, or they won't even attempt to hear the truth; brutal that you had to experience such a harsh awakening, but it was needed to understand the realities of the modern world and foids, as the fate of eternal delusion and coping is, in my opinion, much worse. :feelsclown:
Either foids in delusion of their nature, or coping subhumans unwilling to accept the bitter truth that is the blackpill and how it does and always will affect their treatment and how they go about their daily lives; their obsession surrounding us hinging on mental illness on somehow "disproving" us only proves what we say. :feelzez:
Didn't know he was British. Pretty funny :feelshaha:
Though, I could never do something like that, so all the more power to him! :society:
Dude at like 1:50 seconds in he starts awkwardly laughing at what he's reading to try and lighten the mood but the old british fucks are just looking at him with the most fucking deadpan expression and nobody else is laughing:lul:

He has the same type of low inhib and autism as those guys on redpill cringe compilations
Real life Joker :lul:
Talking in public is really hard, he's a backstabbing faggot but i'm not gonna make fun of him for doing the brave thing. Even surrounded by oldfags
Talking in public is really hard, he's a backstabbing faggot but i'm not gonna make fun of him for doing the brave thing. Even surrounded by oldfags
There was a compulsory speechwriting/public speaking competition at my high school and I was one of the 7 finalists out of 36 semi-finalists:hax: That was also significantly more intense than this because you had to recite your entire speech from memory instead of reading off a script and instead of being in front of a few oldfags you were in front of all of your high school peers

Jfl probably this entire forum (especally me) social mogs him to oblivion and he still thinks he can ascend with the redpill
There was a compulsory speechwriting/public speaking competition at my high school and I was one of the 7 finalists out of 36 semi-finalists:hax: That was also significantly more intense than this because you had to recite your entire speech from memory instead of reading off a script and instead of being in front of a few oldfags you were in front of all of your high school peers

Jfl probably this entire forum (especally me) social mogs him to oblivion and he still thinks he can ascend with the redpill
Yeah i also had to talk to my class and my oneitis class explaining a project with another friend and it was chilling. But whatever, pressure is a bitch and those times take a little bit of our lifespan.

Either way this dude clearly is coping his way into oblivion, same as other people here thinking of LL. You either are a coper or miserable... Or a fakecel. There's no inbetween sadly.

But while i do see where he's coming from, i'm curious as to why he was such a bitch as to come here and talk a lot of fucking time and act disingenous. Then go to IT? like???? I understand more fakecels than i understand him tbh
I've told ice before about entertaining IT. I dont know why he does it. He's an incel yes? He doesn't realize that they hate him

Holy fuck that was intense cringe
@FuRed moment.
dont even wanna watch, i can already feel the cringe
Fuck it's icecat, he used to be active on todd thundercocks streams, he posts on inceltear now.
Fuck it's icecat, he used to be active on todd thundercocks streams, he posts on inceltear now.
The guys a complete hypocrite who think he's knows better than everyone else and doesn't accept reality
The guys a complete hypocrite who think he's knows better than everyone else and doesn't accept reality
Did he ever get a girlfriend or sex in the end? I don't know, I think his denialism might be a result of crap therapists. It's ok to be in a better mental place now but to think he's suddenly better than us is some next level cope. Posting on inceltear isn't exactly the sign of a well adjusted person.
Did he ever get a girlfriend or sex in the end? I don't know, I think his denialism might be a result of crap therapists. It's ok to be in a better mental place now but to think he's suddenly better than us is some next level cope. Posting on inceltear isn't exactly the sign of a well adjusted person.
He's a very negative person and is someone who has no real problems yet likes to always play the victim and give his opinion on matters he doesn't understand while also lacking empathy and emotion while also being a lazy slob and complaining about nothing all the time and irritating people
Fuck it's icecat, he used to be active on todd thundercocks streams, he posts on inceltear now.

I could tell from his posts on Cucktear that he is retarded but this video confirms him as even more pathetic than I imagined, lol. What a complete moron.
Dont be a crab. I hope he keeps working at it. At least he tried
Didn’t watch. He sounds like a faggot though
Didn’t watch. He sounds like a faggot though
He's very critical of others and says inappropriate things out of place and he's also very disrespectful
If a person ascends he would not be on those forums especially this one

Unless he just likes to see people miserable like maybe he's a psychopath then it makes sense
It's wouldn't surprise me if he was a type of sociopath or psychopath, he's also demonstrated signs of schizophrenia in the past hopefully he's not a dangerous person as people like that can be unpredictable, btw I like your picture of American psycho that was an amazing film I rewatched it many times
Yes it's an amazing movie did you watch American psycho 2?

I heard it was worse then the first movie
No I didn't even realise there was a second one yet if it's not the original actors I don't think I would watch it as nothing can beat Christian bale in the first one yet from my experience most movies can never beat the originals
No I didn't even realise there was a second one yet if it's not the original actors I don't think I would watch it as nothing can beat Christian bale in the first one yet from my experience most movies can never beat the originals
I see it's mila kunis, I may watch the beginning just to see if I like it otherwise I'll just not bother if I lose interest
Icecat767 getting cringed at.
That was terrible, why's that old dude standing so close? Give him some room ffs.
Dude at like 1:50 seconds in he starts awkwardly laughing at what he's reading to try and lighten the mood but the old british fucks are just looking at him with the most fucking deadpan expression and nobody else is laughing:lul:

He has the same type of low inhib and autism as those guys on redpill cringe compilations

View: https://voca.ro/12ED6oRJ7GUn
What a faggot hope he ropes
this kid didnt realize that he has no Halo / Value .

Use your brain , dont put yourself into situations that are not in your favour .
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