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Islam and black pill's era



The Knight Of The Swords
Oct 1, 2018
Something weird is going on today, but not in the bad way.
I ask you, did you notice of how many, how insanely many young men in the west have been converted in Islam due to black pill.

Young males in the west recognize Islam - radical authentic islam - as only one true solution to all problems.

Did you notice this phenomenon?
Radical authentic Islam has become tremendiously popular among black pilled youth.

Now every reject in the west converts to radical militant pure Islam. Amazing. That is what i call weaponized blackpilldom.

Hadith No: 301
From: Sahih Bukhari.

O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)." They asked, "Why is it so, O Allah's Apostle?" He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you."

e always told if you want to see the weak spot of your enemy find what he is afraid of. And west is afraid of radical Islam.
Islam apposes every part of western philosophy.
Sexualized Incel henocidle west should be eraducated but to do so you have to change your mind towards teaching of radical Islam because the weak spot lies in you as well. You have to choose to LIVE AGAINST west sex shop market civilisation. You should hate west finding friend in verses of Quran. It is your military ally.
I see around so many converted. It is miracle. So many blackpillers converted, unbelievable. That is true divine intervention.
I have not. Islam is just an eastern taint of traditionalism, I don't see the need for adopting a foreign religion when the answer should be inward renewal
They see it as an easy solution as an ethnic. White Truecel Converts are not guranteed a wife, but their odds might go up a bit.

The truth is if you want a proper solution, you can't go the easy route.
I have not. Islam is just an eastern taint of traditionalism, I don't see the need for adopting a foreign religion when the answer should be inward renewal
Islam has nothing to do with traditionalism. Dont confuse real Islam with traditional one.
Islam as it was created by Prophet is against any society any utopias.
Original Islam is against being itself. So it is not traditiinalism it is radicalism. A radical destroys everything because he believes that this world belongs to Eblis.
Islam has nothing to do with traditionalism. Dont confuse real Islam with traditional one.
Islam as it was created by Prophet is against any society any utopias.
Original Islam is against being itself. So it is not traditiinalism it is radicalism. A radical destroys everything because he believes that this world belongs to Eblis.
Idk it seems pretty traditional in its belief about women and gays to me
They see it as an easy solution as an ethnic. White Truecel Converts are not guranteed a wife, but their odds might go up a bit.

The truth is if you want a proper solution, you can't go the easy route.
Islam is not dating app. Islam offers you nothing but teaching that in this life in this world you have nothing to do but fight against being and all its representatives.

The most brutal nihilism - weaponized nihilism - IS Islam. Not traditional Islam but original Islam. Prophet wanted his followers to smash this universe into pieces by total war against everything and everyone that sustains this earthly life. Islam of Prophet is will to death and will to anihilation of world of Eblis, Tagut.
Idk it seems pretty traditional in its belief about women and gays to me
Do you like gays? If so you are gay itself.
I have not. Islam is just an eastern taint of traditionalism, I don't see the need for adopting a foreign religion when the answer should be inward renewal
This. The west doesn't need Islam necessarily, oldschool Christianity does the trick.

All major religions are blackpilled on the women question. It's just that cucks mixed in feminism, Marxism and SJWism in all of them nowadays.
This. The west doesn't need Islam necessarily, oldschool Christianity does the trick.

All major religions are blackpilled on the women question. It's just that cucks mixed in feminism, Marxism and SJWism in all of them nowadays.

Does any other religion say that the purpose of human existence is the constant war against infidels and convinient life?
Does any other religion say that the purpose of human existence is the constant war against infidels and convinient life?
I don't know about any other tbh, but we don't need those wars and persecutions, what we need right now is merely putting women back where they belong in society.
I don't know about any other tbh, but we don't need those wars and persecutions, what we need right now is merely putting women back where they belong in society.
Funhy. He wants gentle marital solution.
I dont need that. I want war and i want to die on battlefield against this world. I want war and war only.
Funhy. He wants gentle marital solution.
I dont need that. I want war and i want to die on battlefield against this world. I want war and war only.

Cool posture tbh. But tbqh I'd rather marry a young girl and have a family than dying in a war. I'm no Achilles type.

Cool posture tbh. But tbqh I'd rather marry a young girl and have a family than dying in a war. I'm no Achilles type.
Ive noticed. You are rather Paris.
This. The west doesn't need Islam necessarily, oldschool Christianity does the trick.

All major religions are blackpilled on the women question. It's just that cucks mixed in feminism, Marxism and SJWism in all of them nowadays.
tbh I think christianity is beyond recovery at this point. Maybe if the west collectively adopted Orthodoxism or something but it's not necessarily desirable as the bible contains a lot of cucked verses and is centered around (((god's chosen people))). Paganism with christian moralism and less beer is probably the way to go
tbh I think christianity is beyond recovery at this point. Maybe if the west collectively adopted orthodoxism or something but it's not necessarily desirable. I think paganism with christian moralism and less beer is the way to go
You always think FOR life... But you should think FOR death. Dont seek the way how to live but how to die. As warriors or slaves.
I dream about army or ER. I dream about millions of guys like ER. And we need religion to unite all of them under one true united teaching. And yeas we have it.
We should understand that our REAL enemy is joyfull life principle and those who represent princip of life and joy.
Interesting way to put it. Maybe I should have learned French instead of German.
Learn ancient greek coz i spoke about Paris the character from Illiad who fought against Achiles that you mentioned.
Learn ancient greek coz i spoke about Paris the character from Illiad who fought against Achiles that you mentioned.
Oh, I misunderstood that one big time. I'm terrible at remembering the names of the characters in those Greek stories ngl :feelsrope:

I learned some ancient Greek in college. It's a suifuel language for incels because "Kalos" means both "good" and "beautiful" :feelsrope:
You always think FOR life... But you should think FOR death. Dont seek the way how to live but how to die. As warriors or slaves.
I dream about army or ER. I dream about millions of guys like ER. And we need religion to unite all of them under one true united teaching. And yeas we have it.
We should understand that our REAL enemy is joyfull life principle and those who represent princip of life and joy.

Learn ancient greek coz i spoke about Paris the character from Illiad who fought against Achiles that you mentioned.
the west is pretty good at killing itself as is. It will suffer an inward collapse within the coming few decades as food prices tripple and having two job wont be enough to survive on, it doesn't really need people to go ER in order to induce dysfunction
Oh, I misunderstood that one big time. I'm terrible at remembering the names of the characters in those Greek stories ngl :feelsrope:

I learned some ancient Greek in college. It's a suifuel language for incels because "Kalos" means both "good" and "beautiful" :feelsrope:
Kalos yeas it is. Being is calos. Theréfore we oppose to it death destruction and violence.
Our philosophy of good lies in opposit in eradication of Calos of all its members.
the west is pretty good at killing itself as is. It will suffer an inward collapse within the coming few decades as food prices tripple and having two job wont be enough to survive on, it doesn't really need people to go ER in order to induce dysfunction
Yoi always relegate responsability to someine else.
I don't know about any other tbh, but we don't need those wars and persecutions, what we need right now is merely putting women back where they belong in society.

Don't forget to include me in the screenshot, cucktears.
Funhy. He wants gentle marital solution.
I dont need that. I want war and i want to die on battlefield against this world. I want war and war only.
Wars for the sake of war are Low IQ. I am all for war, if its a war against evil, against the Jewish elites, against degeneracy, etc.

Islam is degenerate and not the truth, and yes Islam fundamentally is a religion about offense.

Christianity is fundamentally about defense and Judaism is about Subversion (both Islam and Christianity have been hijacked by the Jew). Islam is being used as a tool by Jews to destroy the west indirectly. This, along with the fact Islam is just objectively a wrong religion created by a dude who met a literal Demon in a cave pretending to be God, is why I can't get behind it.
Wars for the sake of war are Low IQ. I am all for war, if its a war against evil, against the Jewish elites, against degeneracy, etc.

Islam is degenerate and not the truth, and yes Islam fundamentally is a religion about offense.

Christianity is fundamentally about defense and Judaism is about Subversion (both Islam and Christianity have been hijacked by the Jew). Islam is being used as a tool by Jews to destroy the west indirectly. This, along with the fact Islam is just objectively a wrong religion created by a dude who met a literal Demon in a cave pretending to be God, is why I can't get behind it.
IQ for effiminate cuck suckers. Im against ratioality
Im for insanity and blood shed.
No fucking rationality
Islam is just cope there are many arabcels out there. Why is that?
Islam is not dating app. Islam offers you nothing but teaching that in this life in this world you have nothing to do but fight against being and all its representatives.

The most brutal nihilism - weaponized nihilism - IS Islam. Not traditional Islam but original Islam. Prophet wanted his followers to smash this universe into pieces by total war against everything and everyone that sustains this earthly life. Islam of Prophet is will to death and will to anihilation of world of Eblis, Tagut.

You don't know a thing about Islam or the holy Prophet (SAAW). He came as a Rahmah (mercy), compassion and kindness to the universe, as it states in the Quran.

They did not want to do as you say, but they wanted to promote life, positive growth, and hope in Allah. The opposite of nihilism.
The problem with Islam is that 99% of Muslims do not know the true history of Islam because it was erased by The Abbasids and The Byzantines. The hadiths are not historical and anyone familiar with the importance of primary source documentation in the study of history would find that the method in which the hadiths were gathered to be an impossibility and suspect them to rather be state sponsored texts to legitimize the policies of the Abbasid ruling class. Even the prophet's name isn't really his name, it's a title, and when looked at etymologically, that title is featured in the Christian Peshitta as a title for Jesus and various other prophets and even pagans used that title before. The oldest Qur'ans were vastly different than what we have today and all but six of them from Spain to Sindh were burned at the end of the Umayyad period/beginning of the Abbasid period. Even Becca (the place of weeping) has been changed, the direction of the qiblah has been changed numerous times and the actual place of pilgrimage is not is Saudi Arabia and most of the people visiting the real site today are white tourists. We cannot even find physical evidence of a Rashidun Caliphate existing that dates to that period, most of what was written about that period was written in Abbasid times. People think the early Muslims were monotheistic tribal arabs revolting against pagan tribal arabs in Saudi Arabia, in reality the early Muslims were ethnically diverse and mostly urbanized, many enslaved, and they were revolting against the Byzantines in The Levant. Mecca and Medina are in The Levant and the antagonists in early Islam were The Byzantines.
You don't know a thing about Islam or the holy Prophet (SAAW). He came as a Rahmah (mercy), compassion and kindness to the universe, as it states in the Quran.

They did not want to do as you say, but they wanted to promote life, positive growth, and hope in Allah. The opposite of nihilism.
Shut up infidel.
Christianity is fundamentally about defense
Christianity, the thing that was spread around Europe and the to other parts of the world forcefully. Defense. Christianity
Yup, i see nothing wrong here.
The problem with Islam is that 99% of Muslims do not know the true history of Islam because it was erased by The Abbasids and The Byzantines. The hadiths are not historical and anyone familiar with the importance of primary source documentation in the study of history would find that the method in which the hadiths were gathered to be an impossibility and suspect them to rather be state sponsored texts to legitimize the policies of the Abbasid ruling class. Even the prophet's name isn't really his name, it's a title, and when looked at etymologically, that title is featured in the Christian Peshitta as a title for Jesus and various other prophets and even pagans used that title before. The oldest Qur'ans were vastly different than what we have today and all but six of them from Spain to Sindh were burned at the end of the Umayyad period/beginning of the Abbasid period. Even Becca (the place of weeping) has been changed, the direction of the qiblah has been changed numerous times and the actual place of pilgrimage is not is Saudi Arabia and most of the people visiting the real site today are white tourists. We cannot even find physical evidence of a Rashidun Caliphate existing that dates to that period, most of what was written about that period was written in Abbasid times. People think the early Muslims were monotheistic tribal arabs revolting against pagan tribal arabs in Saudi Arabia, in reality the early Muslims were ethnically diverse and mostly urbanized, many enslaved, and they were revolting against the Byzantines in The Levant. Mecca and Medina are in The Levant and the antagonists in early Islam were The Byzantines.
Quran has never changed. Hadiths are true as well. If something in hadiths cintradicts to Quran therefore choose Quran.

Monotesist is always against politesits and atheist. Islam doesnt tolerate Tagut of any kind.
That's why you see (((they))) attack Islam daily and make a bad image about it. They know if Islam won, they'd be nothing but justice in this world.
You don't know a thing about Islam or the holy Prophet (SAAW). He came as a Rahmah (mercy), compassion and kindness to the universe, as it states in the Quran.

They did not want to do as you say, but they wanted to promote life, positive growth, and hope in Allah. The opposite of nihilism.
He is kinda right, muslims are often told that the Dunya is worth nothing compared to Jannah. Everything that is done in this realm is to help secure you a position in the next.
That's why you see (((they))) attack Islam daily and make a bad image about it. They know if Islam won, they'd be nothing but justice in this world.
He is kinda right, muslims are often told that the Dunya is worth nothing compared to Jannah. Everything that is done in this realm is to help secure you a position in the next.
He is kinda right, muslims are often told that the Dunya is worth nothing compared to Jannah. Everything that is done in this realm is to help secure you a position in the next.
Maybe if you are a Wahhabi, but according to the majority of Muslims Allah is Al-Hayy (The living) and his life is manifest everywhere. He brings the hearts to life from the dead, as it is mentioned in the Quran. Nihilism is shirk as it is denying the Qadr (destiny) of Allah. So if you believe in Nihilism you have nothing to do with Islam. La qum deen u qum walee yadeen.
Maybe if you are a Wahhabi, but according to the majority of Muslims Allah is Al-Hayy (The living) and his life is manifest everywhere. He brings the hearts to life from the dead, as it is mentioned in the Quran. Nihilism is shirk as it is denying the Qadr (destiny) of Allah. So if you believe in Nihilism you have nothing to do with Islam. La qum deen u qum walee yadeen.
Majority of muslims today are just cucked hypocrites who want to live safe luxurious life.
Whereas we are true muslims not like you lazy dumb slob who sold yourself to Tagut.
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Quran has never changed. Hadiths are true as well. If something in hadiths cintradicts to Quran therefore choose Quran.

Monotesist is always against politesits and atheist. Islam doesnt tolerate Tagut of any kind.
I'm not against Islam, I'm quite fond of it. Islam is just literally a mystery religion though because the actual history and actual beliefs of the early Muslims is lost in the sand. When it comes to Islamic schools of thought we have material for, I lean more towards the gnostic schools within Sufism as well as Mu'tazila and the teachings of The Brethren of Purity.
I'm not against Islam, I'm quite fond of it. Islam is just literally a mystery religion though because the actual history and actual beliefs of the early Muslims is lost in the sand. When it comes to Islamic schools of thought we have material for, I lean more towards the gnostic schools within Sufism as well as Mu'tazila and the teachings of The Brethren of Purity.
You are infidel. It can not be lost in sand you asshole because we have Quran. Revelation is not fucking history it is an event.
Western whores try to disarm Quran but they have failed. Quran is unhackable.
And all the west with its sex lechery science and rationalism will go to hell.

Now we have gnoseological reiforsment.
It comes from nihilism . Islam is weaponized nihilism because for him this realm is abode of Eblis.
The intentiin of Islam is to test the trial - will people refuse and destroy this world of imperfection or they will fall as worshpers of meaningless existence.
Maybe if you are a Wahhabi, but according to the majority of Muslims Allah is Al-Hayy (The living) and his life is manifest everywhere. He brings the hearts to life from the dead, as it is mentioned in the Quran. Nihilism is shirk as it is denying the Qadr (destiny) of Allah. So if you believe in Nihilism you have nothing to do with Islam. La qum deen u qum walee yadeen.
Mate the majority of muslims today aren't practicing their religion, and im pretty sure a good portion of them unironically believe that Sharia is bad. Im not saying those morons in Saudi are the 100% true muslims(because they aren't) but they got helluva lot more credibility then "most muslims"
Mate the majority of muslims today aren't practicing their religion, and im pretty sure a good portion of them unironically believe that Sharia is bad. Im not saying those morons in Saudi are the 100% true muslims(because they aren't) but they got helluva lot more credibility then "most muslims"
Under proper leadership we can prevail as it was in the begining of Islam.
You are infidel. It can not be lost in sand you asshole because we have Quran. Revelation is not fucking history it is an event.
Western whores try to disarm Quran but they have failed. Quran is unhackable.
And all the west with its sex lechery science and rationalism will go to hell.

Now we have gnoseological reiforsment.
It comes from nihilism . Islam is weaponized nihilism because for him this realm is abode of Eblis.
The intentiin of Islam is to test the trial - will people refuse and destroy this world of imperfection or they will fall as worshpers of meaningless existence.
Why would an all powerful, just and benevolent god create primates such as ourselves that reproduce sexually and have extreme variation in genetic quality? People will always say "it's a test" rather than say that we are in an unfortunate period of human evolution where science, not religious dogma, is the only thing that can save us from genocide and barbarism. There is no good and evil, there is progression and regression.
OP got the wrong idea about Islam. Calling it weaponized nihilism. Lol.

tbh I think christianity is beyond recovery at this point. Maybe if the west collectively adopted Orthodoxism or something but it's not necessarily desirable as the bible contains a lot of cucked verses and is centered around (((god's chosen people))). Paganism with christian moralism and less beer is probably the way to go

The same is happening to Islam. It is being stretched both ways. By western "progressives" who want to cuck Islam and make it compatible with "modern society", as well a other 'reformists' - the Salafis, Wahhabis and majority of Islamists who are reactionary and go too far in the opposite direction.

True, authentic normative Islam was only existent in the past during the Rashidun era, the Abbasids and most of Islamic Spain. Here you had true material progress without the corresponding degeneracy.
Why would an all powerful, just and benevolent god create primates such as ourselves that reproduce sexually and have extreme variation in genetic quality? People will always say "it's a test" rather than say that we are in an unfortunate period of human evolution where science, not religious dogma, is the only thing that can save us from genocide and barbarism. There is no good and evil, there is progression and regression.

Dont confuse Allah with pagan coscepts of god.
His benevolence has nothing to do with human happiness.
By themselves people have no any value unless they serve to Allah . The purpose is to win over matter over being.

How is it possibe to achieve the victory over being ? Only through conciuosness that opposes being. So that is why He gave conciousness to imperfect creature to us. Through consciousness we have to witness the imperfection of being and to deny it.

The purpose is destruction of this world. Eschatolical end.
And im for barbarism and total war
OP got the wrong idea about Islam. Calling it weaponized nihilism. Lol.

The same is happening to Islam. It is being stretched both ways. By western "progressives" who want to cuck Islam and make it compatible with "modern society", as well a other 'reformists' - the Salafis, Wahhabis and majority of Islamists who are reactionary and go too far in the opposite direction.

True, authentic normative Islam was only existent in the past during the Rashidun era, the Abbasids and most of Islamic Spain. Here you had true material progress without the corresponding degeneracy.

It will be authentic once again.
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Majority of muslims today are just cucked hypocrites who want to live safe luxurious life.
Whereas we are true muslims not like you lazy dumb slob who sold yourself to Tagut.
Tagut is nihilism and promoting nihilism like you. Tawakkul is the opposite of nihilism.
Tagut is nihilism and promoting nihilism like you. Tawakkul is the opposite of nihilism.
Eat your turkish delight and shut up.
@NeetSupremacist i would like to know your opinion about it.
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