Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Discussion Is this turning into a feminist forum?

the idea of a "based blackpilled normie" is just as contradictory as a "based blackpilled woman". both are attention whores who shouldn't be allowed to post here because they cannot relate to or understand incels whatsoever

ok child molester
:feelshaha::feelshaha: you fucking retard. have you read a single thread about that subject? I'm one of the most vocal anti-pedophiles on this entire website. I argue against it every time it's brought up.

meanwhile, you are actually a fakecel and a sex haver. it's funny when people like you pretend to be suicidal or like they ever planned on "ropemaxxing". you're just as bad as femcels who overdose on skittles
:feelshaha::feelshaha: you fucking retard. have you read a single thread about that subject? I'm one of the most vocal anti-pedophiles on this entire website. I argue against it every time it's brought up.

meanwhile, you are actually a fakecel and a sex haver. it's funny when people like you pretend to be suicidal or like they ever planned on "ropemaxxing". you're just as bad as femcels who overdose on skittles
i really hurt ur feelings huh. damn you are sensitive as hell
i really hurt ur feelings huh. damn you are sensitive as hell
keep coping. rent free:feelshaha:

you're going to be alone and miserable for the rest of your life and you fully deserve it. from now on every time you post on here about how you're upset, how you feel like it's over for you or how your life sucks, know that I am laughing my ass off and basking in your misery. every day that you spend posting here and being alone is a good day for me.
keep coping. rent free:feelshaha:

you're going to be alone and miserable for the rest of your life and you fully deserve it. from now on every time you post on here about how you're upset, how you feel like it's over for you or how your life sucks, know that I am laughing my ass off and basking in your misery. every day that you spend posting here and being alone is a good day for me.
Hey dude, I'm on your side. Just letting you know you just posted some high grade cringe.
Hey dude, I'm on your side. Just letting you know you just posted some high grade cringe.
how so? if you're a sex haver and you want to "vent" on an incel forum then I am going to laugh at you. it's that simple
This thread rn:

keep coping. rent free:feelshaha:

you're going to be alone and miserable for the rest of your life and you fully deserve it. from now on every time you post on here about how you're upset, how you feel like it's over for you or how your life sucks, know that I am laughing my ass off and basking in your misery. every day that you spend posting here and being alone is a good day for me.
only a massive fakecel sexhaver would wish inceldom on anyone

join date:apri 6 2020
:all ur posts are trolling

gtfo fakecel, mods gonna come for u soon
only a massive fakecel sexhaver would wish inceldom on anyone

join date:apri 6 2020
:all ur posts are trolling

gtfo fakecel, mods gonna come for u soon
in your case it's actually volceldom, which you only haven't broken out of because you're a self pitying retard. and the fact that a literal sex haver is calling me a fakecel is rich as fuck
how so? if you're a sex haver and you want to "vent" on an incel forum then I am going to laugh at you. it's that simple
Well I agree with that thesis. The problem is that you went on an autistic rant about how you will enjoy his suffering like you're some fucking sadist edgelord vampire wannabe. That made me physically cringe.
in your case it's actually volceldom, which you only haven't broken out of because you're a self pitying retard. and the fact that a literal sex haver is calling me a fakecel is rich as fuck
When did he say he had sex?
Well I agree with that thesis. The problem is that you went on an autistic rant about how you will enjoy his suffering like you're some fucking sadist edgelord vampire wannabe. That made me physically cringe.
Well I agree with that thesis. The problem is that you went on an autistic rant about how you will enjoy his suffering like you're some fucking sadist edgelord vampire wannabe. That made me physically cringe.
all on a baseless assumption as well. guy is a troll
just fuck up at avatar posting theory.
I didn't feel like taking the time to save it as a .gif lol. Is there a way to copy it as a gif or am I just retarded?
When did he say he had sex?
he defends fakecels and refuses to deny that he is a sex haver so it's a pretty easy conclusion to come to
I didn't feel like taking the time to save it as a .gif lol. Is there a way to copy it as a gif or am I just retarded?

It's very easy to do, just right click and pick copy image url.

It's very easy to do, just right click and pick copy image url.
I guess I'm reaching levels of retardation that shouldn't even be possible.
I didn't feel like taking the time to save it as a .gif lol. Is there a way to copy it as a gif or am I just retarded?
copy image address
he defends fakecels and refuses to deny that he is a sex haver so it's a pretty easy conclusion to come to
I don't get why he doesn't want to say that he didn't kiss tbh
I don't get why he doesn't want to say that he didn't kiss tbh
because i shouldnt have to defend myself against one single troll user who made a baseless accusation
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Yeah it's funny watching spergs go full cucktears when you don't go along with their fuckery.
brutal slapfight
I would have sex with an 11-25 year old female human if I could. Does that make me a pedophile or a gorillaphile

Screenshot 20200423 132040 Chrome
Well I agree with that thesis. The problem is that you went on an autistic rant about how you will enjoy his suffering like you're some fucking sadist edgelord vampire wannabe. That made me physically cringe.
tbf my intention wasn't to be an edgelord though I can see how it'd come off like that. I'm just tired of arguing with these types of people who would rather do mental gymnastics to justify women feeling sexual attraction to them than just accept that they don't belong here. at this point I'm just trying to see the good in the situation; which in this case is the fact that they will legitimately probably never have sex again as a result of their irrational victim complex
tbf my intention wasn't to be an edgelord though I can see how it'd come off like that. I'm just tired of arguing with these types of people who would rather do mental gymnastics to justify women feeling sexual attraction to them than just accept that they don't belong here. at this point I'm just trying to see the good in the situation; which in this case is the fact that they will legitimately probably never have sex again as a result of their irrational victim complex
so u believe in mentalceldom?
well good luck now the half forum will go after you too
so u believe in mentalceldom?
well good luck now the half forum will go after you too
lol that's not even what the hypothetical definition of a "mentalcel" is but alright. the reason you're alone isn't because of any mental issue or personality trait. it's the fact that you voluntarily refuse to engage with any of the women who are sexually interested in you, primarily as a result of your victim complex ("it's over for me" "life is so hard" "im thinking about roping guys" would all be proven as bullshit if you did). the few times you have they did feel sexual attraction to you and were willing to kiss you. but you would rather unironically come here and argue that kissing a guy on the lips isn't a sign of sexual attraction than just admit that you're a LARPer
lol that's not even what the hypothetical definition of a "mentalcel" is but alright. the reason you're alone isn't because of any mental issue or personality trait. it's the fact that you voluntarily refuse to engage with any of the women who are sexually interested in you. the few times you have they did feel sexual attraction to you and were willing to kiss you. but you would rather unironically come here and argue that kissing a guy on the lips isn't a sign of sexual attraction than just admit that you're a LARPer
ur just an emotional sperg tbh
i guess i really pissed you off before.

if a kiss meant fakecel, 37% of the forum who have kissed wouldnt be posting here right now. idiot
just because i defend other people dont mean i am one myself. such cringy logic
i defend tallcels, am i tall too?
i defend escortcels, am i escortcel?
i defend mentalcel, am i one?
i defend racecels, am i one?

fuck off
lol that's not even what the hypothetical definition of a "mentalcel" is but alright. the reason you're alone isn't because of any mental issue or personality trait. it's the fact that you voluntarily refuse to engage with any of the women who are sexually interested in you, primarily as a result of your victim complex ("it's over for me" "life is so hard" "im thinking about roping guys" would all be proven as bullshit if you did). the few times you have they did feel sexual attraction to you and were willing to kiss you. but you would rather unironically come here and argue that kissing a guy on the lips isn't a sign of sexual attraction than just admit that you're a LARPer
Then why is he the one who's on the camp that says you have to talk to women, be social, etc?
ur just an emotional sperg tbh
i guess i really pissed you off before.

if a kiss meant fakecel, 37% of the forum who have kissed wouldnt be posting here right now. idiot
just because i defend other people dont mean i am one myself. such cringy logic
i defend tallcels, am i tall too?
i defend escortcels, am i escortcel?
i defend mentalcel, am i one?
i defend racecels, am i one?

fuck off
let's play a game. see if you can spot the odd one out: tallcels, escortcels, mentalcels, men who have had sexual intimacy with women, racecels
Whats up with all the gatekeeping lately? It seems like this is turning into a feminist forum where men are entitled to nothing in life. A kiss is all you can ever ask for and you should shut the fuck up and enjoy your privilege, you silly, privileged, entitled man.

Had a kiss 15 years ago in 4th grade but been rejected and incel all your life? FAKECEL LARPING FAGGOT needs to be burned alive and gtfo this forum. You deserve nothing more than a kiss, and you are not entitled to complain about either.

If you wanna play the gatekeeping game our truecel cripples can destroy you and everyone with their gatekeeping if they want to @gymletethnicel @Monk of Failure

Also my boy @Personalityinkwell demolished the"kiss equals sex" crowd with one simple fact

keep coping, facts destroyed your coping world view, what a suprise :feelsYall:

What type or garbage argument is this. No one said "you are entitled to only a kiss". We're arguing if you are attractive enough to get foids to kiss you you aren't incel.
What type or garbage argument is this. No one said "you are entitled to only a kiss". We're arguing if you are attractive enough to get foids to kiss you you aren't incel.
they will never listen to a logical argument like that. if they accepted the reality that women wanting to kiss you means you aren't a sexual undesirable, that would mean they'd have to do actual self introspection, and they don't have the mental maturity to do something like that. it's easier to just take the 'blue pill' in this situation and pretend that your inceldom is valid, even when any rational person can see that it isn't. most people prefer a comforting lie over a difficult truth.
What type or garbage argument is this. No one said "you are entitled to only a kiss". We're arguing if you are attractive enough to get foids to kiss you you aren't incel.
they will never listen to a logical argument like that. if they accepted the reality that women wanting to kiss you means you aren't a sexual undesirable, that would mean they'd have to do actual self introspection, and they don't have the mental maturity to do something like that. it's easier to just take the 'blue pill' in this situation and pretend that your inceldom is valid, even when any rational person can see that it isn't. most people prefer a comforting lie over a difficult truth.
Look I've never been kissed but I don't think it's that black and white. There's someone here with Klinefelters who kissed someone before puberty. Are you more incel than him @shii410

It depends on the context and timeframe.

For one, I've seen several people admit to taking kisses by force. Well, clearly that's not meaningful.

I've also seen people who admitted to it prepuberty. Well, your looks change in puberty and the guy who said that has Klinefelters.

Alcohol/drugs or any sort of social pressure isn't meaningful.

But if you go on dates and get enthusiastic (or really any non-forced) kisses. I don't see the rationale in proclaiming "It's over" in the same vein.
they will never listen to a logical argument like that. if they accepted the reality that women wanting to kiss you means you aren't a sexual undesirable, that would mean they'd have to do actual self introspection, and they don't have the mental maturity to do something like that. it's easier to just take the 'blue pill' in this situation and pretend that your inceldom is valid, even when any rational person can see that it isn't. most people prefer a comforting lie over a difficult truth.

They are by all accounts volcel and should be treated as such.
Look I've never been kissed but I don't think it's that black and white. There's someone here with Klinefelters who kissed someone before puberty. Are you more incel than him @shii410

"kissed someone before puberty"

Obviously that doesn't count.
if you can get a kiss you can get pussy
it's not gatekeeping, it's simply a fact. a foid voluntarily agreed to kiss you, what stops her from voluntarily having sex with you?
if you can get a kiss you can get pussy
it's not gatekeeping, it's simply a fact. a foid voluntarily agreed to kiss you, what stops her from voluntarily having sex with you?
this is disproven by the stats on the forum
37% have kissed(non prostitute)
11% have had sex(non prostitute)
Look I've never been kissed but I don't think it's that black and white. There's someone here with Klinefelters who kissed someone before puberty. Are you more incel than him @shii410
think about it like this; if you got kissed once and it wasn't a meaningful event at all, then you would feel no need to mention it. it would not be significant at all. if it was truly over for you and you were not able to experience sexual intimacy with women, you wouldn't bring it up or justify it because you know that it doesn't matter. feeling the need to mention it on this forum and defend it is another thing entirely, and proves that it does actually reflect on your character.

the Klinefelters guy is an exception because the fact that he has a disability means this would be a notable event for him, even if there was no sexual attraction involved. I doubt you would see him on a thread saying "kisscels aren't fakecels!" because he has no need to justify it; he knows there was no sexual attraction involved and that it's over for him, and as such there's no need to bring it up
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this is disproven by the stats on the forum
37% have kissed(non prostitute)
11% have had sex(non prostitute)
just joking bro i don't even care in the first place :feelsthink:
think about it like this; if you got kissed once and it wasn't a meaningful event at all, then you would feel no need to mention it. it would not be significant at all. if it was truly over for you and you were not able to experience sexual intimacy with women, you wouldn't bring it up or justify it because you know that it doesn't matter. feeling the need to mention it on this forum and defend it is another thing entirely, and proves that it does actually reflect on your character.

the Klinefelters guy is an exception because the fact that he has a disability means this would be a notable event for him, even if there was no sexual attraction involved. I doubt you would see him on a thread saying "kisscels aren't fakecels!" because he has no need to justify it; he knows there was no sexual attraction involved and that it's over for him, and as such there's no need to bring it up
He mentioned it in the context of other making threads about how it means he's a fakecel. As is the case with most of these admissions. There only the result of people making threads like about it.

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