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It's Over Is there anything worse than being strength-mogged by a female? (ricecels don't enter)

Is there anything worse than being strength-mogged by a female?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 17 32.7%
  • No, this is the ultimate and final mog.

    Votes: 35 67.3%

  • Total voters
Teutonic Knight

Teutonic Knight

Mar 2, 2019
This short Asian boy entered a small local Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament where they matched him against a strong white stacy who completely dominated him, overpowered him and made him tape out, in front of other people watching and filming. And obviously posting the video on YouTube and on all the BJJ news sites because "girl power".

This comment says everything:
"Poor guy. Plastered all over BJJ newsites just for being submitted at a small local tourney."

Seriously, this has to be the most brutal type of mogging. She made him look like a child JFL. He was just there to make her look good, a body to beat on by the superior stacy.

I can't even imagine how over it is for this guy, imagine what women watching this think about him.
@LastGerman thoughts?
@LastGerman being height mogged and driver license mogged is worse
@pp183 thoughts?
This is the worst, as a man, you should biologically be stronger than most women, by not having that, is just one of the most brutal if not the most brutal mog
I hope I could summon mega incel strength in this situation and crush her
They always match these small skinny ethnics with strong white stacies JFL. There are a lot of videos of ethnics losing to white girls on YouTube.

JFL at competing with women, it's such a lose-lose situation. If he won he wouldn't get any credit because he just beat a girl and now that he lost this video is on YouTube with almost million of views.
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I don't think so tbh. That emasculated soyboy needs to rope
OOF! Getting beaten up by foid sounds painful enough as it is, but Jesus, being filmed and uploaded on the internet for all to see, would make me shoot myself in the head with a gun.
There’s nothing worse than being strength mogged and driver’s license mogged by a foid. Literally nothing.
There’s nothing worse than being strength mogged and driver’s license mogged by a foid. Literally nothing.

LMAO she could break his arm and then drive him to ambulance.
I'll be honest if it was a fist fight, that foid would be dead. But yeh to have a foid being stronger than a guy is mog of all mogs.
brutal mog. absolutely pathetic. this is the worst mog. even worse than a cuck walking in on his wife being slammed by a bull.
Maybe he has a femdom fetish and loved every second of his domination?
What the fuck, has this guy not worked out a day in his life? Foids have literally half the upper body strength of men on average, if you're so exceptionally weak that this happens it's your own damn fault unless you got some severe disability.
It's honestly his own fault for not getting jacked to compensate for his height
What the fuck, has this guy not worked out a day in his life? Foids have literally half the upper body strength of men on average, if you're so exceptionally weak that this happens it's your own damn fault unless you got some severe disability.

That's because average man is also much bigger than average woman. But in combat sports, there are weight classes so the girls fight with boys their size and the difference in strength is not that big. This is why it usually ends with white girls (whites are tall on average) fighting with ethnic boys who are shorter on average and get size-matched with big/average white girls. There are a lot of videos on youtube where girls won so it's not like he's the only one who lost, but he did lose very decisively and got mogged hard.
Thankfully I will never have to deal with this because I am still much stronger than elite elite female powerlifter and other athletes.

But yeah. Strength mog by foid would be the most brutal mog....
Jfl! It looks like he was trying too. It would be one thing if he lost to a butch tranny, but he lost to some typical white foid who looks like Daisy Ridley. It’s beyond over for him. Anyways, anyone else get turned on by seeing her wrestle? I now want to join a wrestling class just so I can get some intimate female contact.
There was one bodybuilder girl in my english class and i am sure she strength mogs all males in that class. She is like 5'9
Jfl! It looks like he was trying too. It would be one thing if he lost to a butch tranny, but he lost to some typical white foid who looks like Daisy

These white stacies who train BJJ shouldn't be underestimated. They obviously have good genes and they come from families with high status and have money to pay for expensive Jiu Jitsu training and BJJ is a legit combat sport. I don't know why incels who are self-declared "framecels" and manlets think they could beat them. Maybe if they would be allowed to punch, but in pure grappling match I don't think so, unless they're gymmaxxed or like over 5'10'' (but then they're not manlets anymore).

For example this US marine got tapped out by a teenage white stacy and he looked like he was trying because he even brutally slammed her at some point

Take the brutal bjjstacypill.
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These white stacies who train BJJ shouldn't be underestimated. They obviously have good genes and they come from families with high status and have money to pay for expensive Jiu Jitsu training and BJJ is a legit combat sport. I don't know why incels who are self-declared "framecels" and manlets think they could beat them. Maybe if they would be allowed to punch, but in pure grappling match I don't think so, unless they're gymmaxxed or like over 5'10'' (but then they're not manlets anymore).

For example this US marine got tapped out by a teenage white stacy and he looked like he was trying because he even brutally slammed her at some point

Take the brutal bjjstacypill.

Interesting. Females should stop trying to compete in things they will get mogged easily in and put all their efforts into these events then.
Interesting. Females should stop trying to compete in things they will get mogged easily in and put all their efforts into these events then.

They would get mogged easily by top-tier males in grappling, but they can beat some less experienced guys who are around their size or smaller. This is what happens on these small local tournaments and then gets posted on YouTube if boys lose.
I love how self hating asians are.
That why I work so hard in the gym and train very hard on krav maga. No foid can strength mog me.
Yes. But tbh I don't know how it feels because it never happened to me.
Not watching, mma is super fucking lame gay normshit.
imagine being strengthmogged like that way in the video by a male :feelsugh:
There are worse things. I wouldn't mind getting mogged by a cute female if she fucked me right after.

I got mogged in high school because they brought in a rock climbing wall and girl in my group had experience climbing and said she'd do it if I couldn't, which was worded in a way like I felt compelled to try to prove my manlihood. Then she got mad when I failed, and was able to do it successfully.

Why couldn't she have just said something like "I really love to climb,could I please do it and you spot me?" Then I'd be glad to.

Feels like most physed is built to cater to chads. They don't even train you to do pullups yet expect you to have upper body strength to climb shit? All they had us doing was running around with balls/pucks so only chads with chad dads teaching them to chin at home could succeed.
One time in PE we were racing and a foid outran me. It was a nightmare.
Yes, its the worst mog ever. But it will rarely happen.
There was one bodybuilder girl in my english class and i am sure she strength mogs all males in that class. She is like 5'9
Doubt it. I bet she still cant bench anything over 150 or deadlift anything over 300 (both maxes).
Doubt it. I bet she still cant bench anything over 150 or deadlift anything over 300 (both maxes).
she was 3rd in female bodybuild championship in turkey i don't know how strong you are but she can beat my ass so easily
There are worse things. I wouldn't mind getting mogged by a cute female if she fucked me right after.

I got mogged in high school because they brought in a rock climbing wall and girl in my group had experience climbing and said she'd do it if I couldn't, which was worded in a way like I felt compelled to try to prove my manlihood. Then she got mad when I failed, and was able to do it successfully.

Why couldn't she have just said something like "I really love to climb,could I please do it and you spot me?" Then I'd be glad to.

Feels like most physed is built to cater to chads. They don't even train you to do pullups yet expect you to have upper body strength to climb shit? All they had us doing was running around with balls/pucks so only chads with chad dads teaching them to chin at home could succeed.
True. Physed is trash. They never teach kids basics when young and don't teach the importance of exercise till it's often too late.
A man that cannot dominate a foid is nothing.
Im rice :feelsrope: It's a relief no one actually grapples in real life fights.
True. Physed is trash. They never teach kids basics when young and don't teach the importance of exercise till it's often too late.
I would get fired if I was a gym teacher because I'd be doing stuff like helping the fat lads build a baseline via the lat pulldown and not centering life around giving Chad a chance to show off by being the fastest runner.
she was 3rd in female bodybuild championship in turkey i don't know how strong you are but she can beat my ass so easily
Most female bodybuilders are still pretty weak imo. Female bodybuilders would get destroyed by powerlifting females in strenght. Both are still very weak compared to their male counter parts though.
Is there anything worse than being strength-mogged by a female?

Fuck strength. Its meaningless unless you are a labourer....that being said....

NOTHING is worse than getting heightmogged by a foid. Absolutely nothing in the know universe.


One time in PE we were racing and a foid outran me. It was a nightmare.
I'm sure u cud outrun her any other day. I'm a weak ass manlet framecel (5'5 108pounds) and I can run faster than the fastest foid by least 2mins in fitness tests back in hs.
she was 3rd in female bodybuild championship in turkey i don't know how strong you are but she can beat my ass so easily

If she juiced enough to look like a silverback gorilla, then of course she's gonna be stronger than the average men. More testosterone = more muscle mass = more strength.
Fuck strength. Its meaningless unless you are a labourer....that being said....

NOTHING is worse than getting heightmogged by a foid. Absolutely nothing in the know universe.
Strengthmog is way worse, because it's objectively way rarer, foids heightmogging manlets isn't even that rare but strengthmogging means the dude is EXCEPTIONALLY weak and will stick out horribly, even more than if he just got heightmogged.
Strengthmog is way worse, because it's objectively way rarer

EXACTLY my point. The randomly chosen odds of a foid being stronger than ANY man approaches zero percent. May as well talk about being hit by lightning whereas with height .....

Cliffs:....its fucking over!
EXACTLY my point. The randomly chosen odds of a foid being stronger than ANY man approaches zero percent. May as well talk about being hit by lightning whereas with height .....

Cliffs:....its fucking over!
Basically this.
man I need to go back to the gym. if I were that poor guy I'd put a bullet through my head
@LastGerman thoughts?

This is all too emasculating man. I will not watch this. The text alone is enough to trigger me.

@LastGerman being height mogged and driver license mogged is worse

Imagine. After this even this female is going to her car while this guy has to take the bus... Being emasculated like this should be illegal.
This is actually painful. Why does God humiliate ethnics like this?

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