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Soy Is there anything cringier than a pajeet LARPing as a Nazi?

Tbh. The only Northies who can sometimes pass as white are Dards and Burushos; I think the reason for that is because they have less AASI
Idk how it works but kalash have just 5% less AASI than even less steppe than jats but are way whiter.

Tiktok invasion of the blackpill community and its consequences
Pajeets mog chinks, they even landlordmaxx in canada and seamaxx, and have arranged marriages
“HU HA LOOK WHO’S TALKING!! HUHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA—”:soy::feelstastyman: STFU. Yes, I’ve expressed support for white nationalist causes to a large extent, but that’s only because I believe whites to be genetically superior. I have never LARPed and claimed myself or any pajeet group to be white/Aryan, or even “Caucasoid” for that matter; I’ve been fully candid about my racial background and the fact that I’m physically, mentally, and spiritually shitskin since the day I got here.

Pajeets on RWgram/RWtwt are a completely different story though. In fact they’re part of the reason I didn’t bother making a second twitter account after my first was banned. I see these niggas with Hitler quotes in their bios, swastikas in their avis, using terms like “sensitive young man” (pretty sure that was created by the Romanian-Jewish author BAP) and “aesthetics uber Alles” :feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke: (you will NEVER be German, Prajeep), and just generally LARPing their gdmf socks off. The ones I’ve seen don’t even try to hide that they’re curry (unlike a certain “””Lebanese””” ultranationalist we had here), but they claim to be white/Aryan cause “mai Steppe DNA SaAaAr!!”:feels::feelstastyman: and I’ve seen some even crab-bucket low-Steppe Europeans like Southern Meds by trying to say that curries are whiter than them (they’re not). Brings to mind @DarkStar ‘s amazing copypasta:
You will never be a real White. You have no substantial ANF, Steppe, and HG DNA, you were not born into a White tribe, you have no Nordic, Mediterranid, Alpinid, Dinarid, or East Baltic phenos. You are a depigmented shitskin twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors. Real Whites are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed Whites to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even MENA & Latinos who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to Whites. Your bone structure, face morphology, and hair texture is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a mayowhore, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a whiff of your shitskin odor. You will never be White. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself "but I pass as White", but deep inside you feel the shitskin biological impulses creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll start projecting, bashing Slavs, bashing Meds, and even the Irish. Your family will find out, disappointed that they have to live with the unbearable shame and embarrassment. They’ll refer to you with your birth name, and every stranger in public who hears it will know you are a shitskin. Your soul will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably Non-White, especially after genetic tests. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

It amazes me that these incompetent dumbasses don’t even know the difference between Steppe_MLBA and Steppe_EMBA (the former is the component found in curries and is only 2/3 identical to the latter, which is found in whites), or the fact that European ancestry is a measurable and quantifiable thing separate from Aryan ancestry (Early to Middle Bronze Age Steppe pastoralists are just one of three ancestral populations of whites, the other two being Western Hunter Gatherers and Anatolian Neolithic Farmers). Plenty of these cunts are racemixer-aspirants too, just like brown groypers (though these poopy boys worship BAP instead of NJF), and even if they may acknowledge being non-white, they’ll call themselves “white-adjacent” or “spiritually white/Aryan” to justify their desire to pollute superior people’s gene pools.

What makes it worse, though, is how I saw some white users tolerate or even be friends/mutuals with them, which makes my fucking head spin and blood boil. Like NIGGA, how the FUCK do you expect to gatekeep your countries from ethnics if you CAN’T EVEN GATEKEEP YOUR MOVEMENT FROM LARPJEETS?!?!?! I think this phenomenon has died down on twitter/X and the RW there has become much more pajeet-hating (thanks to curry hate rapidly getting bigger for a year or so), but I was just lurking some LARPjeet’s account on IG and I literally saw that he had screenshots of GCs with his white mutuals where he was open about being curry, yet they still respected him like one of their own. WTF brah… :dafuckfeels:

Shit’s fucking insane dude. Online WN has a HUGE brown LARPer problem and needs a Night of the Long Knives on an ASTRONOMICAL scale – ASAP. In the case I do end up returning to Twatter and Normiegram, I’d like to clique up with some real nigguhz from here to organize raids on poonigger cunts

@Lurkercel0 @Castaway @La Grande Kanga @KillNiggers @Regenerator @FuckYou
No they aren't.
Curries are something 80 IQ and while nigs are obviously dumber they at least are
1. Taller
2. Physically superior
3. MUCH BIGGER cultural presence ( Rap, Goyimwood, Sport ( NAME one big sportman from india compared to likes like MJ, Pele, Williams sisters etc )
4. Small amount of nigs are moggers who mog best chadpreets into oblivion, but at same reversal is same for curry women who rarely are very beautiful and mog biggest beauties ( attractive sheboons exist )
5. BBC
Curries are something 80 IQ and while nigs are obviously dumber they at least are
1. Taller
2. Physically superior
3. MUCH BIGGER cultural presence ( Rap, Goyimwood, Sport ( NAME one big sportman from india compared to likes like MJ, Pele, Williams sisters etc )
4. Small amount of nigs are moggers who mog best chadpreets into oblivion, but at same reversal is same for curry women who rarely are very beautiful and mog biggest beauties ( attractive sheboons exist )
5. BBC
Compare Indians and Sub Saharan Africans.
Compare Indians and Sub Saharan Africans.
Well...here a thing i compared both of them, blacks in America are still Sub Saharan Africans

Doesn't matter if diaspora or not
Even if still comparing Indians to Non Diaspora blacks all points besides 3 one still are true
blacks in America are still Sub Saharan Africans
They are not only selected, but also 25% white. "Blacks" like Meeks might even be 75% white.

Niggers in Africa are just as weak and just as short as curries. Look at the data.

Even poorer while curries are the richest minorities in Africa.
Curries too made nigs slaves and raped them, look up Siddi.
Sure still niggers have higher SMV with other races, but they don't with curries tho. While curry men do with sheboons.

Muh achivement and muh history is cope. But @Chudpreet considers it along with white skin as thing that would give him pride. So it that way too we should be superior.

Blacks are the last race I'd fell inferiority to. One thing they are better than curries is they are more cleaner and street shit less despite less per capita. Idk how that is :rolleyes::forcedsmile:
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Niggers in Africa are just as weak and just as short as curries. Look at the data.
And they still outperform curries in sports to comical degree and while Africa has actual some shortest people in world, Dinkaids and Nilotids are literally TALLEST people in entire world
They are not only selected, but also 25% white. "Blacks" like Meeks might even be 75% white.

Niggers in Africa are just as weak and just as short as curries. Look at the data.

Even poorer while curries are the richest minorities in Africa.
Curries too made nigs slaves and raped them, look up Siddi.
Sure still niggers have higher SMV with other races, but they don't with curries tho. While curry men do with sheboons.

Muh achivement and muh history is cope. But @Chudpreet considers it along with white skin as thing that would give him pride. So it that way too we should be superior.

Blacks are the last race I'd fell inferiority to. One thing they are better than curries is they are more cleaner and street shit less despite less per capita. Idk how that is :rolleyes::forcedsmile:
one of the most common things people here do is inflate African niggers with American/New World niggers. unironically they have a lot of White admixture from the days of slavery when White slaveowners would use their sheboons as fleshlights. in comparison to their native African counterparts which is why the concept of a "lightskin" exists and why they tend to have thinner facial traits in comparison to the people that they originally are descended from (mostly Bantus from Nigeria, the Congo and Angola) which are considered far more attractive.
Even muh Upper caste is cope, all Nothies literally look the same. Who is Upper caste, who is dalit when all them look like shit.

Jats are supposed to be the whitest and look shitskin AF with frail bones. On top of that shitty bug eyes

Ok but ded srs how much is a truth to northies being a weak and feminine ? i know that you are from south and obviously you think you are better than northerners
And they still outperform curries in sports to comical degree
Maybe that ones that get nutrition
Dinkaids and Nilotids are literally TALLEST people in entire world
What percent do they make up of Sub Sahara? And how genetically distant they are to rest of the niggers there again?
Two curry phenos i know most about are north indid and gracile indid

North Indid is relatively tall with balanced facial features which are neither robust neither gracile ( kinda good feature tbh ) and GI's are feminine, short, with soft facial features ( sometimes really soft ), better looking on women than for men for sure
Maybe that ones that get nutrition
Lol and don't you think that a lot curries got nutrition to ? And still can't perform with them
Not to mention that somebody like Usain Bolt who is pure negroid will not african is some of biggest and most succesfull athletes
Tbh. The only Northies who can sometimes pass as white are Dards and Burushos; I think the reason for that is because they have less AASI
What about Kashmiris, Pahadis
Lol and don't you think that a lot curries got nutrition to ?
That's not what I said. Niggers mogg curries to andromeda and beyond ONLY IF they are nourished. Which majority of niggers aren't. Hence they are just as short and weak as curries.

I never denied curries are the weakest race
one of the most common things people here do is inflate African niggers with American/New World niggers. unironically they have a lot of White admixture from the days of slavery when White slaveowners would use their sheboons as fleshlights. in comparison to their native African counterparts which is why the concept of a "lightskin" exists and why they tend to have thinner facial traits in comparison to the people that they originally are descended from (mostly Bantus from Nigeria, the Congo and Angola) which are considered far more attractive.
Yeah anyone who thinks Africans mogg are coping too hard
Yeah anyone who thinks Africans mogg are coping too hard
Helps that most Africans that go to the West are the slightly more presentable non-Bantu niggers from West Africa, Sudan and Somalia, makes them think that every nigger looks slightly human and not like the old sssshheeeeiiitttt meme face
Ok but ded srs how much is a truth to northies being a weak and feminine ?
Basically this :feelskek:

Northies tremble when they see a Dravidian. Even skinny dravids can dominate a northie pajeet. High T bvll halo is real, this what I observe
I have high steppe but I get dominated by pitch black dravidians , theyre high T bulls you cant stop them
every feature u find attractive in a steppe shifted indian can be found in a superior manner in europeans and westerners, this is just a fact, the north indian is an inferior version of the westerner that has not retained any true indian features, this is why north indians consistantly cope with posting the most white passing people in comparison to the ugliest most jfl dravidians. Face it top 1% dravid destroys a top 1% north indian aryan which is just a walmart european.
i know that you are from south and obviously you think you are better than northerners
I don't think I should be having any bias since I'm a Indo-Aryan too. Anyone with their eyes can see that Dravidians are better and superior.

South Indian vs North Indian Economy/IQ is literally comparable to North Africa vs Sub Saharan Africa
North indians are white
Basically this :feelskek:

I don't think I should be having any bias since I'm a Indo-Aryan too. Anyone with their eyes can see that Dravidians are better and superior.

South Indian vs North Indian Economy/IQ is literally comparable to North Africa vs Sub Saharan Africa
Youre a dalit mulla tamil telugu dravidian
Your not brahmin(white)
He right though. Chinks have higher SMV than curries but also get cucked 2-3x times by BWC. And I think in most places except Canada curries are also richer.
Larping as a Nazi unironically is cringe in and of itself
I have seen many Venezuelans and Mexicans larping Nazism, if the Poles and Russians, who were undeniably white, were given the treatment we know, what about them? :lul: :feelskek:
In your schizo reality of tales from the slums of Lahore maybe

Only Anglos are White
Only slav, german, anglo, celtic are true aryans
London is the brownest city.
Sadly true, but theres also the rest of the British Isles
Just give up.
Nope, and also Western European countries/nations have risen & fallen only to rise again.
The future is for Slavs to rule now
Their birthrates are too low
Are Greeks, Italians or Spanish white? :feelskek:
Most are, though some look MENA

But genetically they're European
Only slav, german, anglo, celtic are true aryans
Somewhat accurate, but Meds are still genetically European/White.

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