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Soy Is there anything cringier than a pajeet LARPing as a Nazi?

Christian chinks will be on the Christian right. As for the others, idrk, there's probably a good deal of variation. One thing that confounds this a bit is that the Nietzschean side of the dissident right is overall rather small compared to the Christian side, which kinda confuses me since the earlier "alt-right" movement of the 2010s was majority atheist
Why TF are all the ethnics even wasting time on this anyway? Nothing ever happened, nothing will ever happen
There's a character in one of my favorite books, camp of the saints, who is the embodiment of the delusional ethnic trope, seriously read it, I won't spoil much but like I've said before it's prophetic with how accurately it portrays current day events. I have immense respect for other ethnics that have the balls to oppose their race's interests. On a similar note, pakis are also very guilty of this in their mockery of jeets, I hope people don't entertain their delusions either, they are literally islamic jeets.
I blame the retarded esoteric hitlerism that spawned in the aftermatch of WW2 by retards like Savitri Deivi and to a lesser extent the obsession of people like Julius Evola with ancient indo-european India and in turn Hinduism (though it did bring us the concept of the Kali Yuga from a right wing POV) leading specific Indians into thinking they get a "pass"
Good catch. Seems like an obvious reason as to why some pajeet groups see themselves as "white-adjacent."

Something I find funny is that the actual most white-adjacent groups in South Asia (genetically speaking) – the Jats and Pashtuns – have proven themselves unassimilable into white society just like the rest of curries. Some 60% or so of Sikhs are Jats, and the Sikhs in Canada disproportionately are – including the ones shitting on beaches. In the case of Pashtuns, they're one of the most criminal ethnicities in Austria, with a particularly strong overrepresentation among perpetrators of violent crimes like murder and rape.

The Kali Yuga thing I find cringe af whenever I see it. I would understand invoking a concept from Vedism (the original religion of the Andronovo/Proto-Indo-Iranians that merged with indigenous Dravidian traditions to create modern Hinduism), but the Kali Yuga isn't one.
Though I would also say a lot of it is due to internal Indian issues with Islam, and the belief that this somehow makes them brothers in arms with the anti-immigration and the "counter-jihad" movement in Europe
This is a big factor too. I saw MiH actually point this out before, lol.
similarly though I barely use Twitter I have seen examples of curries who LARP as wignats and are found out by never denouncing Indian migration and trying to label them as being "compatible" with Western values
Before I was banned from Twitter in the September of 2023, I recall seeing some account declare very specific pajeet groups (Sindhis and Gujaratis) as being more inherently "noble" than (and therefore racially superior to) Poles and Alpinids. I'm not sure if I've seen a more obvious pajeet LARP on that site than that fucker, though I suppose that "Eurasian Emperor" faggot comes close :lul:
@Chudpreet's in this because he recognizes that whites are genetically superior, which is just a fact of life. I'm also in the movement for the same reason, but also because I find that fighting against white genocide is the right thing to do.
Exactly my reason, who honestly wants people to suffer even more than they already do by being born as an ethnic, I bet nobody on planet earth could comprehend living in a world without whites and (asians to a lesser extent), even nationalistic ethnics have to rely on whites in one way or another.
Exactly my reason, who honestly wants people to suffer even more than they already do by being born as an ethnic, I bet nobody on planet earth could comprehend living in a world without whites and (asians to a lesser extent), even nationalistic ethnics have to rely on whites in one way or another.
Guy you're quoting and you would get along marvelously. He's another partially-white WN who thinks similarly to you (and I)
This you nigga? :forcedsmile:
Larping as a Nazi unironically is cringe in and of itself
Nazism is cringe especially if you are an incel it is only for sex havers in order for the reproduction of the Aryan race.
I blame the retarded esoteric hitlerism that spawned in the aftermatch of WW2 by retards like Savitri Deivi and to a lesser extent the obsession of people like Julius Evola with ancient indo-european India and in turn Hinduism (though it did bring us the concept of the Kali Yuga from a right wing POV) leading specific Indians into thinking they get a "pass"
That's not the main reason though, many don't even know about this. Most think they're trve aryans and that Hitler would've sympathized with hinduism because of the aryan migration myth and the swastika symbolism. While in reality, Hitler really thought highly of the people actually enslaving them and considered indians inferior
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This can be entirely blamed on the fascination with hindu/buddhist mythology and its aesthetics, beyond a couple key concepts like the kali yuga (woah civilization operates in cycles...) there's not much there tbh. Savitri Devi should be treated with irreverence for even changing her name and marrying a literal jeet. Spirituality is good and all but I prefer WN to be free from it entirely as it only alienates them further, like I mentioned earlier these concepts don't exactly need to filtered through a mesh of spirituality/mythos.
Larping as a Nazi unironically is cringe in and of itself
Maybe, but "Nazi-LARPing" is too much of a catch-all term tbh. Simply being anti-immigration gets you branded a Nazi nowadays
Guy you're quoting and you would get along marvelously. He's another partially-white WN who thinks similarly to you (and I)
Thanks for letting me know about him, it's crazy how many individuals who hold the same beliefs as us (while being partially or fully ethnic) on an already small niche forum are.
It is cringe but that's expected behavior coming from them. White people give zero fucks about pajeets unless they directly affect their livelihood unfortunately. Only reason I see why curries are even tolerated is because white nationalists need as many supporters as possible. So those larpers only exist as missionaries to spread the word.

View attachment 1325773

You know the race is bottom of the barrel when even their toilets are repulsive and not many people want to geomaxx to India.
The more Nixon tapes that pop up the more I realize how actually based he was.

No wonder they wanted him out
Imagine your regular normie trying to understand half the vocabulary used here jfl.
It would be like learning a new language
. Simply being anti-immigration gets you branded a Nazi nowadays
That's not larping though because someone else is branding you
The more Nixon tapes that pop up the more I realize how actually based he was.

No wonder they wanted him out
And weimarica gets a vp with a jeet wife and half-breeds.
aryan migration myth
Wym "myth?" Evidence suggests it happened, but that the DNA contribution is fairly low across the board. NW Indian Brahmins for instance have less Early-to-Middle Bronze Age Steppe autosomal DNA than even Italian Jews and Maltese
Wym "myth?" Evidence suggests it happened, but that the DNA contribution is fairly low across the board. NW Indian Brahmins for instance have less Early-to-Middle Bronze Age Steppe autosomal DNA than even Italian Jews and Maltese
correction I was talking the fact that there is no relation between the Indo-Aryan rape children and the actual Aryan people according to Hitler. It happened to an extent but the details of it are extremely exaggerated mainly by Tanatani nationalists who want to claim superiority
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correction I was talking the fact that there is no relation between the Indo-Aryan rape children and the actual Aryan people according to Hitler. It happened to an extent but the details of it are extremely exaggerated mainly by Tanatani nationalists who want to claim superiority
You don't know what you are talking about :feelsjuice:
Curries online larp as any race but there own.
@Chudpreet one more thing I wanted to ask you. Your worry is that if whites and chinks went extinct there wouldn't be any intelligent life left on the planet. Okay sure but still how does that effect YOU? It's not like you would be leaving any children to care about the future. All this world ever gave you is shit, why do you care of if goes to shit then?
Jeet Pride , World Wide!
Online WN has a HUGE brown LARPer problem
Apart from Curries, Latinos are the biggest brown larpers there. But I think Curries larpers are down due to intense pajeet hating by WN
I already knew you’re a stupid faggot who can’t understand nuance or read more than a paragraph. You had no need to televise it
Bro leave him, he is average pajeet nationalist
Who here? :shock: I remember one guy who claimed half-curry half-Anglo that LARPed as a Nazi, but no one besides that
That one @Misogynist Curry
“HU HA LOOK WHO’S TALKING!! HUHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA—”:soy::feelstastyman: STFU. Yes, I’ve expressed support for white nationalist causes to a large extent, but that’s only because I believe whites to be genetically superior. I have never LARPed and claimed myself or any pajeet group to be white/Aryan, or even “Caucasoid” for that matter; I’ve been fully candid about my racial background and the fact that I’m physically, mentally, and spiritually shitskin since the day I got here.

Pajeets on RWgram/RWtwt are a completely different story though. In fact they’re part of the reason I didn’t bother making a second twitter account after my first was banned. I see these niggas with Hitler quotes in their bios, swastikas in their avis, using terms like “sensitive young man” (pretty sure that was created by the Romanian-Jewish author BAP) and “aesthetics uber Alles” :feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke: (you will NEVER be German, Prajeep), and just generally LARPing their gdmf socks off. The ones I’ve seen don’t even try to hide that they’re curry (unlike a certain “””Lebanese””” ultranationalist we had here), but they claim to be white/Aryan cause “mai Steppe DNA SaAaAr!!”:feels::feelstastyman: and I’ve seen some even crab-bucket low-Steppe Europeans like Southern Meds by trying to say that curries are whiter than them (they’re not). Brings to mind @DarkStar ‘s amazing copypasta:
You will never be a real White. You have no substantial ANF, Steppe, and HG DNA, you were not born into a White tribe, you have no Nordic, Mediterranid, Alpinid, Dinarid, or East Baltic phenos. You are a depigmented shitskin twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors. Real Whites are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed Whites to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even MENA & Latinos who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to Whites. Your bone structure, face morphology, and hair texture is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a mayowhore, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a whiff of your shitskin odor. You will never be White. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself "but I pass as White", but deep inside you feel the shitskin biological impulses creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll start projecting, bashing Slavs, bashing Meds, and even the Irish. Your family will find out, disappointed that they have to live with the unbearable shame and embarrassment. They’ll refer to you with your birth name, and every stranger in public who hears it will know you are a shitskin. Your soul will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably Non-White, especially after genetic tests. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

It amazes me that these incompetent dumbasses don’t even know the difference between Steppe_MLBA and Steppe_EMBA (the former is the component found in curries and is only 2/3 identical to the latter, which is found in whites), or the fact that European ancestry is a measurable and quantifiable thing separate from Aryan ancestry (Early to Middle Bronze Age Steppe pastoralists are just one of three ancestral populations of whites, the other two being Western Hunter Gatherers and Anatolian Neolithic Farmers). Plenty of these cunts are racemixer-aspirants too, just like brown groypers (though these poopy boys worship BAP instead of NJF), and even if they may acknowledge being non-white, they’ll call themselves “white-adjacent” or “spiritually white/Aryan” to justify their desire to pollute superior people’s gene pools.

What makes it worse, though, is how I saw some white users tolerate or even be friends/mutuals with them, which makes my fucking head spin and blood boil. Like NIGGA, how the FUCK do you expect to gatekeep your countries from ethnics if you CAN’T EVEN GATEKEEP YOUR MOVEMENT FROM LARPJEETS?!?!?! I think this phenomenon has died down on twitter/X and the RW there has become much more pajeet-hating (thanks to curry hate rapidly getting bigger for a year or so), but I was just lurking some LARPjeet’s account on IG and I literally saw that he had screenshots of GCs with his white mutuals where he was open about being curry, yet they still respected him like one of their own. WTF brah… :dafuckfeels:

Shit’s fucking insane dude. Online WN has a HUGE brown LARPer problem and needs a Night of the Long Knives on an ASTRONOMICAL scale – ASAP. In the case I do end up returning to Twatter and Normiegram, I’d like to clique up with some real nigguhz from here to organize raids on poonigger cunts

@Lurkercel0 @Castaway @La Grande Kanga @KillNiggers @Regenerator @FuckYou
We Wuz White Aryanz Sarr
It is cringe but that's expected behavior coming from them. White people give zero fucks about pajeets unless they directly affect their livelihood unfortunately. Only reason I see why curries are even tolerated is because white nationalists need as many supporters as possible. So those larpers only exist as missionaries to spread the word.

View attachment 1325773

You know the race is bottom of the barrel when even their toilets are repulsive and not many people want to geomaxx to India.
if spreading curry propaganda and gaslighting yourself into believing curries are something that they're not, to make yourself feel better about being curry, then have at it
Don't waste ur time by arguing with him, he is a poo brained curry nationalist
I blame the retarded esoteric hitlerism that spawned in the aftermatch of WW2 by retards like Savitri Deivi and to a lesser extent the obsession of people like Julius Evola with ancient indo-european India and in turn Hinduism (though it did bring us the concept of the Kali Yuga from a right wing POV) leading specific Indians into thinking they get a "pass"
@Chudpreet what do you think about it. I think majority of pajeets larp as Aryan as due to esoteric Nazisim obsession with Hindu philosophies. Pajeet get excited about it and that's why get free pass to larp
@Chudpreet what do you think about it. I think majority of pajeets larp as Aryan as due to esoteric Nazisim obsession with Hindu philosophies. Pajeet get excited about it and that's why get free pass to larp
I already replied to the comment you're quoting:
Good catch. Seems like an obvious reason as to why some pajeet groups see themselves as "white-adjacent."

Something I find funny is that the actual most white-adjacent groups in South Asia (genetically speaking) – the Jats and Pashtuns – have proven themselves unassimilable into white society just like the rest of curries. Some 60% or so of Sikhs are Jats, and the Sikhs in Canada disproportionately are – including the ones shitting on beaches. In the case of Pashtuns, they're one of the most criminal ethnicities in Austria, with a particularly strong overrepresentation among perpetrators of violent crimes like murder and rape.

The Kali Yuga thing I find cringe af whenever I see it. I would understand invoking a concept from Vedism (the original religion of the Andronovo/Proto-Indo-Iranians that merged with indigenous Dravidian traditions to create modern Hinduism), but the Kali Yuga isn't one.

This is a big factor too. I saw MiH actually point this out before, lol.

Before I was banned from Twitter in the September of 2023, I recall seeing some account declare very specific pajeet groups (Sindhis and Gujaratis) as being more inherently "noble" than (and therefore racially superior to) Poles and Alpinids. I'm not sure if I've seen a more obvious pajeet LARP on that site than that fucker, though I suppose that "Eurasian Emperor" faggot comes close :lul:
Most of the pajeets especially North Indian pajeets are extremely infinity obsessed with skin color, they consider milky white pale skin makes me incredibly superior and European
Chinks have thier own indigenous East Asian fascist movement, they don't stick thier head on western alt right
Many of them do. Maybe not as much as curries
Spirituality is good and all but I prefer WN to be free from it entirely as it only alienates them further, like I mentioned earlier these concepts don't exactly need to filtered through a mesh of spirituality/mythos.
Agreed. The most important concepts in WN that should be understood by all members are race realism (including population genetics/admixture analysis) and RW accelerationism. Spiritual and ideological crap is kinda just mental masturbation, since you're theorizing about how you believe society should be run after a hypothetical white victory
@Chudpreet one more thing I wanted to ask you. Your worry is that if whites and chinks went extinct there wouldn't be any intelligent life left on the planet. Okay sure but still how does that effect YOU? It's not like you would be leaving any children to care about the future. All this world ever gave you is shit, why do you care of if goes to shit then?
I just feel intense dread thinking about brown tranny hell-future or seeing signs of it
I just feel intense dread thinking about brown tranny hell-future or seeing signs of it
But why do you care? Neither you nor your descendants would be present.

But you are present NOW. So care about YOUrself now. Why tf do you care about all these things that won't matter to you?
yeah it's not exclusive to jeets which is weird because personally I believe there is a bigger historical precedent for local fascism and far-right movements from East Asia than India, Japs and even some South Koreans (like KoharuMatingPress) adopt Imperial Japanese iconography much like how Whites use Nazi German imagery, chinks can just use the modern Chinese government as it's (mostly) ethnocentric towards the Han
Mostly since it's majority Han Chinese, but they have a ton of affirmative action programs aimed towards Hui (muslims) and other minorities. For example, the CCP bans any haram food establishments within a couple of streets of a halal joint. It's just national socialist economic policies, government is still cucked regarding divorce laws and everything else.
Don't forget "Muh we upper caste North nigs mogg Slavs :soy::soy:"

As if those shitskins can even come close to Slavs :lul:
One of the most ridiculous copes they espouse, JFL. Upper caste Naarthies (20% Yamnaya-like) are totally purer PIE than Slavs (40-50% Yamnaya-like) bro!
Mostly since it's majority Han Chinese, but they have a ton of affirmative action programs aimed towards Hui (muslims) and other minorities. For example, the CCP bans any haram food establishments within a couple of streets of a halal joint. It's just national socialist economic policies, government is still cucked regarding divorce laws and everything else.
good insight
One of the most ridiculous copes they espouse, JFL. Upper caste Naarthies (20% Yamnaya-like) are totally purer PIE than Slavs (40-50% Yamnaya-like) bro!
Even muh Upper caste is cope, all Nothies literally look the same. Who is Upper caste, who is dalit when all them look like shit.

Jats are supposed to be the whitest and look shitskin AF with frail bones. On top of that shitty bug eyes

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I don't think I will read all that :chad:
Even muh Upper caste is cope, all Nothies literally look the same. Who is Upper caste, who is dalit when all them look like shit.

Jats are supposed to be the whitest and look shitskin AF with frail bones. On top of that shitty bug eyes

Tbh. The only Northies who can sometimes pass as white are Dards and Burushos; I think the reason for that is because they have less AASI

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