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Is there any greater accomplishment in life than mogging other men?



Dec 28, 2017
When you get to the very bottom of working hard to accomplish something, it's all so you can stand out and be seem as better than other men.

But the the best and maybe the only type of "being better" than other men is simply having better genetics. They are concrete and cannot be changed. Money can always be lost and public opinion can change, but an 8/10 face and being tall always has infinite value.

Because of social media apps / online dating we're now at a point where you need to be a superman in a sea of regular humans just to be seen as worthy by foids and society. Hence...

mogging is all that matters.
Maybe for getting foids it does. But i dont really care about other men anymore.
Having more offspring.
When you're not good-looking people never take you seriously. You can be the smartest person in the room or the guy with the greatest level of expertise in a certain area and people will still ignore everything you say. If you're good-looking, people will fall for any crap that comes out of your mouth.
Former Manchester United manager, Alex Ferguson, once referred to horse-cocked forward, Dion Dublin, as the 'shower clearer'. The mogging was just too much for his team mates to take.
Life is all about mogging, not even gigachads are safe from mogging

Imagine if you woke up like this one morning, imagine how happy and confident you'd be


Actually achieving something
The only real mog is genetics mog. Being better looking. Everything else is cope.

But no, there is no better feeling.

I made a post about going to a large mall the other day and out of the thousands of ugly small subhumans only no more than five dudes stood out, mogging the entire place. They were the only ones not orbitting a ugly fat cunt either. You really have to mog absolutely everyone to get anything now.
-Be an astronaut
-Be a CEO of multi-billion dollars companies
-Winning a nobel prize or equivalent
-Be a Navy Seal/Special Forces
Not to even mention that if you ever happen to make more money than others, socialist policies will take it from you and redistribute to others.

It's like the genes that determine your looks are the only form of superiority that is allowed.
-Be an astronaut
-Be a CEO of multi-billion dollars companies
-Winning a nobel prize or equivalent
-Be a Navy Seal/Special Forces

-be a manlet
-be outgoing sociopathic Chad
-being a stemcel type ugly
-be a manlet bootlicking cocksucker

All cope except the second which again just proves it's all genetics
When you get to the very bottom of working hard to accomplish something, it's all so you can stand out and be seem as better than other men.

You might be the biggest egoist on this site, I've never seen a more ego obsessed idiotic sentence ever

People try to accomplish things to make their lives "have meaning" or make their lives easier, other people being in awe of your existence comes secondary to that, no guy is trying to get a promotion primarily just to outshine male co-workers, he's trying to get paid more money so he can make his life more enjoyable

But it seems like for you the only thing you care about is feeling more important than other people JFL, this is some nth level ego shit, all you care about is being better than other men, how does one even end up like this
You might be the biggest egoist on this site, I've never seen a more ego obsessed idiotic sentence ever

People try to accomplish things to make their lives "have meaning" or make their lives easier, other people being in awe of your existence comes secondary to that, no guy is trying to get a promotion primarily just to outshine male co-workers, he's trying to get paid more money so he can make his life more enjoyable

But it seems like for you the only thing you care about is feeling more important than other people JFL, this is some nth level ego shit, all you care about is being better than other men, how does one even end up like this
Hes right, the reason that people are driven to do that is to be better than others. Any other explanation is naive bluepill horse shit trying to sugar coat the fact that people are garbage

Its the way any system is set up, if you destroy your competition you're rewarded with money and fame and are worshipped by the sacks of shit beneath you
Hes right, the reason that people are driven to do that is to be better than others. Any other explanation is naive bluepill horse shit trying to sugar coat the fact that people are garbage

Its the way any system is set up, if you destroy your competition you're rewarded with money and fame and are worshipped by the sacks of shit beneath you

You are conflating the consequence with the goal, the goal is to improve your living conditions and have more for yourself, the consequence of this, is for others to have less and to have reduced living conditions, in order for you to go buy a nice new pair of adidas somebody has to be the sweatshop working getting paid next to nothing to get that shoe created

So its not that being better than others is the goal, its that the goal requires being better than others

When the best hunter in a village becomes the chief, he's hunting because he wants to eat and has to feed his family (and/or the village), him becoming the leader is a consequence of that, but that doesn't imply it was his goal, we are driven by more base things and you guys are ironically hyping humans up to be these "higher beings" that only do things for complicated reasons

You say saying otherwise is trying to sugar coat that people are garbage, but ironically its your arguments that are painting humans as something more than they are, were just animals, the core reasoning for a lot of what we do is simple and comes down to base desires and instincts

Again being "better than others" is a CONSEQUENCE of achievement, but its not the PRIMARY GOAL of achievement, the primary goal of achievement is to gain something

Of course people do enjoy "feeling better than others" but that's rarely a primary goal, you want more money so you can have more for yourself, that's the first thing that pops into your head, all the things you can buy and enjoy, not simply 1uping bob your next door neighbor, you'd have to be an ego obsessed idiot to think like that, and that's not most people
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You are conflating the consequence with the goal, the goal is to improve your living conditions and have more for yourself, the consequence of this, is for others to have less and to have reduced living conditions, in order for you to go buy a nice new pair of adidas somebody has to be the sweatshop working getting paid next to nothing to get that shoe created

So its not that being better than others is the goal, its that the goal requires being better than others

When the best hunter in a village becomes the chief, he's hunting because he wants to eat and has to feed his family (and/or the village), him becoming the leader is a consequence of that, but that doesn't imply it was his goal, we are driven by more base things guys are ironically hyping humans up to be these "higher beings" that only do things for complicated reasons

You say saying otherwise is trying to sugar coat that people are garbage, but ironically its your arguments that are painting humans as something more than they are, were just animals, the core reasoning for a lot of what we do is simple and comes down to base desires and instincts

Again being "better than others" is a CONSEQUENCE of achievement, but its not the PRIMARY GOAL of achievement, the primary goal of achievement is to gain something

Of course people do enjoy "feeling better than others" but that's rarely a primary goal, you want more money so you can have more for yourself, that's the first thing that pops into your head, all the things you can buy and enjoy, not simply 1uping bob your next door neighbor, you'd have to be an ego obsessed idiot to think like that, and that's not most people
It all is the same thing. Making money means beating everyone else. When you think "I'm making money, feels good" you're really also thinking "...because I'm besting everyone else."

You can't fight normshits dude. They all think like this because it's how people think in general. of course they will never admit it because that's socially repulsive to hear but it doesn't make it false.

Go to any Footlocker and look at how everyone there is an ugly frail small Asian buying every 6'8 basketball or football players clothes. They lost at life and are now just worshipping ones who won.
-Be an astronaut
-Be a CEO of multi-billion dollars companies
-Winning a nobel prize or equivalent
-Be a Navy Seal/Special Forces
That's right goyim - die for israel, that's REAL glory.
No there isn’t one. Especially genetic mog
When you think "I'm making money, feels good" you're really also thinking "...because I'm besting everyone else."

JFL no, that's what you're thinking, I'm way more selfish than that, other people don't even cross my mind when it comes to these things

I want more for myself so I can have an enjoyable life, In fact I don't think the thought of "one upping" someone to be better than them has ever crossed my mind, and that's likely because I grew up poor and everyone around me always had more, so they possibility of it never crossed my mind, so I never even considered the concept or cared about it

To someone like me its inconsequential, when I saw other people eating all those nice foods and I was eating a plain old sandwich, I never thought "I want to eat something better than them, I want them to feel bad", I only ever thought "I'm so hungry, I want to eat something that tastes good"

I think you have to have lived a pretty easy going life to even become the kind of person that focuses on one upping others and "being better than them", for people like me, I just want an enjoyable life, I couldn't give two fucks who has more than me or less than me, I just want my fill
Mog a guy = +1 point to happiness
Be mogged by a guy = -1 point to happiness

The happiness meter is decaying, constantly decaying, so you have to keep mogging other guys to keep happiness high.

The worst possible situation is to be constantly mogged + having natural happiness decay, it destroys a man at his very core.
Your penis mogging the holes of their sisters and daughters. In the secular world, this is as good as it gets.
yes, cumming deep inside, while looking in the lustful eyes of young virgin hot girl
That's right goyim - die for israel, that's REAL glory.

They're worth fighting for.The best ally every country love to befriend with.
They provide US cutting edge military technologies and they know how to win a war.IDF is one of the best fighting forces.

What they've accomplished:

-Turning deserts into fertile lands
-Iron Dome
-6 days war
-Attempted Moon landing
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They're worth fighting for.The best ally every country love to befriend with.
They provide US cutting edge military technologies and they know how to win a war.IDF is one of the best fighting forces.

What they've accomplished:

-Turning deserts into fertile lands
-Iron Dome
-6 days war
-Attempted Moon landing

They aren't an "ally" lmfao, they're a master.
Mogging is literally life itself. It the reason men exist. If you don't mog, you aren't truely alive
You might be the biggest egoist on this site, I've never seen a more ego obsessed idiotic sentence ever

People try to accomplish things to make their lives "have meaning" or make their lives easier, other people being in awe of your existence comes secondary to that, no guy is trying to get a promotion primarily just to outshine male co-workers, he's trying to get paid more money so he can make his life more enjoyable

But it seems like for you the only thing you care about is feeling more important than other people JFL, this is some nth level ego shit, all you care about is being better than other men, how does one even end up like this

Translation: "I don't work out for girls bro, just for myself." but with more words
Life is all about mogging, not even gigachads are safe from mogging

Imagine if you woke up like this one morning, imagine how happy and confident you'd be


Who are those guys?
First off shameless plug

Thread got moved to Off Topic which gets barely any views at all so I'm posting it here

Translation: "I don't work out for girls bro, just for myself." but with more words

No, not a good comparison at all, there was a reason why my arguments were focused on wealth and resources, talk about a strawman

There's no reason to be buff in this day and age, we don't really fight with melee weapons anymore and its a lot safer in these times, significant physical strength isn't a requirement to survive, which is why there's no reason to work out a lot (unless your profession requires it)

However you do need money to buy food and other things you want, in fact you need money for everything, and nobody is just working primarily to one up random humans, we work for money to eat, enjoy leisure, etc
First off shameless plug

Thread got moved to Off Topic which gets barely any views at all so I'm posting it here


No, not a good comparison at all, there was a reason why my arguments were focused on wealth and resources, talk about a strawman

There's no reason to be buff in this day and age, we don't really fight with melee weapons anymore and its a lot safer in these times, significant physical strength isn't a requirement to survive, which is why there's no reason to work out a lot (unless your profession requires it)

However you do need money to buy food and other things you want, in fact you need money for everything, and nobody is just working primarily to one up random humans, we work for money to eat, enjoy leisure, etc

Money is important, especially saving and investing for your old age. Capital drives the economy.

Guys who piss it away to show off, like driving a BMW which doesn't really accomplish much in an age of billionaires posting on instagram. They'd be better off with chad genes if they want to one-up other men.
You might be the biggest egoist on this site, I've never seen a more ego obsessed idiotic sentence ever

People try to accomplish things to make their lives "have meaning" or make their lives easier, other people being in awe of your existence comes secondary to that, no guy is trying to get a promotion primarily just to outshine male co-workers, he's trying to get paid more money so he can make his life more enjoyable

But it seems like for you the only thing you care about is feeling more important than other people JFL, this is some nth level ego shit, all you care about is being better than other men, how does one even end up like this

yea ppl care more about promotion to make their lives better but after you have the basics covered like food and living then it’s all about moving others with your money.
Like getting a convertible or a big house and etc. Purpose of men is to mog other men and attract as much as foids
Translation: "I don't work out for girls bro, just for myself." but with more words

If a guy says he works out for his self then it’s over. He has deluded himself into oblivion
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Like getting a convertible or a big house and etc. Purpose of men is to mog other men and attract as much as foids

That's not the purpose, that's the purpose within this society, the artificially created purpose, way back when attraction wasn't a high priority, you took what you want, people need to stop speaking as if peacocking and prettying ourselves like bitches is the norm for males, were not birds, we never used to "court" like birds as we do today, its something were forced to do within society because the rules are different to the rules of nature
I think you have to have lived a pretty easy going life to even become the kind of person that focuses on one upping others and "being better than them", for people like me, I just want an enjoyable life, I couldn't give two fucks who has more than me or less than me, I just want my fill

Everyone today pretty much has everything they need so it becomes about one upping each other. That's basically always been part of rich people's traditions.

The mogging is about showing that you're dominant and higher value so that other men submit without a fight and want to be on your team, and so women choose you.

Since women have everything they need, standing out as a man matters even more since women don't need you for much more than a trophy.
Everyone today pretty much has everything they need so it becomes about one upping each other

Not really, they have enough to subsist and live like a pleb, but people don't really want to do that, so the primary goal of gathering resources will always be to have an easier life

When everyone can wake up everyday and just do nothing but spend time with your family and still have money then I'd agree, but as humans today we spend most of our time working than living, we live like two days a week
Mogging feels good ngl, but I almost never experience it
Life is all about mogging, not even gigachads are safe from mogging

Imagine if you woke up like this one morning, imagine how happy and confident you'd be


Skullmog strikes again
Worst mog is skullmog hands down
Life is all about mogging, not even gigachads are safe from mogging
fucking facts.
it's mog or be mogged. that's all what male nature is about.
When you're not good-looking people never take you seriously. You can be the smartest person in the room or the guy with the greatest level of expertise in a certain area and people will still ignore everything you say. If you're good-looking, people will fall for any crap that comes out of your mouth.
I exp that and i say to myself I will never ever be social again.
fucking facts.
it's mog or be mogged. that's all what male nature is about.
I don't like getting mugged!

I would much rather be the mugger but im too inhib :€

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