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Discussion Is the nazi race theory true?

Modern europeans come from India. The Nazis knew it, and we know it even better nowadays.
Tf? :feelskek:

What did you smoke before writing this?
Purebred aryans no matter how many times it offends people will always be the highest race!
I feel like I told you this a while ago but then you were like “I have Adam Lanza eye area bro I’m not superior to anyone”
I feel like I told you this a while ago but then you were like “I have Adam Lanza eye area bro I’m not superior to anyone”
I never called you a purebred Aryan, Sit your ass down.
I never called you a purebred Aryan, Sit your ass down.
When did I say you did that? Matter of fact, when did I call myself that?

I’ve always maintained that I am a subhuman shitskin
When did I say you did that? Matter of fact, when did I call myself that?

I’ve always maintained that I am a subhuman shitskin
Purebred aryans no matter how many times it offends people will always be the highest race!
Chadpreet: I feel like I told you this a while ago but then you were like “I have Adam Lanza eye area bro I’m not superior to anyone”

Chadpreet: I feel like I told you this a while ago but then you were like “I have Adam Lanza eye area bro I’m not superior to anyone”
Exactly, you were talking about yourself when you told me you had Adam Lanza’s eye area

I called you purebred aryan cause you’re norwegian
Exactly, you were talking about yourself when you told me you had Adam Lanza’s eye area

I called you purebred aryan cause you’re norwegian
I am now nowherian, NO one cares about me, No one ever saw me again.
My house is my prison!
They believed that the germanic race (germans, dutch, english, danish, norwegian, swedish etc.) was the most superior race, more superior than other white races like celtics too. They especially hated slavs though and put them below africans on their race hierarchy chart. Slavs were in the same category as gypsys and only above jews, even though they were white. That's because nazis didn't care about "the white race" they only cared about aryans
This is not true, this is idiotic propaganda. "Untermensch" that they claim referred to Slavs was a translation from the American Lothrop Stoddard's word "underman," which wasn't even racial, the famous "untermensch" poster if I recall correctly was of Germans: retards, drunkards, etc. Himmler gave a speech to the SS I remember reading when he talked about the branches of the White race which included Slavs and was not unfavorable. Hitler gave a speech about the great nation and people of Russia being destroyed by jew Bolsheviks. The notion that the nazis completely hated Slavs and thought they were "subhuman" is a lie.
A valuable insight into exactly how the Nazis viewed the racial situation in Europe vis à vis Germans and other nationalities, is afforded through the memoirs of Arturs Silgailis, chief of staff of the Inspectorate General of the “Latvian Legion” (of the Latvian Waffen-SS). In his book, Latvian Legion, Silgailis describes a conversation he had with Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS and second most powerful man in Nazi Germany, in this manner: “He (Himmler) then singled out those nations which he regarded as belonging to the German family of nations and they were: the Germans, the Dutch, the Flemish, the Anglo-Saxons, the Scandinavians, and the Baltic people. ‘To combine all of these nations into one big family is the most important task at the present time [Himmler said]. This unification has to take place on the principle of equality and at that same time has to secure the identity of each nation and its economical independence, of course, adjusting the latter to the interests of the whole German living space.

“After the unification of all the German nations into one family, this family. . . has to take over the mission to include, in the family, all the Roman nations whose living space is favored by nature with a milder climate . . . I am convinced that after the unification, the Roman nations will be able to persevere as the Germans . . . This enlarged family of the white race will then have the mission to include the Slavic nations into the family also because they too are of the white race . . . it is only with such a unification of the white race that the Western culture could be saved from the yellow race . . . At the present time, the Waffen-SS is leading in this respect because its organization is based on the principle of equality. The Waffen-SS comprises not only German, Roman, and Slavic, but even Islamic units and at the same time has proven that every unit has maintained its national identity while fighting in close togetherness . . . I know quite well my Germans.

“The German always likes to think himself better but I would like to avert this. It is important that every Waffen-SS officer obeys the order of another officer of another nationality, as the officer of the other nationality obeys the order of the German officer” (Latvian Legion, Arturs Silgailis, R.J. Bender Pub, 1986). This private discussion shatters the myth that the Nazis viewed Germans as the only superior race, and regarded Latin or Slavic nations as inferior. Both these allegations are false, as revealed in Himmler’s own words.
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Iranians, Indians and Kurds are often shitskin with convex jewish noses. They have little Steppe admixture with around 20% altough they have some sizable little frequency of Haplogroup R1a (usually around 15-25%, in some isolated tribes and Brahmins even higher). Blondism and light eyes are pretty fucking rare in them, altough occasionally found in Dardic groups and some isolated niggers in Northern Iran. An Iranian told me that Blondism is related to inbreeding in Iran.
the aryan invasion was definetely a real thing. They enslaved the subhuman neolithic dravidian hunter gatherers (which originated from eastern negroids like hamites) about 6000 BC, which is the origin of the indian caste system. This is a historical fact.

As for the "aryans are the ancestors of whites" theory, there is some truth to that. the aryan master race originated from the caucasus, thats why racially aryan people are called "caucasians" or "white" in (((globoshlomo jewspeak)))
Dravidians are Caucasoid-Australoid, not Nigger.
Tf? :feelskek:

What did you smoke before writing this?
Just educate yourself instead of believing you're more intelligent than me :feelsthink:
Read books. Do you know what's a book ? It's not just decorative.
If Germans were truly superior would they lose to Anglos and Slavs though ?

In reality most people looked extremely dark skinned for most part of human history since we all originate from Africa(Man was hunter gatherer for nearly 100,000-80,000 years)
Out Of Africa Is A Myth.
Just educate yourself instead of believing you're more intelligent than me :feelsthink:
Read books. Do you know what's a book ? It's not just decorative.
Aryans do not “come from India” moron

They INVADED India just like they did Europe
Out Of Africa Is A Myth.
It's clearly not a myth.
Homo Sapiens came from Africa and this has been proven.
However, Homo Sapiens is only the last human race.
The Tautavel Man (south of France) was living way before the Homo Sapiens and was a different human race, Homo Heidelbergensis. This race disappeared due to the Homo Sapiens invasion of Europe 300k years ago.

Nowadays all the other human races have gone extinct.
It's clearly not a myth.
Homo Sapiens came from Africa and this has been proven.
However, Homo Sapiens is only the last human race.
The Tautavel Man (south of France) was living way before the Homo Sapiens and was a different human race, Homo Heidelbergensis. This race disappeared due to the Homo Sapiens invasion of Europe 300k years ago.

Nowadays all the other human races have gone extinct.
Just educate yourself instead of believing you're more intelligent than me :feelsthink:
Read books. Do you know what's a book ? It's not just decorative.
You're retarded.
Also, Indo-Aryan doesn't mean blonde with blue eyes, that's just something Europeans got from evolution
Blonde and blue eyes existed in Europe prior to Indo Europeans arrival, it's something native to Europe
If you insult me you'll be blocked, even more when you have zero argumentation.
Even by the mainstream you're flat out wrong. That's neanderthal's ancestor, neanderthal was not homo sapien. Homo sapien didn't arrive into Europe until ~35k years ago (mainstream). The strongest contender for the urheimat for Indo-Europeans is the yamnaya and similar cultures, not India you fucking dolt. You have zero idea what you are talking about.

Out of Africa is not proven.

The fact that Euroasians bred with Neanderthal and Denisovans disproves it anyway because according to "Out of Africa" homo sapiens from Africa displaced all other hominids without interbreeding.
If the Nazis won, I’d say we’d be living a utopia. At least a utopia compared to our current one.
There have been a bunch of different race theories over history.
The one of the nazis was likely the most different one
The nazis were NOT white nationalists as many people today believe. They were german nationalists and aryan supremacists.

They believed that the germanic race (germans, dutch, english, danish, norwegian, swedish etc.) was the most superior race, more superior than other white races like celtics too. They especially hated slavs though and put them below africans on their race hierarchy chart. Slavs were in the same category as gypsys and only above jews, even though they were white. That's because nazis didn't care about "the white race" they only cared about aryans

They believed that the germanic race descended of the ancient aryan race, from which other indo-european races like persians, kurds, other iranians and even indians descend too. They would have put an indian or iranian over a blonde slav in their hierarchy list.

The things is that light skinned and even blonde or blue eyed iranians and kurds do exist.


The theory of the nazis was that they all looked like this originally but turned brown due to race-mixing over the centuries.

One thing I found out today btw are nuristanis:
They are an ethnic group in afghanistan and pakistan, that speak an iranian language and are muslim. Before they converted to islam they were hindus.
And this is how they look:
View attachment 748376


View attachment 748375

So I'm not a nazi, but I do find this very interesting

What are your thoughts on this? Are germanic whites, iranians and indians really related?
didnt read but any theory that doesnt agree that saudis are the master race is wrong, end of thread
To women, kind of. In reality, no.
Europe has always had massive migration waves, long before the modern era.
One of those waves was the indo-europeans (known as Aryans).
Modern europeans come from India. The Nazis knew it, and we know it even better nowadays.

In France for example, the Celts mixed with huge waves of Germans tribes and Latin Roman settlements, then Viking waves, then Eastern European waves, and nowadays, it's almost impossible to find who came from where and establoshed where, in which amount.

The "French Race" for example just doesn't exist, even for the French, because we're a very mixed population, even before the recent African waves (which are not really Black waves, as Arabs are technically Whites, and North-Africans don't consider themselves... africans).

Hitler was aware of the complexity of the French population and "only" asked the extermination of French Jews, then French gypsies. The mix of Latin - Celtic - German blood was not a problem for him. But he was thinking the French however had to be ideologically nazified.

About supremacy, the fact that the "White World" became stronger than any other area in the World, it is not linked to genetics at all. It is only linked to the 1346 Black Death plague in Europe, who killed half the French population in 5 years, sending it back to year 800. This event created a huge reform about human value as humans had became too rare in Western Europe. So working males asked much better life conditions etc, and discovering the New World was just a perfect opportunity to expand the European Area.

Then we conquered almost all the world. Even after the absolute destruction of Europe in 1945, we recovered very fast and became back the strongest developped area. Our real power is not trying to implement our culture or genetics everywhere ; our power is that we master absorbing every other population, area or culture to make it our own and serve our interests.

We don't make kids enough ? Let's absorb the adult African workforce, let's steal this workforce from their continent and make them OUR workforce, our population, implement in their head our ideas, philosophy, greed, language and everything. And let's use this workforce to dominate Africa, with Black military troops raising our flag, shooting their bros, and so on.

We're whitening people, little by little. Make them desire to be us, to be white. And if one day there are no longer africans to absorb, we'll start a war in another area of the world and make their population to flee away here, just like we do with Ukrainians and Russians nowadays. Since 1346 we always win, and always will, because it's our fate ; countries will collapse, and their population will become our citizen, serving our interests, fighting their own bros with our weapons.

Hitler died, but Germany still exists, is richer than ever, is very populated, has a huge diplomatic weight. Who really lost the war ?
They were correct about this. All the major achievements have come from these races.

They were wrong here.
slavs are amazing people.

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