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Is teen love really that important?



I'm not Austrian and I'm not a mogger
Jun 6, 2024
Is it something in which it's over for your adulthood because you need to have fond memories and morale in your teen years? Or is it just another simple sad aspect of our lives that we missed out on it? Like how we missed out on a lot of other expierences. Or some other third option
I personally think that your teen years won't affect your adult psycosis as much as your childhood years but I'm sure missing out on teen love sure will have effects on adulthood confidence and morale
How important really is it?
its more important than a good career

"You will always be an orphan of those adolescent loves you never knew." by Houellebecq.
I guess you won't experience romantic love in the same way again if you don't do it in your teenage years, when hormonal changes are at their peak in your body (you will never feel love with such intensity again)

and I guess it is also related to the limbic system, adolescence is a critical phase of its development.
I guess you won't experience romantic love in the same way again if you don't do it in your teenage years, when hormonal changes are at their peak in your body

and I guess it is also related to the limbic system, adolescence is a critical phase of its development.
no teen love = abused dog for life
I had a crush as a child before my teens, and the feeling was amazing. I can't really put it into words, but seeing her made my heart do acrobatics, and she was nice in holding hands when we would skate down a hill.
you will never feel love with such intensity again
18-25 yes.

Below that as in from 13 on up very few males ever have it like that.
I had a crush as a child before my teens, and the feeling was amazing. I can't really put it into words, but seeing her made my heart do acrobatics, and she was nice in holding hands when we would skate down a hill.
me too, I remember going to school and thinking: fuck, I just come here to get beaten and humiliated for eight hours every day, and the only good thing about this place is her and being near her and hearing her voice and seeing her face :feelsrope::feelshaha::feelsrope:
you mean they dont get into relationships below 13?
I’m talking sexual relationships beginning at age 13 which is what most users here actually mean when they refer to “teen love”.

Of course useless cuck shit like sexless puppy love exists at younger ages as well can exist during one’s teen years but as we all know fucking is what all guys really want while the girl wants to waste the guys time as long as possible before actually fucking him if she ever does at all unless he is Chad in which case when she explains the story later to her grandkids it will be: “Oh don’t know what came over me, normally I wasn’t like that with the other boys but he was different as he looked at me in a certain way and was just so vERy handsome I couldn’t help myself teehee!”
me too, I remember going to school and thinking: fuck, I just come here to get beaten and humiliated for eight hours every day, and the only good thing about this place is her and being near her and hearing her voice and seeing her face :feelsrope::feelshaha::feelsrope:

jesus Christ, this is brutal
Yes. If you missed on it you'll probably be an incel. People who think they'll peak in their 30s are coping
me too, I remember going to school and thinking: fuck, I just come here to get beaten and humiliated for eight hours every day, and the only good thing about this place is her and being near her and hearing her voice and seeing her face :feelsrope::feelshaha::feelsrope:
holy shit man thanks for the ropefuel
Who knows never experienced it
Is it something in which it's over for your adulthood because you need to have fond memories and morale in your teen years? Or is it just another simple sad aspect of our lives that we missed out on it? Like how we missed out on a lot of other expierences. Or some other third option
I personally think that your teen years won't affect your adult psycosis as much as your childhood years but I'm sure missing out on teen love sure will have effects on adulthood confidence and morale
How important really is it?
It is important because when your an adult you only ascend with the adult roasties
Missed out on teen live and I just don't care anymore, what i do care about is the present.
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Missed out on teen live and I just care anymore, what i do care about is the present.
I agree. The past isn't a forked lightning, the roots of a tree, veins in a hurting eye, nor a connection of roads. It's a straight line. There are no choices in life. Looking back and thinking to yourself what could have happened or what could've been better is a meaningless act. The past is the past, history. A story with an order. No stems, no changes, only a straight line. But despite knowing this.
Sometimes I just got to sit on my ass and feel sorry for myself. Sometimes you just gotta bitch out haha
If you are low T then yes it does matter. Nothing against low T individuals. I, myself care more about slaying than anything else. If you are questioning if teen love is important to you, then the answer is probably yes.
Is it something in which it's over for your adulthood because you need to have fond memories and morale in your teen years? Or is it just another simple sad aspect of our lives that we missed out on it? Like how we missed out on a lot of other expierences. Or some other third option
I personally think that your teen years won't affect your adult psycosis as much as your childhood years but I'm sure missing out on teen love sure will have effects on adulthood confidence and morale
How important really is it?

Better than being with a college roastie or older
I guess you won't experience romantic love in the same way again if you don't do it in your teenage years, when hormonal changes are at their peak in your body (you will never feel love with such intensity again)

and I guess it is also related to the limbic system, adolescence is a critical phase of its development.

And she’ll be gross when not a teen, and won’t love you as much
If you are low T then yes it does matter. Nothing against low T individuals. I, myself care more about slaying than anything else. If you are questioning if teen love is important to you, then the answer is probably yes.
Could you elaborate? I dont understand
me too, I remember going to school and thinking: fuck, I just come here to get beaten and humiliated for eight hours every day, and the only good thing about this place is her and being near her and hearing her voice and seeing her face :feelsrope::feelshaha::feelsrope:
Same man it happened to me a few months ago. And then she left and moved away to another state. It's not like we could've ever been together. But in my delusional mind it was so real. It hurts so fucking bad
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Same man it happened to me recently. And then she left and moved away to another state. It's not like we could've ever been together. But in my delusional mind it was so real. It hurts so fucking bad
We never spoke. If I'd spoken to her I would've gotten rejected anyway but it still hurts so fucking bad. In my mind we were together and happy but then she left
The experience and development you get is absolutely crucial. There will be no other time where you can have a relationship with no external pressures. No bills, no job etc. The thrill of discovering yourself with someone else.

Just imagine dating in your 30's. There will be a long list of requirements that weren't there in high school. They'll have much more experience than you. And you'll never be able to experience that once you miss it
many normies do manage to get adult relationships without having had teen sex or love

teen love is cucked, your gf will probably move on to fuck someone else by uni

it may have benefits, but glamorizing a relationship with a foid who's going to leave you and fuck around is imo strange
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Yes it's very important

"You will always be an orphan of those adolescent loves you never knew." by Houellebecq.
Yep, this is so true. Teen love is essential for proper development and relationship ability later in life. Without it, you will always be so far behind that you’ll never catch up. And even if you do somehow begin to attract women, there will always be a hole in your soul because of the lost time.
Not at all. Anyone who says otherwise is a child.

Missing out on prime JB pussy on the otherhand…
Yep, this is so true. Teen love is essential for proper development and relationship ability later in life. Without it, you will always be so far behind that you’ll never catch up. And even if you do somehow begin to attract women, there will always be a hole in your soul because of the lost time.
Yeah you will never be able to have a normal healthy relationship with a foid because your brain lacks this essential experience. It is like feral children who grew up without other humans: no matter what is done they can never learn to speak or become social with humans later in life.
It's vital, beyond important. You cannot proceed in life without it.
Yeah you will never be able to have a normal healthy relationship with a foid because your brain lacks this essential experience. It is like feral children who grew up without other humans: no matter what is done they can never learn to speak or become social with humans later in life.
True. Once you are an adult, you missed the time to learn this shit effectively and also to not have the bitterness build in you from lacking love and sex then.

Plus, after a certain age like 16, people judge the fuck outta you for not ever having had a girlfriend as well to the mental damage. Women don’t want a guy that’s inexperienced. They find it truly disgusting. Back as a YOUNG teen, you could find girls that were ok with inexperienced guys, because it was normal at that age to have no experience.

Now, it’s expected we already have experience, and we are viewed as aliens for not having it.
It's vital, beyond important. You cannot proceed in life without it.
This. Can’t move onto other things in life while missing out on the very basics. The gap between the stunted psyche development from missing this milestone and the physical aging of the body grows and grows.

Progressing in life without ever having a shred of female attention is like trying to put a powerful engine into a car with a rusted frame. It’s gonna fail because of what’s missing at the very core of the thing. Whereas if you started with a car that had a strong frame and no rust (someone who has the baseline of relationship experience), then you can add a better engine and whatever else because the pre requirements are already met.
Yes, a lot but not what a incel should be thinkimg about if they dont intend to suicide
men discover who they really are under adversity, there is no greater adversity nowadays than being an ugly, autistic pariah
i think lack of teen love will lead to us defining the era
a new epoch is coming
This. Can’t move onto other things in life while missing out on the very basics. The gap between the stunted psyche development from missing this milestone and the physical aging of the body grows and grows.

Progressing in life without ever having a shred of female attention is like trying to put a powerful engine into a car with a rusted frame. It’s gonna fail because of what’s missing at the very core of the thing. Whereas if you started with a car that had a strong frame and no rust (someone who has the baseline of relationship experience), then you can add a better engine and whatever else because the pre requirements are already met.
Good analogy. You seen really well spoken
It's a development milestone. Take a kid and lock them in a room so they can't talk to anyone during their childhood and take another and make them sociable as possible. The one locked away will be behind in development. If you miss out on teen love you will be behind in development for your adulthood because your mind and body doesn't know or won't know what that is or how to go about finding and loving someone.
It's everything
If girls weren't interested in you during your teen years, in a completely artificial environment, then yes, its over for you.

Schools have rougly 50/50 gender ratio, (depends on the school), girls and boys of the same age are locked in the same classroom together, they have to spend hours learning together in same close knit spaces.. if girls aren't attracted to you in that dream scenario, then they are never going to be attracted to you.

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