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Is Sneir what you though he'd be like?



"When I look in the mirror, I throw up."
Oct 6, 2020
In videos he posted, he is not what I thought he'd be like. He claims he's over 6 feet tall and 200 lbs, I thought he was joking or just saying it to sound tough. I thought he would be a short, skinny, American teen who talks quickly, kind of like Beavis from Beavis and Butthead. The all caps in these strange sentences make him seem so juvenile.

Anybody else feel like that?
In videos he posted, he is not what I thought he'd be like. He claims he's over 6 feet tall and 200 lbs, I thought he was joking or just saying it to sound tough. I thought he would be a short, skinny, American teen who talks quickly, kind of like Beavis from Beavis and Butthead. The all caps in these strange sentences make him seem so juvenile.

Anybody else feel like that?
Every single post written on this account is fiction. Account was created as an social experiment. Do not attempt this at home. Doing so could lead you but is not limited to death, breakage, screaming parents, dismemberment, leakage, foul discharge, mutilation, humiliation, dehydration, itchy feet, hypertension, a splinter - And you know how painful those can be! This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this post are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidenta
All my post is fiction. Attention to any and all intelligence agencies: every post ever made by this IP and any other associated with it have been done for no purpose other than satire. I hereby absolve myself of any and all intent to commit acts of violence or terror against any party be they fictional or existing, furthermore, any post made in the future by this IP or any associated will have been done for the sole purpose of research and/or satirical purpose.

Every single post written on this account is fiction. Account was created as an social experiment. Do not attempt this at home. Doing so could lead you but is not limited to death, breakage, screaming parents, dismemberment, leakage, foul discharge, mutilation, humiliation, dehydration, itchy feet, hypertension, a splinter - And you know how painful those can be! This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this post are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

All my post is fiction. Attention to any and all intelligence agencies: every post ever made by this IP and any other associated with it have been done for no purpose other than satire. I hereby absolve myself of any and all intent to commit acts of violence or terror against any party be they fictional or existing, furthermore, any post made in the future by this IP or any associated will have been done for the sole purpose of research and/or satirical purpose.
In videos he posted, he is not what I thought he'd be like. He claims he's over 6 feet tall and 200 lbs, I thought he was joking or just saying it to sound tough. I thought he would be a short, skinny, American teen who talks quickly, kind of like Beavis from Beavis and Butthead. The all caps in these strange sentences make him seem so juvenile.

Anybody else feel like that?
Every single post written on this account is fiction. Account was created as an social experiment. Do not attempt this at home. Doing so could lead you but is not limited to death, breakage, screaming parents, dismemberment, leakage, foul discharge, mutilation, humiliation, dehydration, itchy feet, hypertension, a splinter - And you know how painful those can be! This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this post are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidenta
All my post is fiction. Attention to any and all intelligence agencies: every post ever made by this IP and any other associated with it have been done for no purpose other than satire. I hereby absolve myself of any and all intent to commit acts of violence or terror against any party be they fictional or existing, furthermore, any post made in the future by this IP or any associated will have been done for the sole purpose of research and/or satirical purpose.

Every single post written on this account is fiction. Account was created as an social experiment. Do not attempt this at home. Doing so could lead you but is not limited to death, breakage, screaming parents, dismemberment, leakage, foul discharge, mutilation, humiliation, dehydration, itchy feet, hypertension, a splinter - And you know how painful those can be! This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this post are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

All my post is fiction. Attention to any and all intelligence agencies: every post ever made by this IP and any other associated with it have been done for no purpose other than satire. I hereby absolve myself of any and all intent to commit acts of violence or terror against any party be they fictional or existing, furthermore, any post made in the future by this IP or any associated will have been done for the sole purpose of research and/or satirical purpose.
You sad he's not your age so you can have a fellow kids.is buddy haha
How old is Sneir ?
Man you are so young go play a damn sport
He's a very interesting guy.
Man you are so young go play a damn sport
I'm basically done with highschool. It's too late to join any school sports. I'm too retarded for team sports anyway, it requires a normie level of communication and quick thinking. I would've been good if I joined weightlifting.
I don't have it but I'm more fucked up than alot of autists.
Yea people think they have autism because its an easy issue to blame on retarded communications skills ≠ autism
If one has autism he wouldn't even know....
you are 20yo you fake retard .
Im 26 actually, dumbfuck. If you click my profile it lists the age. Lurk more, and learn how to use the site spastic mong
Yeah, so what? Im 26, but this place is full of kiddie teens like OP, and yourself (if 2006 is your birth date)
26 is young too. And 18 is already adult age.
Im 26 actually, dumbfuck. If you click my profile it lists the age. Lurk more, and learn how to use the site spastic mong
you are fake ogre 20yo bully. yeah youre just a retard.
Autism is so annoying why does everyone here have it
Autism and aspergers are major cause of inceldom. One must be really attractive to get away with them. Women can just sense from autistic people that something is wrong with them in pussy drying way. The NT-pill is the reason why some shorter and less attractive men have women.
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you are fake ogre 20yo bully. yeah youre just a retard.
And again, you're wrong. Do you not know how to read? But keep crying, and thanks for letting me live rent free in your little head, is comfy
He’s an giga schizo ogre lol. Ogres are incel just low inhib and cuck males
you do like boys and gays can tell. who even likes you here? you are a retard.
You type like a zoomer normag. Learn how to argue properly, other than just spamming muh retard (which you clearly are) non stop. Reddit is that way, boy. Leave this site.

GrAY mongoloid.
You type like a zoomer normag.
have never posted on reddit. i dont even like reading the shit when posted here. i got insulted by a 3/10 landwhale brownoid cunt why would i leave here?????????????/
Autism and aspergers are major cause of inceldom. One must be really attractive to get away with them. Women can just sense from autistic people that something is wrong with them in pussy drying way. The NT-pill is the reason why some shorter and less attractive men have women.
have never posted on reddit. i dont even like reading the shit when posted here. i got insulted by a 3/10 landwhale brownoid cunt why would i leave here?????????????/
Then why are you here in the first place, just to argue like a moron with others, sandnigger?
Then why are you here in the first place, just to argue like a moron with others, sandnigger?
same to you. not a sandnigger. she was a latinx mutt.
same to you. not a sandnigger. she was a latinx mutt.
You're the one who tagged me and insulted for no reason, dumb cunt. I dont give a shit about you/ your problems. I'm not interested in talking to some brain dead moron like yourself, as thats clearly what you are. Now shoo, and go bother someone else
You're the one who tagged me and insulted for no reason, dumb cunt. I dont give a shit about you/ your problems. I'm not interested in talking to some brain dead moron like yourself, as thats clearly what you are. Now shoo, and go bother someone else
nig er you cry GrAY non stop saying you dont believe people and they are fake. do you even lurk? i have been here almost every day for many hours daily. there are people here who are non virgins who ascended with multiple foids. you are failing at your wannabe mod duty.
nig er you cry GrAY non stop saying you dont believe people and they are fake. do you even lurk? i have been here almost every day for many hours daily. there are people here who are non virgins who ascended with multiple foids. you are failing at your wannabe mod duty.
Why do you care so much about GrAYs? So what, lots of people give them shit, and a lot of the time deservdly so imo. They either post garbage threads or turn out to be infiltrators.

Are you gonna message all the people here with your same shit, mong boy, sticking up for muh GrAYs? You're the pathetic one, get over it...
forget it. i cant change you but i can ignore. we got shit lives. @Pancakecel
forget it. i cant change you but i can ignore. we got shit lives. @Pancakecel
I.e you called me out and lost haha, you're not the first one to do so lad, and probably won't be the last. But yes my life is shit indeed, so you can have that...
I.e you called me out and lost haha, you're not the first one to do so lad, and probably won't be the last. But yes my life is shit indeed, so you can have that...
no one is winning here jfl sad shit.
6 feet tall and 200 lbs, I thought he was joking or just saying it to sound tough. I thought he would be a short, skinny, American teen who talks quickl
that's just what the average balkan looks like, why would you think he's lying
Seems like he'll be the guy to put us on the news again lmfao but he seems cool even if he's nuts even by Incel standards. Hoping I get to see him around more

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