I'm 28 and did something similar with a group of friends that were 5 years younger. Would not recommend, i felt so out of place. Meanwhile they smoked weed and talked about normie songs, i just wanted to be playing videogames.
But if you have similar interests and you don't like to be alone you could try it out, the worst think that could happen is that you'll get bored
Think about it if people can tolerate hanging around with you, then you are not ugly. You might be 4/10 at worst, I can tell you right now that when my face was between 4-5/10 at least a few people would tolerate me, even with my social skills. Of course, I got uglier with age and cosmetic surgery and despite every attempt to socialize I am 3-4/10 facially so it's impossible to even have long conversations with people let alone have them invite me anywhere. People are disgusted and embarassed to be seen around you when you are sub4, the fact someone with a gf is willing to hang out with you indicates you are not ugly and can ascend. So, congratulations.
You're quite wrong here my friend, while they tolerate you as you put it if you don't have a deformed face, saying that you can ascend is blowing things out of proportion.
To take me as an example i'm 4/10 5'4 and never had any problems talking with males, what's more i talked with some females as well. All of my interactions with women resulted in failure to connect, not only that but they did not gave 2 shits about me ever. Males we're always interesed in talking with me, with females even if we had common interest they always did not give 2 shits. Always borings yes/no conversations, they did not care if i was there with them at all.
So while people will tolerate you and maybe accept your presence that's as far as you can go. I understand that maybe you have had difficulties with making friends and what not and i also know that the lower in the lookscale you are the less people will want to be around you, it's a shitty fact but it's true. Now that you have it so much better being 1 point above it's just plain ridiculous.
I also had to watch so many so fucking many painful interactions thanks to being 'invited' to do things. So i think being 30 yo, virgin and friendless enough to consider meeting with people a decade younger speaks volumes about his value as a man.