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Blackpill Is calling yourself an "introvert" coping?



Jul 23, 2018
Are most people here truly introverted? Or does the fact that incels have been consistently rejected led them to an isolated lifestyle and hence towards a bias perception of their core personality as introverted.

If you had a chad face and body, because of your look you would always be validated for no good reason, be perceived as charismatic and you would end up as the center of attention as a result, all the women would always be throwing themselves at you, which would lead you to always socialize by default, hence you would be an "extrovert".

Human interactions and having friends/girlfriends is a basic human need, introversion is an incel fatality. Introvert is gentler term masking the reality, like calling a mentally retarded person a disabled person; incel, a creature society doesn't want to socially interact with. Calling yourself an introvert is cope to me, the reason you tend/"prefer" to be alone is because of your subhuman look not because you brain was wired towards introversion. Being an introvert is an attempt at justifying living a loser lifestyle.

MBTI is pseudo-scientific crap to me anyway, just a matter of time before it is define as such.
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I think being an incel and being an introvert go hand in hand. I think that the low inhibcels are actually extroverts, but are forced to be introverts because of their inceldom.
No I'm a legit introvert.

Humans are social animals though, it's over lmao.
No I'm a legit introvert.

Humans are social animals though, it's over lmao.

If you were a 10/10 Chad growing up with the same starting brain, do you think you would consider yourself an introvert with all those hoes around you?
I've had severity anxiety/shyness ever since I was a toddler. So honestly, I don't think it's coping.
I've had severity anxiety/shyness ever since I was a toddler. So honestly, I don't think it's coping.
If you were attractive when you were a toddler people would have treated you better and adults would of made an effort to be around you and talk to you more.
If you had a chad face and body, because of your look you would be perceived as charismatic and you would end up as the center of attention as a result, all the women would always be throwing themselves at you, which would lead you to always socialize by default, hence you would be an "extrovert".

Agreed, though I think it's more like it's more NORMAL for you to be extroverted and people accept that you are naturally outgoing by your looks, status, etc.

I would like to add that you can be confident and an introvert at the same time, there's nothing wrong with being an introvert but still able to talk infront of a huge crowd.

Extroversion is brought upon someone, not formed by the individual tbh.
Introvert just means that you are ugly. All normies think that when they see you alone and not talking to people that they got you figured out and that you are an introvert. Fuck that cunt Susan Cain.
Well you never see an introverted Chad so I think that tells us all we need to know.
Agreed, though I think it's more like it's more NORMAL for you to be extroverted and people accept that you are naturally outgoing by your looks, status, etc.

I would like to add that you can be confident and an introvert at the same time, there's nothing wrong with being an introvert but still able to talk infront of a huge crowd.

Extroversion is brought upon someone, not formed by the individual tbh.

Introvert just means that you are ugly. All normies think that when they see you alone and not talking to people that they got you figured out and that you are an introvert. Fuck that cunt Susan Cain.
Well you never see an introverted Chad so I think that tells us all we need to know.

High IQ.
It's a cope people use to excuse away the fact they're not outside enjoying life with other people.

Introvert just means that you are ugly. All normies think that when they see you alone and not talking to people that they got you figured out and that you are an introvert. Fuck that cunt Susan Cain.
Pretty much this.

There is something as enjoying yourself more alone, but thats only because you have to be alone. If someone was attractive, people would immediately want to be their friend and treat them in a friendly manner.
Extroverts = NPC's
Introverts = true sentient
i’m ‘introverted’ due to poor looks. if i was a chad my entire childhood, that would be a different story.
everything that isn't roping is coping
Yep, introversion is 9 times out of 10 forced unto someone, usually by being ugly, as the majority of people do not want to associate with your ass. If we were good looking, people would come to us, strike up convos and try to get to know us better. I used to be extroverted until society forced my hand and made me shift my mindset and essentially fold, lest I go insane from rejection.

Introvert just means that you are ugly. All normies think that when they see you alone and not talking to people that they got you figured out and that you are an introvert.
I wish I didn't have a need to interact with people. It destroys me with anxiety. It's completely unsustainable.

If you were attractive the anxiety would never exist in the first place.
You didn't have to remind me.
Using any reason other than being physically unattractive for rejection is coping.
Im a legit introvert. Even as a baby i preferred being alone and not talking.
Everyone likes company when people are nice to you.
If you had the Halo you'd never be "introverted"
Or does the fact that incels have been consistently rejected led them to an isolated lifestyle and hence towards a bias perception of their core personality as introverted.
:yes::yes::yes: Before puberty fucked me up I was very outgoing. Now at the age of 21 I barely leave the house
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If you were a 10/10 Chad growing up with the same starting brain, do you think you would consider yourself an introvert with all those hoes around you?
Introversion doesn't matter unless you are autistic and can't communicate with people. Do you really think introverted Chads don't get laid?
Introversion doesn't matter unless you are autistic and can't communicate with people. Do you really think introverted Chads don't get laid?

I think it is impossible to develop introversion as a chad, those two realities are mutually exclusive. (unless mental problems such as autism)
I used to be the most talkative person at my kindergarten, and in elementary school, but now I fit the criteria of an introvert. I mean, I could never bond with more than one person at a time and always hated groups, but I used to be a lot more talkative than I am today. I never really minded being alone though, I found it quite peaceful, in fact.
I think it is impossible to develop introversion as a chad, those two realities are mutually exclusive. (unless mental problems such as autism)
Shyness =! Introversion

Introverts just prefer to spend most time alone but still go out. I know some chads like this in my uni
Well said, OP. It's a blackpill we all must indeed swallow. I've never seen an introverted Chad and I can't imagine one to be perfectly frank.

It's hard to make any sense of incentives otherwise. If you simply imagine being Chad, it's clear that you'd have every reason to be ultra extroverted and no reason whatsoever to be introverted. If you're ugly, the opposite applies.
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I am, i don't call myself that though, asocial is a better term not yet ruined by normies and femoids, nobody rejected me, quite the contrary, people at school always pressured me to be more social but i refused and had isolated myself, i still do, with the exception of a few familly members, i don't socialize with anyone.

It sure as shit isn't my fatality, nor are having friends and having a girlfriend human needs, not to me, most other humans are a threat to my happiness and existence.
Im a legit introvert. Even as a baby i preferred being alone and not talking.
Ditto. I have always prefered being alone. Part of my mental illness. But it comes and goes. I can start feeling loneliness and longing for others.
I might’ve been a full blown extrovert by now if I had gotten over my shyness. I kinda like being around people, makes me feel less lonely.
Personality chad tbh. But it doesnt matter
Everyone is a product of their interactions with society to some extent. Some are more influenced than others, but influenced they will be.

If everytime you try to interact with someone and you get negative emotions your brain makes a neurological patterns of interaction = bad. So you go home and fullfill your social need with something else like this forum.
not really, some people are just less inclined to speak to others
I used to think I was introverted until I realized that I’m very talkative, outgoing, social, loud, and energetic when im at home around my family. I only show introverted qualities when I’m in public around people that aren’t part of my family. I have no idea why that is, I think its cause I grew up with my family and knew them since I was born so we have very similar personalities and interests and can understand each other very easily, but I also know people that are introverted even around their family so idk.
Are most people here truly introverted? Or does the fact that incels have been consistently rejected led them to an isolated lifestyle and hence towards a bias perception of their core personality as introverted.

If you had a chad face and body, because of your look you would always be validated for no good reason, be perceived as charismatic and you would end up as the center of attention as a result, all the women would always be throwing themselves at you, which would lead you to always socialize by default, hence you would be an "extrovert".

Human interactions and having friends/girlfriends is a basic human need, introversion is an incel fatality. Introvert is gentler term masking the reality, like calling a mentally retarded person a disabled person; incel, a creature society doesn't want to socially interact with. Calling yourself an introvert is cope to me, the reason you tend/"prefer" to be alone is because of your subhuman look not because you brain was wired towards introversion. Being an introvert is an attempt at justifying living a loser lifestyle.

MBTI is pseudo-scientific crap to me anyway, just a matter of time before it is define as such.

i remember in school wanting a big circle of friends in a big house with constantly 10 people around with wife and children.
changed to now i only want weed and vidyas and actively avoid all social interactions, for me the main reason is mental childhood trauma and constant rejection from girls in my teens.

its also just an observation but all the ugly incels in my office are shy and anti social and the pretty boys are all extrovert and constantly talking to people.
Myers Brigg is a big a cope as Astrology.
I think I'm a genuine introvert but then again I can't really be sure OP.

As a lowly Wizard outcast I was never properly socialized by my peers and so don't know what I would be now had I instead been born with normie or Chad genes.
Chad's cock can be introverted but still gets gallons and gallons pussy
We're just ugly

Ugliness = social seclusion
I always barely interacted with people even when i was really young and not yet ugly and shunned, i think i ended up getting shat on for reclusion first and then looks only after i got ugly in puberty.

But then again, i'm probably an autismcel.

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