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JFL Iranian whores: new episode (video included)

Is your idiot brain getting fucked by stupid? WITHOUT SUPPORTERS / SIMPS it wouldnt be THERE. Do you see these kind of things in other lands such as the caucasus? for example chechenya, ingushetia, azeirbaijan, dagestan, you dont. Because if women started to do this there they would get killed or beaten because its not a place of simps and cucks that allow this degeneracy
In every place there are people who potentially are drug addicts. But no one forces you to sell drugs. There are people that will pay you for drugs but you still guilty if you sell them drugs.
No one forces whores to be whores.
Are there reality shows type big brother in Iran? Just wait and people will have uncensored sex on national TV.
"Islam can't do s*** keep coping"

But Iran isn't a Muslim country. Its an extreme Shia / rafidah country. All the major scholars and fatwas call rafidahs (shias) non Muslims. Real Islam is free of your degenerate country
Shekel is the Israeli currency (ie. jewish), "Berg" is a common part of Jewish surnames.

What I meant by that comment is that (((they))) destroyed these systems of morality and faith that have stood in some places more than two thousand years. These systems kept the people in check and away from degradation. Jews destroyed these systems from the inside out for power and profits.
How are Jews different from abrahamic religion? I thought they come from the same thing. Read your sentence below

Organized religion such as Abrahamic ones or organized systems of morality like Buddhism were the only thing that kept humanity from slipping into primitivism and chaos. Sadly Shekelberg and his friends destroyed these systems for power and profits.

In every place there are people who potentially are drug addicts. But no one forces you to sell drugs. There are people that will pay you for drugs but you still guilty if you sell them drugs.
No one forces whores to be whores.
Women should be controlled systematically. Simps have always existed throughout history

Are there reality shows type big brother in Iran? Just wait and people will have uncensored sex on national TV.
I'm pretty sure that'll happen after the Islamic republic. Iran is going to be the center of degeneracy after the current regime. Its going to get out of control.

Would khamenia be able to continue his regime?
I doubt that. Depends on Russia and China IMO. They support the current regime

"Islam can't do s*** keep coping"

But Iran isn't a Muslim country. Its an extreme Shia / rafidah country. All the major scholars and fatwas call rafidahs (shias) non Muslims. Real Islam is free of your degenerate country
Cope. Women are riding Chad's dick in countries like Pakistan, KSA, Turkey,etc while their husband are at work. Islam is dying faster than ever because of the like media.
How are Jews different from abrahamic religion? I thought they come from the same thing. Read your sentence below
The used to be by all means, they followed The Old Testament, but they don't anymore. They follow the Talmund a book written in the 3rd or 4th century AD. Which is basically a manual on how to use and control the goyim, the non-Jew.
Abrahamic religions are copes made by jew lovers.Be a good boy goyim work for mr shekelstein in this life and maybe you get 72 virgins in heaven.Jfl at islam copers
The used to be by all means, they followed The Old Testament, but they don't anymore. They follow the Talmund a book written in the 3rd or 4th century AD. Which is basically a manual on how to use and control the goyim, the non-Jew.
Shit. I didn't know that. We're literally jew's puppets.

and maybe you get 72 virgins in heaven.Jfl at islam copers
Iranians tried to save their nation against whores by their revolution but it did not work. I'm afraid that they are lost, there is no hope, no future for Iranians. They cannot even try a new islamic revolution because it would be useless. The only country where an incel has some chance to have a decent life is Afghanistan where it is possible to buy a girl friend for 1000 €.
I knew Twitter was a cesspool but this shit is outrageous.

The, "You're 190cm tall?" bit hit too close to home. They’re shamelessly emulating the EXACT same degenerate western culture attitude while also simultaneously thinking they’re being quirky or unique with it. It’s like a fucking plague you can’t escape from.

How mayocels have the audacity to claim that it’s only their women who are immensely hyper-focused on looks and height when THIS shit is already on this forum is beyond me.
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I knew Twitter was a cesspool but this shit is outrageous.

The, "You're 190cm tall?" bit hit too close to home. They’re shamelessly emulating the EXACT same degenerate western culture attitude while also simultaneously thinking they’re being quirky or unique with it. It’s like a fucking plague you can’t escape from.

How mayocels have the audacity to claim that it’s only their women who are immensely hyper-focused on looks and height when THIS shit is already on this forum is beyond me.
I have hundreds of other pics and videos. Tbh I do t feel like posting them here anymore because there's no point in doing so.

Mayocels cope way too hard. They keep coping with islam and arrange marriage while their favorite hoejabis are riding Kamran's dick left and right
Can you not report to this to the religious police?
The religious police was disbanded after they killed that Kurdish apostate slut in prison. Now their duties have been assumed by regular police, who are absolutely useless and don't give a shit about enforcement of morality codes.
What Iran needs to do is unleash its revolutionary guard against the enemies of Islam: round up every slut/faggot/tranny/simp/beta orbiter who attended those parties, and hang them from a crane on a street corner.
Also round up every slut pictured on the richkidsoftehran page, and slaughter their entire family. Seize their assets too.
Unleash a fucking purge against anyone considered unislamic. There's nothing like a good purge to cleanse a country and strike terror into your enemies, like what ISIS did when they captured Mosul: anyone associated with the old regime (police officers, army cadets and officers, politicians, members of the old government, traitors associated with the sunni awakening, former translators for the Amerimutt zogbots, yazidis, shia dogs, christians, foreign diplomats, judges, court workers etc) all got trucked out of the city to the river where they received a free bullet :feelskek:
"Islam can't do s*** keep coping"

But Iran isn't a Muslim country. Its an extreme Shia / rafidah country. All the major scholars and fatwas call rafidahs (shias) non Muslims. Real Islam is free of your degenerate country
Agreed. Shia are apostates, and Iran is an apostate country. The only good thing they did was overthrow the Shah and kick out his cronies, which they replaced with a bunch of criminal shits and justified the new regime by couching it in religious terms.
that Kurdish apostate slut in prison.
Any proof of this?? The Iranian state likes stomping on Kurds, Balochis etc. They don't allow a single Sunni mosque in any Shia majority city not even Tehran.
Any proof of this?? The Iranian state likes stomping on Kurds, Balochis etc. They don't allow a single Sunni mosque in any Shia majority city not even Tehran.
(((western media))) is claiming that Kurdish apostate slut, Mahsa Amini, was died in hospital after getting bashed up by the religious police while she was in their custody.
(((western media))) is claiming that Kurdish apostate slut, Mahsa Amini, was died in hospital after getting bashed up by the religious police while she was in their custody.
Just believe whatever western media says theory. I still see no proof of her being an apostate, they didn't even claim that, nor has Iranian media. You knowing slandering a Muslim woman who has died a shaheed is a major sin.
Damn. I find some iranian women cute. They have better thick then most Asians. Not surprised tho.
(((western media))) is claiming that Kurdish apostate slut, Mahsa Amini, was died in hospital after getting bashed up by the religious police while she was in their custody.

View: https://twitter.com/EbnHussein1424/status/1574390388919451648

Are you not embarrassed abuincelalaustrali ??
i want some iranian meat tbh, but it seems since there will never be more arranged marriages so it's pointless
Is it true most Iranians hate Islam and are secular atheists?
This kinda reminds me of Poland, on the surface Poland looks conservative (85%+ Christian and one of the religious countries in Europe) but only the old people are conservative, the young generation is totally liberal and westernized and Americanized.
This kinda reminds me of Poland, on the surface Poland looks conservative (85%+ Christian and one of the religious countries in Europe) but only the old people are conservative, the young generation is totally liberal and westernized and Americanized.
I remember I used to watch viva polska many years ago and that music video channel used to show the most degenerate polish music of its time.

BTW, yes, Iranians are heading toward atheism. The future of Iran seems dark and a country without religion can crumble down.
Islam is dying fast. In about 10 years Iran will be 80% atheist at least
(((western media))) is claiming that Kurdish apostate slut, Mahsa Amini, was died in hospital after getting bashed up by the religious police while she was in their custody.
Yeah thay kike story was bs. She died of pre existing medical conditions, something her own family admitted to. She was not beaten for showing "a strand if hair " either jfl
Globohomo spares no one. That's all I can say.

I couldn't stop laughing after seeing these videos, so I thought I should share it with you guys.
Here are two videos of Iranian foids having anime cosplay parties.

Islam can't do shit. Keep coping. :lul::lul::lul:

View attachment 644635

View attachment 644636

Some other random pics from twitter:
View attachment 644638
"You're 190cm tall?"

View attachment 644641
"Imam Ali: You shall wear a thick dress for wearing a thin dress means your faith is also thin."

And this last one is a screen shot from a YouTube video:
View attachment 644640
"How to sell feet pics to earn money"

Unironically just Kurdmaxx; from what I gather (not Iranian myself, but my mom lived there for a time and my dad was born in the northern part of Tehran), this seems to be a Tehran/big city issue, so you could just move to a Kurdish nomad village, you live with some Kurds in the mountains, herd goats, enjoy nature, and get a virgin tradwaifu right from the getgo as a man

Most Iranians I know here in the Bay Area (Califag, btw) are from Tehran, and are insufferable cunts, while those like my grandpa (half Russian, lived in a town called Bandar Gaz next to Turkmenistan) are much more down to earth and appreciate the finer things in life
Imagine if the prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) saw this shit. This is what holy wars were waged over?
Unironically just Kurdmaxx; from what I gather (not Iranian myself, but my mom lived there for a time and my dad was born in the northern part of Tehran), this seems to be a Tehran/big city issue, so you could just move to a Kurdish nomad village, you live with some Kurds in the mountains, herd goats, enjoy nature, and get a virgin tradwaifu right from the getgo as a man

Most Iranians I know here in the Bay Area (Califag, btw) are from Tehran, and are insufferable cunts, while those like my grandpa (half Russian, lived in a town called Bandar Gaz next to Turkmenistan) are much more down to earth and appreciate the finer things in life
Bro it's the same everywhere. We actually had a kurdcel here a while ago. I don't know what happened to him.

It's literally over. I think height is more important here than the west. I don't know why Iranian foids are extremely obsessed with tall men. Them getting wet every time a volleyball match gets displayed on tv is enough proof
Whorism will always be their nature
These women deserve to be beheaded
Persians, enjoy jews, lonely incel men and women that becomes childless or move out to * white men until the Iranian population crumbles :ahegao:

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