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News Iran puts $80 million bounty on Trump

  • Thread starter Bane of Arthropods
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Bane of Arthropods

Bane of Arthropods

all i wanted was to be a real human being
Jan 4, 2020
Did you guys hear about this? I just now got online and was bombarded by tons of notifications and this was one of them. JFL is Iran serious about this? 80 million is their population and they want everyone to chip in one dollar to complete the 80 million bounty for the US President! You can't make this shit up!


Iraq is getting in on the fun and actually launched rockets at a US Embassy in Baghdad after the US killed that one Iranian leader. The Iraq actually missed the embassy and ended up killing civilians


Here's an excerpt I thought was kinda funny: "Iran has also announced it they will no longer abide by any of the limits of its 2015 nuclear deal. British Prime Minister Boris Johson called for a 'de-escalation' of violent tensions in the Middle East earlier today, before the latest rocket attack."

WW3 is coming to a town near you boyos. JFL if you don't think WW3 is actually coming, now!
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I thought Trump was America first and not going to be involved much in foreign affairs...
Bring it on please tbh.
Fuck it presidential assassination time.
I'll kill him and use the money for copes
i hope someone does it
I thought Trump was America first and not going to be involved much in foreign affairs...

Nobody supported him in his coup against the deep state so he capitulated. Why should he care anyway? He tried and everybody turned against him, so what does he own America exactly?

Every single American is responsible for this. All of the left and a sizable chunk of the right. Blaming Trump is just a way for people to wash their hands of their own stupidity and gullibility in not recognizing the forces that were at play when he won the presidency against all the obstacles the establishment threw in his way. The Americans deserve to be slaves of the deep state purely because of their stupidity.
Nobody supported him in his coup against the deep state so he capitulated. Every single American is responsible for this. All of the left and a sizable chunk of the right. Blaming Trump is just a way for people to wash their hands of their own stupidity and gullibility in not recognizing the forces that were at play when he won the presidency against all the obstacles the establishment threw in his way. The Americans deserve to be slaves of the deep state purely because of their stupidity.
Tbh, the average American is retarded. I don't see things getting better sadly. Its almost as if Trump wasn't elected at all.
I hope my town gets nuked first
The Americans deserve to be slaves of the deep state purely because of their stupidity.
tfw you're american :feelsseriously:

but I kind of agree the majority of americans choose slavery over freedom and they deserve it tbh
Trump is a retard that defends (((their))) interests,the idiot is doing exactly the things he said Hillary would do.

Even /pol/ says that he went full retard now,the only ones defending him are the cucks at r/The Donald.
Trump is a retard that defends (((their))) interests,the idiot is doing exactly the things he said Hillary would do.

Even /pol/ says that he went full retard now,the only ones defending him are the cucks at r/The Donald.
I think it's pretty fair to say Trump is the worst president in history or at least one of the top 5 worst ever. All politics aside tbh.
They should offer a virgin qt jb Iranian bride instead tbh
Iran vs. Britain & America is not WW3. Iran vs. Britain & America is a spitroasting for Iran. 80 million dollars. How much is that? One plane?
Iran vs. Britain & America is not WW3. Iran vs. Britain & America is a spitroasting for Iran. 80 million dollars. How much is that? One plane?
True, don't know how many shia muslims there are in UK to potential terroristmaxx either, not as many as the Sunnis i don't think.
I wonder where will Iran's nuke go off first, Israel or the US?
Easy money time.
Based Iran. I would serve Trump's head on a wooden plate but I'm just a NEET curry who's got nothing going on in his life and feds if you are reading this, FUCK YOU.
Did you guys hear about this? I just now got online and was bombarded by tons of notifications and this was one of them. JFL is Iran serious about this? 80 million is their population and they want everyone to chip in one dollar to complete the 80 million bounty for the US President! You can't make this shit up!


Iraq is getting in on the fun and actually launched rockets at a US Embassy in Baghdad after the US killed that one Iranian leader. The Iraq actually missed the embassy and ended up killing civilians


Here's an excerpt I thought was kinda funny: "Iran has also announced it they will no longer abide by any of the limits of its 2015 nuclear deal. British Prime Minister Boris Johson called for a 'de-escalation' of violent tensions in the Middle East earlier today, before the latest rocket attack."

WW3 is coming to a town near you boyos. JFL if you don't think WW3 is actually coming, now!
Honestly, all it takes is 1 autist with a long range sniper, some luck, and we have a JFK case.
I hope it happens tbh ngl
Yea, it's time for an actual crisis. Climate change and burning forests are significant and all, but tbh who gives a shit. A lot of stocks are hitting all-time caps, and people are speculating we are in a financial bubble, and we should expect an economic collapse — looking forward to that ngl.
It’s comfy watching the world crumble and not even giving a damn.
It’s comfy watching the world crumble and not even giving a damn.
Yea, it's time for an actual crisis. Climate change and burning forests are significant and all, but tbh who gives a shit. A lot of stocks are hitting all-time caps, and people are speculating we are in a financial bubble, and we should expect an economic collapse — looking forward to that ngl.
I can't wait to watch the chaos unfold.
Gf bounty and I might consider it

Im jk Mr FBI

jew vs jew!

Clownworld indeed.

Sign up and die goybots for greater isfail!
Yeah I saw that. They don’t want an open war cuz USA is the biggest power on earth. They are trying to kill us internally
Iraq is kicking us out. Not surprising, Iraq has become an Iranian puppet, which had been in development since the start of the Iraq war. We knew Iranians were integrating themselves into their government, but didn't care because they were willing to help us fight the Sunni extremists. Now we're fucked. 5,000+ troops, the whole reasoning behind the Iraq war, all to shit because we decided to "surgically take out" blah blah blah. If it was a good assassination, nobody would know about it right now in the U.S. It's a massive gaggle fuck.
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Put Obunga on office once again
Trump was zogbot day one. Doesn't matter who's in office, it's all rigged and our economy is tied to perpetual war so there's no stopping it. It's either targeted attacks, small scale skirmishes, or nukes. There will never be a draft, the govt' learned its lesson with vietnam.
By focusing almost exclusively on Sunni extremists, America has basically done Iran's job. They have literally strengthend their greatest enemy during the last dozen years.

Precisely what E. Micheal Jones has been arguing:

Only 80m?

Trump is worth 3.1B ffs
Good thing I don’t live in US. I would be pretty scared. Terrorist attacks will probably skyrocket in the next few years.
How the hell would anyone even collect that money? As soon as they kill him they will either be killed by guards or arrested
Trump was zogbot day one.

I don't think he was. I think his plan was to use right-wing Jews to get protection from left-wing Jews and the deep state, but it failed utterly because he didn't count on receiving such massive and relentless opposition from every corner of the political spectrum. And also because with Jews you lose, doesn't matter which side they claim to be on.

With the Russian collusion investigation hoax and the impeachment sham he needed some powerful allies to save his butt and that kind of help doesn't come without a cost, which we are seeing now. All of his early pro-Israel talks were intended to gain the Christian Zionist vote, he actually openly defied Jews at the beginning, told them he didn't need their "money" to their faces and so forth.

All the alt-right goons out there who accuse him of being a Zionist shill don't understand the reality of the situation in America, probably because they don't like to ponder on the truth too much, the truth being that America is a conquered nation and that Jews are the rulers. The fact they expected even a lose cannon such as Trump to play hardball with those people indefinitely means they haven't yet realized the degree in which they are actually being subjugated and the actual power Jews have.

In a way, i see alt-right people the same way i see Muslims. They like to beat their chests often while in truth they are actually impotent to do anything about their situation.
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Iran identifies 35 targets for retaliatory strike.
Buncha shit.

If that's the case I'm glad he failed. The US has been ruled since WW2 and any chance to break from Israel was lost after JFK got his head blown off. I just can't get my head around trusting a bloviating narcissist established oligarch somehow breaking the system from within. I'm sure there's tons of firewalls and vetting just to run for president seriously.
I thought Trump was America first and not going to be involved much in foreign affairs...
That's what happens when you're a zionist puppet and you must fight the mozlems or your masters will be angry.

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