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IQ tests are bullshit and are in no way factual or accurate.



Aug 10, 2021
IQ tests are pure bullshit. There are a bunch of factors that weren't taken into consideration when the studies were conducted.

For example:
  • If you have a good education in mathematics, you will score higher than those who don't
  • If you decide not to take the test seriously, you will score lower
  • If you're unmotivated, you will score lower
  • If you have certain mental illnesses, you will score lower
  • If you're sick or unhealthy, your brain won't work as well, so you will score lower
  • If you're tired, you will score lower
I'm sure there's more, but those are just what I can think of at the moment.

If certain demographics happen to have a lot of it's population struggling with any of those factors, it can significantly alter the average IQ for that demographic.

If we truly wanted to conduct an unbiased IQ test that truly shows the differences in intelligence among certain demographics, then we will need to control for every single one of these factors, which we have yet to do.

So until we do, these retarded IQ test studies are nothing but jewish orchestrated propaganda made to push agendas, and IQ tests are pseudo science dogshit that should not be used to make any points or arguments.
IQ only measures logical and space perception, which is stupid, since it is not the only intelligence that exists.

But I am stupid anyways.
  • If you have a good education in mathematics, you will score higher than those who don't
Depends on the IQ test.
  • If you decide not to take the test seriously, you will score lower
If youdecide not to take something seriously, you will not do it as well as you would have if you did take it seriously. That's true for literally everything you try to do.
  • If you're unmotivated, you will score lower
No reason to take the test in the first place if you're unmotivated to take it.
  • If you have certain mental illnesses, you will score lower
All mental illnesses are a form of retardation of varying degrees.
  • If you're sick or unhealthy, your brain won't work as well, so you will score lower
That's why you take an IQ test when your health is at an optimal level.
  • If you're tired, you will score lower
See my previous reply ^^^.
If certain demographics happen to have a lot of it's population struggling with any of those factors, it can significantly alter the average IQ for that demographic.
True. The main question in that case is 'why?'. Why are these people struggling to raise their generations with an optimal life quality?
(it's mainly their own fault)
So until we do, these retarded IQ test studies are nothing but jewish orchestrated propaganda made to push agendas, and IQ tests are pseudo science dogshit that should not be used to make any points or arguments.
So scoring higher than average in an IQ test means that Jews view you as a worthy goy ally?
Iq tests are a cash grab for low iq people to make them feel better the real iq is not to spend money
I'll explain later.

Off-Topic Logic Game


Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#185501144Wednesday, March 16, 2016 11:07 PM CDT
Greetings, Off-Topic. On this particular occasion, I have decided to have an entertaining discussion with all of you by composing a simple game based on logical-reasoning. Firstly, while utilizing mathematics, we have objective statements such as "x = 5" Those particular type of statements are properly known as "predicates", given that they equate to either the Boolean values of true and/or false. within the above premise, it merely defines the quantity that variable 'x' represents. Therefore, it is "true" predicate. Although I used "x = 5", we could use symbolic notation such as this: E(x) = 5 Where uppercase "E" refers to the word "Equal", and the input variable 'x' receives the quantity described on the opposite side of the "=" operand. --------------------------------------- Recognizing the above objective explanation, the goal of the game is rather basic: to derive logical expressions to be interpreted by other users. I have devised a minimal list of logical symbols below: "-->" - The logical "if-then" operator. "If certain cookies are delicious, then some grapes are bluish"(Note that the premise predicate and the conclusion predicate do not necessarily need to be related. They merely need to have an obtainable Boolean value. '~' - The logical "NOT" operator. It merely negates "true"/"false" Boolean predicates into the opposite Boolean value. ~"I decided to traverse the area" becomes "I decided not to traverse the area." "^" - The logical AND operator. "(1+1 = 2) ^ (2 + 2 = 4) --> (5 + 5) == 10", which is true, given that "1 + 1 = 2 ^ 2 + 2 = 4" are both (true ^ true) respectively. Disregarding all of the other logical operators for the current moment, this is a sample expression that I have devised below: Suppose that we have variables 'a' and 'b': a = 100 b = 50 Firstly, let us define a predicate to determine whether the first value is a factor of the second value: R(a,b) = (a % b) This will retrieve the remainder of the division operation "a/b", using the difference between 'a' and 'b' as a referent. Likewise, R(b,a) would also retrieve the remainder of the division operation "b/a", using the difference between 'b' and 'a' as a referent. If I had an expression such as this: (R(a,b) = 0) ^ (R(b,a) = 0) It would be an expected case of a true/false pair. This is due to the mere fact that the (100 % 50) does not have a remainder, whereas (50/100) does indeed have a remainder of fifty itself. Hopefully the above descriptions provides a rather wholesome and otherwise precise discussion involving mathematical logic.
Iq tests are a cash grab for low iq people to make them feel better the real iq is not to spend money
So IQ is true, and OP says I'm a lazy fuck and it's not due to my low IQ.
The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study tested the intelligence of Negroes brought up in White households as well as Whites brought up in Negro households, and it concluded that, although the IQ scores of Negroes brought up in White households were a few higher than their counterparts' IQ scores, they were still significantly lower than the IQ scores of Whites brought up in Negro households.

Why? Genes.
No dude it's culture. You haven't provided any reasoning or sources on how you've come to the conclusion that it's genes. Show me the specific genes that lead to higher IQ in white people. There is none. If you grow up in the ghettos of America or any African third world country, you will be retarded. It's that simple really.
Science disagrees with you.







The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study tested the intelligence of Negroes brought up in White households as well as Whites brought up in Negro households, and it concluded that, although the IQ scores of Negroes brought up in White households were a few higher than their counterparts' IQ scores, they were still significantly lower than the IQ scores of Whites brought up in Negro households.

Why? Genes.
First of all, my whole point is that IQ is not an accurate measure of intelligence in the first place, which I proved undeniably in my original post.

Therefore, all those dogshit studies that point to IQ being genetic is inherently meaningless. Not to mention the massive and still growing variety of IQ tests. Which specific ones were used in which study? Can different IQ tests produce the same results in THAT study as the specific IQ test that was used in THAT study? So many variables and things that are unaccounted for to be 100% certain that whites are these genetically intellectual superiors that you believe them to be.

And did you even read those dogshit studies? The first one you sourced is pointing to environmental differences mattering the most when it comes to IQ, not genetics (which again, IQ tests are not an accurate measurement of intelligence in the first place anyway.

You can raise a black kid in a white household, but the environment and culture in America will still affect his IQ because all the successful blacks are athletes and rappers, and intelligence isn't required for those professions and blacks are more likely to look up to those people because they look like them.
First of all, my whole point is that IQ is not an accurate measure of intelligence in the first place, which I proved undeniably in my original post.

It seems you'll need some aid.

The intergenic variant rs7294919 was associated with hippocampal volume (12q24.22; N = 21,151; P = 6.70 × 10−16) and the expression levels of the positional candidate gene TESC in brain tissue. Additionally, rs10784502, located within HMGA2, was associated with intracranial volume (12q14.3; N = 15,782; P = 1.12 × 10−12). We also identified a suggestive association with total brain volume at rs10494373 within DDR2 (1q23.3; N = 6,500; P = 5.81 × 10−7)

The strongest association with intracranial volume was found for rs10784502

'Earlier studies have uncovered risk genes for common diseases, yet it's not always understood how these genes affect the brain,' says Professor Thompson. 'This led our team to screen brain scans worldwide for genes that directly harm or protect the brain.'

The researchers observed subtle shifts in the genetic code of subjects whose images showed smaller brains. The memory centres were also smaller, according to the team. It should be noted that no matter where the subjects hailed from, the same genes affected the brain in similar ways.

'Millions of people carry variations in their DNA that help boost or lower their brains' susceptibility to a vast range of diseases,' the UCLA researcher says. 'Once we identify the gene, we can target it with a drug to reduce the risk of disease. People also can take preventive steps through exercise, diet and mental stimulation to erase the effects of a bad gene.'

The team also found genes that explain individual differences in intelligence, uncovering a variant in a gene called HMGA2 that affected both brain size and intelligence. DNA has four bases: A, C, T and G; subjects whose HMGA2 gene had C instead of T had larger brains and recorded higher results on standardised intelligence quotient (IQ) tests.

When the scientists zeroed in on the DNA of people whose images showed smaller brains, they found a consistent relationship between subtle shifts in the genetic code and diminished memory centers. Furthermore, the same genes affected the brain in the same ways in people across diverse populations from Australia, North America and Europe, suggesting new molecular targets for drug development.

“Millions of people carry variations in their DNA that help boost or lower their brains’ susceptibility to a vast range of diseases,” said Thompson. “Once we identify the gene, we can target it with a drug to reduce the risk of disease. People also can take preventive steps through exercise, diet and mental stimulation to erase the effects of a bad gene.”

In an intriguing twist, Project ENIGMA investigators also discovered genes that explain individual differences in intelligence. They found that a variant in a gene called HMGA2 affected brain size as well as a person’s intelligence.

DNA is comprised of four bases: A, C, T and G. People whose HMGA2 gene held a letter “C” instead of “T” on that location of the gene possessed larger brains and scored more highly on standardized IQ tests.

To those who disagree with OP, here's a fun question to ponder -- who do you think makes IQ tests? The smartest we have? Of course not, it's normies. IQ tests therefore reflect what normies think intelligence is, which is altogether meaningless.
IQ tests are the most reliable and accurate cognitive tests that we have.
And? Just because they're the best we have don't mean they can't still be horseshit in spite thereof.
i’ve finally found it… the ultimate cope…
Iq is literally everything ever nigga
Its almost supernaturally accurate when it comes to determining life outcomes
No, your original post was full of misinterpretations and strawman arguments. Anyone can see you are poorly-read on the subject.

The studies are meaningless according to whom?

You have not read a single book nor a scientific article on the subject, and yet you feel entitled to say what is true and what is not about IQ.

Countless peer-reviewed scientific studies have established beyond any reasonable doubt that intelligence is mainly caused by genes, not environment.

The only dilettantes who still deny it are delusional environmentalists like yourself, the kind which argues that everything can be fixed by the environment, and that we are infinitely malleable.

Guess what? There are limitations to how intelligent we are, and these limitations are primarily dictated by genes, otherwise any librarian or Ivy League student would learn so much as to become unstoppable geniuses overnight.

Why do you think child geniuses exist? If intelligence was environmental, everyone would start from scratch, but they are children who exhibit advanced mathematical skills from an early age. Did they learn it in their mothers' uteruses? No, they were born this way.

"So many variables."

And yet, the White race continues to be responsible for an enormous amount of inventions that have transformed the world:
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Negro, using profanity won't help you be more convincing.

No, the first study I linked to was Jensen's 1969 article in which he starts off with the following sentence: "Compensatory education has been tried and it apparently has failed."

The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study tested the intelligence of Negroes brought up in White households as well as Whites brought up in Negro households, and it concluded that, although the IQ scores of Negroes brought up in White households were a few higher than their counterparts' IQ scores, they were still significantly lower than the IQ scores of Whites brought up in Negro households.

Why? Genes.
This is becoming too much of a hassle. I didn't want to do this, but I will just destroy your whole argument with one source.

The original creator of IQ tests, Richard Lynn, was a BLATANT white nationalist:

All of you retarded white "muh IQ" copers have been debunked to the highest degree with that alone. If the creator of IQ tests was a white nationalist, why the hell would any ethnic EVER believe for a second that the results weren't manipulated or sabotaged to support this aryan nazi retard's goals?
Your reasoning is absolutely flawed. The men behind intelligence quotient, factor analysis, and psychometrics are geniuses.

You could not name a single one to save your life, because you are poorly-read on the subject just like your Negro buddy from the original post.

Off the top of my head, I can list a few names: Charles Spearman, Charles Murray, Richard J. Haier, Arthur Jensen, David Wechsler, Francis Galton, Robert Plomin, and John C. Raven.

Go look up their work and come back later to tell me if they look like normalcattle to you.
"It's true because white men in suits said so!"

You can raise a black kid in a white household, but the environment and culture in America will still affect his IQ because all the successful blacks are athletes and rappers, and intelligence isn't required for those professions and blacks are more likely to look up to those people because they look like them.
Minnesota transracial adoption studies accounted for all variables and conditions
He is going to refute my arguments with one source, everyone!

"The original creator of IQ tests, Richard Lynn..."

Stop right there! Richard Lynn is not the creator of IQ tests.

Alfred Binet was the first to devise it.

David Wechsler and John C. Raven improved it.

Richard Lynn was merely an IQ researcher, and he was born well after IQ tests were devised. Plus, how is he a White Supremacist if his data show that East Asians score higher than Whites on cognitive tests?

If Lynn is a biased White Supremacist, why do his studies support East Asian high intelligence?

You are embarassing yourself.

Debunked? You just made a fool out of yourself for the whole forum and its readers to see.

Which he was not, as I just showed you.

Because the creator of IQ tests was not a White Supremacist.

You missed the point entirely. All these racialized IQ test dogshit studies stem from that Nazi coper.

Whites are supposed to have high IQs yet you're proving me wrong. You haven't actually refuted any of my points and keep repeating the same dogshit study that I already addressed.

If we're going to have intelligent discussion it will require you to stop appealing to authority and regurgitating pseudoscience BS and think logically.
I haven't researched this topic well enough to make a certain conclusion on whether some races have lower IQ than others but you haven't included more diversified studies in regards to the gap. There are studies that show the difference between groups isn't that significant so while it's great you linked the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study, it would be mischievous not to include other ones such as Eyferth (1961) and Moore (1986). There's many variables at play that were impossible to control in the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study, someone who considers themselves black and is considered black by society is going to be subject to very different environmental factors that someone who considers themselves white and is considered white by society even if they are brought up by the same White parents.
Thank you for thinking logically.
Your reasoning is absolutely flawed. The men behind intelligence quotient, factor analysis, and psychometrics are geniuses.
For the sake of argument, I'll assume you're right. A smart man invented dynamite (Alfred Nobel) yet most people that use it don't possess even a fraction of his wit. PCR tests were again invented by a smart man, yet they were never intended to be used in the way (((they))) use them. Even the best of tools become worthless in inept hands. I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this.
You could not name a single one to save your life, because you are poorly-read on the subject just like your Negro buddy from the original post.
Many scientific papers and studies are ass, esp. in the social sciences (the way they do statistics is honestly woebegone). Being well-read means nothing when I claim that the very things you are telling me to read are worthless. PS I am a mathematician for what it's worth, so I know whereof I speak to some extent.
IQ is a good estimate of one's intelligence and life outcomes. If the test was flawed (like your reasoning), we would expect the test to fail to predict financial success, academic success, professional success, scientific success, and so forth—it is the opposite. IQ predicts outcomes very well. It is the most researched and most supported topic in Psychology.
Or, maybe "financial success, academic success, professional success, scientific success, and so forth" are not all that contingent on "real intelligence". Since my claim was that IQ tests fail to capture "real intelligence" (whatever that may be) and instead measure what normies (with average intelligence) think logical, it's not so strange that IQ tests would be reflective of how successful one would be in a world crawling with normies (which is therefore governed by normie logic).
The only race that holds a candle to us is perhaps the East Asians, who score well above Negroes on cognitive tests, which (again) proves that the IQ tests are not biased nor unreliable.
East Asians come from a culture that promotes higher IQs, and Asia in general is the continent that is the least colonized by whites. Unlike blacks that have history of colonization virtually anywhere that we are concentrated in large numbers, and we almost always come from ghettos and poverty and cultures that don't promote socioeconomic success, which by the way before you claim it's caused by our alleged "low intelligence, this situation for blacks is historically very recent and was caused by external factors.
I did not miss the point; you simply failed to write a cohesive response. How is anyone expected to interpret it correctly when you phrased it like that?
No, you purposely avoided addressing the actual point because it's easier to just stawman. But I guess your white "high IQ" isn't real if you couldn't see the actual point.
I linked to a number of studies which you have not even bothered to read.
You haven't bothered to read any of my arguments. You just respond with appeals to authority over and over again. "A white man in a suit said this, so it's true!"
No dude it's culture. You haven't provided any reasoning or sources on how you've come to the conclusion that it's genes. Show me the specific genes that lead to higher IQ in white people. There is none. If you grow up in the ghettos of America or any African third world country, you will be retarded. It's that simple really.
I also don't think most studies separate "genes" and "enviroment" well enough. Very difficult to distinguish between the two in a fetus.
Let's see you devise a test that's better and more reliable than IQ then.
yeah, that ain't likely to happen
1) genes influence intelligence
in all likelihood
2) IQ tests show at least a bit of a person's intelligence, albeit not entirely
I'm sure there's some positive correlation
3) intelligence varies between the races and this variance is mostly genetic
don't know and honestly don't care
Please, state which one of those items you disagree with so we can focus on it instead of running in circles (since I figure we're mostly on the same side regarding IQ).
None, I guess. Funny how that works.
As long as Whites dwell on this earth, you will be living under our shadow.
There you have it folks. He finally admitted that just like Richard Lynn, he doesn't respect the truth. He only believes what supports his aryan nazi master race agenda.
Not true, I'm a math major and my IQ is definitely not higher than 100.
No offense, but the fact that this is possible irks me to no end. University has really gone down the drain.
No offense, but the fact that this is possible irks me to no end. University has really gone down the drain.
For my uni, they do a good job weeding out low-IQ people and lazy people for CS during first year, but they end up being forced to do majors like math.
No offense, but the fact that this is possible irks me to no end. University has really gone down the drain.
@Draconian Times Will say that graduating college means you are smart.
For my uni, they do a good job weeding out low-IQ people and lazy people for CS during first year, but they end up being forced to do majors like math.
They don't just kick 'em out? Weird. I know governments don't like firing civil servants and often just relocate them, but this is taking that to a whole new level. Incidentally, did you initially start out as a CS major as well?
@Draconian Times Will say that graduating college means you are smart.
Regardless of whether @Draconian Times actually holds that belief, there's some truth to that if you ask me. Clearly you need some level of smarts to be able to get thru college. That said, in bygone days, university used to be for the intellectual elite. That is unequivocally no longer the case.
They don't just kick 'em out? Weird. I know governments don't like firing civil servants and often just relocate them, but this is taking that to a whole new level. Incidentally, did you initially start out as a CS major as well?
Not necessarily. Since high school are generally inflated (not mine), my uni has a system where if you meet certain requirements for your desired major, then you'll get accepted to it. Because I was too lazy to study and there was one incident during an assessment that was out of my control, I was 1% away from meeting all the requirements so I didn't get into CS. I never bothered transferring as well so now I'm doing math.
Since high school are generally inflated (not mine)
What do you mean by "inflated"?
Because I was too lazy to study and there was one incident during an assessment that was out of my control, I was 1% away from meeting all the requirements so I didn't get into CS.
Wow, that's crummy.
I never bothered transferring as well so now I'm doing math.
So you started out majoring in math? Based. How goes it? Higher math is very different from high school math after all.
Regardless of whether @Draconian Times actually holds that belief, there's some truth to that if you ask me. Clearly you need some level of smarts to be able to get thru college. That said, in bygone days, university used to be for the intellectual elite. That is unequivocally no longer the case.
He will say that those who graduate are more intelligent than those who don't.

Yes, that means the whore that sucked off the professor to recieve special treatment is more intelligent than Bill Gates because she graduated college and he did not.

It's the same logic he uses when claiming that because blacks scored low on IQ tests which are inconsistent, doesn't take into account many external factors that can affect the results, and has all these problems which he failed to prove DON'T significantly affect IQ test results:
  • If you have a good education in mathematics, you will score higher than those who don't
  • If you decide not to take the test seriously, you will score lower
  • If you're unmotivated, you will score lower
  • If you have certain mental illnesses, you will score lower
  • If you're sick or unhealthy, your brain won't work as well, so you will score lower
  • If you're tired, you will score lower
He looks at all of that and comes to the conclusion that whites are factually genetically intellectually superior to blacks, because they score higher on a meaningless test engineered by a white nationalist nazi.
There you have it folks. He finally admitted that just like Richard Lynn, he doesn't respect the truth. He only believes what supports his aryan nazi master race agenda.
The truth is whatever (((they))) want it to be u can just look at africa vs europe and easily find the real truth. Cope nigger
Yes, that means the whore that sucked off the professor to recieve special treatment is more intelligent than Bill Gates because she graduated college and he did not.
What I alluded to is that university graduates are on the whole / on average / taken as a group smarter than their counterparts. That obviously does not mean that every university graduate is smarter than all their counterparts. And then there's this:
Mathematicians and physicists are the smartest students; lesbians who graduate with a Liberal Arts degree are the opposite of what we call smart.
What this quote additionally proves is that you're wrong about @Draconian Times but I'll avoid speaking on his behalf, as I wouldn't like for others to speak in my stead if the rôles were reversed.
The truth is whatever (((they))) want it to be u can just look at africa vs europe and easily find the real truth. Cope nigger
When you look at all the big long black cocks as your mouth salivates, you turn around and say BBC is a myth :feelsohh:
But then again, penis size is difficult to measure. A lot of studies rely on self-report, which you and I know are unreliable because insecure men (like Negroes) lie about their numbers all the time.
I still don't know whether to measure from the top, bottom or side jfl
What do you mean by "inflated"?
People's grades were inflated. Forgot to mention it.
So you started out majoring in math? Based. How goes it? Higher math is very different from high school math after all.
High school math and uni math are very different. High school math is mainly computation while uni math is mainly about proofs. Both of these require two different skill sets. With computation, there are various methods and tricks into solving them, and you can still get part marks even if your final answer is wrong. When solving proofs, you need a strong understanding of the definitions for the topic the proof is related, and most of the time, you either get it right or wrong. CS also has proofs, and they're structured a hundred times worse than math proofs. I know this because my major allows me to take all the CS proof courses. My uni is also generous enough to let me take all the 2nd year CS courses, and a maximum of 3 3rd-4th year CS courses.
When solving proofs, you need a strong understanding of the definitions for the topic the proof is related, and most of the time, you either get it right or wrong.
While this is true, when proofs get longer you can totally get part of a proof right and get partial points.
CS also has proofs, and they're structured a hundred times worse than math proofs.
Even tho mathematicians are known as pendants, CS proofs are way more pedantic than math proofs.

Are you positively sure you have a subpar IQ?
Sorry, but this is typical Negro behavior.

Negroes complain about stereotypes being perpetuated about them, but keep pushing the erroneous stereotype that Negro penises are bigger.

"Do not generalize! It is only a stereotype! Not all Negroes are like that! Except when it comes penises, then the stereotype is suddenly true!"

Now, I will be honest and admit that I haven't read much about penises (the only one obsessed with the topic is you), but I came across an interesting article discussing the correlation between height and penis size.

Surprise! Taller men have longer penises! Whites are the tallest race, now it's on you to put two and two together.

But then again, penis size is difficult to measure. A lot of studies rely on self-report, which you and I know are unreliable because insecure men (like Negroes) lie about their numbers all the time.
JFL I only mention BBC as a joke because of how much whites constantly talk about it and feel the need to debunk it.
Even tho mathematicians are known as pendants, CS proofs are way more pedantic than math proofs.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. At least in math proofs, you know what you're solving. In CS proofs, I don't know exactly what I'm doing half the time. They either try to be super rigorous or they'll try to make you come up with your own correct assumptions.
Are you positively sure you have a subpar IQ?
Idk maybe I'm overestimating myself. I have very low self-esteem when it comes to my intelligence since I've been put down so many times, which is why I'm a severe procrastinator. My university is known to be rigorous so the fact that I haven't been kicked out yet despite studying everything in the last minute is either a miracle or I have 100+ IQ.
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