[UWSL]Many studies show consistent associations between higher intelligence and lower rates of sexual activity. Intelligent people, especially in universities, tend to have less sex. One of the strongest studies to find a negative relationship between sexual success and IQ found that young men with a verbal IQ of two standard deviations at or above the median (130 IQ) were two-thirds less likely to lose their virginity. The association between higher IQ and less likelihood of losing their virginity was linear for both boys and girls with a perfect average IQ above 100, but was stronger for girls with a four-fifths lower IQ of 130 or higher.[/UWSL]
A German study suggested that academics encourage academics at least twice as much as others. Among women, one standard deviation increase in childhood general intelligence (15 IQ points) reduces their odds of becoming parents by 21-25%. [Among college-age individuals, an informal study conducted by MIT-Wellesley students suggested that they differed significantly between different fields of study, with rates highest for biology and physical sciences and lowest for humanities. It is important to note that the hard sciences often have individuals with higher average IQs than those in the humanities (other than philosophy), and the higher the average IQ of a major, the fewer women will enroll in this major lesson. This coincides with the fact that women's IQs have a lower variability than men, and women have slightly lower overall intelligence than men. The skewed gender ratio in favor of males in these highly intellectual fields may partly explain the higher proportion of males enrolled in such courses; Men are unlikely to explain much of sexual success and therefore much.
Studies found a weak but significant association between IQ and height (around r = 0.2-0.3, depending on age and type of ability measured when tested). [ This correlation has different explanations from superior childhood nutrition that increases both height and IQ, from classification-based matching that causes height and IQ to be genetically linked, and even from the fact that taller people have greater cortical volume. In the brain, on average, it leads to greater intelligence. This can be explained by a general congruence factor linking intelligence and stature with other traits due to the classificatory mating associated with incentive traits.
Low IQ actually attracts women: Men with low IQ have more sex. Halpern et al. al (2000) found that the most sexually active individuals are in the 75-90 IQ range for men, and these men are the least likely to be virgins during puberty. An IQ below 70 is generally considered an intellectual disability. While 46.7% of low-IQ men were sexually active, only 18.4% of low-IQ women were sexually active. Therefore, low-IQ men were 2.5 times more likely to be sexually successful than low-IQ women.
Conclusion: Foids do not care about intelligence, go for low iq dark triad chads instead of supreme high iq gentlemen incels like us.