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Incels who shit on MGTOW are mostly hypocrites or foid worshippers

  • Thread starter Teutonic Knight
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Teutonic Knight

Teutonic Knight

Mar 2, 2019
I find it really retarded when incels shit on MGTOW just because there are supposedly men out there who declare themselves MGTOW and were "sent their own way" (treated like shit or rejected by women).

First of all, it's your assumption, and second of all, even if true it wouldn't mean that the concept of MGTOW itself isn't valid. By this same logic one could say that incels aren't valid either because we have some men here who have high standards or wouldn't date outside of their race or whatever.

Who cares what the personal story of those men was? What matters is that their concept and viewpoint is legit. The same thing goes for incels and blackpill. It doesn't matter what some guy here writes, it doesn't disprove the studies that you see posted under "scietific blackpill".

Some incels act like it's impossible to willingly be MGTOW, yet there were always plenty of men in history who were willingly celibate for whatever reason (religious or dedication to work or whatever). This type of anti-MGTOW incels are basically foid worshippers who think a man can't possibly live without a woman and that every man wants relationship and if he can't get one he is "coping". It's so retarded because if you look in history, there are so many men who never cared much about validation from women or even about sex or anything. Many men in the past had families simply because of social pressure and would go MGTOW today.

It's also extremely dumb when these same incels attack people here for being "volcels". So basically, you should make up your mind, do volcels (eg. MGTOW) exist or not?

What you don't realize is that this annoying generation of ex-married boomers that are in MGTOW is eventually going to go away, and the concept of MGTOW is going to be increasingly more popular among young men who are blackpilled and realize that they can't get a relationship on their term, basically "volcels" who won't settle for roasties and landwhales.

Yet some morons here attack the very concept of MGTOW which is really stupid because it plays into the hand of the cucked regime and encourages men to become betabuxxers.

The concept of MGTOW is legit and should be promoted among young men even more than incel positions because it's appealing to a wider part of population (it includes normies who could get sex with landwhales and used up roasties).
Shit only on part of MGTOW, womenizer chads, or toxic masculine "lone wolfs" (nothing wrong for man to be like this, but toxic ones even man ,wanting to be commit to [mythical] good girl, call simp)
Typically its MGTOW that hates on incels as well Wizards or at least thats what I've seen during my time on the internets.

Really we should all support eachother as men in the struggle against ZOG's radical feminist anti man and anti masculinity NWO agenda.
Typically its MGTOW that hates on incels as well Wizards or at least thats what I've seen during my time on the internets.

Really we should all support eachother as men in the struggle against ZOG's radical feminist anti man and anti masculinity NWO agenda.
Tbh true, i dont think mgtow is a bad thing or something. We need more blackpilled people on our side.
They just can't resist their inner cuck white knightery. Men ignoring women is just not a tangible concept to them.
A lot of younger MGTOW men have never had any relationships and then they shit on incels and try to act superior and above us. Meanwhile their whole community is about talking about women and most of them think wageslaving, playing video games and jerking their dick is “Going their own way”.

I have no problem with the idea of MGTOW, but a large part of them are nothing but coping incels that would abandon the community at the first hint of them getting some pussy. How do I know all of this? Well I was a MGTOW coper for about 2 years before I realized that I was a incel myself, and I actually used to shit on incels.
A lot of younger MGTOW men have never had any relationships and then they shit on incels and try to act superior and above us. Meanwhile their whole community is about talking about women and most of them think wageslaving, playing video games and jerking their dick is “Going their own way”.

I have no problem with the idea of MGTOW, but a large part of them are nothing but coping incels that would abandon the community at the first hint of them getting some pussy.
Their whole community is about talking about women and most of them think wageslaving, playing video games and jerking their dick is “Going their own way”.

I have no problem with the idea of MGTOW, but a large part of them are nothing but coping incels that would abandon the community at the first hint of them getting some pussy.

they arent blackpilled enough
I dont think one can be MGTOW and Incel at the same time, so it's bound to be lots of men indentifying themselves as MGTOW not real Going Their Own Way, but rather Sent Their Own Way.

MGTOW - Men Going Their Own Way - is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else. It is the manifestation of one word: "No". Ejecting silly preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a man is. Looking to no one else for social cues. Refusing to bow, serve and kneel for the opportunity to be treated like a disposable utility. And, living according to his own best interests in a world which would rather he didn't.

This above is from the MGTOW site. How can you say "No" as Involuntary Celibate ?
Still, i believe that Incels can benefit from MGTOW becoming widespread since
Ejecting silly preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a man is. Looking to no one else for social cues. Refusing to bow, serve and kneel for the opportunity to be treated like a disposable utility
,which is great and help to decrease the virgin/ugly men stigma in modern Feminist society.
MGTOW is great in theory, but it doesn't work in practice. MGTOWs do not exist. They are all coping incels. Even the men who had traumatic past relationships with women and have gone MGTOW are coping incels. They've been sent their own way by those abusive women and now they cannot find any new woman who will date them. None of them are Chads or Chadlites with options.

they arent blackpilled enough
MGTOW is great in theory, but it doesn't work in practice. MGTOWs do not exist. They are all coping incels. Even the men who had traumatic past relationships with women and have gone MGTOW are coping incels. They've been sent their own way by those abusive women and now they cannot find any new woman who will date them. None of them are Chads or Chadlites with options.
MGTOW is great in theory, but it doesn't work in practice. MGTOWs do not exist. They are all coping incels..

This is such a stupid idea. So by your logic volcels don't exist? Every man who isn't in relationship with woman is "coping"? The popes were all coping incels? Stop with this foid worshipping.
There's too much "infighting" amongst fringe movements. Infighting in scare quotes because the whole point is we're not a monolithic group. But, point being, anyone who's speaking out against, working against, opting out of, or creating an alternative to the status quo is doing at least something right, and time spent bashing that person is time wasted when we could be fighting our mutual enemies.
There's too much "infighting" amongst fringe movements. Infighting in scare quotes because the whole point is we're not a monolithic group. But, point being, anyone who's speaking out against, working against, opting out of, or creating an alternative to the status quo is doing at least something right, and time spent bashing that person is time wasted when we could be fighting our mutual enemies.

High IQ
This is such a stupid idea. So by your logic volcels don't exist? Every man who isn't in relationship with woman is "coping"? The popes were all coping incels? Stop with this foid worshipping.
It's not foid worship. It's the truth. It's very very difficult for a man to overcome his biology. I'm not saying it's impossible but it's improbable for the vast majority of men. How do you know all the popes were really celibate? Do you also believe that every priest and nun out there is celibate too? Just look at all the sex scandals that have come out of the catholic church. JFL at believing any religious person who claims to be celibate... :feelskek:

The popes and priests and monks out there that are truly celibate are most likely incels. It's easy for them to take their vows of celibacy seriously when they don't even have the option of breaking their celibacy.

All the "volcels" out there never had any options to begin with. How can someone say they are voluntarily celibate if they wouldn't be able to get sex anyway if they wanted it?

I never said any man who isn't in a relationship with a woman is coping. Not all men want to be in relationships. But all men want and NEED sex.
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But all men want and NEED sex.

JFL with this foid worshipping. If this was true everyone would just go to prostitutes. I could get sex very easily if I wanted by going to prostitutes and paying for it but I don't want to.

Personally after getting blackpilled I absolutely have no desire to have sex. The less contact with women the better. I find sex disgusting, it's not something I would want to do at this point in my life.

So there you go, your theory that every man wants to have sex it's disproven even with my own personal case.
Incels like to claim that MGTOW's are incels in denial. But I think that a lot of incels are actually MGTOW in denial. Lots of incels here wouldn't marry even if they had options. However, the MGTOW movement has been tarnished by overcompensating failed tradcucks.
Incels like to claim that MGTOW's are incels in denial. But I think that a lot of incels are actually MGTOW in denial. Lots of incels here wouldn't marry even if they had options. However, the MGTOW movement has been tarnished by overcompensating failed tradcucks.

This. A lot of people here are MGTOWs to some extent. I mean if you say things like "she has to be a virgin", "I don't want to be a betabuxxer" etc. you are some sort of MGTOW. Nothing wrong with that, just stating the obvious.
I shit on MGTOW because they have been invaded by tradcucks.

I don't like how tradcucks invade men spaces with their theories and conspiracies. I observed how tradcuck destroyed forums and great communities.

When the trads infiltrate, the community is lost. So now MGTOW is a dead label.

Thank you tradcucks.
My differences with MGTOW lie in their assertion that they are withdrawing something valuable from the market.

We know that isn't true.
Meanwhile their whole community is about talking about women and most of them think wageslaving, playing video games and jerking their dick is “Going their own way”.
Going MGTOW never meant you're now also forbidden from criticizing foids, but I'm sure cucks and foids wish that were the case. MGTOW's most basic qualifications are not living with or marrying foids. But because these men won't be good little betas and take care of foids or give them shit they also aren't allowed to speak negatively about these foids, even if the shit they're saying is true, because if you do you're just a "misogynist loser incel". Wage slaving is something you have to do to afford better copes. Jerking your dick is objectively better than throwing money at foids through the meme that is modern marriage and dating in the hope that they'll stick around and fuck you.
I shit on MGTOW because they have been invaded by tradcucks.

I don't like how tradcucks invade men spaces with their theories and conspiracies. I observed how tradcuck destroyed forums and great communities.

When the trads infiltrate, the community is lost. So now MGTOW is a dead label.

Thank you tradcucks.
One example of that is this faggot


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Going MGTOW never meant you're now also forbidden from criticizing foids, but I'm sure cucks and foids wish that were the case. MGTOW's most basic qualifications are not living with or marrying foids. But because these men won't be good little betas and take care of foids or give them shit they also aren't allowed to speak negatively about these foids, even if the shit they're saying is true, because if you do you're just a "misogynist loser incel". Wage slaving is something you have to do to afford better copes. Jerking your dick is objectively better than throwing money at foids through the meme that is modern marriage and dating in the hope that they'll stick around and fuck you.
lol most of them pretend that they are out pumping and dumping women while cruising around on their yachts and driving sports cars.

In reality, most of them are watching jewish made pornography and eating microwaved hotdogs while coping that all the women that rejected them are going to hit the wall soon and be begging to fuck them.

Sorry, only Chad matters if he goes MGTOW. Women actually like the fact that beta and lower class men are voluntarily removing themselves from the dating pool. Now women don’t have to deal with ugly losers approaching them.

Very few men have the ability to go without relationships and sex without mental and emotional problems. Most MGTOW will end up going back to the plantation and betabux some roastie in her 30’s. I’ve already seen it, even some prominent MGTOW youtubers have denounced MGTOW after they got some steady pussy.
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Sorry, only Chad matters if he goes MGTOW. Women actually like the fact that beta and lower class men are voluntarily removing themselves from the dating pool. Now women don’t have to deal with ugly losers approaching them.

Also, I mean sure they're blackpilled to an extent, but their bluepilled idea of women hitting the wall and crawling to them eventually is too retarded to be ignored. Not to mention the signature "women only want money" when you and me know that what women want is looks. They can't accept the reality that women can desire you for who you are, which is your looks, which can't be controlled.

I don't shit on other MGTOWs ideas, like bad boys get pussies, etc. But their money and wall cope are just too comical. I feel the need to enlighten them in that department.

What I shit on is the fact that many of them are just coping incels in denial. Their "avoiding women at all times" teachings aren't natural as mammals, let alone humans. We're designed to spread our genes, or at least bang females without paying. Like Emergency Manual has said, many of them, low quality men, are removing themselves from the dating pool. I find this too beta and cucked. They actually help women doing that hypergamy, by decreasing number of ugly men in the pool, thus forcing women to choose Chad in the process indirectly. Which is exactly what women want

Also, I mean sure they're blackpilled to an extent, but their bluepilled idea of women hitting the wall and crawling to them eventually is too retarded to be ignored. Not to mention the signature "women only want money" when you and me know that what women want is looks. They can't accept the reality that women can desire you for who you are, which is your looks, which can't be controlled.

I don't shit on other MGTOWs ideas, like bad boys get pussies, etc. But their money and wall cope are just too comical. I feel the need to enlighten them in that department.

What I shit on is the fact that many of them are just coping incels in denial. Their "avoiding women at all times" teachings aren't natural as mammals, let alone humans. We're designed to spread our genes, or at least bang females without paying. Like Emergency Manual has said, many of them, low quality men, are removing themselves from the dating pool. I find this too beta and cucked. They actually help women doing that hypergamy, by decreasing number of ugly men in the pool, thus forcing women to choose Chad in the process indirectly. Which is exactly what women want
I will also add that Chad isn’t going MGTOW in any significant number because he can easily get women and they treat him well. Pumping and dumping is basically natural Chad behavior.

MGTOW is mostly divorced boomers and Gen X’ers and young guys that either have never had a relationship or got treated like shit and had women monkey branch in the past because they weren’t Chad.
I will also add that Chad isn’t going MGTOW in any significant number because he can easily get women and they treat him well. Pumping and dumping is basically natural Chad behavior.

MGTOW is mostly divorced boomers and Gen X’ers and young guys that either have never had a relationship or got treated like shit and had women monkey branch in the past because they weren’t Chad.
Yeah. The only reason they got cheated generally is because they're not Chad. Plus I wanna add that they often use money to get women, of course women treat them like shit, they're just asexual bank account to them. And those women aren't sexually attracted to them

Chad doesn't go MGTOW cause there's basically no point for him lol. They're treated like a god by women. Women aren't gold diggers and cheaters to Chad like they are to those coping incel tier men
Nothing wrong with calling out a bullshit cope for what it is
I don't knock the concept but i think incels at least have to taste the grapes.

Also, MGTOW hates us pretty badly. I'm really am more concern with other groups like rp
MGTOW is cope
I agree with you OP but mgtow'ers are the ones bashing on Incels instead of standing up with us against one common ennemy (feminism and foids).

As a matter of fact, the majority of mgtowers are incels in denial.

MGTOWs are simply normies who were too short-sighted to sign a prenup, so they got divorceraped in family court and are now financially handicapped.

MGTOWs look at us like shit.

Why should we support them?
I don't shit on MGTOW's and I agree with the idea behind it, but most MGTOW are indeed MSTOW.
The idea that people are voluntarily living the incel life makes the whole thing pretty suspect to me. I would think in most cases the inceldom comes before the desire to avoid women.
MGTOW is a massive cope and they rely on materialism to make themselves happy.
Mgtow = incels with copes
I find it really retarded when incels shit on MGTOW just because there are supposedly men out there who declare themselves MGTOW and were "sent their own way" (treated like shit or rejected by women).

First of all, it's your assumption, and second of all, even if true it wouldn't mean that the concept of MGTOW itself isn't valid. By this same logic one could say that incels aren't valid either because we have some men here who have high standards or wouldn't date outside of their race or whatever.

Who cares what the personal story of those men was? What matters is that their concept and viewpoint is legit. The same thing goes for incels and blackpill. It doesn't matter what some guy here writes, it doesn't disprove the studies that you see posted under "scietific blackpill".

Some incels act like it's impossible to willingly be MGTOW, yet there were always plenty of men in history who were willingly celibate for whatever reason (religious or dedication to work or whatever). This type of anti-MGTOW incels are basically foid worshippers who think a man can't possibly live without a woman and that every man wants relationship and if he can't get one he is "coping". It's so retarded because if you look in history, there are so many men who never cared much about validation from women or even about sex or anything. Many men in the past had families simply because of social pressure and would go MGTOW today.

It's also extremely dumb when these same incels attack people here for being "volcels". So basically, you should make up your mind, do volcels (eg. MGTOW) exist or not?

What you don't realize is that this annoying generation of ex-married boomers that are in MGTOW is eventually going to go away, and the concept of MGTOW is going to be increasingly more popular among young men who are blackpilled and realize that they can't get a relationship on their term, basically "volcels" who won't settle for roasties and landwhales.

Yet some morons here attack the very concept of MGTOW which is really stupid because it plays into the hand of the cucked regime and encourages men to become betabuxxers.

The concept of MGTOW is legit and should be promoted among young men even more than incel positions because it's appealing to a wider part of population (it includes normies who could get sex with landwhales and used up roasties).
Is the fact that they decide to go volcel because they think they will harm woman in away which will only make Chad harems bigger and nothing more.

Bluepilled cope, any male deciding to go volcel will have no effect on woman whatsoever.
A lot of younger MGTOW men have never had any relationships and then they shit on incels and try to act superior and above us. Meanwhile their whole community is about talking about women and most of them think wageslaving, playing video games and jerking their dick is “Going their own way”.

I have no problem with the idea of MGTOW, but a large part of them are nothing but coping incels that would abandon the community at the first hint of them getting some pussy. How do I know all of this? Well I was a MGTOW coper for about 2 years before I realized that I was a incel myself, and I actually used to shit on incels.
This. Also mgtow has a lot of heavily branded youtubers who profit off of the movement. Not that there is anything wrong with making money, but it may be the reason that mgtow is more bluepilled than incelism. In order for viewers to continue to invest in the idea of mgtow, they have to be fed continous lies about the nonexistant wall, and how women will come "crawling back", etc. No mention of more blackpilled dynamics such as looks and genetics etc.
If those things(the truth) were mentioned, then all the money would stop coming in and the youtubers would be out of a job. So instead everybody keeps paying into the mgtow lie and the mgtow youtubers and leaders continue to repeat and reinforce the lie.

Mgtow is better than being 100%bluepilled or cucked or orbiting, and it's good that they are raising awareness about how bad marriage is, but mgtow is still a fantasy at the end of the day.
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MGTOWs are simply normies
Low tier normies. Borderline incels tbh. One popular youtube mgtower, named "entreprenuers in cars"(EIC), made a video where he admits that he was a virgin until age 19, when he finally decided to make sure he lost it before age 20. My guess is that he had to fuck an ugly chick or a fat chick. Had he waited much longer than 20, he would probably be posting on this site. That's why I say he's a borderline incel, because if you don't lose it before 20, it's very unlikely that you will lose it ever.
Low tier normies. Borderline incels tbh. One popular youtube mgtower, named "entreprenuers in cars"(EIC), made a video where he admits that he was a virgin until age 19, when he finally decided to make sure he lost it before age 20. My guess is that he had to fuck an ugly chick or a fat chick. Had he waited much longer than 20, he would probably be posting on this site. That's why I say he's a borderline incel, because if you don't lose it before 20, it's very unlikely that you will lose it ever.
Find a hooker and get it done.
I find it really retarded when incels shit on MGTOW just because there are supposedly men out there who declare themselves MGTOW and were "sent their own way" (treated like shit or rejected by women).

First of all, it's your assumption, and second of all, even if true it wouldn't mean that the concept of MGTOW itself isn't valid. By this same logic one could say that incels aren't valid either because we have some men here who have high standards or wouldn't date outside of their race or whatever.

Who cares what the personal story of those men was? What matters is that their concept and viewpoint is legit. The same thing goes for incels and blackpill. It doesn't matter what some guy here writes, it doesn't disprove the studies that you see posted under "scietific blackpill".

Some incels act like it's impossible to willingly be MGTOW, yet there were always plenty of men in history who were willingly celibate for whatever reason (religious or dedication to work or whatever). This type of anti-MGTOW incels are basically foid worshippers who think a man can't possibly live without a woman and that every man wants relationship and if he can't get one he is "coping". It's so retarded because if you look in history, there are so many men who never cared much about validation from women or even about sex or anything. Many men in the past had families simply because of social pressure and would go MGTOW today.

It's also extremely dumb when these same incels attack people here for being "volcels". So basically, you should make up your mind, do volcels (eg. MGTOW) exist or not?

What you don't realize is that this annoying generation of ex-married boomers that are in MGTOW is eventually going to go away, and the concept of MGTOW is going to be increasingly more popular among young men who are blackpilled and realize that they can't get a relationship on their term, basically "volcels" who won't settle for roasties and landwhales.

Yet some morons here attack the very concept of MGTOW which is really stupid because it plays into the hand of the cucked regime and encourages men to become betabuxxers.

The concept of MGTOW is legit and should be promoted among young men even more than incel positions because it's appealing to a wider part of population (it includes normies who could get sex with landwhales and used up roasties).

Agree. MGTOW is legit. The reason we're in this mess in the first place is that people worship foids. MGTOWs got no game and proudly declare that-they are part of the solution. Some are even ChadLites.

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