im here with my chadlite friend
he have a message for you and your brother
-you are a idiot
-i went from being a landwhale to being a chadlite,and all the fucking days people laugh of me,and i was like your little brother,i wanted to have friends (but i hadnt)i wanted to be like them,and one to the other i decided to get fit,and with the time,i understood that i was better that the people that laughed of me,now i am 18 years old,i have a (beca) im level B2 in english (im not native speaker),im going to study geology,and i know how to play piano and guitarr,i have nice bike,freedom,i understood something meanwhile others were mocking me and speaked about the thing they were doing and i wanst (smoke,fucking,drinking,fighting) i was learning and improving,
so now i never wanted to be like them,because i was bettter
my friend is egocentrical as any stupid chadlite,but i only can conclude one thing of what he said to you
if your brother won the genetic lottery,just make him focus in improving his natural talents,so in a few years he will be at a better life than the normies laughing him now