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Jul 14, 2022
The title might seem rage bait, but is it a lie though?

From what I've seen the average incel is just too darn demoralised to take any action against the gynocracy that they passionately complain about. Why are incels more ready to rot and super reluctant to revolt? Women are literally outcompeting and taking over bureaucratic jobs from men, jobs that pay well and offer women more power than men. They literally have more resources to support & put their people in power unlike the average man.

Men are also dropping out of uni and as a result will not be able to get into professions like law, civil service, politics, etc.. Isn't it high time to start reminding men that they're slowly getting enslaved by foids? Shouldn't we seriously start addressing the possiblity of implementing policies & macro-societal level solutions to fix the drop in T levels in men ?
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is it a lie though
No. Incels are by definition subhumans.

Why are incels more ready to rot and super reluctant to revolt?
Because it's easier and more pleasant to rot with some copes than die by suicide by cop.

Women are literally outcompeting and taking over bureaucratic jobs from men, jobs that pay well and offer women more power than men.
It's beyond over for the male race.
Good afternoon, Lieutenant. Have you been given the rank of captain for your service or are you just waiting for a promotion?
No. Incels are by definition subhumans.
imagine selling yourself to the definitions professed by the gynocracy
Because it's easier and more pleasant to rot with some copes than die by suicide by cop.
It's still a cope. While your genes rot and die in front of your very own eyes, the foids' & chads' genes will survive and make it to the next generation. A foids' genes will always continue to survive as long as she pumps out a foid, but a man's genes won't if he doesn't produce a son carrying his y chromosome.
Good afternoon, Lieutenant. Have you been given the rank of captain for your service or are you just waiting for a promotion?
Can you elaborate? I haven't used this place much to understand inside jokes.
Foids are “outcompeting” because soyciety openly discriminates in favour of foids. Their life is ridiculously easy
Because glowies are watching :feelsLSD:
Incels are incels only because of looks
Too many people register here to write posts for incelstears on reddit, to make us look like terrorists dangerous to society and to be sent to prisons or a mental hospital just because we are not sexually successful.
Can you elaborate? I haven't used this place much to understand inside jokes.
He's basically calling you a glowie.

He is saying that you are an undercover cop infiltrating the forum
the entirety of the world worships foids and the only group in soyciety that doesn’t are incels. Incels are already a minuscule percentage of the world population and are not enough to start a successful retaliation against the matriarchy. shitty militiamen would destroy a so called “incel army”. OP is a disgusting glownigger.
Foids are “outcompeting” because soyciety openly discriminates in favour of foids. Their life is ridiculously easy
Yep. In a fair world, they wouldn't beat men at anything. Men are objectively superior to them in every way
Foids are “outcompeting” because soyciety openly discriminates in favour of foids. Their life is ridiculously easy
why do you allow them to do that though? You can either die trying fighting the good battle or continue rotting you know. Given that incels have already accepted their fate of supposedly inevitable 'Genetic Death', why not try fighting if you've nothing to lose. The 'Fight' need also not be violent but rather schemy like jewery or foidery
why do you allow them to do that though? You can either die trying fighting the good battle or continue rotting you know. Given that incels have already accepted their fate of supposedly inevitable 'Genetic Death', why not try fighting if you've nothing to lose. The 'Fight' need also not be violent but rather schemy like jewery or foidery
I am not in a position of power, there is nothing I can do about companies having policies that gives preferential treatment to foids. I’m not a kike
He's basically calling you a glowie.

He is saying that you are an undercover cop infiltrating the forum
Wouldn't I then be someone advocating for violence and terrorism if I were glowie? I literally am begging all incels and by extension all men to emulate tactics practiced by foids who've destroyed your lives retards.
Wouldn't I then be someone advocating for violence and terrorism if I were glowie? I literally am begging all incels and by extension all men to emulate tactics practiced by foids who've destroyed your lives retards.
but that would mean seriously working hard, adopting & accepting responsibility, networking, infiltrating, etc. etc..
I dont have the energy or the motivation to take action and i dont believe it would change something anyway. Revolting wont help me get a better face or become taller
I am not in a position of power, there is nothing I can do about companies having policies that gives preferential treatment to foids. I’m not a kike
larp as le feminist, get into the brozone or friendzone with women, create mistrust among women by feeding false info to each other in whatever way you can, destroy women's trust in each other, sit back and enjoy them destroying each other.
the aforementioned strategy is one minor thing you can do in everyday life.
larp as le feminist, get into the brozone or friendzone with women, create mistrust among women by feeding false info to each other in whatever way you can, destroy women's trust in each other, sit back and enjoy them destroying each other.
the aforementioned strategy is one minor thing you can do in everyday life.
I have no interest in being friends or fake friends with foids anymore. And your suggestion literally does nothing in regards to companies favouring foids
larp as le feminist, get into the brozone or friendzone with women, create mistrust among women by feeding false info to each other in whatever way you can, destroy women's trust in each other, sit back and enjoy them destroying each other.
the aforementioned strategy is one minor thing you can do in everyday life.
that’s a lot of work. i’d rather rot tbh.
I have no interest in being friends or fake friends with foids anymore. And your suggestion literally does nothing in regards to companies favouring foids
it's one small step for incels and one giant leap for men. If enough men do things like that without arousing suspicion, men can capitalise off of women's internal strife.
it's one small step for incels and one giant leap for men. If enough men do things like that without arousing suspicion, men can capitalise off of women's internal strife.
Even if women recognise these kinds of tactics, which I hope they won't but then again it depends on men's motivation & brains, it'll atleast make them to spend more time on this kind of problem rather than allowing them to focus more on their work & accrue more money & power.
My general sentiment & point is that men must up their game rather than just giving up. Look at South korea ffs. Their men united as one single voting block and brought in an incel adjacent president in power.
My general sentiment & point is that men must up their game rather than just giving up. Look at South korea ffs. Their men united as one single voting block and brought in an incel adjacent president in power.
Has this improved demographics in South Korea or the lives of Asian incels? I don't think the problem of incels can be solved through politics and elections. Democracy does not exist, if your choice changed everything around you, no one would let you do it, you would have the illusion of choice.
why revolt tho? u gotta think if revolt would it change anything for u, u said high income professionsare taken by foids which is true, but would revolt help u getting good job with that? id say nope, maybe 20 years later there will be change from revolt success but u getting nothing from it. the ones benefiting is next generation and the leaders of revolt and not u, since theres nothing there might as well just cope
Has this improved demographics in South Korea or the lives of Asian incels?
Now? No. But it might in the future. Infact south korean men themselves aren't fully united to take militaristic action against their women inspire of the draft that only has male recruits, primarily because many of them are confident in their abilities to geomaxx. Vietnam & Thailand is a popular place for low tier to high tier kimchi normies to find brides. If geomaxx wasn't an option, I think they might go ape against their own women.
I've been saying this for a while, in any other time period men would've revolted and took back society, despite men of the past being significantly shorter than the average incel. The only incel who wanted to fight matriarchy was Elliot Rodger, 10 years on incels only whinge about their small penis and habitually the N word.
My general sentiment & point is that men must up their game rather than just giving up. Look at South korea ffs. Their men united as one single voting block and brought in an incel adjacent president in power.
yea they remove all stuff about gender equality and feminism shits in Elementary schools lol, would ppl in this generation benefit from it ? nope all woke ppl already woked, they wont turn back. its only when elementary students growing up u'll see the change which is like 20 years, we would be old by then
Now? No. But it might in the future. Infact south korean men themselves aren't fully united to take militaristic action against their women inspire of the draft that only has male recruits, primarily because many of them are confident in their abilities to geomaxx. Vietnam & Thailand is a popular place for low tier to high tier kimchi normies to find brides. If geomaxx wasn't an option, I think they might go ape against their own women.
You can only lead a successful revot if you have the power and means to do so. That means you must larp as le soiboi feminist sympathiser, if its necessary, so as to get close to the power center and seize it.
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The title might seem rage bait, but is it a lie though?

From what I've seen the average incel is just too darn demoralised to take any action against the gynocracy that they passionately complain about. Why are incels more ready to rot and super reluctant to revolt? Women are literally outcompeting and taking over bureaucratic jobs from men, jobs that pay well and offer women more power than men. They literally have more resources to support & put their people in power unlike the average man.

Men are also dropping out of uni and as a result will not be able to get into professions like law, civil service, politics, etc.. Isn't it high time to start reminding men that they're slowly getting enslaved by foids? Shouldn't we seriously start addressing the possiblity of implementing policies & macro-societal level solutions to fix the drop in T levels in men ?
Yes totally. Most of us were forsaken by our parents, teached nothing.
WE should do like sfcels, train, be strong, think well, and group.
The only incel who wanted to fight matriarchy was Elliot Rodger, 10 years on incels only whinge about their small penis and habitually the N word.
Sporadic violent events will only paint us in a negative light, even amongst men. That nigga should've thought more deeply before going guns out
it won't work we'll just end up in jail somehow
Least Obvious Glowie
Glow A little more Bro .

No but seriously if you want the Gynocracy to stop , Man on a Global Scale would have to become Self Aware , what will never happen .

Continue to Work while getting Cheated on By Woman just because she felt like it " . And Lives from your Taxes .

jfl :feelsclown:
why revolt tho? u gotta think if revolt would it change anything for u, u said high income professionsare taken by foids which is true, but would revolt help u getting good job with that? id say nope, maybe 20 years later there will be change from revolt success but u getting nothing from it. the ones benefiting is next generation and the leaders of revolt and not u, since theres nothing there might as well just cope
you could benefit if the revolution succeeds by the time you turn 40-50 . How? we can have special provisions like surrogate mothers for old verterans having the first priority.
No but seriously if you want the Gynocracy to stop , Man on a Global Scale would have to become Self Aware , what will never happen .
it's already happening to a large extent in SK & Japan. The only thing stopping their men is the will to fight . there's a reason why hikis are called herbivores. it's because they're harmless losers with no balls to fight to the bitter end if need be

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