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Brutal Incels are low IQ on average.

I disagree.

I was considered smart, or close to genius when I was in kindergarten. I was among the most intelligent in elementary school, but then I started to give zero fucks about learning and getting good grades so people who believed in that intelligence purely comes from grades started to think about me otherwise. I was just lazy and careless tho. Later on as puberty kicked in, my surroundings decided to outcast me for my looks, and that was where I started to hide my intellect and build in solitude.

Remember the ugly, nerdy Sheldon Cooper-style kid from school, always yapping about Star Wars and maths? Well that was not me. It was Chad, but in disguise, as his pimples, ugly glasses and geeky clothing made him look dorky. Not necessarily intelligent either, but only hard learning which usually got him good grades. Not genetically waste, only a bit low on cleanliness and a wardrobe out of touch.
I was just a non-typical ugly guy with no hard learning, no good grades, and no nerdy style.
Idk about my raw intelligence
I have adhd which makes me seem really dumb (not understanding when people talk fast,or forgetting things very easily,attention span of about 10 seconds) But when I'm on meds I feel smarter
Living as a NEET for so long has lowered my iq.
water this site should just redirect to a gif of water at this point
Having autism or being schizophrenic will cause that
I have below-average IQ.
Inceldom lowers your IQ and cognitive abilities over time because of depression and rotting, that's not the same as being genetically dumb. No group of looks level differs heavily in genetic intelligence.

Well put.

ugly people eventually do become dumber ovER time due to brain rotting caused by trauma from the expERience of being treated negatively by society (due to their looks), but that is an ENVIRONMENTAL factor.


There are diffERent genes for diffERent attributes of a living creature (gene for physical attractiveness, gene for intelligence, gene for physical strength etc.).

And all of these genes have NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER, they are INDEPENDANT of each other (meaning having a particular gene in a particular attribute has NO INFLUENCE on what genes you will be born with in any of the othER attributes).

Ugly people are just as likely as good-looking people to be born dumb. Likewise, ugly people are just as likely as good-looking people to be born smart.

Intelligence comes from your brain wiring and brain chemistry, which has NOTHING TO DO with facial structure, facial features, height etc.

the incels who argue that “good genes come in a package” are just dumbfucks with no undERstanding of genetics, biology or even basic Science in genERal, they just say what they “imagine” to be the truth lol

These dumbfuck incels are unironically validating their own arguments raised about “good/bad genes coming in a package”.

These stupid incels add weight to their own hypothesis, Cos not only wERe they born ugly and/or autistic, they wERe also born low IQ.
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That would honestly only make sense in terms of the fact that depression lowers your IQ and let’s face it, how are you meant to not be depressed as an Incel?

One of the most powERful and relatable lines I evER heard in any movie, was in the movie “JokER”, when the shrink (psychologist) asked JokER how long he has been “depressed” for.

JokER replied “my whole life”

It’s so fucking true though, chads and foids are nevER depressed.

Normies have their ups and downs, they have their periods of happiness and periods of “depression” (but the “depression“ just like the happiness, nevER lasts long because they are regularly altERnating from one state of mind to anothER), living life through an emotional rollER-coastER

As for us incels, our entire lives have pretty much been lived in depression ONLY.

Unlike normies, Our depression isn’t something which just lasts for a month and then goes away with a bit of partying, clubbing, socialising etc (as is the case with normies).

Unlike normies, Our depression isn’t short-tERm, it’s long-tERm. Our depression isn’t temporary, it’s pERmanent.

Unlike normies’ fake depression, Our depression is the TRUE depression, our depression is the REAL depression.

From womb to Tomb, you will be treated like shit primarily due to your ugly appearance and/or mental illness, inevitably leading to developing a continuous non-stop state of depression which will nevER go away and which will be bothERing you not only at evERy waking moment, but also haunting you via vivid nightmares when you are asleep.

Meanwhile we will outrageously be told by the same normie society which caused us to become depressed in the first place, to “just be happy” (which is even more ridiculous considERing the fact that our expERiences would make
most people depressed if they had to live in our shoes for just a month). If these normies had to live the life of a propER truecel from start to finish, they would eithER end up dead, homeless, in psych ward or in jail.

Many of these losERs couldn’t even cope with a year of loneliness during covid lockdowns and ended up killing themselves, meanwhile we have been lonely OUR WHOLE LIVES, yet we nevER took the easy way out through death, instead we faced advERsity and we FOUGHT FOR OUR SURVIVAL like TRUE WARRIORS. We demonstrated much more courage and bravERy for not committing suicide by now, while the same normies who kill themselves ovER much smaller and much more insignficant issues in comparison to our own, are telling us to be emotionally strongER :feelsclown: :feelsclown: :feelsclown: :feelsclown:

There will nevER be escape from depression, it will be your one and only true friend which will remain with you throughout your whole life, from birth until death.

No point trying to run from it, no point trying to hide from it, no point in even trying to fight it.

The most logical option is to simply accept the depression as part of your soul/consciousness, but don’t let it handicap you. Learn how to live with it, so you can function as efficiently as possible.

It’s ovER. In fact, it nevER began.
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It’s what I’ve realized after plenty of time here. Shit genes come in a package. It’s sad but true.
I was in special ED When I was in elementary school. I had teachers call me a retard in front of the entire class and everybody would point in laugh at me. I have no doubt It would be in my interest to take an IQ test and if I do miserably. I could ask for government assistance and live off the dole. My own father called me stupid. Now he complains I don't visit him when he's dying of cancer. Everybody in my family is somewhat hostile towards me. Perhaps I am a retard. I wish I had the ability to find an alternative to life. I guess I can make that decision for myself but I am too scared. So I try to be grateful for what I have and just march forward. But yes I am obviously a freak. I'm too stupid to fit in society.
my iq is average i think should make an IQ test
I disagree. The most intelligent people I know on the internet are people I've met from here. Incels not having long bones doesn't have anything to do with intelligence. The only people with low intelligence are the white supremacist IQ test copers.
OP is right for the wrong reasons. This guy gets it basically:
Inceldom lowers your IQ and cognitive abilities over time because of depression and rotting, that's not the same as being genetically dumb. No group of looks level differs heavily in genetic intelligence.

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