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JFL Incels are called "psychopaths" for analyzing society and advocating for a more ethical order, while actual psychopaths are loved by normies and foids

I just came across this thread on le Reddit, which argues that the amount of psychopaths/sociopaths/antisocial people in society is severely underestimated, which is a proposition I would agree with.

But the example the OP uses for unappreciated psychopaths is... us. JFL


Learning how social dynamics operate, especially as it concerns female nature (which our soyciety not only allows but encourages to be totally uninhibited and unrestrained), and detesting it as "brutal" and "cruel" is not psychopathy.

Psychopaths are the ones who prosper in modern society, and are enlivened by brutality and cruelty, not the ones who are victimized by it. The free-for-all environments of the feminist "sexual marketplace" and the capitalist economic marketplace are their playgrounds, where they are the bullies and we are the bullied. By virtue of being as exploitative and parasitic as possible in intent, yet extremely charming in affect, psychopaths automatically excel with foid-bloodsuckers and their equivalents in the social climbing game: rapacious, greedy scum in corporations and manipulative liars in politics.

Just take Pete Butt as an example. He is the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for president, and he is a literal psychopath. Since the age of 6 year old, he has been completely enamored by the need to climb the social ladder and become the most powerful man in the world. Virtually everything he's done in his life has had that end in mind: to build a resume which would qualify him for the presidency, and establish its superficial credentials, while internally he believes in nothing but his own ambitions for the ultimate reigns of authority. He would be the youngest president to ever take office. And normie and foid voters are actually letting him get as close as he is to his goal!

Pete Butt is also gay, something which he did not admit until it became politically expedient for him.

Here is another homosexual psychopath (diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder) who I found on le Reddit:


He is an avid supporter of capitalism, and argues that if the state punishes you for your antisocial behavior, and then a capitalist company decides not to hire you for it, that it is the fault of the state for punishing you for your antisocial behavior. Of course, he does not consider the fact that someone who commits crimes (i.e. a psychopath like him) might be responsible for the consequences of his own actions.


Here he is arguing that necrophilia is acceptable, because dead people have "no value" (implying that he thinks any living people do).


Here he is basically admitting to being a criminal. He also posts on a sex offender subreddit, and a "LGBT libertarian" subreddit.


Here he is justifying his bullying of others in school, because it was "convenient." And he states that attention/status just so happens to fall into his lap (teehee).

etc. etc.
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All of human society revolves around inequality, tyranny, and slavery, no society is immune from this, that is the norm for all societies including our modern ones with the thin veneer or illusion of equality, civility, rights, and freedom.
[[UWSL]None of those things are real by the way.][/UWSL]

Human beings are not moral, ethical, or even naturally good, these are just words and descriptions we like to self delude ourselves with to make ourselves feel nice and special. In reality, all human interactions revolve around social alliances, power dynamics, utility [usefulness], deception, and the acquisition of material resources. Morality and ethics have nothing to do with anything, law or government is enforced at the end of a gun barrel. Without the rule of law enforced by guns or other instruments of inflicting death, how eager we would all be to satiate our appetites by killing, robbing, raping, enslaving, fighting, and just slaughtering each other for perceived spite and sport, that is the real human nature always lurking underneath all the false pretenses and facades. :feelsjuice:

The only thing that is constant within humanity is its exceeding ugliness of man's inhumanity against man and today more prescient, women's inhumanity against men. Human beings love deception, one might say it's intoxicating for us, and on a daily basis, we love deceiving others or ourselves, the constant barrage of lies we tell ourselves just to get by. :feelsclown::feelsdevil:
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Well of course, what do you expect from a society that has given the wheel completely over to women, the sex that is most inherently evil and susceptible to committing evil?
I just want to hug a girlfrend, not to hurt anybody
every normie is a narcissist/sociopath, just cucked and dumb beyond measure
All of human society revolves around inequality, tyranny, and slavery, no society is immune from this, that is the norm for all societies including our modern ones with the thin veneer or illusion of equality, civility, rights, and freedom.
[[UWSL]None of those things are real by the way.][/UWSL]

Human beings are not moral, ethical, or even naturally good, these are just words and descriptions we like to self delude ourselves with to make ourselves feel nice and special. In reality, all human interactions revolve around social alliances, power dynamics, utility [usefulness], deception, and the acquisition of material resources. Morality and ethics have nothing to do with anything, law or government is enforced at the end of a gun barrel. Without the rule of law enforced by guns or other instruments of inflicting death, how eager we would all be to satiate our appetites by killing, robbing, raping, enslaving, fighting, and just slaughtering each other for perceived spite and sport, that is the real human nature always lurking underneath all the false pretenses and facades. :feelsjuice:

The only thing that is constant within humanity is its exceeding ugliness of man's inhumanity against man and today more prescient, women's inhumanity against men. Human beings love deception, one might say it's intoxicating for us, and on a daily basis, we love deceiving others or ourselves, the constant barrage of lies we tell ourselves just to get by. :feelsclown::feelsdevil:
damn, i like this site.
I just want to hug a girlfrend, not to hurt anybody
i can imagine how much acid and gaslighting and normies would spit on you if you said it anywhere else

Why they are so surprised by shootings if their response to us just merely existing is at least an attempt at psycological warfare?
Why anyone who goes ER should care about their lives after that?
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I'm a psychopath for complaining about being lonely, but a dude pummeling his gf every day and all the thugs getting laid are good people.

Yeah okay.

Men scoring higher in psychopathic traits tended to receive higher ratings from women
Brazil, KJ. Forth AE. 2019. Psychopathy and the Induction of Desire: Formulating and Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychological Science, pp 1-18. [Abstract]

Women are drawn more than men to nonfiction stories of rape, murder, and serial killers
Vicary AM, Fraley, RC. 2010. Captured by True Crime: Why Are Women Drawn to Tales of Rape, Murder, and Serial Killers? Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1(1): 81-86. [Abstract] [FullText]

Childhood bullies experience greater sexual success than non-bullies
It was found that a greater likelihood of being the perpetrator of bullying behavior was correlated with a greater sexual partner count. However, due to the nature of the study it was impossible to tell if the mediating factor in this relationship was the bullying itself, or the HEXACO personality traits that are associated with a greater likelihood of engaging in this behavior, specifically the trait 'Honesty-Humility', that was found to being generally lower among bullies. This personality trait has also generally been found to be related to the 'dark triad' traits.

  • Volk AA, Dane AV, Zopito AM, Vaillancourt T. 2015. Adolescent Bullying, Dating, and Mating: Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychology. [FullText]
  • Provenzano DA, Dane AV, Farrell AH, Marini Z, Volk AA. 2017. Do Bullies Have More Sex? The Role of Personality. Evolutionary Psychological Science. [FullText]
Male gang members have dramatically more female sexual partners

  • Palmer CT, Tilley CF. 1995. Sexual Access to Females as a Motivation For Joining Gangs: An Evolutionary Approach. The Journal of Sex Research, 32(3):213-217. [Abstract] [FullText]
  • Mocan N, Tekin E. 2006. Ugly Criminals. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper No. 12019. [FullText]
Male serial killers, terrorists, and rapists receive thousands of love letters from women in prison

  • Fimrite P, Taylor M. 2005. No shortage of women who dream of snaring a husband on Death Row / Experts ponder why deadliest criminals get so many proposals. SF Gate. [News]
  • Gurian EA. 2013. Explanations of mixed-sex partnered homicide: A review of sociological and psychological theory. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 18(5): 520-526. [Abstract]
Criminal and anti-social men have more sexual partners and have sex earlier
Ellis L, Walsh A. 2000. Criminology: A Global Perspective, 1st Edition. pp 227: Table 8.11. [References]

Cluster-B personality disorders lead to 3.5x as many sexual partners and more offspring
Guitiérrez et al. (2013) conducted a study in order to determine if the various personality disorder clusters—Type A (Schizoid, Odd), Type B (Narcissistic, Anti-social) and Type C (Avoidant, OCD)—were solely detrimental in terms of life outcomes for the individuals with these personality disorders (PDs), or if they instead presented their sufferers with various potentially adaptive benefits, such as greater sexual and social opportunities.
Namely, those individuals high in type-B personality cluster traits (Narcissism, Anti-Social, Borderline, Histrionic) of both sexes has 3.5x as many mates as low B subjects, with five times as many short-term mates and twice as many long term mates. It was also found that those higher in cluster B had 39% more offspring then those lower in cluster B traits.

Gutiérrez F, Gárriz M, Peri JM, Ferraz L, Sol D, Navarro JB, Barbadilla A, Valdés M. 2013. Fitness costs and benefits of personality disorder traits. Evolution and Human Behavior. 34(1): 41-48.

39% of hospitalized male psychopaths had consensual sex with female mental health staff
Gacono C, Meloy JR, Sheppard K, Speth E, Roske A. 1995. A Clinical Investigation of Malingering and Psychopathy in Hospitalized Insanity Acquittees. Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 23(3): 387-397. [FullText]

Men are attracted to "nice" women, but women are not attracted to "nice" men
Researchers sought to evaluate niceness by defining it as: "a characteristic that may signal to potential partners that one understands, values and supports important aspects of their self-concept and is willing to invest resources in the relationship." In other words, niceness is the degree to which a person understands, values, and supports his partner's identity and values and is willing to put commitment and effort into the relationship. This is also known in psychology as "responsiveness."
The researchers found that men who perceived possible female partners as responsive found them to be "more feminine and more attractive." They also found that when men found women to be responsive, it led to a heightened sexual arousal from the men and greater desire for a relationship.
On the other hand, when women perceived their male partner to be more responsive, they were less attracted to the man.

  • Birnbaum GE, Ein-Dor T, Reis HT, Segal N. 2014. Why Do Men Prefer Nice Women? Gender Typicality Mediates the Effect of Responsiveness on Perceived Attractiveness in Initial Acquaintanceships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 40(10): 1341-1353. [Abstract]
  • Mejia P. 2014. Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around. Newsweek. [News]
  • Judge TA, Livingston BA, and Hurst C. 2012. Do nice guys—and gals—really finish last? The joint effects of sex and agreeableness on income. [Abstract]
Female narcissism reduces marital quality for men, but male narcissism does not for women
It was found that high degrees of female narcissism predicted a decline in marital quality and satisfaction over time. However, male narcissism did not negatively affect marital quality or satisfaction.
This would seem to imply men are greatly bothered by narcissistic wives, but women are not so typically bothered by narcissistic husbands. This conclusion is in keeping with evidence reviewed that women find narcissistic men more attractive and actively seek them as husbands.

Lavner JA, Lamkin J, Miller JD, Campbell WK, Karney BR. 2016. Narcissism and newlywed marriage: Partner characteristics and marital trajectories. Personal Disord. 7(2): 169-79. [Abstract]

Women desiring marriage and commitment are more attracted to narcissistic men
Haslam C, Montrose T. 2015. Should have known better: The impact of mating experience and the desire for marriage upon attraction to the narcissistic personality. Personality and Individual Differences. 82: 188-192. [Abstract]
Dark triad pill annihilated me. Absolutely brutal. There is no god.
Meh, they use these words like "psychopath" and "disturbed" but there's no intellectual rigor and little sign of real understanding there. I think these words are just synonyms for "bad" and "things I dislike" at this point.
Psychopathic behaviour is hard to spot,it's just normie stigma
. Morality and ethics have nothing to do with anything, law or government is enforced at the end of a gun barrel. Without the rule of law enforced by guns or other instruments of inflicting death, how eager we would all be to satiate our appetites by killing, robbing, raping, enslaving, fighting, and just slaughtering each other for perceived spite and sport, that is the real human nature always lurking underneath all the false pretenses and facades. :feelsjuice:

The only thing that is constant within humanity is its exceeding ugliness of man's inhumanity against man and today more prescient, women's inhumanity against men. Human beings love deception, one might say it's intoxicating for us, and on a daily basis, we love deceiving others or ourselves, the constant barrage of lies we tell ourselves just to get by. :feelsclown::feelsdevil:
Very high iq

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first screenshot in the OP shows a soycuck that claims we have no empathy nor understanding, which is ironic considering said person has no understanding of our community nor has any empathy enough to bother and do some basic research before coming to slandering conclusions.

in short, cries about ''lack of empathy'' while not showing any empathy himself.
Dark triad pill annihilated me. Absolutely brutal. There is no god.
The sister of a guy i know just got her first boyfriend. She rejected dozens of guys prior to that (no exaggeration).
Her first bf? Drug addicted criminal who's currently hunted by the police, ded srs.
I just came across this thread on le Reddit, which argues that the amount of psychopaths/sociopaths/antisocial people in society is severely underestimated, which is a proposition I would agree with.

But the example the OP uses for unappreciated psychopaths is... us. JFL

View attachment 202058

Learning how social dynamics operate, especially as it concerns female nature (which our soyciety not only allows but encourages to be totally uninhibited and unrestrained), and detesting it as "brutal" and "cruel" is not psychopathy.

Psychopaths are the ones who prosper in modern society, and are enlivened by brutality and cruelty, not the ones who are victimized by it. The free-for-all environments of the feminist "sexual marketplace" and the capitalist economic marketplace are their playgrounds, where they are the bullies and we are the bullied. By virtue of being as exploitative and parasitic as possible in intent, yet extremely charming in affect, psychopaths automatically excel with foid-bloodsuckers and their equivalents in the social climbing game: rapacious, greedy scum in corporations and manipulative liars in politics.

Just take Pete Butt as an example. He is the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for president, and he is a literal psychopath. Since the age of 6 year old, he has been completely enamored by the need to climb the social ladder and become the most powerful man in the world. Virtually everything he's done in his life has had that end in mind: to build a resume which would qualify him for the presidency, and establish its superficial credentials, while internally he believes in nothing but his own ambitions for the ultimate reigns of authority. He would be the youngest president to ever take office. And normie and foid voters are actually letting him get as close as he is to his goal!

Pete Butt is also gay, something which he did not admit until it became politically expedient for him.

Here is another homosexual psychopath (diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder) who I found on le Reddit:

View attachment 202065

He is an avid supporter of capitalism, and argues that if the state punishes you for your antisocial behavior, and then a capitalist company decides not to hire you for it, that it is the fault of the state for punishing you for your antisocial behavior. Of course, he does not consider the fact that someone who commits crimes (i.e. a psychopath like him) might be responsible for the consequences of his own actions.

View attachment 202066

Here he is arguing that necrophilia is acceptable, because dead people have "no value" (implying that he thinks any living people do).

View attachment 202068

Here he is basically admitting to being a criminal. He also posts on a sex offender subreddit, and a "LGBT libertarian" subreddit.

View attachment 202071

Here he is justifying his bullying of others in school, because it was "convenient." And he states that attention/status just so happens to fall into his lap (teehee).

etc. etc.
didnt read a single word of the ledditards but nice post regardless
I just came across this thread on le Reddit, which argues that the amount of psychopaths/sociopaths/antisocial people in society is severely underestimated, which is a proposition I would agree with.

But the example the OP uses for unappreciated psychopaths is... us. JFL

View attachment 202058

Learning how social dynamics operate, especially as it concerns female nature (which our soyciety not only allows but encourages to be totally uninhibited and unrestrained), and detesting it as "brutal" and "cruel" is not psychopathy.

Psychopaths are the ones who prosper in modern society, and are enlivened by brutality and cruelty, not the ones who are victimized by it. The free-for-all environments of the feminist "sexual marketplace" and the capitalist economic marketplace are their playgrounds, where they are the bullies and we are the bullied. By virtue of being as exploitative and parasitic as possible in intent, yet extremely charming in affect, psychopaths automatically excel with foid-bloodsuckers and their equivalents in the social climbing game: rapacious, greedy scum in corporations and manipulative liars in politics.

Just take Pete Butt as an example. He is the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for president, and he is a literal psychopath. Since the age of 6 year old, he has been completely enamored by the need to climb the social ladder and become the most powerful man in the world. Virtually everything he's done in his life has had that end in mind: to build a resume which would qualify him for the presidency, and establish its superficial credentials, while internally he believes in nothing but his own ambitions for the ultimate reigns of authority. He would be the youngest president to ever take office. And normie and foid voters are actually letting him get as close as he is to his goal!

Pete Butt is also gay, something which he did not admit until it became politically expedient for him.

Here is another homosexual psychopath (diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder) who I found on le Reddit:

View attachment 202065

He is an avid supporter of capitalism, and argues that if the state punishes you for your antisocial behavior, and then a capitalist company decides not to hire you for it, that it is the fault of the state for punishing you for your antisocial behavior. Of course, he does not consider the fact that someone who commits crimes (i.e. a psychopath like him) might be responsible for the consequences of his own actions.

View attachment 202066

Here he is arguing that necrophilia is acceptable, because dead people have "no value" (implying that he thinks any living people do).

View attachment 202068

Here he is basically admitting to being a criminal. He also posts on a sex offender subreddit, and a "LGBT libertarian" subreddit.

View attachment 202071

Here he is justifying his bullying of others in school, because it was "convenient." And he states that attention/status just so happens to fall into his lap (teehee).

etc. etc.
You hit the nail on the head with this one. Excellent title by the way.

Redditors and tweeters are usually selfish fools who can’t see past their own nose. They censor anyone that says anything they don’t like lol.

They hate us because we oppose their ideology/world view and seek to improve somewhat how men are treated like garbage in the west while women are given free reign and still complain and delusionally believe they have it bad, it’s surreal to behold.
I'm a psychopath for complaining about being lonely, but a dude pummeling his gf every day and all the thugs getting laid are good people.

Yeah okay.

Men scoring higher in psychopathic traits tended to receive higher ratings from women
Brazil, KJ. Forth AE. 2019. Psychopathy and the Induction of Desire: Formulating and Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychological Science, pp 1-18. [Abstract]

Women are drawn more than men to nonfiction stories of rape, murder, and serial killers
Vicary AM, Fraley, RC. 2010. Captured by True Crime: Why Are Women Drawn to Tales of Rape, Murder, and Serial Killers? Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1(1): 81-86. [Abstract] [FullText]

Childhood bullies experience greater sexual success than non-bullies
It was found that a greater likelihood of being the perpetrator of bullying behavior was correlated with a greater sexual partner count. However, due to the nature of the study it was impossible to tell if the mediating factor in this relationship was the bullying itself, or the HEXACO personality traits that are associated with a greater likelihood of engaging in this behavior, specifically the trait 'Honesty-Humility', that was found to being generally lower among bullies. This personality trait has also generally been found to be related to the 'dark triad' traits.

  • Volk AA, Dane AV, Zopito AM, Vaillancourt T. 2015. Adolescent Bullying, Dating, and Mating: Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychology. [FullText]
  • Provenzano DA, Dane AV, Farrell AH, Marini Z, Volk AA. 2017. Do Bullies Have More Sex? The Role of Personality. Evolutionary Psychological Science. [FullText]
Male gang members have dramatically more female sexual partners

  • Palmer CT, Tilley CF. 1995. Sexual Access to Females as a Motivation For Joining Gangs: An Evolutionary Approach. The Journal of Sex Research, 32(3):213-217. [Abstract] [FullText]
  • Mocan N, Tekin E. 2006. Ugly Criminals. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper No. 12019. [FullText]
Male serial killers, terrorists, and rapists receive thousands of love letters from women in prison

  • Fimrite P, Taylor M. 2005. No shortage of women who dream of snaring a husband on Death Row / Experts ponder why deadliest criminals get so many proposals. SF Gate. [News]
  • Gurian EA. 2013. Explanations of mixed-sex partnered homicide: A review of sociological and psychological theory. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 18(5): 520-526. [Abstract]
Criminal and anti-social men have more sexual partners and have sex earlier
Ellis L, Walsh A. 2000. Criminology: A Global Perspective, 1st Edition. pp 227: Table 8.11. [References]

Cluster-B personality disorders lead to 3.5x as many sexual partners and more offspring
Guitiérrez et al. (2013) conducted a study in order to determine if the various personality disorder clusters—Type A (Schizoid, Odd), Type B (Narcissistic, Anti-social) and Type C (Avoidant, OCD)—were solely detrimental in terms of life outcomes for the individuals with these personality disorders (PDs), or if they instead presented their sufferers with various potentially adaptive benefits, such as greater sexual and social opportunities.
Namely, those individuals high in type-B personality cluster traits (Narcissism, Anti-Social, Borderline, Histrionic) of both sexes has 3.5x as many mates as low B subjects, with five times as many short-term mates and twice as many long term mates. It was also found that those higher in cluster B had 39% more offspring then those lower in cluster B traits.

Gutiérrez F, Gárriz M, Peri JM, Ferraz L, Sol D, Navarro JB, Barbadilla A, Valdés M. 2013. Fitness costs and benefits of personality disorder traits. Evolution and Human Behavior. 34(1): 41-48.

39% of hospitalized male psychopaths had consensual sex with female mental health staff
Gacono C, Meloy JR, Sheppard K, Speth E, Roske A. 1995. A Clinical Investigation of Malingering and Psychopathy in Hospitalized Insanity Acquittees. Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 23(3): 387-397. [FullText]

Men are attracted to "nice" women, but women are not attracted to "nice" men
Researchers sought to evaluate niceness by defining it as: "a characteristic that may signal to potential partners that one understands, values and supports important aspects of their self-concept and is willing to invest resources in the relationship." In other words, niceness is the degree to which a person understands, values, and supports his partner's identity and values and is willing to put commitment and effort into the relationship. This is also known in psychology as "responsiveness."
The researchers found that men who perceived possible female partners as responsive found them to be "more feminine and more attractive." They also found that when men found women to be responsive, it led to a heightened sexual arousal from the men and greater desire for a relationship.
On the other hand, when women perceived their male partner to be more responsive, they were less attracted to the man.

  • Birnbaum GE, Ein-Dor T, Reis HT, Segal N. 2014. Why Do Men Prefer Nice Women? Gender Typicality Mediates the Effect of Responsiveness on Perceived Attractiveness in Initial Acquaintanceships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 40(10): 1341-1353. [Abstract]
  • Mejia P. 2014. Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around. Newsweek. [News]
  • Judge TA, Livingston BA, and Hurst C. 2012. Do nice guys—and gals—really finish last? The joint effects of sex and agreeableness on income. [Abstract]
Female narcissism reduces marital quality for men, but male narcissism does not for women
It was found that high degrees of female narcissism predicted a decline in marital quality and satisfaction over time. However, male narcissism did not negatively affect marital quality or satisfaction.
This would seem to imply men are greatly bothered by narcissistic wives, but women are not so typically bothered by narcissistic husbands. This conclusion is in keeping with evidence reviewed that women find narcissistic men more attractive and actively seek them as husbands.

Lavner JA, Lamkin J, Miller JD, Campbell WK, Karney BR. 2016. Narcissism and newlywed marriage: Partner characteristics and marital trajectories. Personal Disord. 7(2): 169-79. [Abstract]

Women desiring marriage and commitment are more attracted to narcissistic men
Haslam C, Montrose T. 2015. Should have known better: The impact of mating experience and the desire for marriage upon attraction to the narcissistic personality. Personality and Individual Differences. 82: 188-192. [Abstract]
Holy shit based

You make best posts man, thanks for the citations.
Human beings are not moral, ethical, or even naturally good, these are just words and descriptions we like to self delude ourselves with to make ourselves feel nice and special. In reality, all human interactions revolve around social alliances, power dynamics, utility [usefulness], deception, and the acquisition of material resources. Morality and ethics have nothing to do with anything, law or government is enforced at the end of a gun barrel. Without the rule of law enforced by guns or other instruments of inflicting death, how eager we would all be to satiate our appetites by killing, robbing, raping, enslaving, fighting, and just slaughtering each other for perceived spite and sport, that is the real human nature always lurking underneath all the false pretenses and facades. :feelsjuice:
Proceed to your nearest MENSA station for IQ testing immediately.
There is no law without enforcers. In my country (Spain) it's very common for police to not enforce some aspects of the law, especially regarding very minor things (such as bikes driving on pedestrian lane). So, if the police doesn't enforce it AT ALL, it's de facto legal.

Might still makes right, but we like to pretend otherwise. Might used to be whoever could club others to death with more strength, today is more of subtle power, political alliances and character assessinations. Therefore, the brute will never prosper (except for MMA and similar fields), while the dark triads (especially the psychopaths and machiavellians) conquer the world via using clever scheme and crowd manipulation.
Proceed to your nearest MENSA station for IQ testing immediately.
There is no law without enforcers. In my country (Spain) it's very common for police to not enforce some aspects of the law, especially regarding very minor things (such as bikes driving on pedestrian lane). So, if the police doesn't enforce it AT ALL, it's de facto legal.

Might still makes right, but we like to pretend otherwise. Might used to be whoever could club others to death with more strength, today is more of subtle power, political alliances and character assessinations. Therefore, the brute will never prosper (except for MMA and similar fields), while the dark triads (especially the psychopaths and machiavellians) conquer the world via using clever scheme and crowd manipulation.
The brutes still have advantage. Many females still would choose brute over weak man because brute can beat weak male and attack or rape his girlfriend. Unless weak male has high IQ and moneymaxxing potential, he will be unsuccessful in the area of dating. And some men have combination of physical weakness + low IQ = giga over.
The brutes still have advantage. Many females still would choose brute over weak man because brute can beat weak male and attack or rape his girlfriend. Unless weak male has high IQ and moneymaxxing potential, he will be unsuccessful in the area of dating. And some men have combination of physical weakness + low IQ = giga over.
Yes, brutes can have local advantage, but it's not mindless brutes the ones who are ruling the world, it's the stone cold, plotting and politically orientated individuals who do.
I wasn't even talking about dating, I was talking about the grand scheme of things
it's a well known and studied fact that chads can't be psychopaths because they are chads, and we are psychopaths bc we're ugly and complain a bit
I just came across this thread on le Reddit, which argues that the amount of psychopaths/sociopaths/antisocial people in society is severely underestimated, which is a proposition I would agree with.

But the example the OP uses for unappreciated psychopaths is... us. JFL

View attachment 202058

Learning how social dynamics operate, especially as it concerns female nature (which our soyciety not only allows but encourages to be totally uninhibited and unrestrained), and detesting it as "brutal" and "cruel" is not psychopathy.

Psychopaths are the ones who prosper in modern society, and are enlivened by brutality and cruelty, not the ones who are victimized by it. The free-for-all environments of the feminist "sexual marketplace" and the capitalist economic marketplace are their playgrounds, where they are the bullies and we are the bullied. By virtue of being as exploitative and parasitic as possible in intent, yet extremely charming in affect, psychopaths automatically excel with foid-bloodsuckers and their equivalents in the social climbing game: rapacious, greedy scum in corporations and manipulative liars in politics.

Just take Pete Butt as an example. He is the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for president, and he is a literal psychopath. Since the age of 6 year old, he has been completely enamored by the need to climb the social ladder and become the most powerful man in the world. Virtually everything he's done in his life has had that end in mind: to build a resume which would qualify him for the presidency, and establish its superficial credentials, while internally he believes in nothing but his own ambitions for the ultimate reigns of authority. He would be the youngest president to ever take office. And normie and foid voters are actually letting him get as close as he is to his goal!

Pete Butt is also gay, something which he did not admit until it became politically expedient for him.

Here is another homosexual psychopath (diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder) who I found on le Reddit:

View attachment 202065

He is an avid supporter of capitalism, and argues that if the state punishes you for your antisocial behavior, and then a capitalist company decides not to hire you for it, that it is the fault of the state for punishing you for your antisocial behavior. Of course, he does not consider the fact that someone who commits crimes (i.e. a psychopath like him) might be responsible for the consequences of his own actions.

View attachment 202066

Here he is arguing that necrophilia is acceptable, because dead people have "no value" (implying that he thinks any living people do).

View attachment 202068

Here he is basically admitting to being a criminal. He also posts on a sex offender subreddit, and a "LGBT libertarian" subreddit.

View attachment 202071

Here he is justifying his bullying of others in school, because it was "convenient." And he states that attention/status just so happens to fall into his lap (teehee).

etc. etc.
yes I know people do not study the real psychopaths be we are labeled psychopaths'.
>adds to document

Another High Quality Thread.
This is the reason we need leviathan and the common wealth. The dictators, totalitarians and monarchs were great because they provided a world where everyone could succeed and humans were forced to cooperate. Btw, read Leviathan and De Cive by Thomas Hobbes for more information.
I just came across this thread on le Reddit, which argues that the amount of psychopaths/sociopaths/antisocial people in society is severely underestimated, which is a proposition I would agree with.

But the example the OP uses for unappreciated psychopaths is... us. JFL

View attachment 202058

Learning how social dynamics operate, especially as it concerns female nature (which our soyciety not only allows but encourages to be totally uninhibited and unrestrained), and detesting it as "brutal" and "cruel" is not psychopathy.

Psychopaths are the ones who prosper in modern society, and are enlivened by brutality and cruelty, not the ones who are victimized by it. The free-for-all environments of the feminist "sexual marketplace" and the capitalist economic marketplace are their playgrounds, where they are the bullies and we are the bullied. By virtue of being as exploitative and parasitic as possible in intent, yet extremely charming in affect, psychopaths automatically excel with foid-bloodsuckers and their equivalents in the social climbing game: rapacious, greedy scum in corporations and manipulative liars in politics.

Just take Pete Butt as an example. He is the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for president, and he is a literal psychopath. Since the age of 6 year old, he has been completely enamored by the need to climb the social ladder and become the most powerful man in the world. Virtually everything he's done in his life has had that end in mind: to build a resume which would qualify him for the presidency, and establish its superficial credentials, while internally he believes in nothing but his own ambitions for the ultimate reigns of authority. He would be the youngest president to ever take office. And normie and foid voters are actually letting him get as close as he is to his goal!

Pete Butt is also gay, something which he did not admit until it became politically expedient for him.

Here is another homosexual psychopath (diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder) who I found on le Reddit:

View attachment 202065

He is an avid supporter of capitalism, and argues that if the state punishes you for your antisocial behavior, and then a capitalist company decides not to hire you for it, that it is the fault of the state for punishing you for your antisocial behavior. Of course, he does not consider the fact that someone who commits crimes (i.e. a psychopath like him) might be responsible for the consequences of his own actions.

View attachment 202066

Here he is arguing that necrophilia is acceptable, because dead people have "no value" (implying that he thinks any living people do).

View attachment 202068

Here he is basically admitting to being a criminal. He also posts on a sex offender subreddit, and a "LGBT libertarian" subreddit.

View attachment 202071

Here he is justifying his bullying of others in school, because it was "convenient." And he states that attention/status just so happens to fall into his lap (teehee).

etc. etc.
I’m just commenting again because I always scroll past this and read the title and by damn if it doesn’t resonate with all of us. This should be pinned forever.
I just came across this thread on le Reddit, which argues that the amount of psychopaths/sociopaths/antisocial people in society is severely underestimated, which is a proposition I would agree with.

But the example the OP uses for unappreciated psychopaths is... us. JFL

View attachment 202058

Learning how social dynamics operate, especially as it concerns female nature (which our soyciety not only allows but encourages to be totally uninhibited and unrestrained), and detesting it as "brutal" and "cruel" is not psychopathy.

Psychopaths are the ones who prosper in modern society, and are enlivened by brutality and cruelty, not the ones who are victimized by it. The free-for-all environments of the feminist "sexual marketplace" and the capitalist economic marketplace are their playgrounds, where they are the bullies and we are the bullied. By virtue of being as exploitative and parasitic as possible in intent, yet extremely charming in affect, psychopaths automatically excel with foid-bloodsuckers and their equivalents in the social climbing game: rapacious, greedy scum in corporations and manipulative liars in politics.

Just take Pete Butt as an example. He is the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for president, and he is a literal psychopath. Since the age of 6 year old, he has been completely enamored by the need to climb the social ladder and become the most powerful man in the world. Virtually everything he's done in his life has had that end in mind: to build a resume which would qualify him for the presidency, and establish its superficial credentials, while internally he believes in nothing but his own ambitions for the ultimate reigns of authority. He would be the youngest president to ever take office. And normie and foid voters are actually letting him get as close as he is to his goal!

Pete Butt is also gay, something which he did not admit until it became politically expedient for him.

Here is another homosexual psychopath (diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder) who I found on le Reddit:

View attachment 202065

He is an avid supporter of capitalism, and argues that if the state punishes you for your antisocial behavior, and then a capitalist company decides not to hire you for it, that it is the fault of the state for punishing you for your antisocial behavior. Of course, he does not consider the fact that someone who commits crimes (i.e. a psychopath like him) might be responsible for the consequences of his own actions.

View attachment 202066

Here he is arguing that necrophilia is acceptable, because dead people have "no value" (implying that he thinks any living people do).

View attachment 202068

Here he is basically admitting to being a criminal. He also posts on a sex offender subreddit, and a "LGBT libertarian" subreddit.

View attachment 202071

Here he is justifying his bullying of others in school, because it was "convenient." And he states that attention/status just so happens to fall into his lap (teehee).

etc. etc.
Incels suffer everyday and ask themselves why they, out of all, were condemned to inceldom and are regarded as psychopaths, while cum dumpster foids are praised by cucks and simps and are the true evil and psychopaths of the world. Fuck this clown planet
This is the reason we need leviathan and the common wealth. The dictators, totalitarians and monarchs were great because they provided a world where everyone could succeed and humans were forced to cooperate. Btw, read Leviathan and De Cive by Thomas Hobbes for more information.
Foremost, women need to be put back in their place. Cum dumpsters, especially the ones that are proud of it, should be beheaded and executed.
@Atavistic Autist Yesterday i has 1/2 teaspoon Borneo Red Kratom and today 1 teaspoon and it has absolutely no effect. Can you explain why ?
@Atavistic Autist Yesterday i has 1/2 teaspoon Borneo Red Kratom and today 1 teaspoon and it has absolutely no effect. Can you explain why ?
>One teaspoon contains 2 to 2.3 grams of kratom

Keep going up. 3-4 grams is standard.

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