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Experiment Inceldom and therapy - oldcel records his therapy session

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Life is a fucking scam.
Jan 6, 2020
@Grotesque dropped a vid yesterday where he recorded his latest therapy session, lowinhibGOD move tbh
you can check it here:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wou2wsJ2Pz4

He's obviously just going along with it, because he can't really express himself, you can't reason with these people
at around the 13 minute mark, his (((therapist))) goes on a rant about the patriarchy and how women are so hard to decipher, how men been trying to understand how women think for centuries, and how white men dominates society and all that bullshit, just disgusting indoctrination NPC talk

It just got me thinking about the time I tried therapy for a while, these people are fucking clueless. The first thing normies would suggest you to try is therapy, of fucking course! They think therapy is something magical, that'd get rid of all your problems, like taking antibiotics when you have bacterial pneumonia.
But therapists don't have a fucking clue!
It's just so frustrating to talk to these people, they don't know what they're doing, most advice they give is meaningless and pointless, they're so out of touch with reality, It's unbelievable...
Watch the video, most of the time his therapist seems lost, and this old hag probably takes pride in having decades of professional counseling experience. Sadly 99.9999% of therapists are like that, I'm saying 99.9999% on the off chance there's at least one competent therapist hidden somewhere, but I've never met one.
It's all so pointless... How these braindead people are supposed to help us?

tl;dr: therapy is for foids and normies who don't have real problems in life, if you got real problems, they'll not be able to help you... at all.
If you don't have anyone to talk to irl, maybe venting to a therapist can be a good thing, but these people can't help you with anything else.
It's so frustrating...

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People still watch that fag?
love him or hate him.. can't deny he can be entertaining at times
imagine recording your therapy session and posting it to youtube :feelskek:
can't find that kind of content elsewhere
Is this what therapy is like?
I hear many bluepillers recommend it, but what do they actually tell you? Why shouldnt I talk to a friend for support who already knows and understands me? None of those therapycels could ever tells me what a psychiatrist says that anyone else doesn't.
Cool thing to do tbh.

@Atavistic Autist

Also @Grotesque lost weight it seems.
Imagine going to a foid therapist as an incel. Oh...the irony.
Is this what therapy is like?
yes brocel
this is how "therapy" usually goes, It's absolutely pointless

Why shouldnt I talk to a friend for support who already knows and understands me
exactly! Therapy is trash, It's much better to talk to a friend or close relative (if you have one who's willing to listen and to help you out)

None of those therapycels could ever tells me what a psychiatrist says that anyone else doesn't.
and therapists sometimes don't even say stuff to help you
imagine going on a rant about the patriarchy in the middle of a session, how's that going to do any good to your patient?
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imagine going on a rant about the patriarchy in the middle of a session
Not even that - after her feminist bullshit talk she said "Im sorry to do this to you, but our time is over now".

Also her face at 16:20 when he said that the white rich men are mostly jewish
Not about him being fakecel i don't care about that part, i hate him cuz he's a bluepilled cuck who simped and said some borderline female worship shit on discord.
@Grotesque was coping and went borderline insane
40 years without poon would do that to you I guess

Not even that - after her feminist bullshit talk she said "Im sorry to do this to you, but our time is over now".
ye, it was sad to watch ngl

Also her face at 16:20 when he said that the white rich men are mostly jewish
jfl pretty lowinhib for naming the jew :feelskek:
Not about him being fakecel i don't care about that part, i hate him cuz he's a bluepilled cuck who simped and said some borderline female worship shit on discord.
Wasn't there some drama with a 'Rowan' girl from youtube? He simped hard or something, idk pretty out of the loop.
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Not an excuse, we have users here as old as him and even older who never stepped that low, even the ones who don't escortmaxx like him.
i know... i know
i was not trying to make excuses... It's just I'm not in his shoes, so I really can't judge him too harshly
imagine making it to 40 and still an incel.. the absolute feeling of despair
brutal shit ngl

She started making live videos with him, she was just using him like a puppy and he was happy that dumb fuck, he was also posting shit on discord like "Rowan said im cute, rowan said im good looking"
that was pathetic behaviour ngl
I stopped watching his videos during that deplorable simp phase
but he finally came back to his senses after a while
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She started making live videos with him, she was just using him like a puppy and he was happy that dumb fuck, he was also posting shit on discord like "Rowan said im cute, rowan said im good looking", i'm pretty sure @kikecel remembered those messages.
@Grotesque is a massive simp, constantly shifts between despising that whore and loving her and begging her to return talking to him.
regardless, I enjoy his content.
Why shouldnt I talk to a friend for support who already knows and understands me? None of those therapycels could ever tells me what a psychiatrist says that anyone else doesn't.
@ThoughtfulCel told me that before
wise advice Mr. Gorilla. It should be more common sense, but sometimes people are just too blind to see it
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@Grotesque is a massive simp, constantly shifts between despising that whore and loving her and begging her to return talking to him.
regardless, I enjoy his content.
Worst kind of simps tbh. My old gymbuddy (muslim) was always head over toes in love with any girl that talked to him, when he found out they were born in the same city he talked about being "destinied to spend their lives together" and as she rejected him he quoted misogynic rap lyrics infront of her and told everyone how all women are fucking whores. 2-3 months later he falls in love again with a random foid
love him or hate him.. can't deny he can be entertaining at times
imagine recording your therapy session and posting it to youtube :feelskek:
can't find that kind of content elsewhere
@Atavistic Autist
Conversing with someone who makes ~$100 an hour while you are a low status incel/autist is bound to be an absurd mismatch, whether you are in "treatment" with them or not. The differential in experiences and thus world views will make any genuine connection impossible.

It is extraordinarily evident that the "therapeutic relationship" is strained and artificial, not just because it's commodified but because the therapist is little more than a bourgeois priest of social alienation, peddling an adapted form of Eastern mysticism to their atomized clients.

In the end result, what serves to better your life are improvements to your material and social situation; and in this regard, if the client in therapy was simply given all the money that the therapist gets paid, this would do much more for his well-being than any psychological pseudo-science that's meant to make you socially conform to the source of your problems, and detach from any alternative means of addressing them (detach from "toxic" family bonds and informal relationships, or at least view them with scrutiny, while you fully entrust some foid or effeminate soy with your deepest secrets, JFL).
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Didn't this guy say this forum is a shithole or something? I'll only watch this video to see what actually theraphists do.
How the fuck is talking about the "patriarchy" going to help a poor guy who is invisible to women and lonely because of it and has been in the same situation for decades? For starters it's a bullshit point and secondly it is a completely separate and irrelevant issue to what he is meant to be getting treated for anyway. Does she think Grotesque is some politician who is out there creating policies that will keep a sister down for fucks sake and women recognise him from that and instantly dislike him??? No, he's a normal average looking nice guy who has been treated like shit for NO apparent reason thanks to hypergamy and a garbage society!

The only sort of therapy I could see working is strengthening someone's ability to cope WITHOUT women and become content without this lifestyle that we've all had shoved in our faces left right and centre and even that would be almost impossible because we've all had 20 years or more of indoctrination telling us that we are pieces of shit if some bitch won't put her hole on a plate for us.
Is this what therapy is like?
I hear many bluepillers recommend it, but what do they actually tell you? Why shouldnt I talk to a friend for support who already knows and understands me? None of those therapycels could ever tells me what a psychiatrist says that anyone else doesn't.
Therapy is appealing to self-absorbed social climbers who don't have any true friends to confide in -- just competitors for a promotion, or another such mogging contest.

Not only do they lack meaningful social bonds to sustain them, but they also lack self-control or the ability to understand and help themselves. So they are encouraged to "seek help" from an "expert" instead.

To be sure, this "expert" does know a thing or two about bourgeois problems, and so could be of some use to a fellow urbanite bugman. But as for an incel/autist? Not a chance. You will be patronized and given the most ludicrous advice meant for retards. And the only possible upshot is that you will get NEETbux out of the affair, an improvement of your material situation that is ultimately extraneous to therapy itself.
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Cringe tbh

Your gf is supposed to be your therapist
he simped for both tahlia and rowan but ok.
Does she think Grotesque is some politician who is out there creating policies that will keep a sister down for fucks sake
Despite being an individualistic practice, therapy does have the conceit of modifying peoples' personal attitudes for the social good (understood in a strictly liberal sense, of course).

The therapist, after all, assumes authority over you in the capacity of a father or mother figure, intruding upon how you were raised and socialized in an attempt to modify it.
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Therapy is appealing to self-absorbed social climbers who don't have any true friends to confide in -- just competitors for a promotion, or another such mogging contest.

Not only do they lack meaningful social bonds to sustain them, but they also lack self-control or the ability to understand and help themselves. So they are encouraged to "seek help" from an "expert" instead.

To be sure, this "expert" does know a thing or two about bourgeois problems, and so could be of some use to a fellow urbanite bugman. But as for an incel/autist? Not a chance. You will be patronized and given the most ludicrous advice meant for retards. And the only possible upshot is that you will get NEETbux out of the affair, an improvement of your material situation that is ultimately extraneous to therapy itself.
My mum sent me to a addiction therapist when I was 13/14 because I spent all of my free time on the computer. This soyboy adviced me to stop wearing black jeans and metal shirts because its :"like a supressing uniform, try something neq to build new habits!"

Jfl this fag really couldnt grasp that Im ugly and nobody wants anything to do with me ane I escape into WoW
My mum sent me to a addiction therapist when I was 13/14 because I spent all of my free time on the computer. This soyboy adviced me to stop wearing black jeans and metal shirts because its :"like a supressing uniform, try something neq to build new habits!"

Jfl this fag really couldnt grasp that Im ugly and nobody wants anything to do with me ane I escape into WoW
I remember this anecdote of yours.

The lesson is that rather than address the source of your problems, the therapist encourages you to palliate the symptoms, so as to draw out the number of appointments and make as much money as they can from you.

They will speak of an unhealthy "dependence" that you might be developing for a substance or activity that helps you, or for another person. But they will never critique your dependence on them, the therapist, because this is precisely what they cultivate for profit.
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I remember this anecdote of yours.

The lesson is that rather than address the source of your problems, the therapist encourages you to palliate the symptoms, so as to draw out the number of appointments and make as much money as they can from you.

They will speak of an unhealthy "dependence" that you might be developing for a substance or activity that helps you, or for another person. But they will never critique your dependence on them, the therapist, because this is precisely what they cultivate for profit.
Oh sorry, I know I told this before but didnt knew you read it already. But yeah looking back its weird af. Every semi-interested person that watches some youtube knows that theres a deeper reason to addiction than just "doing xy is fun". How the fuck did my therapist never even try to find the cause of this. Just "write down how much hours you plqy and try to reduce it"
white women are the most entitled foids , white men have to growth balls and putting them in a cage
Oh sorry, I know I told this before but didnt knew you read it already. But yeah looking back its weird af. Every semi-interested person that watches some youtube knows that theres a deeper reason to addiction than just "doing xy is fun". How the fuck did my therapist never even try to find the cause of this. Just "write down how much hours you plqy and try to reduce it"
In your case, the therapist was diagnosing excessive computer use and video gaming as nothing more than an individual compulsion. When you understand just how much he got paid for such a lackluster "treatment" of you, the reasons for this will become obvious. Namely, the less effort you put into work, the more your salary is worth.

In other cases of "addiction," the therapist is trained to deconstruct friendships and family relationships. So when it comes to alcohol addiction, for example, they will be ready to impugn the "peer pressure" which compelled you to drink, or the familial "inter-generational pathology" which made alcohol a fixture of your imagination.

The priority in this mode of therapy is to "self-actualize," but not by yourself, of course, but rather through the onus of the therapist. It is not unlike how a cult will isolate you from those you know, and cultivate dependence upon the leader, under the pretense of enabling you to "discover yourself."

The difference is that therapy is supposed to be benevolent, but therapists are often just as degenerate and despicable behind the scenes as any cult leader. Indeed, they are usually motivated to study psychology in the first place because they are maladjusted people who are interested in social manipulation. But there is nobody around to study and scrutinize them.

And, of course, this form of therapy distracts from the fact that the source of a rotten culture such as alcoholism is a rotten society to begin with. It is based in a society where families have too weak of an influence on their children rather than too strong of one; friends who actually had little influence over each other, and were simply conforming to a greater, hedonistic ethos (what does it say of a society if failing to drink alcohol is considered a moral affront worthy of social shame? It says what the culture is about).
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Adam Lanza's psychiatrist was leveraging his position to fuck mentally ill foids, JFL

Lmao. Ofc they can't empathise with sexually frustrated men when they're fucking foids on the side (or being dicked down by chads). I talked about this a while ago here. Therapy is utterly useless for incels.
Is this what therapy is like?
They are basically telling you that you should focus on the things you have in your life and not to focus on what you are missing in your life
She's so clueless that he is the one that shouldve been paid for that "session".
They are basically telling you that you should focus on the things you have in your life and not to focus on what you are missing in your life
This is a philosophy based in demoralization and defeatism, which, if embraced, would detract from any meaningful attempts to improve your material and social circumstances.

Like I say above, if the "patient" in therapy was given the $100 per session the therapist gets, this would result in real improvement for a change. The field of psychology itself would attest to this, since free money is interpreted by the brain as love, and would surely increase your confidence to socialize and find your place in society despite the initial attrition of rejection.
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In your case, the therapist was diagnosing excessive computer use and video gaming as nothing more than an individual compulsion. When you understand just how much he got paid for such a lackluster "treatment" of you, the reasons for this will become obvious. Namely, the less effort you put into work, the more your salary is worth.

In other cases of "addiction," the therapist is trained to deconstruct friendships and family relationships. So when it comes to alcohol addiction, for example, they will be ready to impugn the "peer pressure" which compelled you to drink, or the familial "inter-generational pathology" which made alcohol a fixture of your imagination.

The priority in this mode of therapy is to "self-actualize," but not by yourself, of course, but rather through the onus of the therapist. It is not unlike how a cult will isolate you from those you know, and cultivate dependence upon the leader, under the pretense of enabling you to "discover yourself."

The difference is that therapy is supposed to be benevolent, but therapists are often just as degenerate and despicable behind the scenes as any cult leader. Indeed, they are usually motivated to study psychology in the first place because they are maladjusted people who are interested in social manipulation. But there is nobody around to study and scrutinize them.

And, of course, this form of therapy distracts from the fact that the source of a rotten culture such as alcoholism is a rotten society to begin with. It is based in a society where families have too weak of an influence on their children rather than too strong of one; friends who actually had little influence over each other, and were simply conforming to a greater, hedonistic ethos (what does it say of a society if failing to drink alcohol is considered a moral affront worthy of social shame? It says what the culture is about).
High high effort my man. The comparison of therapists with cult leaders is very good. Especially when you look at psychology students and how fucked up they are, especially the foids. The saying that therapists actually just want to help themselves is a saying for a reason. Even Peterson is more unstable than he appears.
Wasn't there some drama with a 'Rowan' girl from youtube? He simped hard or something, idk pretty out of the loop.
Rowan is a girl with Borderline Personality Disorder who came onto the youtube scene acting like she wanted to help incels and be a therapist for incels and she seemed to have a voracious appetite to genuinely learn as much about incels as she could.

Eventually we all learned why this was.

And of course the reasons were not good.

Ultimately we discovered that she was cucking her main boyfriend Jordan who is a tall lanky middle eastern arab brown dude with some other brown indian/paki type of dude who has a huge dick that Rowan apparently likes to suck on regularly and send Jordan and others pictures/videos of regularly.

You see she'd been cucking Jordan with this guy and wanted to humiliate Jordan further by adding an incel to the mix to further humiliate Jordan with by talking to said incel romantically but ultimately like all evil BPD roasties/thots that alone was not enough for Rowan as she desired to cuck/humiliate her new incel victim as well.

So cue grotty boy lmfao.

Despite my best warnings and that of others Grotesque couldn't help himself but trust this wretched little bitch and she proceeded to use and abuse him like only the BPD scum of the earth can leaving him more hurt and hate filled of women than he was to begin with.

And since Grotesque's psychology still isn't beaten down enough after all these years like most everyone else in the community his ego motivated his still somehow existant pride to cause him to lash out at Rowan when she would try to cuck him with the other guys or say mean things to him ultimately leading to their e-relationship "breakup" where Grotty Boy switches between hating her and hoping she would die to wishing desperately she'd come back and start talking to him again.

And like the viscious little mentally ill cunt that she is she plays victim surrounding this and gets a sick pleasure out of obtaining Grotty Boy's continued attention and obsession.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn2Qwr5Ea1g
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Can someone give me a rundown on whats wrong with him?
Can someone give me a rundown on whats wrong with him?
He clearly has body dismorphic disorder in my opinion (thinks he’s ugly as his reason for zero success with attractive women) and was wrongly diagnosed with autism also in my opinion.

He can hold and carry a conversation just fine and can be both charming and funny which is what the dialogue between him and his most recent libtard NPC shrink points out.

Though having said that he probably does at least suffer from in my opinion chronic depression, bipolar disorder and Asperger’s syndrome making him a mentalcel like Elliot Rodger ie Tesque suffers from spergy bouts of anger.

He looks almost exactly like the twin brother of my next door neighbor who has a smoking hot wife and before her had a different reasonably attractive wife before they got divorced for some reason.

Lastly grotty boy may of been professionally diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome but I’m not 100% sure about that but I’ve gotten to know him well enough to 1000% disagree with his idea that his problems with women are due to his supposedly being ugly.

He looks average basically.

Like your average looking Midwestern type of guy.

He’s someone I believe would greatly benefit from clothes maxxing but I think he’s probably a combination of too stubborn, too broke and too set in his ways to even try it.

If I were him I’d be wearing fancy dark tinted sunglasses and casual business suits ie think almost an 80’s style of clothing but mixed with contemporary styles as well.

View: https://youtu.be/vgpcEYkj0hQ
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Rowan is a girl with Borderline Personality Disorder who came onto the youtube scene acting like she wanted to help incels and be a therapist for incels and she seemed to have a voracious appetite to genuinely learn as much about incels as she could.

Eventually we all learned why this was.

And of course the reasons were not good.

Ultimately we discovered that she was cucking her main boyfriend Jordan who is a tall lanky middle eastern arab brown dude with some other brown indian/paki type of dude who has a huge dick that Rowan apparently likes to suck on regularly and send Jordan and others pictures/videos of regularly.

You see she'd been cucking Jordan with this guy and wanted to humiliate Jordan further by adding an incel to the mix to further humiliate Jordan with by talking to said incel romantically but ultimately like all evil BPD roasties/thots that alone was not enough for Rowan as she desired to cuck/humiliate her new incel victim as well.

So cue grotty boy lmfao.

Despite my best warnings and that of others Grotesque couldn't help himself but trust this wretched little bitch and she proceeded to use and abuse him like only the BPD scum of the earth can leaving him more hurt and hate filled of women than he was to begin with.

And since Grotesque's psychology still isn't beaten down enough after all these years like most everyone else in the community his ego motivated his still somehow existant pride to cause him to lash out at Rowan when she would try to cuck him with the other guys or say mean things to him ultimately leading to their e-relationship "breakup" where Grotty Boy switches between hating her and hoping she would die to wishing desperately she'd come back and start talking to him again.

And like the viscious little mentally ill cunt that she is she plays victim surrounding this and gets a sick pleasure out of obtaining Grotty Boy's continued attention and obsession.
Thanks for the rundown brocel. Absolutely brutal. I feel for this Jordan, imagine going through that. As I said, I watch Grotesque once in a while and it seems like in every vid he is crying about Rowan, how he "loves her", which she just used him. If he was smart he would come to terms with this and stop talking about her but what can you do? She sounds like a massive pos, yet he still wants her :feelswhat:
He clearly has body dismorphic disorder in my opinion (thinks he’s ugly as his reason for zero success with attractive women) and was wrongly diagnosed with autism also in my opinion.

He can hold and carry a conversation just fine and can be both charming and funny which is what the dialogue between him and his most recent libtard NPC shrink points out.

Though having said that he probably does at least suffer from in my opinion chronic depression, bipolar disorder and Asperger’s syndrome making him a mentalcel like Elliot Rodger ie Tesque suffers from spergy bouts of anger.

He looks almost exactly like the twin brother of my next door neighbor who has a smoking hot wife and before her had a different reasonably attractive wife before they got divorced for some reason.

Lastly grotty boy may of been professionally diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome but I’m not 100% sure about that but I’ve gotten to know him well enough to 1000% disagree with his idea that his problems with women are due to his supposedly being ugly.

He looks average basically.

Like your average looking Midwestern type of guy.

He’s someone I believe would greatly benefit from clothes maxxing but I think he’s probably a combination of too stubborn, too broke and too set in his ways to even try it.

If I were him I’d be wearing fancy dark tinted sunglasses and casual business suits ie think almost an 80’s style of clothing but mixed with contemporary styles as well.

View: https://youtu.be/vgpcEYkj0hQ

Hey thanks man.

I too thought he looks okay considering that he is 40(also a tallfag). He wears these stupid glasses which he could switch to a 70s shade style and he could really looksmax with haor implants.

He just seems like your average american boomer familly guy to me aswell.... the creatures he swipes on bumble are sickening.

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