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Venting Incel trait: your parents didn't teach you anything

  • Thread starter Deleted member 22572
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Deleted member 22572

Deleted member 22572

Nov 12, 2019
I've learned nothing.

It feels like life has just drifted past me.

I've just ended up as poor, lazy and ugly as they are. Even If I had kids whilst being poor and ugly I'd at least do my best to get them out of it, but my parents have done nothing.

I'm fully capable of getting A** on all subjects but being surrounded by unmotivated victim-complexed poor subhumans in all my childhood I could never be successful in anything.

I've never tried my hardest in anything. And I was the one who had to notice this and take action on this myself.

They've done absolutely nothing. All they've done is provided a roof over my head and food, the absolute minimum that nearly every parent does for their child. They've done nothing more. And btw by shelter I mean a tiny apartment where I have to share a bedroom with my sibling. And by food I mean barely any of it. I'm skinny as fuck and people in school joked about it and even my mum's friends joked about it but obviously that spineless loser didn't care.

Thank god for the fact that I noticed how incompetent I was and unfulfilling of my potential I was before it was too late. Well it was too late. Up until 16 years of age I was unconsciously incompetent. It was exactly halfway through my GCSEs, which I did terrible on for my standards, where I watched this really good video by Jordan Belfort (the wolf of wall street) that made me realise how I've never actually tried my 100% at anything in my life and I never had a winner mentality and all my excuses for not trying at stuff were invalid. (It's just a coincidence that he's in my avi btw I just got it cuz I liked the movie.)

Unfortunately it was too late that I became conciously incompetent. I was already halfway through my GCSEs and it takes time to go from the cycle of being conciously incompetent to then being conciously competent so I still didn't do enough revision for the upcoming tests despite knowing I had to do so.

I am now 18 and I am still between being conciously incompetent and competent.

It's just crazy to me that I had to find out about this myself and how they've never pushed me or taught me anything of value.

The version of me at 16 feels 10 years younger than who I am today.

And it's sad because my younger sister is the same as I used to be: unconiously incompetent. She never tries in school and I ask her why and she just laughs about it. I feel like I need to become like a parent to her and motivate her to do her best because I know fully well that my parents won't do shit when she's 16 and has 1 week left until her GCSEs and hasn't done any revision like with me.

1) unconiously incompetent
2) consciously incompetent
3) conciously competent
4) unconiously competent

My whole life I've been at 1) and I've been at 2) for 2 years and I still haven't gotten to 3).

I have such high standards for where I wanna be in life. Yet my parents are somehow comfortable with where they are.

Ye. Brutal. It feels like I'm the offspring of millionaires yet was adopted by the homeless.

@anon1822 @Atavistic Autist @Gymcelled can any of u relate?

Btw nothing I'm saying here is to to be conceited of myself, to sound edgy or to attention seek or whatever so if you take it that way then you're a fucking loser with an inferiroty complex. There is no possible way you can respond to this post in a negative way against me so if somehow manage to do so then you're retarded.
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True, my mom and grandma fed and clothed me and my brother, but never taught us any practical life skills. Hell, sometimes they have the audacity to get mad me for not knowing the things they should of taught us.
True, my mom and grandma fed and clothed me and my brother, but never taught us any practical life skills. Hell, sometimes they have the audacity to get mad me for not knowing the things they should of taught us.
Yep. What used to happen in the past would be:
>have test coming up
>mom notices I'm not doing any studying
>doesn't do anything
>do shit on test
>mom gets angry
>mom doesn't do anything

I genuinely wished my parents punished me more. Maybe that would've motivated me. They'd just get angry about something for a bit and then forget about it immediately and then the cycle continued.
Other than shelter and food, they didn't give me anything. They thought making me go to church several times a week was good for me
"Btw nothing I'm saying here is to to be conceited of myself, to sound edgy or to attention seek or whatever so if you take it that way then you're a fucking loser with an inferiroty complex. There is no possible way you can respond to this post in a negative way against me so if somehow manage to do so then you're retarded."

I have to admit, I have never had to try hard in anything but I did.
I coped that one day I will have a family and I want to get them the best life I can.
But now I realize that at best I will just end up as a beta buck cuck who got Chad's leftover's after she rode the cock carasoul.
But even that is impossible for me, because I am too ugly.
no point even trying to succeed in a late stage capitilism society, everything has already been advanced, no new horizons, its just wageslaving some shitty ass job.
I think they tried to teach me that if you work hard, then you succeed.

no point even trying to succeed in a late stage capitilism society, everything has already been advanced, no new horizons, its just wageslaving some shitty ass job.
I have no other choice. I need to get the money to be able to move out from my family and be independent and I also need money for looksmaxxing.

And when I say success I don't mean just in terms on money I also mean in terms of happiness. There's stuff I wanna and goals I have like apps I wanna develop and artwork I wanna do but I procastinate.
Dad left when i was 2, learned nothing from him
mom raised me in a cult, learned nothing from her
my parents couldn't have teached me anything as they didn't know shit themselves
Both of my parents are ignorant as fuck and didn't teach me shit, most of the stuff I know comes from me being an internet dweller for the past 10 years
Bluepillers: 43

Tenor 26
Same here man. From sports to finances to academics to looksmaxing, my parents imparted practically nothing. They were present, weren't abusive, and gave me a lot of copes so maybe it wasn't all bad, but it feels like the only thing that actually put effort into was teaching me Bible passages jfl. It's a shame (maybe a good thing given my looks) that I won't be able to impart any wisdom on my own children
i debate all the time whether im just such a fucking loser that i cannot comprehend learning or if my parents are just utter failures that framed me to be this way

case in point: cooking
early on i tried to ask them to teach me how to cook because they were both drunks and worked all the time so i could only snack on things until they brought home some McDonalds or such. I really wanted to cook my own food. But after a few mishaps like me shocking myself or cutting myself or setting the kitchen on fire they just stopped trying to teach me and instead just told me to go to my room and they will handle it. So now im an adult and cant cook.

Another example would be car maintenance. Both my parents know quite a bit about cars (my dad because he fixes things and my mom because she has a lot of brothers) but everytime they tried to teach me they would get frustrated and just tell me to go inside the house until they finish. Then they would get mad at me for the rest of the day for not knowing what to do. I mean I don't even own a car but still I feel like a dumbass not knowing how cars work.
I think I also said before how I never learned anything, never tried at anything. Very relatable.

But, you are still very young in my eyes. Believe me, you still have time. I'd kill to be 18 again, your life is just starting mate. I know you won't really believe these words but it's so true.
my dad thought me some stuff
i debate all the time whether im just such a fucking loser that i cannot comprehend learning or if my parents are just utter failures that framed me to be this way

case in point: cooking
early on i tried to ask them to teach me how to cook because they were both drunks and worked all the time so i could only snack on things until they brought home some McDonalds or such. I really wanted to cook my own food. But after a few mishaps like me shocking myself or cutting myself or setting the kitchen on fire they just stopped trying to teach me and instead just told me to go to my room and they will handle it. So now im an adult and cant cook.

Another example would be car maintenance. Both my parents know quite a bit about cars (my dad because he fixes things and my mom because she has a lot of brothers) but everytime they tried to teach me they would get frustrated and just tell me to go inside the house until they finish. Then they would get mad at me for the rest of the day for not knowing what to do. I mean I don't even own a car but still I feel like a dumbass not knowing how cars work.
I can't cook either but I dunno if that's normal for my age in a Western country these days. Also my general knowledge on food is shit. Like so many foods I've never had so when I go to a restaurant I have no idea what anything is so I just have to go with the most basic thing like pasta, pizza or a burger.
Looks like Im not incel
oh wait... i have no social circle and zero friends and never kissed or did pee in vee

guess im still incel

I have no other choice. I need to get the money to be able to move out from my family and be independent and I also need money for looksmaxxing.

And when I say success I don't mean just in terms on money I also mean in terms of happiness. There's stuff I wanna and goals I have like apps I wanna develop and artwork I wanna do but I procastinate.

good luck getting a job atm with corona.

jfl ive been applying for months and heard nothing
Looks like Im not incel
oh wait... i have no social circle and zero friends and never kissed or did pee in vee

guess im still incel

No parenthood for you face, buddy boyo
My parents would just expect me to know how to do things. They were very much the type to exist, they would do things and never have any origin story of how they learned to do it. It's weird. It makes me think about how for normal people, life is almost on-rails. Momentum gives them ability I guess, something I never had and they can't understand if I tried to explain it.
good luck getting a job atm with corona.

jfl ive been applying for months and heard nothing
Rlly? I thought it would be even easier to get jobs now cuz of corona.
Rlly? I thought it would be even easier to get jobs now cuz of corona.

not in the uk here, i worked in hospality and thats pretty much dead now, only jobs ive seen a lot of are carer jobs tbh
not in the uk here, i worked in hospality and thats pretty much dead now, only jobs ive seen a lot of are carer jobs tbh
I am UK too. Not even warehouse Jobs? Cleaning jobs?
I am UK too. Not even warehouse Jobs? Cleaning jobs?

cleaning jobs have shit hours id be earning less than neetbux.

havent seen any warehouse jobs where i live
I wish I had parents that taught me how to drive like most normal people
Dad left when i was 2, learned nothing from him
mom raised me in a cult, learned nothing from her
Raised in a cult=insta over, at early adulthood you are about a decade of life experience behind your peers which aren't raised in a cult
You Litterally have to build a new life all over again starting a zero while you weren't taught anything about the world growing up
How serious was the Cult?
I remember feeling kind of like that at 18. You probably hear this from oldcels all the time but it really is young as FUCK, 18 year olds just seem like kids to me (24) even though I didn't feel that way at the time.
oi me gcses are fuked blud me mum nevah taught nuthin. sound cunt? yeh swear down me dads a nonce
oi me gcses are fuked blud me mum nevah taught nuthin. sound cunt? yeh swear down me dads a nonce

:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
I remember feeling kind of like that at 18. You probably hear this from oldcels all the time but it really is young as FUCK, 18 year olds just seem like kids to me (24) even though I didn't feel that way at the time.
Wot do you think of yourself at 18 compared to now and what would u tell ur 18 yro self
im just incompetent
Parents secretly hate and are ashamed of their subhuman children. I myself saw that in high school,parents started buying cars/motorbikes and fancy things for their Chad/chadlites and Stacey sons, while for Incels would not even buy a decent pair of shoes, that was pure blackpill. They didn't even teach me to drive or invite me to meetings because im not entitled for that and if i want something, i should work hard.
Can confirm my parents didn’t teach me how to bike, let alone drive.
Parents secretly hate and are ashamed of their subhuman children. I myself saw that in high school,parents started buying cars/motorbikes and fancy things for their Chad/chadlites and Stacey sons, while for Incels would not even buy a decent pair of shoes, that was pure blackpill. They didn't even teach me to drive or invite me to meetings because im not entitled for that and if i want something, i should work hard.
Wdym meetings?
I can relate, they taught me jack shit, and I am extremely poor and ugly nowadays, but JFL at you trying to parent your sister, she is a woman in a womans world, she'll be fine. You will rot into nothing however, like most of us. I have 2 sisters who grew up in the same house, they are both successful and married. Me and my brother are permaneets and ugly as fuck, both on track to die in the next 20 years. Dont be a cuck and open your eyes, feminism runs this world.

Oh yeah and you think you got fucked by life. I got A*s and As in every one of my GCSEs. My parents never even shelled out a penny for tuition of any kind, I sat there and just read the textbook till i remember that shit. But in A-level i started to struggle with maths, and my parents still couldn't pay for tuition, so I failed. Meanwhile even my ricecel friend got paid tuition for 2 years and did worse than me. And rich kids got crazy expensive tuition to basically do their homework for them. Nowadays I'm a dropout NEET scraping welfare money and smoking myself to death.

They couldn't pay for shit becase my dad worked for £1 an hour literally back in the 90's, then became unemployed. our family are basically slaves. Dumb poor mongrels. All fat and ugly. I definitely feel like I was born into the wrong family but what the fuck does it matter now, been stuck here for 23 years, its fucking over. I would rather have been braindead like my father, ignorance is bliss after all.
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I can relate, they taught me jack shit, and I am extremely poor and ugly nowadays, but JFL at you trying to parent your sister, she is a woman in a womans world, she'll be fine. You will rot into nothing however, like most of us. I have 2 sisters who grew up in the same house, they are both successful and married. Me and my brother are permaneets and ugly as fuck, both on track to die in the next 20 years. Dont be a cuck and open your eyes, feminism runs this world.

Oh yeah and you think you got fucked by life. I got A*s and As in every one of my GCSEs. My parents never even shelled out a penny for tuition of any kind, I sat there and just read the textbook till i remember that shit. But in A-level i started to struggle with maths, and my parents still couldn't pay for tuition, so I failed. Meanwhile even my ricecel friend got paid tuition for 2 years and did worse than me. And rich kids got crazy expensive tuition to basically do their homework for them. Nowadays I'm a dropout NEET scraping welfare money and smoking myself to death.

They couldn't pay for shit becase my dad worked for £1 an hour literally back in the 90's, then became unemployed. our family are basically slaves. Dumb poor mongrels. All fat and ugly. I definitely feel like I was born into the wrong family but what the fuck does it matter now, been stuck here for 23 years, its fucking over. I would rather have been braindead like my father, ignorance is bliss after all.
Brutal. I relate so much. And ye my sister will win at life no matter what happens but I want her to at least fulfill her potential
Yeah, taught me fuck all.
Same here brocel, incel lives are so predictable and shitty it's not even a coincidence anymore.
Same brocel, They only told be cliche shits like work hard, be a good person, be a productive member of society and the most outrageous shit of all was "nothing is impossible".
They basically told me lies and brainwashed my early years of life thankfully I'm recovered and recovering from those bullshits.
My parents say go to school get good education and job. That is all.
My parents not only they teached me nothing.
I think they purposelly unprepared me for real life with leftie ideologies and lies about society and the world. They wanted me to be an ideal they had their mind, not a real person with its own characteristics.
They are champagne socialists and the biggest fakers and gastlighters in the world, my whole family is a fucking lie. A theater. A wanna be hollywood movie.
They fucked me up so much and the reason why now I'm a hikkikomori. They've taken less care of me than a pet.
My parents should be punished for my actual situation. However they will not. Its so unfair.
Raised in a cult=insta over, at early adulthood you are about a decade of life experience behind your peers which aren't raised in a cult
You Litterally have to build a new life all over again starting a zero while you weren't taught anything about the world growing up
How serious was the Cult?
Very serious. They were Jehovah's Witnesses

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