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Blackpill Incel trait: you weren't breastfed (GET THE FUCK IN MY THREAD GUYS)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 33464
  • Start date
To Spinoza, desire is a productive process, and positive as opposed to being derived from lack. It is all encompassing and autonomous. To sum it up, in "ethics" Spinoza says desire is:
the very essence of man, as it is conceived as determined to do something by some affection given within it
Owing to this, Deleuze and Guattari in "Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia" coin the term "Desiring Machines" to refer to the site of this production. Every machine is interconnected. It is both a stop in the flow of all the machines, and the flow itself, or the production of a flow. The flow is universal and nonpersonal; it is a multiplicity which constitutes the very essence of man.
The breast is a machine which produces milk, and the mouth a machine latched onto it. When the breast and mouth connect, each of them have intensity, or an amount of energy or pressure, which drives them to connect. The sucking machine refers to the desire for sucking and feeding, which exercises pressure on the breast and the mouth. The sucking machine is nevertheless impersonal, and it is really intensity which makes the breast and the mouth connect. And I can't stress this enough, this is not a metaphor. Desiring production IS the production of production.
It functions everywhere, at times without break, at times discontinuously. It breathes, it heats, it eats. It shits, it fucks. What a mistake to have ever said the it. Everywhere it is machines, not at all metaphorically : machines of machines, with their couplings, their connections. An organ-machine is connected to a source-machine : the one produces a flow that the other cuts. The breast is a machine that produces milk, and the mouth a machine coupled to it. The anorexic’s mouth wavers between an eating-machine , an anal machine, a talking machine, a breathing machine (asthma attack). Hence we are all handymen: each with his little machines. An organ-machine, for an energy-machine: all the time, flows and cuts. Judge Schreber has divine rays in his ass.

Social production in the framework of capitalism is characterized by a radical opposition between production and anti-production. In order to fight revolutionary desire, it has to rely on territoriality:
Capitalism establishes or restores all kinds of residual and fake, imaginary or symbolic territorialities. Everything is rebuilding or restoring states, homelands, families. This is what makes capitalism in its ideology: the colorful painting of everything that has been believed
Furthermore, capitalism focusing on abstract concepts of money and labor encourages desire to change across the social field in unexpected ways. One example of this is Oedipalization, where our anarchic productivity of unconscious desire is reduced to familial forms of desire. Productive desire that flows according to immanent principles becomes organized in terms of "lack", and reducing the multiple forms desire can take to just forms that can be referred to the personal identities of the Oedipal triangle. Oedipalization gives the illusion that partial objects are possessed by a person and that it is the person who desires. Productive desire that would fragment personal identity is reduced to the desire of a person who wants to fill in a lack. Oedipalization ensures that the innovations of deterritorialising capital are constrained by the tightly bound parameters of personal identity and familial life. It is a form of social repression that funnels the productive capacity of the unconscious back into the constricting channels of Oedipal desire.

Let's take a look at the nuclear family. It is essentially the agent of repressing our desires in the capitalist system, and not being breastfed only exacerbates this. As children we are made to direct our love towards an object, the mother, who is unobtainable because of the presence of the father. Because this is incestuous, as children we associate our sexual desires with feelings of shame and guilt. In the beginning, we all start as incel. In the words of Deleuze and Guattari:
It is in one and the same movement that the repressive social production is replaced by the repressing family, and that the latter offers a displaced image of desiring production that represents the repressed as incestuous familial drives.
Because incest isn't allowed, the breast the child sucks now belongs to the child's mother. The intense, impersonal production is now assigned personal "meaning". Other figures come along now that we can't have incest, the father, the brother, etc. Assigning meaning to this extends desire and makes personal what was once impersonal, and codifies a regulation on desire. What is even more brutal is when the child is never able to possess his mother's breast, the desire persists into adulthood, as Freud tells us. Capitalism needs this psychological repression to make us into docile wageslaves who will accept humiliating and insulting working conditions.

Inceldom is thus an Oedipal revolt against the father (chad) for the mother we were never allowed to love.

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My grandpa was breasfeed till he was like 6 or something years old and he was masculine and tall,he died at his early 60's but still had pysichal strength
Plus his mom gave birth before she was +26-27 year old
So ı guess it matters,
I was, I very vaguely remember it.
i was breastfed, remember my mother mentioning it to my sister when my niece was born
Yeah I wasn't.

So I'll die having literally never touched a woman's breast.
Yeah I wasn't.

So I'll die having literally never touched a woman's breast.

Not if you go on a boob grabbing spree before inevitably being taken down in a hail of gunfire
i can believe this. i was never breastfed
my mom had me then needed to go to work the next day so she just dumped me off with her mom (my grandma) and basically told me to fuck off
she could have been loving and caring about me and nurtured me to be big and strong with mommy's milk but instead she wanted to go back to work and discard me (she knew i was a runt since I was a premi) so she could talk to Chads all day

literally never even began for me
My mom told me I was only breastfed for 2 months because she had little milk. Then they changed to formula.
Breastfeeding is extremely important for the baby. I can't believe mothers actually give cuckmula to their babies instead of milk from the boobs.
Doesn't communism focus on abstract concepts of money and labor and well?
soy feed only. enfamil n shiet. Breastfeeding is for oldfags stuck in the past. SOY is the future.
To Spinoza, desire is a productive process, and positive as opposed to being derived from lack. It is all encompassing and autonomous. To sum it up, in "ethics" Spinoza says desire is:

Owing to this, Deleuze and Guattari in "Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia" coin the term "Desiring Machines" to refer to the site of this production. Every machine is interconnected. It is both a stop in the flow of all the machines, and the flow itself, or the production of a flow. The flow is universal and nonpersonal; it is a multiplicity which constitutes the very essence of man.
The breast is a machine which produces milk, and the mouth a machine latched onto it. When the breast and mouth connect, each of them have intensity, or an amount of energy or pressure, which drives them to connect. The sucking machine refers to the desire for sucking and feeding, which exercises pressure on the breast and the mouth. The sucking machine is nevertheless impersonal, and it is really intensity which makes the breast and the mouth connect. And I can't stress this enough, this is not a metaphor. Desiring production IS the production of production.

Social production in the framework of capitalism is characterized by a radical opposition between production and anti-production. In order to fight revolutionary desire, it has to rely on territoriality:

Furthermore, capitalism focusing on abstract concepts of money and labor encourages desire to change across the social field in unexpected ways. One example of this is Oedipalization, where our anarchic productivity of unconscious desire is reduced to familial forms of desire. Productive desire that flows according to immanent principles becomes organized in terms of "lack", and reducing the multiple forms desire can take to just forms that can be referred to the personal identities of the Oedipal triangle. Oedipalization gives the illusion that partial objects are possessed by a person and that it is the person who desires. Productive desire that would fragment personal identity is reduced to the desire of a person who wants to fill in a lack. Oedipalization ensures that the innovations of deterritorialising capital are constrained by the tightly bound parameters of personal identity and familial life. It is a form of social repression that funnels the productive capacity of the unconscious back into the constricting channels of Oedipal desire.

Let's take a look at the nuclear family. It is essentially the agent of repressing our desires in the capitalist system, and not being breastfed only exacerbates this. As children we are made to direct our love towards an object, the mother, who is unobtainable because of the presence of the father. Because this is incestuous, as children we associate our sexual desires with feelings of shame and guilt. In the beginning, we all start as incel. In the words of Deleuze and Guattari:

Because incest isn't allowed, the breast the child sucks now belongs to the child's mother. The intense, impersonal production is now assigned personal "meaning". Other figures come along now that we can't have incest, the father, the brother, etc. Assigning meaning to this extends desire and makes personal what was once impersonal, and codifies a regulation on desire. What is even more brutal is when the child is never able to possess his mother's breast, the desire persists into adulthood, as Freud tells us. Capitalism needs this psychological repression to make us into docile wageslaves who will accept humiliating and insulting working conditions.

Inceldom is thus an Oedipal revolt against the father (chad) for the mother we were never allowed to love.

There were incels before anyone defined capitalism, there were incels before kings and cities, when we all were tribes living in the wild there were incels, there were incels at the start of humanity and incels will still exist at the end of it.
There were incels before anyone defined capitalism, there were incels before kings and cities, when we all were tribes living in the wild there were incels, there were incels at the start of humanity and there will be at the end.
Perhaps, but we can't induce any general principles from this (see: Hume's problem of induction). We can use deductive reasoning, however, to show that capitalism and the nuclear family contribute to inceldom.
I was never breastfed, I was given this shitty powdery mix.
I can relate, wasn't breast fed either
this is honestly the worst thread ever posted on this website, and thats fucking saying something
Doesn't communism focus on abstract concepts of money and labor and well?
Great question!

Here I'm focusing much more on a critique of capitalism rather than communism, as Marx did. But when I say "abstract", I mean it in a Marxist sense. He made the distinction between abstract labor and concrete labor. Concrete labor is the creation of use value (basically the immediate usefulness of a product). In a barter society, the goods exchanged are related to their use value and the amount of concrete labor used to make a product. Capitalism perverted our sense of value and labor by abstracting it. Concrete labor is warped into abstract labor, which stands as an equivalent form which can be exchanged for products. In capitalism, what was once the creation of use value now becomes the creation of exchange value, and concrete labor thus becomes an expression of abstract labor in a capitalist society.

According to the labor theory of value, the more labor it takes to make a product, the greater it's value. But by accepting money as the universal exchange rather than labor, it hides the real equivalent behind monetary exchange (think of the barter societies), and by doing so exploits the laborer who is the source of all value. Capitalism makes us think power and value exist in money rather than in labor that actually makes goods and services.
I can only remember that I sucked on a bottle. I don't know why I remember this. Maybe because I was already a bit older then and as newbown I may got breastfeeded? I don't know and I propably never will. A too embarassing question to ask your mother.
Perhaps, but we can't induce any general principles from this (see: Hume's problem of induction). We can use deductive reasoning, however, to show that capitalism and the nuclear family contribute to inceldom.
I don't understand the capitalism part can you simplify it
Perhaps, but we can't induce any general principles from this (see: Hume's problem of induction). We can use deductive reasoning, however, to show that capitalism and the nuclear family contribute to inceldom.
Most capitalist country in the world is Singapore, it would be nice to see their incel % rate and compare it to Argentina or Spain which are anti-capitalist countries, I live in Spain and inceldom is very high, probably the highest in the European Union, another data from here is that this country is the one with most feminist political parties in the world, nearly all major political partiest here are feminist, it is also the most feminist goverment in the world.

Capitalism is 0 taxes 0 state intervention which is only possible atm in isolated towns out of the reach of the goverment.
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i dont know if i was or not tbh
I was, mum is a nurse so she did it. Don’t remember at all as it was as a young kid.
Most capitalist country in the world is Singapore, it would be nice to see their incel % rate and compare it to Argentina or Spain which are anti-capitalist countries, I live in Spain and inceldom is very high, probably the highest in the European Union, another data from here is that this country is the one with most feminist political parties in the world, nearly all major political partiest here are feminist, it is also the most feminist goverment in the world.

Capitalism is 0 taxes 0 state intervention which is only possible atm in isolated towns out of the reach of the goverment.
Stop trying to 'no true scotsman' capitalism. Those countries all have market economies, wage labor, private property, private ownership of production, and accept money as the universal equivalent. It doesn't matter what you specifically decide to call it because my argument still stands.
Stop trying to 'no true scotsman' capitalism. Those countries all have market economies, wage labor, private property, private ownership of production, and accept money as the universal equivalent. It doesn't matter what you specifically decide to call it because my argument still stands.
Watch Singapore incel data then talk as is it the most capitalist country in the world it should be the best example for capitalism, while Spain is the most anticapitalist country in the european union with the most incel % rate in the european union also, is just data.

As feminism raise capitalism decreases and inceldom increases in my country, capitalism have barely any correlation with inceldom but maybe foids on total state failures like Venezuela or North Korea stop with hypergamy and actually become goldiggers to survive.

But you know Chad also earns more money so... and non-capitalist countries also have political leaders that foids will orbitate, Kim Jong-un himself have a woman harem.

China is an incelstate-shithole caused by goverment intervention and the one child policy, most families aborted females and only keep the male because they wanted to survive and a foid cointribute 0 or negative to the family economy.
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Would be interesting to see if this has something to do with endocrine disruptors that are found in the plastic bottles.
Breast feeding didn't help me much
Sigh that explains my non existent jaw
this is honestly the worst thread ever posted on this website, and thats fucking saying something
Your pfp is very fitting with this comment. Don't stop with these fitting moments brocel.
Freud is a schizo sick fuck
I was not. Doctors thought my mother contracted a virus when I was born, because I was born disabled. Obviously she couldnt be let to breastfeed me.
Extremely important for both mental and physical advancement.
To Spinoza, desire is a productive process, and positive as opposed to being derived from lack. It is all encompassing and autonomous. To sum it up, in "ethics" Spinoza says desire is:

Owing to this, Deleuze and Guattari in "Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia" coin the term "Desiring Machines" to refer to the site of this production. Every machine is interconnected. It is both a stop in the flow of all the machines, and the flow itself, or the production of a flow. The flow is universal and nonpersonal; it is a multiplicity which constitutes the very essence of man.
The breast is a machine which produces milk, and the mouth a machine latched onto it. When the breast and mouth connect, each of them have intensity, or an amount of energy or pressure, which drives them to connect. The sucking machine refers to the desire for sucking and feeding, which exercises pressure on the breast and the mouth. The sucking machine is nevertheless impersonal, and it is really intensity which makes the breast and the mouth connect. And I can't stress this enough, this is not a metaphor. Desiring production IS the production of production.

Social production in the framework of capitalism is characterized by a radical opposition between production and anti-production. In order to fight revolutionary desire, it has to rely on territoriality:

Furthermore, capitalism focusing on abstract concepts of money and labor encourages desire to change across the social field in unexpected ways. One example of this is Oedipalization, where our anarchic productivity of unconscious desire is reduced to familial forms of desire. Productive desire that flows according to immanent principles becomes organized in terms of "lack", and reducing the multiple forms desire can take to just forms that can be referred to the personal identities of the Oedipal triangle. Oedipalization gives the illusion that partial objects are possessed by a person and that it is the person who desires. Productive desire that would fragment personal identity is reduced to the desire of a person who wants to fill in a lack. Oedipalization ensures that the innovations of deterritorialising capital are constrained by the tightly bound parameters of personal identity and familial life. It is a form of social repression that funnels the productive capacity of the unconscious back into the constricting channels of Oedipal desire.

Let's take a look at the nuclear family. It is essentially the agent of repressing our desires in the capitalist system, and not being breastfed only exacerbates this. As children we are made to direct our love towards an object, the mother, who is unobtainable because of the presence of the father. Because this is incestuous, as children we associate our sexual desires with feelings of shame and guilt. In the beginning, we all start as incel. In the words of Deleuze and Guattari:

Because incest isn't allowed, the breast the child sucks now belongs to the child's mother. The intense, impersonal production is now assigned personal "meaning". Other figures come along now that we can't have incest, the father, the brother, etc. Assigning meaning to this extends desire and makes personal what was once impersonal, and codifies a regulation on desire. What is even more brutal is when the child is never able to possess his mother's breast, the desire persists into adulthood, as Freud tells us. Capitalism needs this psychological repression to make us into docile wageslaves who will accept humiliating and insulting working conditions.

Inceldom is thus an Oedipal revolt against the father (chad) for the mother we were never allowed to love.

Hmm. I am not sure what to make of this. Interesting nonetheless!
Saw "Spinoza", and I dipped tbhngl. The presence or absence of mommy milkers didn't make me an ugly retard.
idk if i was breastfed or not
when the child is never able to possess his mother's breast, the desire persists into adulthood


never began for teetcels

chad was mogging us before he was out of diapers, sucking his attractive mom's boobies every day until middle school in incestuous mutual fulfillment

ugly moms are repulsed at producing ugly sons and switched us to formula ASAP when nobody was looking and she couldn't be shamed for the neglect and completely stopping probably before he had the neck strength to hold up his own head

I wonder if embracing the withholding of the breast was done to keep men fascinated with used-up roasties because they had big saggy tits, when a healthy man who was properly breastfed in his youth would be fixating on more important high-IQ health indicators line her bone structure and pursuing mid-pubescent teens.

I've explained previously that the fascination with oversized boobs is basically homosexual in nature, and I guess some amount of that is tolerable when you're a newborn because you need to feed upon the chimera (partial-male: your dad's semen merged with her DNA) which is your mom.

But past that you should be moving on from wanting to suck the chimera to wanting to suck the pure-females which haven't yet been inseminated. Your past of giving oral stimulation to the chimera which birthed you should be a memory relegated to the subconscious as you replace it with fresh memories if deflowering your loli bride.
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this is one of the hardest pills to cope with. I was fed formula as a baby, no doubt that contributed to manlet stature and low T. I'm just glad my dick wasn't mutilated by jews.
My mother gave me soymilk
I was, and still, I'm short and ugly af, genes lottery is more important
My mother fed me soy, this is the main reason why Im subhuman
I was breastfed, but there was little to no milk at all.
I don't remember another thread that got stickied for so long. Moggs me
I really don't think I'd be autistic if my mother didn't have me when she was 33
I was breastfed by multiple women when I was a baby because I was born in Miami.
Not if you go on a boob grabbing spree before inevitably being taken down in a hail of gunfire
:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelshaha::feelshaha: This was a good mental image, thank you for that! :feelshaha:
To Spinoza, desire is a productive process, and positive as opposed to being derived from lack. It is all encompassing and autonomous. To sum it up, in "ethics" Spinoza says desire is:

Owing to this, Deleuze and Guattari in "Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia" coin the term "Desiring Machines" to refer to the site of this production. Every machine is interconnected. It is both a stop in the flow of all the machines, and the flow itself, or the production of a flow. The flow is universal and nonpersonal; it is a multiplicity which constitutes the very essence of man.
The breast is a machine which produces milk, and the mouth a machine latched onto it. When the breast and mouth connect, each of them have intensity, or an amount of energy or pressure, which drives them to connect. The sucking machine refers to the desire for sucking and feeding, which exercises pressure on the breast and the mouth. The sucking machine is nevertheless impersonal, and it is really intensity which makes the breast and the mouth connect. And I can't stress this enough, this is not a metaphor. Desiring production IS the production of production.

Social production in the framework of capitalism is characterized by a radical opposition between production and anti-production. In order to fight revolutionary desire, it has to rely on territoriality:

Furthermore, capitalism focusing on abstract concepts of money and labor encourages desire to change across the social field in unexpected ways. One example of this is Oedipalization, where our anarchic productivity of unconscious desire is reduced to familial forms of desire. Productive desire that flows according to immanent principles becomes organized in terms of "lack", and reducing the multiple forms desire can take to just forms that can be referred to the personal identities of the Oedipal triangle. Oedipalization gives the illusion that partial objects are possessed by a person and that it is the person who desires. Productive desire that would fragment personal identity is reduced to the desire of a person who wants to fill in a lack. Oedipalization ensures that the innovations of deterritorialising capital are constrained by the tightly bound parameters of personal identity and familial life. It is a form of social repression that funnels the productive capacity of the unconscious back into the constricting channels of Oedipal desire.

Let's take a look at the nuclear family. It is essentially the agent of repressing our desires in the capitalist system, and not being breastfed only exacerbates this. As children we are made to direct our love towards an object, the mother, who is unobtainable because of the presence of the father. Because this is incestuous, as children we associate our sexual desires with feelings of shame and guilt. In the beginning, we all start as incel. In the words of Deleuze and Guattari:

Because incest isn't allowed, the breast the child sucks now belongs to the child's mother. The intense, impersonal production is now assigned personal "meaning". Other figures come along now that we can't have incest, the father, the brother, etc. Assigning meaning to this extends desire and makes personal what was once impersonal, and codifies a regulation on desire. What is even more brutal is when the child is never able to possess his mother's breast, the desire persists into adulthood, as Freud tells us. Capitalism needs this psychological repression to make us into docile wageslaves who will accept humiliating and insulting working conditions.

Inceldom is thus an Oedipal revolt against the father (chad) for the mother we were never allowed to love.

I definitely believe that not being breastfed leads to you not being able to reach your full genetic potential.
I definitely believe that not being breastfed leads to you not being able to reach your full genetic potential.
Not breastfeeding your kid is like wanting him to die. It's crime. Horrible crime. Women and society will pay a price for not making a breastfeeding mandatory.
are you writing a poem? complete disarray made on purpose, pretentious faggot.
OP is great example of schizophasia at its core as if it's impressive or a indicative of intelligence.

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