No no no, those low inhib ghetto sluts want you.
Foids have to deal with a lot of unwanted male attention every day. They will avoid giving them any kind of opening or reason to talk to them. If a foid lets you notice her looking at you, it's because she wants you to notice. She's giving you an opening.
Jfl foids giving ugly strangers looks of "pure hatred and disgust". That's not what being an incel is like. Sure they hate us and are disgusted by us, but they're not going to show it just to make us feel bad. Instead they will avoid all those negative feelings by never ever looking at us if they don't have to, and never giving us any reason or openings to talk to them or interact with them in any way. It's like we look at dirty beggars. You don't look at the beggar and scowl at him, you ignore him because if you look he may ask you for money or whatever.
okay , seema like i cant change your mind .
From now on , i will approach every single foid who looks at me lile that and i will report back to you .
I promise , im telling the truth .
Foids only look at truecels and Chads , they ignore normies .
its like watching a trainwreck ( truecel ) vs. watching
the TGV ( Chad ) , normies are so basic that they get ignored . Normies are like Freight Trains , compared to these two examples . Basic stuff .
But you dont see a trainwreck 24/7 , so you stare .
And in case of foids looking at a truecel ,
is a stare of disgust .
But like i said , i will approach them .
i got nothing to lose .
And maybe , just maybe you are right and i am a mentalcel , even though that is unrealistic , considering i am khhv at 23 .
We will see .