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JFL Incel Trait: An overly formal speaking style



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018
I've noticed, especially for incels that aren't hideous, we all speak in an overly formal way. Even if we are from the ghetto, we speak casually in a manner befitting that of a WASPY elite boarding school. This is something that occurs naturally when your personality is extremely introverted, and you read a lot, and therefore develop a speaking style in your head more in line with how they speak in plays or other literary settings. This formality meshes horribly in real life, especially to socially cued in people, who need ALL men to have BIG DICK ENERGY.

I see this occurring with murderous incels like ER, Scott Bierle, Cho, and even some incel/FA youtubers like Justin Dystinger, or (ex FA) Chad Monday. We all have a similar INTP personality of needing to pontificate or psychoanalyze every situation to the extent of seeming condescending.
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I speak like I am from the 17th century irl :incel:
Apparently I sound like a blackcel. Such is the result of being around normal fags at work and in school incessantly.
yes indeed that way of talking is a trademark of an incel guy.
JFL I'm guilty of this, ngl.
It's over for me
True for me, but I am INTJ.
Just TomBakermaxx bro. I speak completely different to how I type, not sure what to call that
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It's over for articulatecels
no man.I speak like a nigger
I talk at people.
I have my own speaking style. It's very high IQ, so I have to tone it down for normies and only issue one-word commands like: "No" and "retard".
The time has come to drunkenslurmaxx my fellows. Je guh 'round takking like yer drunk un slurrr... all o yer wo-ards.
Hit the nail on the head for me. My parents made me read Harry Potter books since I was 5 just so I can be fully fluent by grade school. :feelsbadman:

It doesn't help that I have a very noticeable lisp since preschool, so I developed a slow paced, posh manner of speaking.
Hit the nail on the head for me. My parents made me read Harry Potter books since I was 5 just so I can be fully fluent by grade school. :feelsbadman:

It doesn't help that I have a very noticeable lisp since preschool, so I developed a slow paced, posh manner of speaking.

I fucking hate that I got all As in English. If I had to do it over again, I wish I failed school and just listened to rap
I've noticed, especially for incels that aren't hideous, we all speak in an overly formal way. Even if we are from the ghetto, we speak casually in a manner befitting that of a WASPY elite boarding school. This is something that occurs naturally when your personality is extremely introverted, and you read a lot, and therefore develop a speaking style in your head more in line with how they speak in plays or other literary settings. This formality meshes horribly in real life, especially to socially cued in people, who need ALL men to have BIG DICK ENERGY.

I see this occurring with murderous incels like ER, Scott Bierle, Cho, and even some incel/FA youtubers like Justin Dystinger, or (ex FA) Chad Monday. We all have a similar INTP personality of needing to pontificate or psychoanalyze every situation to the extent of seeming condescending.
if your parents scream yell at you and shit down your throat if will force you into a slave-like form of thought. I think truecels have INTP personality, and NTcels/Volcels have INTJ, like ER
IQ is too high, I can't talk like the normie apes
This is true. I just try not to be rude or upset the balance, but I end up sounding too formal that people are like "Calm down you aren't speaking to your boss".
When I speak it comes out too quiet or too mumbled.
I speak my own way.
But one of my incel friends used to speak literary language (Finnish has spoken and written versions which are different).
Guilty. Fuck. People IRL often assume I'm high IQ because of the way I speak while in actuality I'm a complete retard.
I speak like I am from the 17th century irl :incel:
Me too. English is not my first language by if I speak italian everyone always says that is like reading a book.
Normies are just jealous because they are low IQ and can barely read.
I tend to overpronounce words, leading to sounding worse than if I just spoke in a sloppy manner. Sometimes less effort yields better results.
I have this. I can't talk to blue collar people because they immediately dislike me. :feels:
INTJ it never even began!
Kinda, I don't use cursewords and don't use many modern words. But I don't speak with anyone besides my family so I would maybe use different words if I had friends
I speak like some doughbag, i allways use swearwords and phrases like "you know what im sayin" so personaly i cant relate.

Sorry but the only incel trait is:
It doesn't matter how I speak because I've got terrible lisp that makes my voice virtually hard for anyone to understand even to those who are used to listen to me.
I am hideous TBH but I do speak overly formally cause I’m not socialized due to my looks causing people to ostracize me cause of foids being literal gods and wanting men who look like me dead.
Damn, I can name specific instances in which normal people in high school called me out for talking like this. I remember at one point I said somebody was "behaving pretentiously" and a guy made fun of it asking jfl why were you talking like that. It was not mean spirited but it did highlight that I always speak like this. I speak like I type here for the most part, minus the constant incel jargon.
If this thread is an indication of anything, parents need to blast rap music in front of their babies. NOT FUCKING MOZART.
Not only that.

When i talk to strangers, i get nervious and talk fast and with bad pronunciation and forget to even breath sometimes, looking like the idiot i'm but even worst.
I've noticed, especially for incels that aren't hideous, we all speak in an overly formal way. Even if we are from the ghetto, we speak casually in a manner befitting that of a WASPY elite boarding school.

I did matriculate from a WASPy elite boarding school. It cost my parents $60k a year and was not a very enjoyable experience. At least our meals were served on fine china.
count me in. normies quickyl understand I'm not one of them because of the way I talk. it's an outsider's language, I don't talk or hangout with people so it's quite different from what they hear everyday from almost every person. I sure stick out for asking for something overly politely etc.

it's definitely related to being a social misfit. I mean not only lacking the ability of talking with wimmin but also men... how autistic one can get?
I barely speak irl so I don’t know if I speak formally but when speaking to my parents I don’t. Only time I speak formally is online and on tests because then I have time to go over everything.

I’m too socially awkward and always double check everything I say.
Damn this is pretty accurate since I speak I'm way more articulate than most guys of my ethnicity.
Im super guilty of this holy fuck
Apparently I sound like a blackcel
This hits home. I thought it was more of an Asperger's trait but your explanation makes sense too. :incel:
I've noticed, especially for incels that aren't hideous, we all speak in an overly formal way. Even if we are from the ghetto, we speak casually in a manner befitting that of a WASPY elite boarding school. This is something that occurs naturally when your personality is extremely introverted, and you read a lot, and therefore develop a speaking style in your head more in line with how they speak in plays or other literary settings. This formality meshes horribly in real life, especially to socially cued in people, who need ALL men to have BIG DICK ENERGY.

I see this occurring with murderous incels like ER, Scott Bierle, Cho, and even some incel/FA youtubers like Justin Dystinger, or (ex FA) Chad Monday. We all have a similar INTP personality of needing to pontificate or psychoanalyze every situation to the extent of seeming condescending.
Big dick energy JFL at those foids who believe I don’t have a big cock because I speak in an educated manner, warranting of my pedigree. I’d fuck them better than chad if given the chance. I was actually told the same thing by my friends. They were like “well you don’t give off big dick energy- you just sound pretentious.” I will use my vocabulary to its fullest capabilities just as reviewbrah would. Yes, I’m an autist and proud of it. I should change my name to Dr. Autist once I get my degree.
I make a conscious effort to dumb down my language to appeal to the normgroidslime dialect.
I think youre right, i also think i speak too much at once cus people stop paying attention or walk away after talking for slightly too long.
Cucktears thinks we do this to sound smart JFL. Do you lurking soyboys know how hard it would be to force yourself to use enough polysyllabic words to annoy people in your everyday vernacular? If you tried it, you would sound the opposite of smart, i.e. dumb. Very dumb. Most of us who actually have this tendency would like to cut back on it, but have trouble doing so because we don't get a lot of opportunities to practice, because we're ugly and people hate us.

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