Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill Incel term definition should be expanded (my own incel definition inside)

lol aren't you a chadlite or something? you're not incel. you never claimed to be, so why do the mods let you stay? the mods ban people because they're not incel but they let you stay because...I don't know. people here make a huge deal about this being an INCEL forum but you are not incel. go away
lol aren't you a chadlite or something? you're not incel. you never claimed to be, so why do the mods let you stay? the mods ban people because they're not incel but they let you stay because...I don't know. people here make a huge deal about this being an INCEL forum but you are not incel. go away

No they do not ban because of that. They ban for other things its in the rules.
Zyros glasses
lol aren't you a chadlite or something? you're not incel. you never claimed to be, so why do the mods let you stay? the mods ban people because they're not incel but they let you stay because...I don't know. people here make a huge deal about this being an INCEL forum but you are not incel. go away

He wants attention

But then 99% of the world would be incels. Because let's be real, actual Chads are very minimal in numbers. Everyone else will get treated badly in comparison.
I read your first post, it's garbage

Inceldom is only about sex

It's completely sexual in nature

The foundation of this community is a denial of sex

When someone commits suicide out of inceldom, it's because of a lifelong denial of sincere sexual companionship

To recognize inceldom as anything other than that is to swing the door wide open for failed normies and all sorts of other trash to infect and corrupt our community beyond recognition

Now go the fuck back to lookism where you can at least be bullied by your own kind

Replace sex with love you degenerate , sex won't cure you, hence why zyros is here despite getting laid.
Replace sex with love you degenerate , sex won't cure you, hence why zyros is here despite getting laid.
There's no such thing as 'love', you bluepilled retard. Your idea of 'love' is nothing more than socially enforced monogamy. At their core, all women are whores with dick on their mind, animals naturally incapable of loyalty, selflessness or 'love', only lust.
There's no such thing as 'love', you bluepilled retard. Your idea of 'love' is nothing more than socially enforced monogamy. At their core, all women are whores with dick on their mind, animals naturally incapable of loyalty, selflessness or 'love', only lust.

This is a giant cope. You painted ALL foids into demons so you'd stop trying to ascend, because doing nothing is more comfortable.
This is a giant cope. You painted ALL foids into demons so you'd stop trying to ascend, because doing nothing is more comfortable.
Do you know what it means to 'ascend'? To mangle your body with plastic surgery, to destroy and contort everything about you so that you're presentable to some superficial whore? Whether that means dismantling all of your accumulated experiences and personality to be "neurotypical" or turning your back on any personal style you have developed to just dress in generic expensive clothes and get the generic "trendy" haircut, to 'ascend' means to kill who you are and become the generic superficial meat doll a femoid wants you to be.

Why? Because women don't care about who you really are. They care about what you look like. That's why every aspect of 'ascension' and 'self improvement' is physical. Can you not see how lustful and unloving that really is? There is no love involved, to 'ascend' means to acquire physical attractiveness and appeal to a whore's animalistic lust. To 'love' someone means to be validated and adored for who you really are as a personality, not for what shape your nose is or what your fucking haircut looks like. Women are not capable of that. Women are not capable of love. Women are capable only of lust.

Think of the most introverted, naive girl you've ever known. I don't know her, but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that she's getting fucked by multiple men who look better than you. It doesn't matter if your personality is closer to hers, she doesn't care. She wants men who LOOK GOOD. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LOVE, EVERY WOMAN IS HYPERGAMOUS, NOW GET THE FUCK OUT YOU BLUEPILLED COPER.
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Do you know what it means to 'ascend'? To mangle your body with plastic surgery, to destroy and contort everything about you so that you're presentable to some superficial whore? Whether that means dismantling all of your accumulated experiences and personality to be "neurotypical" or turning your back on any personal style you have developed to just dress in generic expensive clothes and get the generic "trendy" haircut, to 'ascend' means to kill who you are and become the generic superficial meat doll a femoid wants you to be.

Why? Because women don't care about who you really are. They care about what you look like. That's why every aspect of 'ascension' is physical. Can you not see how lustful and unloving that really is? There is no love involved, to 'ascend' means to acquire physical attractiveness and appeal to a whore's animalistic lust. To 'love' someone means to be validated and adored for who you really are, not for what shape your nose is or your fucking haircut. Women are not capable of that. Women are not capable of love. Women are capable only of lust.

Think of the most introverted, naive girl you've ever known. I don't know her, but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that she's getting fucked by multiple men who look better than you. It doesn't matter if your personality is closer to hers, she doesn't care. She wants men who LOOK GOOD. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LOVE, EVERY WOMAN IS HYPERGAMOUS, NOW GET THE FUCK OUT YOU BLUEPILLED COPER.

It's like I clicked on an "expand" button found next to the "cope" word. It's all for nothing, it's all useless, they're all sour grapes anyway, so why bother, just be comfy. Also lol @ you picking the most extreme fixes, plastic surgery. I'd start by not hating myself. I'd also start by not viewing the world in such one-dimensional lights. It's not even for foids, it's for me, and for you.

I don't know why you lit up so much, if there's one thing I yearn is clawing away from this pit, not further inside it, and I hope that perhaps that's your desire as well, after all, we're both human and we both want good things to happen to us.

It's alright if you disagree, but I view you as much a coper as you view me.
It's like I clicked on an "expand" button found next to the "cope" word. It's all for nothing, it's all useless, they're all sour grapes anyway, so why bother, just be comfy. Also lol @ you picking the most extreme fixes, plastic surgery. I'd start by not hating myself. I'd also start by not viewing the world in such one-dimensional lights. It's not even for foids, it's for me, and for you.

I don't know why you lit up so much, if there's one thing I yearn is clawing away from this pit, not further inside it, and I hope that perhaps that's your desire as well, after all, we're both human and we both want good things to happen to us.

It's alright if you disagree, but I view you as much a coper as you view me.
Then I hope you're good looking or neurotypical, because good luck finding 'love'. My point stands that ascension, even in a less extreme form (haircut, gym, clothes, neurotypical attitude) is entirely superficial. Thus, your appeal to women is only superficial and void of any real 'love'.
Then I hope you're good looking or neurotypical, because good luck finding 'love'. My point stands that ascension, even in a less extreme form (haircut, gym, clothes, neurotypical attitude) is entirely superficial. Thus, your appeal to women is only superficial and void of any real 'love'.

I'd wish myself good luck in finding atypical foids, as I would all of you. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack, I know, but I gained some insight in the past few years that burns inside me, that such needles are real. I can't be dissuaded from this idea and I understand perfectly if you can't be dissuaded from yours.
Why tho. His posts are good and spice up the place. Although I don't agree with him here.
I think being sexlwss for one year should be term for incel.
No, that's a fail normie being like yourself. No sex or sexual interest = incel. That's never gonna change, only fakecels try to change the definition.
No, that's a fail normie being like yourself. No sex or sexual interest = incel. That's never gonna change, only fakecels try to change the definition.
You are confusing virgin with incel. It should be called virgin.me then.
There's no such thing as 'love', you bluepilled retard. Your idea of 'love' is nothing more than socially enforced monogamy. At their core, all women are whores with dick on their mind, animals naturally incapable of loyalty, selflessness or 'love', only lust.

You're a retarded hypocrite, what makes you better than females who judge for you looks? You're judging them for being born female which they had no choice in this matter.
Where did I claim to love anyone you snot brained retard?

What? Nothing I said is untrue.

What? Nothing I said is untrue.

Fuck off cunt why u rude?
You're a retarded hypocrite, what makes you better than females who judge for you looks? You're judging them for being born female which they had no choice in this matter.
When did you become a cuck?
When did you become a cuck?
Nothing to do with being cuck, it's just rational logic. Why would a claim all females are vile creatures when I have a good mother, I'm not a bastard.
yo zyros today was FUCKING weird @Zyros

i saw your literal clone, but it was a femoid

i literally thought i saw you IRL for some reason but then i looked down and saw she had a dress and boobs

well thats about the whole story lol but this thread suddenly reminded me of that

unless you do crossdressing in the Netherlands? kek
Nothing to do with being cuck, it's just rational logic. Why would a claim all females are vile creatures when I have a good mother, I'm not a bastard.
It's in a mother's nature to be nice and caring to their children, but they will treat ugly males the same as they all do.
When did you become a cuck?
Nawalt is cope and you know it, just because we can't have a women, doesn't mean
It's in a mother's nature to be nice and caring to their children, but they will treat ugly males the same as they all do.

No it's not, there's plenty of trash mothers.
No it's not, there's plenty of trash mothers.
Well yes, trying to take care of a child won't end well sometimes. The stress and everything.

And sometimes people have no sympathy for one reason or another.
Well yes, trying to take care of a child won't end well sometimes. The stress and everything.

And sometimes people have no sympathy for one reason or another.

But do you agree that not every women is a whore? I heard you had a good mother yourself, cleaning your shit and letting you live in their house at 27 is a great privilege few have. Some guys get throw on the streets has soon as their parents are able too.
But do you agree that not every women is a whore? I heard you had a good mother yourself, cleaning your shit and letting you live in their house at 27 is a great privilege few have. Some guys get throw on the streets has soon as their parents are able too.
Depends on your definition of "whore"
Depends on your definition of "whore"
What I'm trying to say is that we should not let hatred get the better of us by hating all women, including those who have been good us, even if they were very few, starting by your mother.
What I'm trying to say is that we should not let hatred get the better of us by hating all women, including those who have been good us, even if they were very few, starting by your mother.
So what do you think about that female attention whore claiming to be on the side of incels?
@kkt6 going HAM in this thread. :fire::fire::fire:

Zyros, your definition of "incel" can be summarized as "lookism." That's not what this community is about. I'm tired of you constantly pushing your agenda here. Go back to lookism.net and take all your faggot friends with you.
I'm fine with site's the current definition, I think most people haven't actually read it though.
no incel is virgin if not escortcel

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