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Serious Incel Tears need to realise that we were once like them.



It only gets worse
May 17, 2018
We were once like this, (the truly blackpilled members here).

We were all women worshipping fucking cucks who would do anything to be with a woman.

Most of us still are, funny enough, the truly blackpilled members (you know who you are) are not.

I was in total denial for the longest time. Then i tried to accept the BP, then more denial then finally accepted it after months of actual coping mechanisms.

Incel tears you need to realise, you are in total denial.

If you took a second to look at the blackpill archive then you will start to question if the blackpill actually made sense.

But you wont, because you want to live in lala land 24/7.

You would rather make a post on incel tears and get comments saying "hell yeah!" "those fucking incels...." "they need to realise THEY NEED A SHOWER!!!"

Time to wake up and actually have a look at the blackpill, read the studies, look at the numbers, they do not lie.

I could sit here all day and name studies on studies proving the blackpill, but i would rather make this thread and tell YOU to take a look for yourself.

Have a think about it, does it make sense to you?

Take a break, then read some more studies.

I don't think you will be posting on Incel tears anymore now.
Stephen Hawking IQ post.
Reality is painful. Blue pillers would rather create big movements against reality than face it. You don't see large communities created against the flat earth theory do you. Everyone knows its wrong and you don't need to disprove it. If they didn't believe the blackpill was true, they would not care as much as they do.
Preach brother!
IT is a joke. The irony is so strong with them.
Cucktears on suicide watch
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If you took a second to look at the blackpill archive then you will start to question if the blackpill actually made sense.

But you wont, because you want to live in lala land 24/7.
Was the movie good btw ? I hate musicals, but the actors are good. That's a huge dilemma.
B-but incel studies are flawed and misogynistic :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
High IQ thread.

I'm betting theres some old IT users here who realized the blackpill and came over.
They'll make sense of it only once they figure out how to stop being hardcore ideologized into their beliefs. If they ever do.

Not a former hardcore IT myself, yet I stayed in the bluepill limbo for years out of phobia at alt-rightcels.
This deserves a Nobel prize! Inspired.
This is absolutely fucking fantastically high IQ. We took the blackpill because were intelligent enough to look at the big picture and truly understand..IT'S OVER
cucktears are disgusting people all are fking stupid loW IQ wierdos
Still not yet convicted on the black pill.
Black pill
Eventhough my conscious brain has accepted the Blackpill, my subconscious brain keeps popping some bluepilled ideas at times.
Those are the vestiges of the bluepilled idiot I used to be.
It's ragefuelling to accept I was made a fool of for all this time.
Now I feel more like a man, thank to the blackpill and actually less depressed.
Great thread OP.
The bluepill mindset is that they think if they go with the flow they will be accepted like anyone else. And yeah, they accept you with kind words and a pat on the back. But like a slave who has lived their entire life under the cruel whip of a master, they lack the vision to see past the cotton field, and realize just how fucking whipped they are. They don't realize that they are a dark skin coon in the white bayou, that they are fucked over just for being born black at the wrong place at the wrong time, and that it will take generations . . . an incel rebellion to change things. And the change will not come immediately, if at all. It may take generations. Or it may never happen, because, as free will is concerned, inceldom is a biological inevitability.
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Eventhough my conscious brain has accepted the Blackpill, my subconscious brain keeps popping some bluepilled ideas at times.
Those are the vestiges of the bluepilled idiot I used to be.
It's ragefuelling to accept I was made a fool of for all this time.
Now I feel more like a man, thank to the blackpill and actually less depressed.
Great thread OP.
Our mind sometimes reminds of us of the bluepill as during the most important part of our brain development in our early years, we were watching Disney and love stories which conditioned our brain into thinking that was how life is.
I would say it is impossible for anyone to be 100% blackpilled because even bluepilled thought still pop into my mind every now and again but I o not act on them, I just mask them by remembering the blackpill and the experience I have had with women and that reminds me about the truth to the blackpill.
I'll be honest part of me is still denying it, still trying to talk to "that girl" and still trying to suger coat the truth.

How do I kill that part of me?
Key to understand SJWs and assorted cucks:


Liberalism is, in one word, weakness. It wants every day to be a birthday, Life to be a long party. The inexorable movement of Time, Destiny, History, the cruelty of accomplishment, sternness, heroism, sacrifice, superpersonal ideas -- these are the enemy.

Liberalism is an escape from hardness into softness, from masculinity into femininity, from History into herd-grazing, from reality into herbivorous dreams, from Destiny into Happiness. Nietzsche, in his last and greatest work, designated the 18th century as the century of feminism, and immediately mentioned Rousseau, the leader of the mass-escape from Reality. Feminism itself -- what is it but a means of feminizing man? If it makes women man-like, it does so only by transforming man first into a creature whose only concern is with his personal economics and his relation to "society," ie. a woman. "Society" is the element of woman, it is static and formal, its contests are purely personal, and are free from the possibility of heroism and violence. Conversation, not action; formality, not deeds. How different is the idea of rank used in connection with a social affair, from when it is applied on a battlefield! In the field, it is fate-laden; in the salon it is vain and pompous. A war is fought for control; social contests are inspired by feminine vanity and jealousy to show that one is "better" than someone else.

And yet what does Liberalism do ultimately to woman: it puts a uniform on her and calls her a "soldier."' This ridiculous performance but illustrates the eternal fact that History is masculine, that its stern demands cannot be evaded, that the fundamental realities cannot be renounced, even, by the most elaborate make-believe. Liberalistic tampering with sexual polarity only wreaks havoc on the souls of individuals, confusing and distorting them, but the man-woman and the woman-man it creates are both subject to the higher Destiny of History.

The above quote in one picture:


LOL at everyone here some "some angry lonely dude". Once you realize that you go through the same experiences as other people but aren't being treated well or your friendship isn't being reciprocated thats what makes you start to second-guess its causality.

Blackpilled is the only explanation....I mean just HEIGHT alone is so evidentiary its laughable.
B-but incel studies are flawed and misogynistic :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
Eventhough my conscious brain has accepted the Blackpill, my subconscious brain keeps popping some bluepilled ideas at times.
Those are the vestiges of the bluepilled idiot I used to be.
It's ragefuelling to accept I was made a fool of for all this time.
Now I feel more like a man, thank to the blackpill and actually less depressed.
Great thread OP.
Nice High IQ

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