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SuicideFuel Incel in the workforce Pt II

  • Thread starter Absolute Garbage
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Absolute Garbage

Absolute Garbage

Aug 2, 2018
Here's a continuation of more shit that happens to me at work.

Part 1 here: https://incels.is/threads/foid-asks...orker-to-attend-her-party.64847/#post-1208842

So apparently there was a work-sponsored party that was happening. Being the incel that I am, I was not aware of this at all, but obviously my foid coworker (same one in the last post) knew about it and was attending.

It turns out that a ton of the people who had originally been invited couldn't make it, so they were pretty desperate to get more people to go. So my foid coworker's friend (works in another division of the company) was hanging out with me and a few other coworkers and is basically like "[Absolute Garbage] want to go to the party?" There was gonna be free food and shit so I said sure.

This of course sealed my fate for another round of humiliation.

Of course when foid coworker finds out I was invited, she gets all awkward and tries to make up some excuse as to why she didn't think to invite me. Not sure why she felt like she needed to do that cause it's not as if I was expecting her to in the first place.

So the day of the party arrives, and we all start off at some restaurant. We get one of the back private rooms with free food and booze. I basically only know my foid coworker, and obviously she's off mingling with random people, so I basically spend the entire time sitting in the corner eating and drinking stuff by myself. I do try and get up and talk with some random people, striking up normie conversations like "How's work going?" etc. But as expected, thanks to my low-IQ and now alcohol addled brain, it goes... autistically.

Turns out, after the restaurant, we were supposed to go watch some sports event at the stadium. So some guy was passing out tickets that came in two. He goes up to me and was like "Who are you pairng up with?" and I kinda stand there awkwardly cause I basically only know my foid coworker. She happens to be standing nearby and walks up cause she sees the tickets and I guess due to impatience wanted to be one of the first to get them for whatever reason. He asks her "you want to pair up with him?" and she goes "Sure". So then he hands me the tickets. You can tell she's regretting the decision. Ticket guy then goes up to the foid's chadlite friend (same chadlite from other thread) who was also standing around the area and talking to some guy and was like "Okay you two are partnered up".

Suddenly, sensing an opportunity, my foid coworker goes "I wanna be [Chadlite's name]'s partner!" super loudly in front of everywhere while I'm standing there like an autistic deer in headlights. Her chadlite friend, though didn't really respond to that, so the ticket guy tells foid coworker "Uh you already have a partner". To which she loudly goes "But I don't wanna be [Absolute Garbage]'s partner!". Everyone around just kinda looks at me and I continue to stand there awkwardly.

Ticket guy then proceeds to move on and ask another random person standing if they had a partner. Foid coworker loudly goes "Can I be partners with him instead?". I think at this point, since they didn't really have a system for passing out tickets and ticket guy was getting fed up with figuring out how to make sure everyone had tickets, ticket guy basically ignored her at that point.

Unsurprisingly, all the seats were reserved in the same section, so people could basically sit wherever they wanted. So of course foid coworker just goes off to sit with some random person in the group to flirt and cuddle.

Honestly, I was pretty annoyed about this. She's in her 20s... we aren't in middle school anymore. And to be honest I don't think I've ever been humiliated this badly and often back then (that being said I had a decent school experience other than my lack of relationships/sex). Surely there's a more mature way to handle the situation instead of drawing everyone's attention to how badly she didn't want to be paired up with me. She could've asked me in private if we could change partners. I would've been more than happy to do so since there's no point being paired up with someone who's repulsed by you. And as it turns out, since the seats were basically all booked together, it didn't matter who was partned up with who, so she could've just done nothing at the time as well.

I think this particular foid might be slightly more immature than the others since most of them make it clear that I'm unappealing to them, but they generally don't embarrass me in the presence of other people. But I also happen to spend more time with this foid because of our work situation, so it's possible it could be just as bad with the others.
you fucked up when you made the decision to go to normie events instead of letting those insufferable cunts not have enough people to go.
i'm sorry man. i am so happy that i work with men, mostly middle-aged ones too.
Rule number 1:


You got yourself in this situation buddy.
you fucked up when you made the decision to go to normie events instead of letting those insufferable cunts not have enough people to go.
Rule number 1:


You got yourself in this situation buddy.
Yeah looking back I shouldn't have gone. But they had free food and shit, so I took the bait. Also, if it wasn't for my foid coworker doing that, the night probably would've gone fine. Most people were basically just ignoring me and the few that decided to actually talk with me and put up with my autism were aite :feelsautistic:

i'm sorry man. i am so happy that i work with men, mostly middle-aged ones too.
I feel like the problem with that though is that there's not as much stuff to talk about during breaks and shit.
Jeeesus, what a bitch
Not sure why you felt the need to reply then. You do realize you don't need to read or respond to every single thread right?
Are u still gonna be friends with this co worker?
Never go to a normie event unless you have atleast 1-2 legitamate friends with you, or else you stand out for being alone and you have nobody else to relate to who isnt a normie.
Yeah looking back I shouldn't have gone. But they had free food and shit, so I took the bait. Also, if it wasn't for my foid coworker doing that, the night probably would've gone fine. Most people were basically just ignoring me and the few that decided to actually talk with me and put up with my autism were aite :feelsautistic:

I feel like the problem with that though is that there's not as much stuff to talk about during breaks and shit.

there's always some middle-aged stuff to talk about, like house projects they're working on and i make small talk about that. besides, i'm relatively unsupervised and take breaks whenever and surf on my phone if i like. everyone knows i'm a bit weird, but i can be funny, so i get a pass most of the time, which would never happen with a bunch of foids around.
Sounds like heaven, what do you do?

i have an engineering job.
you fucked up when you made the decision to go to normie events instead of letting those insufferable cunts not have enough people to go.
you fucked up when you made the decision to go to normie events instead of letting those insufferable cunts not have enough people to go.
Rule number 1:


You got yourself in this situation buddy.

Free food and drink means nothing.

Kings of old use to invite their enemies for dinner than use that event to silently bump them off.
You need to stop yielding brooo... they gonna keep on treating you like a trash.. fucking say what you want
Free food and drink means nothing.

Kings of old use to invite their enemies for dinner than use that event to silently bump them off.
Free food means free food. Food's expensive where I live..
Are u still gonna be friends with this co worker?
I mean as I mentioned in the other thread, it makes the day go by way quicker. Otherwise, I'll basically be sitting by myself bored out of my mind everyday.
Man, stop talking to her. Protect your soul, you got to work there, you definitely don’t have to be abused and publicly humiliated. Tell her she’s shitty for that and keep living.
Next time dont go
Ew face? Know your place
Man, stop talking to her. Protect your soul, you got to work there, you definitely don’t have to be abused and publicly humiliated. Tell her she’s shitty for that and keep living.

Seriously bro. I would honestly check your T levels; there's no way a man with normal T would put up with this bitch.
is the foid 12? because she acts like it.
Seriously bro. I would honestly check your T levels; there's no way a man with normal T would put up with this bitch.

this too
it gave me ptsd flashbacks because I was humiliated like this dozens of times since kindergarten

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