I’ve noticed that anywhere on Earth, not just this shithole but anywhere, where men congregate to complain or lament how much the world shits on them, that place gets wiped fast. It doesn’t matter if it’s online, in real life, or some kind of religious group, a bunch of men sitting around and going
>Damn, shit do be kinda fucked
Gets wiped/diluted as soon as possible. It doesn’t matter the venue. Men congregating and discussing their role in society and how it might not be fair/sucks is seen as incredibly problematic. It’s seen as adversarial to the rigid social ladder that men are expected to maintain.
If you think you can just grab you and your favorite 20 bros and fuck off to a cabin in the woods, think again. You’ll be dragged back into wageslaving cuckery if you have to be. Probably the closest thing men ever had was monasteries, and there’s been plenty of instances throughout history where people weren’t too fucking happy with the idea of monasteries.
Men in France aren’t even allowed to paternity test their kids anymore. The facade that men have it awesome and that the social contract is working must be maintained, even when it’s clear that neither of those things are true. You can’t have men sitting around airing their grievances, because it’s problematic to the social structure.
This shithole is just one of many examples. People fucking hate this place even though I would say it’s 90% just random dudes bitching about how much their life sucks and how much they hate wageslaving for zero reward. There’s certainly some obscene shit here, but even if there weren’t, this level of bitching cannot be allowed to continue within the male population. There’s too much at stake.
>Who will get turned into ground beef in pointless, financially-driven wars if men won’t?
>Who will wageslave for nothing if men won’t?
>Who will support aging single mothers if betabux men won’t?
It’s rare to see this level of bitching on moderated social media platforms, and those that do quickly get deplatformed. Any kind of men’s right movement or anti-circumcision movement or male-bitching movement gets mocked and deplatformed. Religious groups that seek to elevate the status of men in society get mocked and deplatformed if possible.
Know your place and accept your lot in life. That is the message. Anything contrary to that cannot be allowed to be expressed on a public forum.
Moreso than anything, people seem to despise loser men. It encites rage to perceive men that society perceives as losers. It perplexes me is it seems to be multifaceted. On the one hand, people seem to hate loser men that lament their life and how much it sucks. The ideal scenario seems to be a loser man shutting the fuck up and never mentioning/acknowledging he’s a loser. He’s a loser, so he should be content with his loser life. On the other hand, people seem to also despise loser men on account of them being losers. It seems humans are programmed to perceive loser men as deserving of vitrol, as if it is their fault for choosing to be born a loser. Loser men deserve to be hated on account of being losers. There is no room for empathy for a loser man who maybe doesn’t want to be a loser.
It is very strange. A short, ugly dude wageslaving as a janitor receives unnecessary hatred despite him simply living the hand he was dealt in life. It doesn’t matter whether he complains about his shit life or not, he will be shit on for being a loser regardless.
The greatest example of this is the Eastern idea of karma, especially in terms of reincarnation. People with shitty lives must have done something, either in this life or the previous, to deserve it. Thus they are deserving of ridicule because losers deserve their fate. There’s no room for empathy because, as a rule, losers deserve their loser fate. They should be treated as such.