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It's Over In 3 years I am 30

I would call turning 30 as final nail in the coffin, since everyone your age gets kids, perma jobs, house etc.... If you don't have those, people will consider you a gay pedo serial murderer.
They gay stuff is so fucking wierd
I would call turning 30 as final nail in the coffin, since everyone your age gets kids, perma jobs, house etc.... If you don't have those, people will consider you a gay pedo serial murderer.
well I guess nobody expects that of me
two years for me, its ovER
Me too man, it was the pandemic that made time go by so quickly, I started university 3 years later because of the pandemic and now I am not going to have a degree until I am +30
Me too man, it was the pandemic that made time go by so quickly, I started university 3 years later because of the pandemic and now I am not going to have a degree until I am +30
so brutal. when 2020 came I quit brick uni bc I sucked at business school, since then I'm studying fully online but I regret not working out at all, I have dumbbells and pull-up bar, rower and treadmill that belongs to my parents, but never did anything :feelsbadman:
Yeah. Their first reaction is to accuse you of not wanting foids and thus you're gay.
I think most people-neighbours, friends of my parents, because I literally don't know people my age- don't think that of me, they just think yeah he's ugly, short and weird af
so brutal. when 2020 came I quit brick uni bc I sucked at business school, since then I'm studying fully online but I regret not working out at all, I have dumbbells and pull-up bar, rower and treadmill that belongs to my parents, but never did anything :feelsbadman:

There is always time man, I have many years of training under my belt, I continue doing it while I attend university
There is always time man, I have many years of training under my belt, I continue doing it while I attend university
thanks dude, yeah I will surely do it more now and try to be consistent but I still really really regret not starting 4, 3, 2, 1 year ago, always I thought what's the fucking point but I have to do it for myself, it's not like I'll ever get an unpaid woman into bed and I don't want a sex escort either
thanks dude, yeah I will surely do it more now and try to be consistent but I still really really regret not starting 4, 3, 2, 1 year ago, always I thought what's the fucking point but I have to do it for myself, it's not like I'll ever get an unpaid woman into bed and I don't want a sex escort either
Once you have been training for enough time you will not care about the "lost time", after passing a certain level it is very difficult to continue gaining muscle mass even with years on top.

There wouldn't be big differences in my body if I had 2 years less training.
Feels like yesterday when I would play LoL from dusk till dawn. Suddenly 10 years passed and I woke up as a wizard.
Yeah. Their first reaction is to accuse you of not wanting foids and thus you're gay.
First ones to say faggotism is normal protect gays , then wow toilets have tortured you your whole life? You must be gay
Once you have been training for enough time you will not care about the "lost time", after passing a certain level it is very difficult to continue gaining muscle mass even with years on top.

There wouldn't be big differences in my body if I had 2 years less training.
thanks that's interesting.
I think most people-neighbours, friends of my parents, because I literally don't know people my age- don't think that of me, they just think yeah he's ugly, short and weird af
People here think that good will and hard work fix everything, no matter how short, ugly and poor you are.
People here think that good will and hard work fix everything, no matter how short, ugly and poor you are.
Hit the gym.

If you don't build muscle mass now you probably never will. From age 30 onwards we lose muscle and bone. Time to get big is now.

Moreover try to discover new ways to cope, like a sport or hobby. Maybe you'll enjoy mountain biking, or skateboarding, or rollerblading, or swimming, who knows? The time to do shit like this is now, when you're still young, as when you become elderly it will already be too late.
Lol you don’t lose muscles from age 30 more like 60 or more
I would call turning 30 as final nail in the coffin, since everyone your age gets kids, perma jobs, house etc.... If you don't have those, people will consider you a gay pedo serial murderer.
Every guy i know in that age group is basically incel tier. I struggle to find any actual father where i live. It’s giga over

Do you think that’s a good thing tho bc you won’t feel the shiftiness of anything going away lol
Not really. It's getting worse. Most of it is because of pre-mature balding.
You’re afraid to turn 30

What you don’t get is that 60, 80 will come just as fast.

« Just yesterday I was turning 18 »
i wish for mercy killing tbh. im not enjoying life yet too pussy to rope
My 30s were very rough years.
My hope had died then. It was brutal.

Ofc, that was from not previously knowing about the Blackpoll... That I never had any teal hope. Just bluepill hopium.

But after that I became self employed and coped much better. Less normie interactions...
My 30s were very rough years.
My hope had died then. It was brutal.

Ofc, that was from not previously knowing about the Blackpoll... That I never had any teal hope. Just bluepill hopium.

But after that I became self employed and coped much better. Less normie interactions...
sounds brutal. I will be the same. I'm short and much worse very deformed, as in medically deformed. I also have missing facial bones and a very abnormal skull plus the dimensions of my facial features are off as is the distance between the features. Literally a 1/10
They have a high bodycount, and you need to pay for something that you are supposed to get for free. It's cucked
You're not Chad how'll get it for free
I would rather not get it at all than having to pay for it
would you accept a gf who is a minimum a 4/10 arguably a 5 ?
sounds brutal. I will be the same. I'm short and much worse very deformed, as in medically deformed. I also have missing facial bones and a very abnormal skull plus the dimensions of my facial features are off as is the distance between the features. Literally a 1/10
Finding A good immersive cope is a good idea... Become a expert in something, or many things. Preferably something useful to normies, like food production or mechanical repair. If you're too stupid for that then something more physical.

The trick is to do something that no one else is doing. Give (doomsday type) folks a reason to keep you alive...

Like that little dwarf dude in thunderdome. (Master of the master/blaster team) who turned shit stink into methane fuel....

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgq4w4dqKsU
30 is the deadline
The trick is to do something that no one else is doing. Give (doomsday type) folks a reason to keep you alive...
lets make a nuke
Finding A good immersive cope is a good idea... Become a expert in something, or many things. Preferably something useful to normies, like food production or mechanical repair. If you're too stupid for that then something more physical.

The trick is to do something that no one else is doing. Give (doomsday type) folks a reason to keep you alive...

Like that little dwarf dude in thunderdome. (Master of the master/blaster team) who turned shit stink into methane fuel....

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgq4w4dqKsU

Thanks. I do and will try.

But beside not having a (decent) gf I feel like shit, really sad and angered at unfairness bc people of all ages stare at, talk or joke about me
30 is the deadline
yes even my mother said 28/29/30 is basically the deadline, It's true and brutal. I give up, I've given up inside many years ago. The ship is sinking and I'll never have a lifeboat
no lifeboat for your FACE
angry homer simpson GIF
u gotta believe in yourself
EDIT- felt the past 4 years went by so quickly and obviously 3 years will pass even faster :feelscry:

I turned 27 on Saturday, mother bought me presents, a cake and made a nice dinner, of course I stayed home and read. But what I really need is a decent gf. I'm a shit son though, feel bloody guilty about it, a fucking failure I know exactly how my future will be nothing will change except it'll all get even worse

I feel and look like I'm 19-22 bc of my height and young looking but extremely weird face (hasn't changed a bit for about 9-10 years I think this is a very rare condition where you don't bloody age? Which doesn't matter bc I'm deformed anyway. Even the bluepillers don't think I can get a gf I'm that ugly and also have no idea how to 'small talk' I'm boring and nonNT AF
That sounds fucking brutal man, my condolences towards you.


I will be 22 soon, and I know I will just fall into a deep depression on that day, no mattER how hard I try & cope. :feelsrope:

I'm a shit son also, and I feel bad at times, but then I remember, I didn't ask for this life.
agepill is brutal , especially when you realize how fast time flies
It is; it hit me so hard awhile back I made a thread on it.
exactly :feelsbadman: fuck I remember how I was just 23

when I was 17 I fucking dreaded turning 18 bc then I was an adult. and I'm literally the exact same person, same face than back then I'm short and look young heck nobody would guess I'm 27 but I'm also really strange looking
Turning 18 as a KHHV with not even a fucking prom date was brutal; I cant imagine how 30(if I make it tbh) will be. :feelsbadman:
bruel as time ages nothing seems to matter anymore
EDIT- felt the past 4 years went by so quickly and obviously 3 years will pass even faster :feelscry:

I turned 27 on Saturday, mother bought me presents, a cake and made a nice dinner, of course I stayed home and read. But what I really need is a decent gf. I'm a shit son though, feel bloody guilty about it, a fucking failure I know exactly how my future will be nothing will change except it'll all get even worse

I feel and look like I'm 19-22 bc of my height and young looking but extremely weird face (hasn't changed a bit for about 9-10 years I think this is a very rare condition where you don't bloody age? Which doesn't matter bc I'm deformed anyway. Even the bluepillers don't think I can get a gf I'm that ugly and also have no idea how to 'small talk' I'm boring and nonNT AF
Welcome to the club.
Welcome to the club.
I'm medically deformed in many different ways. Extreme asymmetry, missing facial bones, wrong dimensions,,,,, I get lots of stares and whispered about etc..... I just want to sleep and never wake up again

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