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In 2018, there are no standards for female beauty



Jan 10, 2018
Shreks wife is considered attractive. 

Most are young here, but at one time looks were EVERYTHING with women. Women with high body fat now are considered hot. And they can look like a horseface too.
True. Even warpigs and tranny abominations are validated now, while incels are mocked mercilessly and left to rot.
BlackPill47 said:
True. Even warpigs and tranny abominations are validated now, while incels are mocked mercilessly and left to rot.

I think Reddit would let holocaust denial slide than doxxing a womans looks.
Double standards.

Don't worry, life here on Earth won't be here for much longer.
Damn, I wish I was born 20 years earlier. Maybe I would have escaped.
Zielony4 said:
Damn, I wish I was born 20 years earlier. Maybe I would have escaped.
Unquestionably. Average Boomers and GenXers got laid, whereas any incel born after 1980 is damned.
BlackPill47 said:
Unquestionably. Average Boomers and GenXers got laid, whereas any incel born after 1980 is damned.

I would definitely have been able to escape if I was born in 1977  :'(

People that say that if our parents can get laid, that we can too, fail to realize that shit changed alot in time periods. Hell, maybe a currycel manlet was seen as exotic or attractive. Not too sure.
Meanwhile for males its worse than ever, just the opposite.
100% legit, the roles have been reversed. Before men had nothing to do with looks, and it was everything for women, now it's totally opposite.
chudur-budur said:
100% legit, the roles have been reversed. Before men had nothing to do with looks, and it was everything for women, now it's totally opposite.
Men were rugged providers. No man would even think of wrinkles or receding  hair, or a few extra pounds. Even men's hair dye is meant to be extremely low key ONLY to cover grey, and that is a modern thing. Women dye their hair blonde to attract attention.
I fucking hate all those fucking normie cunts pushing the "thicc" meme, they are encouraging this shit and they should be gassed. Fat women are disgusting and anyone that finds them attractive is mentally ill.
Tfw when you were born in a shitty time period
Stanx22 said:
Just be a woman bro.

Just be a woman theory, its over for not-womancels.
Just be female theory is legit.
this. its fucking oooooooo00000000vER
why was this stickied lol
NYincel said:
I think Reddit would let holocaust denial slide than doxxing a womans looks.

Too true.

Zyros said:
Meanwhile for males its worse than ever, just the opposite.

Lol and you say patriarchy wouldn't improve things. The lack of patriarchy is the cause of all this, it's why everything was better in the 50s and so on when women knew their place: the kitchen and the bedroom.
Yeah, male feminists claim that they find fat woman hot, but I think if they were beeing honest most of them don't really find them attractive. This is just virtue-signalling bullshit​
i still dont really understand how hypergamy begun in the first place, most women are fucking ugly compared to men, any high iq fuck can explain?
> Teehee, standards for women are sexist!
> Teehee, men should have six pack abs and six figure salary
> Teehee, women have it worse
Erenor said:
Yeah, male feminists claim that they find fat woman hot, but I think if they were beeing honest most of them don't really find them attractive. This is just virtue-signalling bullshit​

A woman once posted a great body with 3 kids, and she wrote "What is your excuse?"

The fatties came down on her harder than an asteroid hitting a planet. And the cuck men probably thought she is insane too.
BlackPill47 said:
Zielony4 said:
Damn, I wish I was born 20 years earlier. Maybe I would have escaped.
Unquestionably. Average Boomers and GenXers got laid, whereas any incel born after 1980 is damned.
tenta said:
i still dont really understand how hypergamy begun in the first place, most women are fucking ugly compared to men, any high iq fuck can explain?

The women are the naturally most sexually selective. We used to repress sexuality but don't anymore. So they only go for sexual desire.
mental_out said:
When you hear an ugly, fat women who's such a genetic dumpster fire that her kid had like 10 hereditary conditions talking about how some guy was who hitting on her was too ugly, you know the dating game is fucked. This is from personal experience.

They will never understand us. They live on separate worlds.
Just lol @ stickying this meaningless thread.
Absolutely true. Men are SO FUCKING THIRSTY that they will worship anything with XX chromosomes.

Being a woman in the modern age is akin to being born into royalty.
I'd say people born after 1990 have it worse. In the 90s it was still possible to get laid.
True. Femoids can never lose.
and the scary part is hypergamy is only evolving
NYincel said:
Shreks wife is considered attractive.
Most are young here, but at one time looks were EVERYTHING with women. Women with high body fat now are considered hot. And they can look like a horseface too.
shreks wife has always mogged alot of real life women












It's over, abort all male babies.
Schizoidcel said:

It's over, abort all male babies.

Fuck, its over. Maybe the all the modern chemicals destroyed men. Plastic is estrogen. Lots of articles about that.

Remember that traditionally WOMEN were the ones who would overlook appearance.
Pig-girl is a brutal Black Pill. All men are thirsty and will fuck anything. Especially as their looks.matches are Chad-chasers themselves.

wristcel said:
I'd say people born after 1990 have it worse. In the 90s it was still possible to get laid.
That was when GenX was coming of age, bro. They were the last ones to form normal relationships before the internet exploded to mainstream life in 2000 and modern hypergamy with it. If online dating damaged the chances for sub-8 men, Tinder and smartphones fucking destroyed them.
Yeah, but "women still have it harder and we're all privileged males".
BlackPill47 said:
Unquestionably. Average Boomers and GenXers got laid, whereas any incel born after 1980 is damned.

All thanks to the faggot women lib movement
blackpill_incel said:
BlackPill47 said:
Unquestionably. Average Boomers and GenXers got laid, whereas any incel born after 1980 is damned.
All thanks to the faggot women lib movement
And the internet.

Fuck, I wish I were 20-40 years older. My life would have been so much better.
BlackPill47 said:
And the internet.

Fuck, I wish I were 20-40 years older. My life would have been so much better.

Being incel is hell
Panda said:
This is the most accurate sui fuel I've seen in a while. Honestly the smile one for a woman isn't even necessary. Even women with resting bitch faces still can easily marry successful men as long as they're not hideous and obese.
Oh you should throw away socks with holes? I wear them till they dissolve. Same for shoes.
ropecel said:
This is the most accurate sui fuel I've seen in a while. Honestly the smile one for a woman isn't even necessary. Even women with resting bitch faces still can easily marry successful men as long as they're not hideous and obese.

May be sui fuel, but go on MGTOW forums and see the fallout after the thrill of the "masturbation machine" wears off and she fucks you for everything you have. My neighbor knows I can't get a gf, and he envies me. He said you are so fucking lucky. He don't believe that my problem is looks, but he said keep up whatever you are doing. He said he would rather be dead than spend a penny on a woman.

The guy lost millions, he ended up with 50K after the divorce and child support settlement. The stress also made him physically ill, wife moved away to another state and he rarely sees his kids. His wife polluted them against him.

wristcel said:
I'd say people born after 1990 have it worse. In the 90s it was still possible to get laid.
YOU HAD TO APPROACH AND CLOSE WITH WOMEN THOUGH. Online dating was a cruel joke before about 2000. 
AOL became big in 95 and you could meet women even without pics. I never met any of the women I talked to, they were all very fucked up.
If you were aspie you are incel. I think of so many IOIs I had then and never closed girl. Girls started conversation with me on the bus. I didn't know how to ask her out and close the deal.

I was looking at my HS reunion book, a bunch of guys are still single, some may be chad like. They were extremely shy.
They can also get away with being non-NT, while for men with bad to average-ish looks it can be a death sentence.

BlackPill47 said:
True. Even warpigs and tranny abominations are validated now, while incels are mocked mercilessly and left to rot.
its completely unreal. for example on MeetMe, whenever i click on a 1-2/10 profile, the amount of likes/comments they get is INSANE, also imagining how many messages they get too. meanwhile if you're sub-chad you're lucky to get 1 like or comment as a male
The only thing a woman has to do to be attractive is not be fat. This is just too hard for the majority of them for some reason.

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