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In 2013 an oldcel teacher shot himself after a student he loved got with Chad, he made a website

  • Thread starter Deleted member 14536
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I do hope I won't make it to 41... can't imagine a life like this.:cryfeels:
I'll be 41 in an few weeks. I've definitely calmed down a bit since I was 19-20.

That's why reading about this guy, who was still fully oneitis heartbroken like a teenager at my age, was quite hard to read.

Sad to see a few normies come out of the woodwork after he was dead, saying "we all respected him, we had no idea he was so lonely, if only we had known we could have helped him meet someone" - OK pal. Could have, would have, should have... didn't though. Where were you when he was alive?

Not that it would have mattered... for a while in my late 20s and early 30s my normie friends covertly tried to set me up with women they thought I had a chance with. Unfortunately these women all perceived me exactly the same way as the general population did. (Surprise!)
So there is probably not a lot of value in wingman-normies for incels, although it is nice to know some people cared enough to try. :feelscomfy:
brutal :feelsmage:
Sad to see a few normies come out of the woodwork after he was dead, saying "we all respected him, we had no idea he was so lonely, if only we had known we could have helped him meet someone" - OK pal. Could have, would have, should have... didn't though. Where were you when he was alive?
those normies deserve brutal torture and disfigurement. they knew very well and even had their fun with it
I'll be 41 in an few weeks. I've definitely calmed down a bit since I was 19-20.

That's why reading about this guy, who was still fully oneitis heartbroken like a teenager at my age, was quite hard to read.

Sad to see a few normies come out of the woodwork after he was dead, saying "we all respected him, we had no idea he was so lonely, if only we had known we could have helped him meet someone" - OK pal. Could have, would have, should have... didn't though. Where were you when he was alive?

Not that it would have mattered... for a while in my late 20s and early 30s my normie friends covertly tried to set me up with women they thought I had a chance with. Unfortunately these women all perceived me exactly the same way as the general population did. (Surprise!)
So there is probably not a lot of value in wingman-normies for incels, although it is nice to know some people cared enough to try. :feelscomfy:
agemogs me brutally
She played him like a fiddle. He actually believe what she said. Then he unloaded a shotgun to his face while Chad unloads his loads in her face.

Seems like he was 41 when he checked out - no wonder he went insane. Watching all these kids in the prime of their lives messing around enjoying themselves, whilst he rots and ages alone.
everything got botttled up
Only a loser would kill himself over a foid. jfl
shut up bro
it was basically hope for him since he is incel he finally found someome after waiting too long and that someone turns out to be a bag of shite
Trigger 6 - September 14, 2013
All I've ever wanted, the only thing I've ever truly wanted,
was to share my life with a loving partner, my Eve.
Marry, buy a house, start a family, live the dream.
It's all I've ever wanted.
Such a simple thing.
Such a simple dream.​

"Incels only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting. Those evil muh soggy knees inkwels..."

A simple life most Men want and they can't have it nowadays. To have the same life our grandparents and great-grandparents had and we can't have it.

It nevER began and Men like us should give the world what it deserves for this... :society: (in minecraft)
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The lack of sympathy for the guy on this forum is mind-boggling. Aren't we here for the same reason why he shot himself?
He should have just smoked weed and taken a trip to Thailand once a year instead of falling in love with a count student
Don't feel bad for this guy roping if his relationship was successful he would be insulted us incels and gaslighting us.:feelsthink::feelshmm::feelskek: May this serves as a lesson of what female nature does to a cuck:bluepill::blackpill:
Don't feel bad for this guy roping if his relationship was successful he would be insulted us incels and gaslighting us.:feelsthink::feelshmm::feelskek: May this serves as a lesson of what female nature does to a cuck:bluepill::blackpill:
This could be true, but what @Defetivecuckachu said somewhere above is also important as you need to realize that this could happen to anyone. Of course, something went very wrong with this guy because at his age he was still deep into his darkest moments when he should have exited that phase by then.

This guy is also a perfect example of what I have been saying about "post-ascending":

Remember - people here want to "ascend" and if they do, they won't be ascending as a Chad or high smv Normie, you'd be ascending as whatever you are (more or less low smv male) and that's when even more problems could START.

Don't be so quick to think that if you get what you want from a foid (pretty looking & non-paid sex) and even some companionship, that the second it ends or is taken from you and you are left with a big punishing hole where you chest was that you wouldn't have the propensity to fall into a state EXACTLY like this Swanson fellow. Eventually, the pain and embarrassment was so much for him, that he off'd himself. This is the prime example of how the decay of Western cultural works out in the end.
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She played him like a fiddle. He actually believe what she said. Then he unloaded a shotgun to his face while Chad unloads his loads in her face.

This. Never trust a foid for anything.
This could be true, but what @Defetivecuckachu said somewhere above is also important as you need to realize that this could happen to anyone. Of course, something went very wrong with this guy because at his age he was still deep into his darkest moments when he should have exited that phase by then.

This guy is also a perfect example of what I have been saying about "post-ascending":

Remember - people here want to "ascend" and if they do, they won't be ascending as a Chad or high smv Normie, you'd be ascending as whatever you are (more or less low smv male) and that's when even more problems could START.

Don't be so quick to think that if you get what you want from a foid (pretty looking & non-paid sex) and even some companionship, that the second it ends or is taken from you and you are left with a big punishing hole where you chest was that you wouldn't have the propensity to fall into a state EXACTLY like this Swanson fellow. Eventually, the pain and embarrassment was so much for him, that he off'd himself. This is the prime example of how the decay of Western cultural works out in the end.
People like him don't deserve sympathy
The lack of sympathy for the guy on this forum is mind-boggling. Aren't we here for the same reason why he shot himself?
Something like this. And the fact he was romantically idealising one of his students means he was likely rejected in one way or the other by many of his own peers and age group, so on the way to being an Incel in one way or the other.
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I have sympathy for anyone who's sad and in a shitty position.

I'm just surprised that a man of his age and experience, was bluepilled enough to think a beautiful young teenager on her way to university might seriously want to settle for a short ugly 42 year old loser like himself. The lack of faculty for critical thinking just astonishes me.

His story is a warning for how badly naive :bluepill: thinking can mess up your mental health and your life.
I have sympathy for anyone who's sad and in a shitty position.

I'm just surprised that a man of his age and experience, was bluepilled enough to think a beautiful young teenager on her way to university might seriously want to settle for a short ugly 42 year old loser like himself. The lack of faculty for critical thinking just astonishes me.

His story is a warning for how badly naive :bluepill: thinking can mess up your mental health and your life.
41yo incel? fucking brutal man, old as fuck, ur more than double my age lol
What I took away from this is to never trust a foid.

I'm going to save my money so I can pay a surrogate to have my kids. If I can ascend with a foid that will only be a bonus. Even then, it will use me for my resources and discard me, making me pay alimony and child support.

If only sex robots and artificial wombs were here.
unfortunately he died before the blackpill existed.

This is what guys who are deep blue pilled end up like, they do everything "right" by society and still end up alone.
They end up losing their shit because their whole life they put pussy on a pedestal and eventually they can't lie to themselves anymore.

You can't be a hopeless romantic and an ugly guy

If I wasn't blackpilled I would have probably roped over no pussy as well.
They end up losing their shit because their whole life they put pussy on a pedestal and eventually they can't lie to themselves anymore.

Yes he literally says it a few times in his page;

":feelsbadman: all of my work and studies were all for nothing"

As in, not having a foid = having nothing.

(In fairness they struck him off from ever practicing again as a teacher, and it sounds like he was good at his job and was coping thru his career, so in that sense he lost more than just his teenaged fantasy GF.)

Normies talk about type of relationship dysfunction called co-dependency where couples who are destructive to each other stay together anyway because they can't face the idea of being alone again..

Thus guy seemed to be co-dependent with the idea of this foid as she was in his imagination, which was obviously a bit different than the real world her.

All of which he might have been better prepared to deal with, if only he'd spent the previous 20+ years of his adult life learning and accepting blackpill reality, and learning to have realistic sensible expectations.

I mean some people on here talk about "the blackpill" like it's a way of life and a 24/7 full immersion religious cult. When all it really is, is a straightforward observation of how men and women are, and how dating and sex and relationships are as a result. It's not the secret to the universe, just human mating behaviour. But it's never been hard to observe, even before we had a cool edgy name for it.
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Only a loser would kill himself over a foid. jfl

he didnt kill himself over a foid

he killed himself because he had no reason to live anymore

the only reason he had for living was hope, but it was shattered in the end
41yo incel? fucking brutal man, old as fuck, ur more than double my age lol
You gotta a problem with us oldcels? It's not old as fuck and you know your age only goes up right? :feelsjuice:
Yes he literally says it a few times in his page;

As in, not having a foid = having nothing.

(In fairness they struck him off from ever practicing again as a teacher, and it sounds like he was good at his job and was coping thru his career, so in that sense he lost more than just his teenaged fantasy GF.)
Very true. And this can happen.
Normies talk about type of relationship dysfunction called co-dependency where couples who are destructive to each other stay together anyway because they can't face the idea of being alone again..

Thus guy seemed to be co-dependent with the idea of this foid as she was in his imagination, which was obviously a bit different than the real world her.
Agreed. And - There is an interesting take on this which provides much more detail than any existing flimsy behavioural Psychology model that I know of. The book was written by Rene Girard and explains "imitation" and memetic desire quite well, and as a result the sum and substance of how metaphysical desires arises.
All of which he might have been better prepared to deal with, if only he'd spent the previous 20+ years of his adult life learning and accepting blackpill reality, and learning to have realistic sensible expectations.
Correct. The problem is, that for some reason, he didn't learn the lessons that he should have learned before. My questions are, was he in relationships previous to this, and did he experience failure/reject before (one needs to experience it many times in fact) at the hands of a foid?

It's almost like he went from age 19 straight to 37 without undergoing any sort of transformation that comes out of the depression one goes through as rejection remains constant. Eventually one can't even stomach it, so one need not create the desire in their head. Because we know that the let-down and the hurt will take too much out of us again and again, and it's tiresome, to say the least.
I mean some people on here talk about "the blackpill" like it's a way of life and a 24/7 full immersion religious cult. When all it really is, is a straightforward observation of how men and women are, and how dating and sex and relationships are as a result. It's not the secret to the universe, just human mating behaviour. But it's never been hard to observe, even before we had a cool edgy name for it.
Well, here I would say that the expression of "blackpill" could be applied to anyone who has a major blind spot preventing them from seeing there reality when it has played out time and time again. So in that sense, we could say it can have a wider application than just mating behavior. But alas, the main thing which most Normies often don't see pertains to mating behavior, aesthetics and women.
You gotta a problem with us oldcels? It's not old as fuck and you know your age only goes up right? :feelsjuice:
30+ yo incel is fucking old to me man im just 17

no problem w u oldcels, just have no idea how u cope
30+ yo incel is fucking old to me man im just 17.
:feelsgah:. That's funny.
no problem w u oldcels, just have no idea how u cope
Magic. You want to learn magic ?

Yeah right...

It's not easy, it's scary, ngl, and it's work! Here's how it happens, please take notes :feelsstudy:

You're born, you're an Incel, and then you grow old and you're still an Incel. Aging happens when the planet Earth puts a revolution around it's host star,we call the Sun. :feelsgah:
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brutal man, how do u cope?
It's quite a few different, but pivotal ways. I'm not going through the detail here and now. Though I have elsewhere on our forum. When your copes stop, you die.
What a weak ass bitch
OP here. I just wanted to say that this was tremendous work by you throughout and I really enjoyed it. The story struck a cord with me immediately and I felt so sad for the guy. The website, the song, the family, the despair he was in, the way he seemed like a nice guy and people clearly thought he was a good teacher and he helped a lot of people. His downward spiral was just so sad but extremely fascinating. He just completely snapped and realised his entire life had been pointless.

I think about his last days, the constant crying and depression and the moments leading up to him taking his life. It's just so sad. He even said himself that he was 22 years older than the girl and she probably wouldn't be interested in him anyway. It's just to brutal to go from being in love and seeing a future to being left kicked to the curb and having nothing to fall back on and no hope for the future.

At some point in my life I'd like to leave some flowers at his grave and visit the place in Mercyhurst where he killed himself, just to show a little respect to the guy. I would love to see an image of someone leaving flowers at the statue or even at his grave. I feel like he deserves to be remembered.

I just have to reiterate - GREAT WORK. You brought this story to life with insanely good sleuthing. I will come back to this thread sometimes, start playing Ethereal Remains and enjoy reading it. Thanks for your work.

RIP Christopher Swanson.
Good to know the OP appreciated the effort. I did write an article on my substack about it, and I referenced some of answers in this thread in it so thanks for all the viewpoints. It still fascinates me this case for whatever reason, here's the article I wrote:

Seems like he was 41 when he checked out - no wonder he went insane. Watching all these kids in the prime of their lives messing around enjoying themselves, whilst he rots and ages alone.
The reason I will never be able to be a teacher. Being tempted with teenage cunny all day, every day for decades, whilst seeing them obscenely flirt with chad. Hellscape
I usually hate high iq fags but people like this are an exception
Bruh who tf lets some teenage girls have so much power over themselves?. The dude was accomplishedd and had a successful career, yet allowed a teenage girl have so much power over his self-worth. What a guy.
ah 2019 the best year of my life
Good to know the OP appreciated the effort. I did write an article on my substack about it, and I referenced some of answers in this thread in it so thanks for all the viewpoints. It still fascinates me this case for whatever reason, here's the article I wrote:

Nice one man!

And flattering to see a paragraph from me in there near the end. :cool:
Too brutal for me man
ah 2019 the best year of my life
This. I had school and shit and had the most chances to ascend before the plandemic hits. Not that I'll ascend just that the chances were there
Trigger 3
Seems like he was 41 when he checked out - no wonder he went insane. Watching all these kids in the prime of their lives messing around enjoying themselves, whilst he rots and ages alone.
yep I am in this position sort of and am 38. I have tried to get a woman with no luck as usual
Only a loser would kill himself over a foid. jfl
oh stfu he went through a lot he got his hopes crushes and life was cruel to him it just confirmed the blackpill so he ended it come on i can see it

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