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Experiment Immortality pill

Would you take the immortality pill?

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Nov 2, 2019
Let's say a pill is invented that prevents aging and makes humans immortal. Would you take it? Note the question isn't should you take it, but would you take it. Personally I would take it, I'm that retarded.
I would if it's the type of immortality where I could be cut into a million pieces and still come back to life. Basically if I could be as immortal as alucard I totally would.
Yes, i would love to live an incel forever lmao
Imagine being an incel for eternity
I mean do I get money cuz if I dont then I'd just kinda sit around being a homeless incel for 60060030392918181827u382y7 years
No, I don't want to live in this hell forever
The chance of you getting laid aproaches infinity as your age aproaches infinity. Just not fast enough.

There share of your genes would aproach 100% whenever you reproduce.

You could wait until after humanity has gone extinct to ruletheworldmaxx.
I would like to take the instant death pill instant.
I would definitely take it. I wouldn't have to kill myself then because without aging, it wouldn't matter if I had to wagecuck for a decade to have enough money to make my face look human with surgery because it would never be too late. On top of that, if I was immortal, I would live to see the day where ZioCapitalism and Bloodlust Feminism are defeated by the Christlike resistance of male solidarity and socialism would prevail. I would live to see the day where I can walk into a building, they inject me with some fluid, but me in a test tube, and rearrange my face and body to be an entirely new human, a fully customized transhuman chad. Anyone who wouldn't take the immortality pill is basically not only rejecting surgical salvation and chad rebirth but rejecting witness the day feminists and Dennis Prager have no more power.
If it's like the Eldar where I remain in physical prime and don't die from age or disease, but can still be killed by trauma, I would take it. I don't want to live forever as a zombie severed head or some shit
If I believed I could change, sure.
I like the fantasy of immortality but the real life scenarios are way different than what is the most positive outcome.
For example: Do I get any other additional powers or wealth associated with my immortality? If not, then immortality is useless to me. Imagine an asteroid hits Earth and causes the planet to explode. You are immortal. So you just drift off into the edge of space and get sucked into a black hole after a million years just to possibly get pulled in/out of space vacuums for all eternity? That's a shit life.

Or for another example say the government finds out I'm immortal and not ageing. It would be hard to hide for the average person. The government would abduct me and keep me in a state of cryo sleep for all eternity and keep doing experiments on me forever. If I don't get cured of all diseases then what if I get AIDS or Malaria or something and have to live with that illness for eternity? Would suck major balls.

On the flipside if I could at least get immunity to other stuff then I could just go down to Brazil or somewhere and kill everybody that opposes me and become a kingpin. Once I'm kingpin I just rape and slay willingly.
It would be fun, but if i never got laid anyways it wouldn't
400 / percentage of population receiving an amputation every year = years until you become a quadruple amputee

also the sun will eventually boil the oceans and then you’ll be stuck with either no planet to live on, or a really hot planet that you’ll be burning on for millions of years unless you can figure out a way to gtfo

But before then, humanity will evolve into something unrecognizable for you. You will be like a zoo animal in a world of future humans. You won’t be attracted to their foids. You won’t even be the same species.

and eventually, the death of the universe. All atoms have a half-life and eventually everything will decay into radiation and you will be the only matter left in the universe. And you’ll spend eternity in a dark void with no way to die.

its still tempting af to take. 50 more years on earth vs thousands of good years with relative safety
to make my face look human with surgery because it would never be too late.
Do you think you could ever beat the hyper-gammy curve? You could increase your looks but foids would also become more and more picky.
and eventually, the death of the universe. All atoms have a half-life and eventually everything will decay into radiation and you will be the only matter left in the universe. And you’ll spend eternity in a dark void with no way to die.
It only prevents aging. So immortal is relative. If you blow your brains out or the universe evaporates you still die.
Do you think you could ever beat the hyper-gammy curve? You could increase your looks but foids would also become more and more picky.

It only prevents aging. So immortal is relative. If you blow your brains out or the universe evaporates you still die.
Oh sick. Yeah Ofc I’d take it
Do you think you could ever beat the hyper-gammy curve? You could increase your looks but foids would also become more and more picky.

It only prevents aging. So immortal is relative. If you blow your brains out or the universe evaporates you still die.
I'd live long enough to see the day where everyone gets their own custom made bodies and other people are immortal as well. At that point, their would be no incels but sex would be obsolete anyway. I wouldn't care about sex or foids, I'd be happy just to explore the galaxies in my custom immortal chad body and go on adventures and smoke space weed.
their would be no incels but sex would be obsolete anyway
Or the whole world gets more and more overpopulated with only a smaller and smaller relative number of chads going around impregnating foids all day and all night while incels become more and more incel.
That's pretty vague. Am I immortal in the sense that I just can't die of old age or illness and am not impervious to damage? Or am I physically indestructible meaning I would be able to regenerate my body? For example even if I got blown up all the little pieces would just come back together. If I could regenerate from any sort of damage would I be able to kill myself when I get tired of living for so long?
If I could kill myself when I wanted to then it would be a yes.
That's pretty vague. Am I immortal in the sense that I just can't die of old age or illness and am not impervious to damage? Or am I physically indestructible meaning I would be able to regenerate my body? For example even if I got blown up all the little pieces would just come back together. If I could regenerate from any sort of damage would I be able to kill myself when I get tired of living for so long?
If I could kill myself when I wanted to then it would be a yes.
You just don't age or get sick. If you lose a limb because you are a retard you still lose the limb, though presumably you could get a robotic one put instead. If you are a retard and drive a dirt bike into a poo river you still die.
Or the whole world gets more and more overpopulated with only a smaller and smaller relative number of chads going around impregnating foids all day and all night while incels become more and more incel.
There might be a brutal period like that we would have to live through but unless society completely collapses or we have some kind of Dr. Stone situation, we would still be steadily advancing in science and technology and eventually we would have our immortal chad bodies, if you're immortal it doesn't matter if you have to live through a mogpocalypse while you wait because you don't have to worry about the agepill. While chad is out their literally having a roast beef monopoly, we can continue to cope indoors and LDAR until science can rebuild us and we can live as human beings for the first time in our lives.
Time is one of the biggest things holding me back, if I had infinite time I could achieve all my goals, easily.
Volcel if you wouldn't.
I would just wait 200 years to change my genes and slay foids 10 times younger than me.
But before then, humanity will evolve into something unrecognizable for you. You will be like a zoo animal in a world of future humans. You won’t be attracted to their foids. You won’t even be the same species.
cope, Neanderthals mog me to this day
No. I hate life. Death is my beloved.
There might be a brutal period like that we would have to live through but unless society completely collapses or we have some kind of Dr. Stone situation, we would still be steadily advancing in science and technology and eventually we would have our immortal chad bodies, if you're immortal it doesn't matter if you have to live through a mogpocalypse while you wait because you don't have to worry about the agepill. While chad is out their literally having a roast beef monopoly, we can continue to cope indoors and LDAR until science can rebuild us and we can live as human beings for the first time in our lives.
The pill would be available to everyone, including chad. If it took you 1000 years, you would be competing against chad who is on his million's lay.
The pill would be available to everyone, including chad. If it took you 1000 years, you would be competing against chad who is on his million's lay.
When you'e as ugly as I am, you don't care about sex or competing with chad, you just want to have a human looking face no matter what it takes. I would cut my dick off if someone today offered me the money I need for surgerymaxxing in exchange, my face is so hideous all I want is to be normal, sex is meaningless.
If immortality means never getting old and never dying of anything be it disease or lack of oxygen or crushed by big 6000 ton rock or burn by fire, I'd definitely choose immortality.
no man even if the world continues to change for the next hundred years eventually everything will become so bland and boring that I would seek death just to see what it's like
no, i'm that retarded to live
If it prevents aging and you can still kys sure I'd love to take it. I'm pretty sure I wasn't gonna die of old age anyway.
It would allow me to survive until genetic modification becomes a possibility, and then I would become Chad.

The irony of this situation is obviously that once everyone is Chad, personality would actually matter, so I would get personalitymogged by all of the NT future-normies. But at least there would be sexbots.
Why the fuck are you faggots voting yes?
All I want is death, is literally the last things I would ever do
Yes because the age pill won’t effect me and I can rope at my leisure. This is a no brainer.

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