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Blackpill "Immigrants could be the answer to Japan’s population crisis"

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Sep 10, 2018

oh jeez, I wonder who's behind this video?

>mfw abdullah gets to have a qt3.14 japanese gf while im LDARing

thanks Schlomo, very cool!
Oy vey, neva forget,Japan was an Axis Power!
The day I see Abdullah with a Japanese foid is the day I will start going mosque daily to ask God to take me
ricecels are not even safe in their own country
Lol so instead of freeing the Japanese wageslaves from their 90 hour a week jobs, they decide to just import millions of low IQ non Japanese immigrants.
Maybe they are needing immigrants, since japanese women don't want to reproduce.
turning to automation or proposing labour trade agreements with other east asian countries is a much more sensible option tbh its over once they open their borders to low inhib sandcels and noggers
I don't give a damn what happens to Japan. Not one. If the entirety of the Japanese population was replaced with Swahili witch doctors I would barely notice, fuck 'em.
turning to automation or proposing labour trade agreements with other east asian countries is a much more sensible option tbh its over once they open their borders to low inhib sandcels and noggers
Asia will basically become as cucked as the west

They are the true modern day slaves that work 80 hour weeks. How do establishments and the government expect people to raise a family if theres no time? Honestly if this continues in the distant future the economy there will collapse. Theres already starting to be an inverse pyramid where there are more old people than there are young; young people will not be able to replace the workforce. Take into account other factors such as otakus as well. Japan is in serious trouble if they dont fix their work life balance issues.
I wonder who's behind this video?
(((who))) indeed

Maybe they are needing immigrants, since japanese women don't want to reproduce.
Lower birth rates NEVER mean you NEED immigrants.

That's just bullshit they do to keep money flowing into the coffers of lazy retirees from taxes, because they were promised a payout of way more than they put into the retirement benefits system. To keep wages cheap for their nurses/gardeners so they can have live-in slaves pamper them.

It's standard boomer logic, and why the elderly vote to support mass immigration and ruin our nations. They know they are on the way out and are coping with their cheap servants because they don't care about leaving a good world behind for their grandchildren.

Simply letting the population shrink is better for the general population. With fewer people to compete for housing, the cost of rent or buying property will go down, so more people can live comfortably, in larger spaces, and stop going into debt over the cost of shelter.

It also means higher wages, and better likelihood not just of getting a job, but in being well-compensated for it, as the wealth-holding elderly outbid each other for your youthful services.

Mass immigration is pushed by landowners and wealthy basically to make more money from renting out their property and pay out less money for service.

It's literally the 1% just fucking over the lower class by shipping in 3rd world subhumans to keep them from ascending to middle class and living decently.

Japan is clearly already overpopulated, which is why you have guys working 80 hour weeks to get by, as mentioned earlier. If working population was cut in half (say perhaps that you have just 1 child per couple) then demand would skyrocket: their pay will double and they can get by just working 40 hours a week. If you quartered the population (say 2 generations of 0.5 children per person) then pay will quadruple and they get by working 20 hour weeks.
I want to live in Japan but I'm too poor and no language skills
To elaborate further, I'm watching this vid now. There's a Chinese lady working as a nurse. She comments
"they would prefer a Japanese nurse, but they can't find any!"


You can ALWAYS find a nurse, if you offer to pay more. You just need to outbid whoever presently has the cheapest nurse working for them.
There will always be poor people who can't afford their own personal nurses. That doesn't mean that we should mass-import nurses to try and keep the costs down.

Instead: if you want a personal nurse, live responsibly and save up enough money to pay the higher wages it takes to entice your local citizens to enter the nursing field.

If Japanese men/women are not entering the nursing field in significant numbers to care for the ailing population, it's simply because the ailing population is too fucking STINGY to pay them enough to do it. If you raise wages high enough, they will come. That's how it works.

Employers would just rather import competition so that their scarce jobs/money are in demand (they can dictate wages to LCD willing to settle for them) rather than workers being scarce and in demand by plentiful jobs/money competing for those workers.

That's why employers and land-owners choose to ruin nations, because they financially benefit by fucking over the existing lower-class by expanding the lower class with more immigrants so they can stagnate wages while inflating rent and other costs of living.
(((who))) indeed

Lower birth rates NEVER mean you NEED immigrants.

That's just bullshit they do to keep money flowing into the coffers of lazy retirees from taxes, because they were promised a payout of way more than they put into the retirement benefits system. To keep wages cheap for their nurses/gardeners so they can have live-in slaves pamper them.

It's standard boomer logic, and why the elderly vote to support mass immigration and ruin our nations. They know they are on the way out and are coping with their cheap servants because they don't care about leaving a good world behind for their grandchildren.

Simply letting the population shrink is better for the general population. With fewer people to compete for housing, the cost of rent or buying property will go down, so more people can live comfortably, in larger spaces, and stop going into debt over the cost of shelter.

It also means higher wages, and better likelihood not just of getting a job, but in being well-compensated for it, as the wealth-holding elderly outbid each other for your youthful services.

Mass immigration is pushed by landowners and wealthy basically to make more money from renting out their property and pay out less money for service.

It's literally the 1% just fucking over the lower class by shipping in 3rd world subhumans to keep them from ascending to middle class and living decently.

Japan is clearly already overpopulated, which is why you have guys working 80 hour weeks to get by, as mentioned earlier. If working population was cut in half (say perhaps that you have just 1 child per couple) then demand would skyrocket: their pay will double and they can get by just working 40 hours a week. If you quartered the population (say 2 generations of 0.5 children per person) then pay will quadruple and they get by working 20 hour weeks.
In a normal closed capitalist system, wages which would stimulate consumption which would stimulate production which would stimulate employment which would stimulate wages which would stimulate consumption, etc, etc. It's not the overall size of the market, but the sealed nature of the market. The market must be sealed against imports and immigrants in order to bind consumption and production together.
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There is nothing wrong with immigration.
To elaborate further, I'm watching this vid now. There's a Chinese lady working as a nurse. She comments
"they would prefer a Japanese nurse, but they can't find any!"


You can ALWAYS find a nurse, if you offer to pay more. You just need to outbid whoever presently has the cheapest nurse working for them.
There will always be poor people who can't afford their own personal nurses. That doesn't mean that we should mass-import nurses to try and keep the costs down.

Instead: if you want a personal nurse, live responsibly and save up enough money to pay the higher wages it takes to entice your local citizens to enter the nursing field.

If Japanese men/women are not entering the nursing field in significant numbers to care for the ailing population, it's simply because the ailing population is too fucking STINGY to pay them enough to do it. If you raise wages high enough, they will come. That's how it works.

Employers would just rather import competition so that their scarce jobs/money are in demand (they can dictate wages to LCD willing to settle for them) rather than workers being scarce and in demand by plentiful jobs/money competing for those workers.

That's why employers and land-owners choose to ruin nations, because they financially benefit by fucking over the existing lower-class by expanding the lower class with more immigrants so they can stagnate wages while inflating rent and other costs of living.
Somebody still has a brain in their head.
There is nothing wrong with immigration.
In moderation, sure, kept to a minimum which actually benefits most of the population.

The problem is that it is too often done to excess in a political system shaped by wealthy business-owners (keeping down their wage costs, gaining new clients) and landowners (driving up their rent costs, driving up their property sale prices).

It doesn't help employees. It doesn't help people who don't have a surplus of property to allow them to sell/rent
Lol so instead of freeing the Japanese wageslaves from their 90 hour a week jobs, they decide to just import millions of low IQ non Japanese immigrants.
That's a cruel joke... Puré evil xD
In moderation, sure, kept to a minimum which actually benefits most of the population.

The problem is that it is too often done to excess in a political system shaped by wealthy business-owners (keeping down their wage costs, gaining new clients) and landowners (driving up their rent costs, driving up their property sale prices).

It doesn't help employees. It doesn't help people who don't have a surplus of property to allow them to sell/rent

What do you mean, to excess?

Sounds like the lump of labor fallacy tbh.
Things would be much more balanced in Japan overall if ricecels kicked out all of the white people.
Please No!

Japan is one of the few remaining high IQ countries that has managed to resist enrichment.

Lol so instead of freeing the Japanese wageslaves from their 90 hour a week jobs, they decide to just import millions of low IQ non Japanese immigrants.
They will also do 90 hour a week jobs, the value of those jobs will just be reduced by a larger labour pool so living standards can decline even harder
Things would be much more balanced in Japan overall if ricecels kicked out all of the white people.
Based every country should drive foreigners out
The minute they go European style with their borders they're fucked, low IQ savages is not going to improve your country, if they have to do it they should import from sea.
"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of weebs suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."
turning to automation or proposing labour trade agreements with other east asian countries is a much more sensible option tbh its over once they open their borders to low inhib sandcels and noggers

Its their own fault. Most japanese are racist towards other ricemen. I knew a few japanese dudes who told me they consider chinese to be lower than dogs.

Tbh all gooks look the same to me.
There is nothing wrong with immigration.
Hey let's flood your home with ppl that don't like you, have a culture you're not familiar with & want to enforce rules & shit that change your lifestyle while competing with you for resources thus making your job pay less & harder to hold onto & doubling the price of your rent, shit let's just make the streets at night more dangerous while we're at it, sounds fun dudeeee.
Japfoids will resist this the most, they only want white male immigrants.
Hey let's flood your home with ppl that don't like you, have a culture you're not familiar with & want to enforce rules & shit that change your lifestyle while competing with you for resources thus making your job pay less & harder to hold onto & doubling the price of your rent, shit let's just make the streets at night more dangerous while we're at it, sounds fun dudeeee.

Think of all the restuarants though.
To elaborate further, I'm watching this vid now. There's a Chinese lady working as a nurse. She comments
"they would prefer a Japanese nurse, but they can't find any!"


You can ALWAYS find a nurse, if you offer to pay more. You just need to outbid whoever presently has the cheapest nurse working for them.
There will always be poor people who can't afford their own personal nurses. That doesn't mean that we should mass-import nurses to try and keep the costs down.

Indeed. Unfortunately, specially leftists are sutrggling with it to understand this.
“Shalom shlomo! Oy vey, The Japanese goyim aren’t fucking, so lets send them niggers and Muslims“

Why don’t people just fuck more jfl. Imagine what god tier social engineering is required to get people to STOP reproducing. The world is sick.

It seems like population decline is always considered bad.. actually even replacement seems like it’s not enough. People always talk about overpopulation but in practice they actually support it. Short term advantage at long term cost.

we need like 100 hitlers to lean out the world population tbh.
ricecels are not even safe in their own country
This too jfl. Atleast their own countries were once safe havens. Now there is nowhere for ricecels to go to hide.
Hey let's flood your home with ppl that don't like you, have a culture you're not familiar with & want to enforce rules & shit that change your lifestyle while competing with you for resources thus making your job pay less & harder to hold onto & doubling the price of your rent, shit let's just make the streets at night more dangerous while we're at it, sounds fun dudeeee.

If you don't live in shit neighborhoods, you don't have to worry about the streets being dangerous.

If you aren't easily replaceable in the labor market, you don't have to worry about being paid less.

So just don't be poor and uneducated. Don't want the free market to eat you up? Make better choices in the early stages of life. It's literally that simple.

I love immigrants, skilled and unskilled. When unskilled immigrants come to work in construction, do my laundry, or harvest fruits, middle-class consumers like me save money. Property owners like my parents earn more money. And why would anyone complain about skilled immigrants?

As long as they pay their share of taxes, it's all good.
They are gonna colonize japan with whites
They're trying superhard to cuck Japan for years and years now.

I just hope they don't get lolicon and other related shit banned. I don't even fap to it but I enjoy the stories tbh.
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I hate traitors
Welp, looks like it's all over. Japan was the last bastion of hope against the Elites and the left, but it looks as though even they couldn't stave them off. It's over.
I don't give a damn what happens to Japan. Not one. If the entirety of the Japanese population was replaced with Swahili witch doctors I would barely notice, fuck 'em.
But anime?
ill hate to be a modern japanese male.
If you don't live in shit neighborhoods, you don't have to worry about the streets being dangerous.

If you aren't easily replaceable in the labor market, you don't have to worry about being paid less.

So just don't be poor and uneducated. Don't want the free market to eat you up? Make better choices in the early stages of life. It's literally that simple.

I love immigrants, skilled and unskilled. When unskilled immigrants come to work in construction, do my laundry, or harvest fruits, middle-class consumers like me save money. Property owners like my parents earn more money. And why would anyone complain about skilled immigrants?

As long as they pay their share of taxes, it's all good.
You have a enslaver mentality and you are a classist.
Then the native people of your own country are screwed up for you to be well and the immigrants serve you as long as they are cheap and do not raise their voice.
Just let a few hundred thousand Eastern Europeans in each year like the UK.
You have a enslaver mentality and you are a classist.
Then the native people of your own country are screwed up for you to be well and the immigrants serve you as long as they are cheap and do not raise their voice.

How am I any more of a classist than the conservative politicians that many members here gladly support?
This is why we need to kill people like you Tbh (and upper class).

Communism was right all along.

Jfl we should have a TV show where we take people from trailer parks and the ghetto and dump them onto an island and see what kind of society they manage to form
Welp, looks like it's all over. Japan was the last bastion of hope against the Elites and the left, but it looks as though even they couldn't stave them off. It's over.

Who are "the Elites"?

Japan's been committed to political liberalism for decades now.
Just let a few hundred thousand Eastern Europeans in each year like the UK.
They're good sources of cheap whores. That's good for men in the UK.
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Its their own fault. Most japanese are racist towards other ricemen. I knew a few japanese dudes who told me they consider chinese to be lower than dogs.

Tbh all gooks look the same to me.
racism is what has kept japan from turning into a immigration filled shithole like germany tbh
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