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Blackpill "Immigrants could be the answer to Japan’s population crisis"

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Oy vey, neva forget,Japan was an Axis Power!

Japan is actually a true wonder of the world. I believe they have the 3rd or 5th biggest economy in the world. Manufacturing the best of everything while shitholes like Brazil and Syria can never get it together....and Japan is a fucking ISLAND, astonishing!

They should be concerned about Muslims being imported and then having 3+ kids per couple all the while not assimilating like everywhere else they go.

Cliffs: Goodbye EU
As long as they pay their share of taxes, it's all good.

Its' almost impossible for immigrants to pay their fair share of taxes (except for highly-skilled). They cost the host nation so much...increased healthcare, traffic, shittier schooling standards. It really is a band-aid....worst of all they have tons of kids...which maybe 1/20 will succeed to get educated.
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Man, think how trucel the sons of curry/rice couples would be. Hitting the sexual market in 15 years time.
Man, think how trucel the sons of curry/rice couples would be. Hitting the sexual market in 15 years time.

Not to mention upsetting the demographic balance of fertllity in youth men & foids.

Cliffs: Sweden
If you don't live in shit neighborhoods, you don't have to worry about the streets being dangerous.

If you aren't easily replaceable in the labor market, you don't have to worry about being paid less.

So just don't be poor and uneducated. Don't want the free market to eat you up? Make better choices in the early stages of life. It's literally that simple.

I love immigrants, skilled and unskilled. When unskilled immigrants come to work in construction, do my laundry, or harvest fruits, middle-class consumers like me save money. Property owners like my parents earn more money. And why would anyone complain about skilled immigrants?

As long as they pay their share of taxes, it's all good.
Ohhhhh lucky you, I was born in an impoverished dangerous area to two mentalcases that had fuck all money & was undiagnosed Autistic whitey surrounded by large ethnic population. Never began motherfucker, didn't make good choices early on due to shit circumstances, confusion of the world & no guidance.

Must be nice to have a good start in life huh.
LOL...just watched the video. AT the end they say want to increase fertility by making "fatherhood sexy" ...lol...attempting the impossible Chadifying a ricecel. Better just to pay them 100K per kid plus childcare expenses.
They are gonna colonize japan with whites
no they are just looking for shitskins from shithole countries to do the manual labour jobs that the locals dont want
they want decent looking white people, not sandcels and currycels. if they do bring them, they will be working as street sweepers and trash collectors.
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Japs are huge cucks. Work such long hours for no reward. They're a heavily populated technologically advanced nation. No reason to work more than 20-30 hours a week.
Some of you are deluded to entertain fantasies of living in Japan with a waifu. Work is hard and the pay is shit over there. Japanese girls only fuck chads, why did think birth rate is so low to begin with? Japan is the future of the west. Women only marrying the top 20% men while the rest stay at home with no hope of gf. I wonder if they will figure it out and end female rights. I doubt it because they are followers, not innovators.
They will. Only Christian whites cower and sellout their countries. Japanese just use gaijin they don't get outnumbered
If you don't live in shit neighborhoods, you don't have to worry about the streets being dangerous.
Sure you do: criminals roam to other neighborhoods, and danger spreads.

If you aren't easily replaceable in the labor market, you don't have to worry about being paid less.
Sure you do, because if your job is so stable that its salary is impressive, as compensation in other fields become less impressive, more people will be drawn to YOUR field.

So just don't be poor and uneducated. Don't want the free market to eat you up? Make better choices in the early stages of life. It's literally that simple.
"don't be poor" isn't much better than "just be white"

I love immigrants, skilled and unskilled.
When unskilled immigrants come to work in construction, do my laundry, or harvest fruits, middle-class consumers like me save money.
Property owners like my parents earn more money.
And why would anyone complain about skilled immigrants?
YOU wouldn't, if their skills haven't impacted your life yet because you come from a wealthy privileged family. Your parents own property.

That cheap construction you're talking about hasn't trickled down to benefit me, it benefits property owners who can earn more money from renting it out.

It MIGHT lead to cheaper properties in the long run (more availability) if you only brought them in temporarily to do construction and then told them to GTFO and not actually compete as renters to outbid locals.

That seems to be what Japan is aiming for, but as the video points out, Germany tried this with the Turks and it didn't work because the Turks wouldn't GTFO.

I just hope they don't get lolicon and other related shit banned. I don't even fap to it but I enjoy the stories tbh.
The UN / UNICEF has already tried this a couple times. Japan has resisted so far but they could cave at any moment as their society falls apart due to (((foreign influence))).

Then we will see a massive purge of the wonderful stories the likes of Juan Gotoh and Onizuka Naoshi :(

You have a enslaver mentality and you are a classist.
Then the native people of your own country are screwed up for you to be well and the immigrants serve you as long as they are cheap and do not raise their voice.
PPEcel has a classic privileged boomer mindset. He's fucking over future generations of his own people.

I can't entire blame him though, as most incels give up on the thought of reproducing and take a "bread and circuses" approach to this clown world.

How am I any more of a classist than the conservative politicians that many members here gladly support?
Please be more specific to who you are referencing.

Donald Trump says he is pro-immigrant but I just see that as "means to an end" of getting the wall built first before reducing it, or at least creating a mechanism for future presidents to reduce it.

If you can't keep people from sneaking in then policies to keep them out are toothless and there isn't any value in putting them forward.

Jfl we should have a TV show where we take people from trailer parks and the ghetto and dump them onto an island and see what kind of society they manage to form
Not everyone who is in a trailer park now actually began there.

Saying "just build society from scratch on an island" is bullshit logic, a rich fuck like you or your parents wouldn't cope well in such a scenario either.

Who are "the Elites"?
People who have become wealthy through various means (not necessarily ethical ones) who are insulated from how they ruin country for the common citizen by pushing mass immigration policies for their own benefit.
Sure you do: criminals roam to other neighborhoods, and danger spreads.

Sure you do, because if your job is so stable that its salary is impressive, as compensation in other fields become less impressive, more people will be drawn to YOUR field.

"don't be poor" isn't much better than "just be white"

YOU wouldn't, if their skills haven't impacted your life yet because you come from a wealthy privileged family. Your parents own property.

That cheap construction you're talking about hasn't trickled down to benefit me, it benefits property owners who can earn more money from renting it out.

It MIGHT lead to cheaper properties in the long run (more availability) if you only brought them in temporarily to do construction and then told them to GTFO and not actually compete as renters to outbid locals.

That seems to be what Japan is aiming for, but as the video points out, Germany tried this with the Turks and it didn't work because the Turks wouldn't GTFO.

The UN / UNICEF has already tried this a couple times. Japan has resisted so far but they could cave at any moment as their society falls apart due to (((foreign influence))).

Then we will see a massive purge of the wonderful stories the likes of Juan Gotoh and Onizuka Naoshi :(

PPEcel has a classic privileged boomer mindset. He's fucking over future generations of his own people.

I can't entire blame him though, as most incels give up on the thought of reproducing and take a "bread and circuses" approach to this clown world.

Please be more specific to who you are referencing.

Donald Trump says he is pro-immigrant but I just see that as "means to an end" of getting the wall built first before reducing it, or at least creating a mechanism for future presidents to reduce it.

If you can't keep people from sneaking in then policies to keep them out are toothless and there isn't any value in putting them forward.

Not everyone who is in a trailer park now actually began there.

Saying "just build society from scratch on an island" is bullshit logic, a rich fuck like you or your parents wouldn't cope well in such a scenario either.

People who have become wealthy through various means (not necessarily ethical ones) who are insulated from how they ruin country for the common citizen by pushing mass immigration policies for their own benefit.
You're right. Boomers are selfish and do not think about the future.
I just want a girlfriend
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