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Venting I'm thin, 6"2 and white should that be enough for me to stop being an incel?

in this forum?
yes. unless he larps. if he went to any nerdy gaming convention and started retarded convos with foids like "jeeze what do you even do here?" he would eventually get the response of "whoah, you are tall" and that's the end of his incel career
But why am I so rejected then? Why don't any women show interest in me?

I'm sorry if this comes across as "brag" but I really am incel and I'm very honest, if I wasn't I wouldn't even be here
If you aren't autistic yes
yes. unless he larps. if he went to any nerdy gaming convention and started retarded convos with foids like "jeeze what do you even do here?" he would eventually get the response of "whoah, you are tall" and that's the end of his incel career
Yeah true if it was up to me he`d be permabanned he`s fakecel no way around it
But why am I so rejected then? Why don't any women show interest in me?

I'm sorry if this comes across as "brag" but I really am incel and I'm very honest, if I wasn't I wouldn't even be here
mods deal with this fakecel son of a bitch please
mods deal with this fakecel son of a bitch please
I'm constantly trying to ascend, the day I succeed I'll delete my account but until that happens I'll continue to consider myself an incel
I'm constantly trying to ascend, the day I succeed I'll delete my account but until that happens I'll continue to consider myself an incel
then go to lookscuckxxing.org and leave us already you piece of shit.
But why am I so rejected then? Why don't any women show interest in me?

I'm sorry if this comes across as "brag" but I really am incel and I'm very honest, if I wasn't I wouldn't even be here
6'3 here not very one us gets pussy cause we are tall
Im 5'10 and I swear to God that Im the only truecel on this forum. Everyone is 6'2
Im 5'10 and I swear to God that Im the only truecel on this forum. Everyone is 6'2
i swear to god being above 6ft does not provide you with free access to pussy
Mods please ban. People for who redpill easily would work should not be on here mogging actual subhumans.
i swear to god being above 6ft does not provide you with free access to pussy
No but it's enough for redpill shit to work. Go have a shower and work on your social skills. See this is the problem with this forum. Everyone wants to have "free pussy". Like if girls aren't jumping on your dick it just means you aren't top 1% of attractiveness, you could still be on 90th percentile and have to at least do some basic work on yourself.
i swear to god being above 6ft does not provide you with free access to pussy
Fuck off, you have no idea how hard it is being under 6'0. All tallfags should have their legs chopped in half with a saw

Im 5.11 I wish i was 6.2 What the fuck is going on in this world. im so consufed, Im so lonely i want to lill myself, No one likes me, I should kill myself, Why am i not 6.2? I fucking hate existing, Sorry im having a mental breakdown, Fuck not being liked, I just want friends and a GF!
But why am I so rejected then? Why don't any women show interest in me?

I'm sorry if this comes across as "brag" but I really am incel and I'm very honest, if I wasn't I wouldn't even be here
I always knew you were just a normie already from the way you spoke about autism as if its something you can control. "Muh autistic people are ungrateful" GTFO and kys if you are going to talk like that
Fuck off, you have no idea how hard it is being under 6'0. All tallfags should have their legs chopped in half with a saw
then how the fuck there is no difference between my and your life
then how the fuck there is no difference between my and your life
And how would I even tell if there is a difference or not. There might be no difference sure but its not like there is a way to tell through the screen jfl. You said you were 6'1 and if you are not just larping for whatever reason then I can guarantee your life is atleast somewhat easier than mine
u are a tall white guy. Go for asian girls. They will pick u over a Chang lol. U arent incel
Mods why are you letting in 6'4 17 year old Blacks on this forum?
Im 5'10 and I swear to God that Im the only truecel on this forum. Everyone is 6'2
Every thread there are tallfags coming out the wood walks, it is worse than r/short
But why am I so rejected then? Why don't any women show interest in me?

I'm sorry if this comes across as "brag" but I really am incel and I'm very honest, if I wasn't I wouldn't even be here
Are you autistic?

NTpill > jbw + heightpill
Are you autistic?

NTpill > jbw + heightpill
He is just a lazy and arrogant piece of shit who thinks he is a genius and a poet or some shit. Heightpill > NTpill unless the autism is low functioning then NTpill > Height. All in all it usually goes like this:
Height & Looks > NTpill > Personality
it really depends on you context. In college/uni your specs aren't gonna get you laid, foids are hyper selective and only fuck gigachads
This + it really depends on the place as well. If you are in stockholm or something where everybody is that tall but others are better looking, foids will avoid him as well.
So true. Foids will say "I've seen lot of girls with ugly bfs!!!" but they never say "I've seen lots of girls with autistic bfs!!!".
I see it on dating channels like Jubilee or Cut, foids will occasionally agree to dating an unattractive guy, but whenever they show an ugly guy, THE FOIDS ALWAYS REJECT HIM
what can you do, nature’s brutal.
He is just a lazy and arrogant piece of shit who thinks he is a genius and a poet or some shit. Heightpill > NTpill unless the autism is low functioning then NTpill > Height. All in all it usually goes like this:
Height & Looks > NTpill > Personality
My god is the god of the weak
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Fuck off, you have no idea how hard it is being under 6'0. All tallfags should have their legs chopped in half with a saw
yes. don't let them gaslight you into thinking otherwise. keep the fight against the larping tallfags who humblebrag here
yes. unless he larps. if he went to any nerdy gaming convention and started retarded convos with foids like "jeeze what do you even do here?" he would eventually get the response of "whoah, you are tall" and that's the end of his incel career
exactly , every tallfag is 4 conversation lines away from getting laid thats why i say they're fakecels by default
RacecopERs are not gonna like this mang. But yea, I'm black and 6'4 and still get rejected all the time. It's not a matter of height but almost entirely looks. Some say it's cause we don't date our looks matches but really this is nonsense. All women are Chad only mang
tallfags have no resolve. You know why they keep exposing themselves on this forum, because they are subconsciously aware that they mog 99% of us on here. They are basically just failed normies who don’t want to take accountability for the fact that they could actually be receiving snuggles from a foid right now.
Fatcels and tallfags are hardly cels, majority of the time.
Meh. Height is important however if you are lacking in other departments height is ultimately worthless.
exactly , every tallfag is 4 conversation lines away from getting laid thats why i say they're fakecels by default
tallfags have no resolve. You know why they keep exposing themselves on this forum, because they are subconsciously aware that they mog 99% of us on here. They are basically just failed normies who don’t want to take accountability for the fact that they could actually be receiving snuggles from a foid right now.
Fatcels and tallfags are hardly cels, majority of the time.
You guys are acting like I've never tried, "4 lines of conversation before I get laid" clearly you imagine a world in which you were taller and think that in it you would have a chance, would not have
I made this post precisely because I don't understand if this is true, so why can't I? Because it's not true,
tallfags have no resolve. You know why they keep exposing themselves on this forum, because they are subconsciously aware that they mog 99% of us on here. They are basically just failed normies who don’t want to take accountability for the fact that they could actually be receiving snuggles from a foid right now.
Fatcels and tallfags are hardly cels, majority of the time.
You guys are acting like I've never tried, "4 lines of conversation before I get laid" clearly you imagine a world in which you were taller and think that in it you would have a chance, would not have
I made this post precisely because I don't understand if this is true, so why can't I? Because it's not true,
you are not a deformed subhuman. It might be hard, but if you are serious about finding someone you could do it.
tallfags have no resolve. You know why they keep exposing themselves on this forum, because they are subconsciously aware that they mog 99% of us on here. They are basically just failed normies who don’t want to take accountability for the fact that they could actually be receiving snuggles from a foid right now.
Fatcels and tallfags are hardly cels, majority of the time.
But why am I so rejected then? Why don't any women show interest in me?

I'm sorry if this comes across as "brag" but I really am incel and I'm very honest, if I wasn't I wouldn't even be here
Thin and 6'2? Your social failure is likely due to not being neurotypical.*

Either that, or you're severely deformed or scarred ( e.g. a severe burn survivor with a 0/10 face made of skin grafts from your buttocks etc.) or you have an unsightly disease (advanced leprosy, aggressive HPV etc.)

*either autistic, schizo, or maybe you're very traumatized from childhood and you exhibit weird behaviors when foids approach you.
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I'm black and 6'4 and still get rejected all the time.
mods please deal with these fucks.
they're unironically a haircut away of getting orgies with college girls, they think that they're us, fucking normies get the fuck out.
My god is the god of the weak
Yes Im weak and Im autistic, that is why I am here in the first place. Do you have a problem with this? If you are so superior then you don't belong on this forum. You are just an arrogant and edgy tik tok teenage boy with a broccoli haircut who comes to incels.is to troll a bit and feel better about himself. That is it
You don't belong on this forum if you are truly 6'4 like you said
Another heightcoping retard who thinks being tall literally makes women automatically fall in love with you
Yes Im weak and Im autistic, that is why I am here in the first place. Do you have a problem with this? If you are so superior then you don't belong on this forum. You are just an arrogant and edgy tik tok teenage boy with a broccoli haircut who comes to incels.is to troll a bit and feel better about himself. That is it
I'm weak, I've never used tik tok and I'm not a teenager, you're confused and projecting a stereotype onto me, I'm not a normie like you imagine, I only managed to talk to people after I started taking medication and yet I still can't form a functional conversation
I'm very ugly and I started to isolate myself since I was 8 years old, no girl has ever been interested in me, I swear to God that if it had happened I would have known
I really wish this was true but the reality is quite different, the more I try the more I realize this, I don't like identifying as an incel but it's reality for me
exactly , every tallfag is 4 conversation lines away from getting laid thats why i say they're fakecels by default
give me those 4 lines bro and I will wire you 500$ after I get laid

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