Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Venting I'm so glad women aren't allowed here.

Deleted member 60

Deleted member 60

Nov 7, 2017
Read some posts from 2016 on misc and it made me want to go ER. A big thank you to all the men around the world who rape and murder foids.
Yes I wouldn't be here if women were allowed tbh. I would get already banned for attacking "other members"
Same man. This place is honestly lifefuel for me and unlike Reddit and other sites, it doesn’t censor you just because your beliefs don’t fit their agenda.
I'd have nowhere to go if women were here, it would lonely for so many of us
Women ruin everything
There's still some foids that manage to slip through the cracks which sucks but Sarge does a good job.
This place is my last refuge from the attention seeking roasties and orbiter cuck hordes. Thanks boyos.
I'd have nowhere to go if women were here
Same. I'm starting to think this is the last uncucked place on the internet.
If it goes down, it's over
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This board would be just another r9k if foids were allowed.
Read some posts from 2016 on misc and it made me want to go ER. A big thank you to all the men around the world who rape and murder foids.
Women caused two World wars and women also ruined Hitler's World domination.
but they're already here LARPing as males
Let's be honest: this forum more than likely has a bunch of cucks-in-waiting who would jump at the opportunity to orbit foids if we started allowing them here. Whether it's bored narcissists who want an army of cyber sycophants feeding her ego, or desperate uglies on the hunt for a Chadlite mentalcel, no good can come out of letting females post here. Female "incels" have their own spots where they're free to ban men, and any one of them can go there for their venting and group support needs.
Its easy to spot a femoid here.
They usually have the name Truecel and their first post is how looks are not everything.
It amazes me how wise are the admins in this website. Allowing women in a space like this is detrimental.
Truecels began allowing foids in and theres already cucks orbiting them including some of the mods
I would be banned for harassing them within a half hour of them being allowed
Any forum with female posters is bound to be shit
That is one of the things which makes this community so great and why the rest are so against it.
There's still some foids that manage to slip through the cracks which sucks but Sarge does a good job.

Eventually, their instincts will get the best of them and they’ll just not be able to resist starting a post with “As a woman...” or “Female here” in hopes of attracting us, who they see as potential orbiters.
The last foid free bastion of the Internet. I am truly thankful
Same man. This place is honestly lifefuel for me and unlike Reddit and other sites, it doesn’t censor you just because your beliefs don’t fit their agenda.
This place censors people whose views dont fit the community's agenda also. It's just a different agenda.
of course. can you IMAGINE the amount of orbiting that'd go on? for most, being "blackpilled" seems to be a mere facade they that keep up merely to fit in better, and shed at the first given opportunity. if females were around, were the rules more lax, this place would be a HELLHOLE.
What’s a misc? This site wasn’t there in 2016.

Link to Those post?
Don't be so sure, there's definitely women lurking and reading these posts. Let's not forget this place is crawling with IncelTears trolls on alts or just as guests, pretty much 24/7.
Hello cucktears.
Me too. This is hilarious
and would probably be more effective if the no foids allowed line wasn't in the rules. But it's fine since most foids can't last very long without getting attention for having a hole, or defending other foids.
If foids posted here, I'd probably start getting into arguments

I miss BTFOing noobs/foids in one-sided debates tbh
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Its easy to spot a femoid here.
They usually have the name Truecel and their first post is how looks are not everything.
It's usually the ones with 'youngcel' or who speak in normie
of course. can you IMAGINE the amount of orbiting that'd go on? for most, being "blackpilled" seems to be a mere facade they that keep up merely to fit in better, and shed at the first given opportunity. if females were around, were the rules more lax, this place would be a HELLHOLE.
RIP brother :cryfeels:
Women are a plague on anything that men create. They have this overwhelming need to join everything and twist it to suit their personal ego and desires. They find a fandom comprised of men and see how much fun the men are having, watching with seething envy at the camaraderie and genuine friendships being forged and all she can think is "How can I make that about ME", so she becomes a parasite, sustaining herself off of all the drama and gossip she can create.
Go look at any old WoW forums, Runescape forums or any other MMORPG and look at the failed guilds. The vast majority of them are due to the fact they allowed a woman into it, who always ends up being put into a position of authority that she hasn't earned and in the end destroys the guild from the inside by turning everyone against each other. The same can be said of literally any niche hobby from Pokemon to Warhammer.

The fact is that foids cannot accept that they are not welcome somewhere, so they do everything within their power to infect or shut it down. Whores turned Cosplay into a series of thots wearing as little as possible for desperate cucks to throw money at them, they insist that despite being a tiny minority of a fanbase that the hobby be catered almost exclusively around them. They demand special treatment for merely existing within a fanbase, they do this on anonymous forums ("Female here") and will inject their gender into any conversation, no matter how irrelevant it is. I've been in guilds when a new member has joined and their first guild message was "I'm a girl by the way", no one asked, no one said anything that necessitated the comment but she felt an uncontrollable urge to just say it so everyone could pat her on the back and give her a "Playing a Video game while having a vagina" award.

You can't even have a reason discussion with a hole, social life has conditioned them to believe smug replies and putting "So, yeah?" at the end of a sentence that misses the point constitute a reasoned argument.
The only interaction I'd tolerate from a foid in this website is: "I am in city X and want an incel to have sex".

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