Title. I'm so depressed form everything lately I can't bring myself to shower even. Just feel so sick of life right now. No gf, barely any social life, and my father died a few months ago. My OCD is getting worse and tormenting me all throughout the day. My muscle car broke down and he isn't here to help me work on it, so I have to pay a shop. It has rained the last bunch of weekends and I couldn't even to to our cabin to enjoy some nature. I've been doing nothing but rot for weeks now and it's really all hitting hard. Just tired man and struggling to move forward in life. I have to get a job soon too and I'm nervous af to be around normies like that. Plus, my uncle, one of the only decent people left in my life, had blood clots in his lungs today and is in the hospital. Fuck man, shit just keep going wrong.