Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

It's Over I'm out.

That didn't last long xd
for 75 days

also welcome back
I get it, it's hard to not browse this place. That's why i won't ever make posts like these, dunno how niggerpillpress copes with it
For those of you who don't know, I've been a part of the broader incelosphere for a very long time. Over a decade. I was on puahate long before Elliot Rodger (who frankly was a fakecel as he had a decent face and money, but he's worshipped by edgelords and shortcels who identify with him far more than ugly ogres who are still KHHV despite actually approaching unlike Elliot, but I digress) I was on /r/incels where I was a moderator, and I was on this site from day one. I once felt a sense of belonging in this community but after coming back and seeing all of the edgy teens shitposting and the theories that dominate the current zeitgeist on here, I realize I don't belong. I am an anachronism, just like I am in real life.

That's not to say I don't meet the criteria for being an incel. I'm ugly as fuck, middle aged, have had absolutely zero women romantically interested in me, have been rejected by many women including many who were even lower on the looks scale than I am, but that doesn't really matter. Ultimately I just don't fit into the culture and that's that. Most of the posters I could relate to are long gone. Maybe a few of them are still around under other usernames, but either way the few gems are being drowned out by teenage angst, absolutely retarded theories that are completely antithetical to the blackpill, and otherwise low effort posts devoid of any valuable insight, information or humor.

All that being said, it is time for me to go. Actually the time for me to go was years ago, but my brief return and the observations I've made over the past couple of days only serve to reinforce what I already knew to be true, which is that I no longer belong here and nor can I relate to the culture. Kind of sucks because there are no online communities left where I belong. Everywhere I used to post on is gone or has completely changed (4chan for example). To quote Richard Stallman " I'm the last survivor of a dead culture, and I don't really belong in the world anymore, and in some ways I feel I ought to be dead."

One last word of advice, spend more time with your family, they won't be around forever. And don't take your health for granted.

Now @Fat Link and @Master I respectfully request a permaban. Good luck.
@Ryo_Hazuki hey man how are you doing?
I'd say "couldn't be worse" but every time I think that, life proves me wrong.
i hope the best for you bro, one of the legendary mods .you got all my respect
This site is like the blackpill itself: there's no getting away from it.
I get it, it's hard to not browse this place. That's why i won't ever make posts like these, dunno how niggerpillpress copes with it
Why you call him like that? As I concern your views are similar to his (moneymax for escortmax).
Why you call him like that? As I concern your views are similar to his (moneymax for escortmax).
It's just a way of adressing his name without tagging him, nothing personal tbh. And i think that we're indeed similar, just that he's waay edgier about it.

But we're all similar in a sense, after all we're all in this cursed place
Sort of relatable post. Though in my opinion .is has always been trash. Shitposting was a thing from day 1 onward. Teenage angst has likewise been predominant. I lost count of how many self-proclaimed KHHVs turned out to be completely normal-looking teenagers when their selfies got leaked from looksmaxx or whatever.

I still come here because I know that there are other users that feel the same feels. That, along with the trusted feeling of seeing the same old users again and again. I can live without the high IQ posts. If I want deep insights or philosophical discussions, there are other places to turn to.
Welcome back, old friend.
1. Likely a result of too many kiddies signing up here. Hopefully our new 18 year old age restriction policy slows this down at least and allows older more intelligent users to join en masse and establish a foothold that will in time result in a change in the overall community’s posting quality for the better.

2. Users love memes, this will probably never change. {Shrugs}

3. Lounge itself already covers all of those things and you can’t really justify adding a ton more boards on a forum with a low existing userbase as all that does is stretch the userbase out and make the forum even more dead ie slow.

That said however I think at the present time we could at least use or rather benefit perhaps greatly from at least one new board and that quite simply would be a general board made for more serious discussions that are non incel related. The idea being to hopefully stop users who want to talk about serious non incel related subjects from shitting up Incel Discussion with things that are clearly off topic posts.

They don’t want to use Lounge for such posts as Lounge doesn’t carry the gravitas or serious weight and tone that ID or a general board proper does.

So I hope @Master will implement this idea I’ve had.

4. Ascension threads/topics are occasionally allowed if they are from a well established long respected user but a literal board for this would be even more at odds with our “no sharing of romantic experiences” rule arguably than even the occasional allowed ascension topic goodbye thread is.

So that’s a definitive no good buddy.
201 of 200 fucking iq post right here

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