This but unironically, Scientist worship is cringe and bluepilled, I know a lot of people in Academia, especially from back when I was studying to be an Evolutionary Biologist, and get this, and this is serious.
Has been infiltrated and corrupted.
Archaeology, Biology, History, Paleontology, Astronomy, Astrobiology, Every Medical Field, I could go on and on.
Now this is not to say that there isn't real science and studies being done, it's just I doubt many people can differentiate between what is real, and what is bullshit. I painstakingly have read tons of studies, and data, as a hobby, definitely much more so when I was in Uni, but I still do so now, I would say easily, that over 50% of data and studies, typically is bullshit, and I doubt people read studies or data as autistically as I do, so why do you worship and blindly believe what comes out of (((Academia)))? Why do you appeal to the authority of people with a piece of paper that "qualifies" them? Some of the best people I know who are, Engineers, Programmers, and Biologists, and many people in or who are interested in these various fields don't have a degree, and don't plan on getting one.