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Blackpill I'm inferior

All I need is a tall foid and all my problems would be fixed tbh. But I'm loosing hope of ever finding that
There aren't too many tall foids in curryland and the ones that exist all go for taller men.
Any other manlets feel the same?

@To koniec @Doesitmatter? @WorthlessSlavicShit @prajeet88 @kay' @Da_Yunez @SupremeAutist @wereq @RealSchizo @Ricordanza
I feel the same but i still want kids
cause you're a fakecel, face>height
If I'm fakecel would you switch places with me?

I'm light brown & at most 5'5 with 6/10 face
There aren't too many tall foids in curryland and the ones that exist all go for taller men.
Exactly! That's why I gave up on currywhores.

I should either geomaxx to North China or South Sudan
I feel the same but i still want kids
I want to also have many children. But ONLY if I can find a tall wife. I don't want my sons to suffer like me with my midget genes. It's selfish to have children irresponsibly without thinking of the consequences
arent we all OP
I want to also have many children. But ONLY if I can find a tall wife. I don't want my sons to suffer like me with my midget genes. It's selfish to have children irresponsibly without thinking of the consequences
I think the same. I will also try for a tall wife.

I cant imagine my son being shorter than me. He will hate me for life.
5ft5 is brutal but you should be fine otherwise
:feelsmega::feelsmega: Black nigger MOGGER!! WTF!!!
Height cucked me hard. Even if I was even 5'9 I wouldn't even know what incel meant
Still taller than me, not completely over for you
Brootal if you shorter than me :feelsmega::feelsohgod::feelsohgod:
arent we all OP
Cope or rope, hence many manlets deny being short is inferior. Being short is objectively inferior in every meaning respect.
I think the same. I will also try for a tall wife.

I cant imagine my son being shorter than me. He will hate me for life.
Try to get a tall sheboon then. Arabs have halo with sheboons because you enslaved them in the past :feelsthink:
I'm inferior. I'm a defect. I'm deficit. I'm incomplete. I'm substandard. I'm a fucking midget, that's what I am.

You only have one life and live only once. How fucked is it that I was born a manlet in this ONLY ONE single lifetime I've got? :feelshaha::feelsbadman:This is such a joke.

And btw height is one of the most inheritable trait. My midget genes shouldn't spread, shouldn't be passed on. It's evil. My genetics need to be eradicated and completely erased. Weeded out of the planet for good.

I think I'll just give up on having children. Unless the mother is 5'8+, all I would be doing is passing down my inceldom on to my son if I cheated and reproduced. I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be a single 5'8+ foid on this entire planet that will be willing to mix with a midget currynigger like me and ruin her genes and lineage. So I'm going to give up :fuk:
@based_meme @SubhumanGamer thots?
I'm inferior. I'm a defect. I'm deficit. I'm incomplete. I'm substandard. I'm a fucking midget, that's what I am.

You only have one life and live only once. How fucked is it that I was born a manlet in this ONLY ONE single lifetime I've got? :feelshaha::feelsbadman:This is such a joke.

And btw height is one of the most inheritable trait. My midget genes shouldn't spread, shouldn't be passed on. It's evil. My genetics need to be eradicated and completely erased. Weeded out of the planet for good.

I think I'll just give up on having children. Unless the mother is 5'8+, all I would be doing is passing down my inceldom on to my son if I cheated and reproduced. I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be a single 5'8+ foid on this entire planet that will be willing to mix with a midget currynigger like me and ruin her genes and lineage. So I'm going to give up :fuk:
how tall are you?
I'm inferior. I'm a defect. I'm deficit. I'm incomplete. I'm substandard. I'm a fucking midget, that's what I am.

You only have one life and live only once. How fucked is it that I was born a manlet in this ONLY ONE single lifetime I've got? :feelshaha::feelsbadman:This is such a joke.

And btw height is one of the most inheritable trait. My midget genes shouldn't spread, shouldn't be passed on. It's evil. My genetics need to be eradicated and completely erased. Weeded out of the planet for good.

I think I'll just give up on having children. Unless the mother is 5'8+, all I would be doing is passing down my inceldom on to my son if I cheated and reproduced. I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be a single 5'8+ foid on this entire planet that will be willing to mix with a midget currynigger like me and ruin her genes and lineage. So I'm going to give up :fuk:
@Lv99_BixNood what do you think?
Most of the shit I got for being short was from men. Being tall is objectively a superior trait and experience. There's no coping
Yeah, this is so true. Foids simply dont see us, while the men are the one that keep bringing it up.
Atleast you aren't as mentally ill as me.
Go to balkans and hang with the tall balkan stacies
You think I could betabuxx a tall North Chinese foid? 5'8 is 80 percentile for foids in North China.

North Chinese are the tallest in Asia
You think I could betabuxx a tall North Chinese foid? 5'8 is 80 percentile for foids in North China.

North Chinese are the tallest in Asia
Prolly not, chinks care a lot about height.
If you speak the language of those who hate you then you've already lost.
If you speak the language of those who hate you then you've already lost.
Doesn't makes sense since I hate myself the most tbh

But yeah you are objectively inferior in every meaningful way if you are short.
But yeah you are objectively inferior in every meaningful way if you are short.
Tha chadliest fuckboy in my college class who was also a verified pussy magnet was shorter than me.
Tha chadliest fuckboy in my college class who was also a verified pussy magnet was shorter than me.
"I know a guy" - IT troon tier logic :feelsseriously:

He probably had other traits compensating for his height then. Doesn't change the fact that if rest of the traits are equal and height is the only variable, the taller the better. Shorter people get bullied way more, earn less, won't get promoted to higher positions, can't get pussy as easily.

Shortness is inferior, tallness is superior.
"I know a guy" - IT troon tier logic :feelsseriously:

He probably had other traits compensating for his height then. Doesn't change the fact that if rest of the traits are equal and height is the only variable, the taller the better. Shorter people get bullied way more, earn less, won't get promoted to higher positions, can't get pussy as easily.

Shortness is inferior, tallness is superior.
you're a 6 according to you also people compensate for looks cope there's no study for good looking short guys you need to control for looks fucking nigger cope you're a 6 you don't get bullied whenever IT uses someone short like tom holland they get mocked because he's pretty thus proving if short but good looking you need to be put in a gas chamber you can also wear timberland boots etc you shitskin
Any other manlets feel the same?

@To koniec @Doesitmatter? @WorthlessSlavicShit @prajeet88 @kay' @Da_Yunez @SupremeAutist @wereq @RealSchizo @Ricordanza
the worst part? you cant even nichemaxx with dom foids because by default jeetniggers look low trust and low class as shit.

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