I'm inferior. I'm a defect. I'm deficit. I'm incomplete. I'm substandard. I'm a fucking midget, that's what I am.
You only have one life and live only once. How fucked is it that I was born a manlet in this ONLY ONE single lifetime I've got?

This is such a joke.
And btw height is one of the most inheritable trait. My midget genes shouldn't spread, shouldn't be passed on. It's evil. My genetics need to be eradicated and completely erased. Weeded out of the planet for good.
I think I'll just give up on having children. Unless the mother is 5'8+, all I would be doing is passing down my inceldom on to my son if I cheated and reproduced. I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be a single 5'8+ foid on this entire planet that will be willing to mix with a midget currynigger like me and ruin her genes and lineage. So I'm going to give up