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Based I'm discarding 99% of the populace, I give up on society (How I will live as a blackpilled Incel)



Black Saint Art
Sep 30, 2019
I used to always try to be popular and liked by everyone, using machiavellian strategies as a kid without even knowing about them.

I finally realized that normies, the mainstream will never accept or like me because I'm ugly and non-NT.

I'm writing this mostly to map out my new life, but I believe many users here could learn something in this post to escape the cult that is western society.

I'm completely unplugging from bluepilled society.


I cut contact with every person I ever knew, except for my family, I will cut contact with them once I have the money to live on my own.
They have always been a massive detriment to my life, poisoning my body with unhealthy food and poisoning my mind with their bluepilled memes.
They made my life worse in so many ways, and soyciety tries to keep me with them by saying bs how you must respect your parents.

I won't socialize or make any effort in seeing any people with normie traits. If I must be alone for the rest of my life, so be it.
True friendship doesn't exist and everyone is just looking out for himself. Every relationship is transactional, unconditional love doesn't exist.
I don't compromise myself for this women worshipping soycult anymore.

I have realized that women will never find me attractive, the sex from betabuxxing isn't good enough also. So the only way for me to fulfill my sexual needs is through rape and escorts. I won't break the law but I will make use of legal loopholes like every succesful man.
I will make use of my countries legal escort services once I get my money right.


I only go outside when it's dark. Since I live in a safe area, I can enjoy the outsides without degenerates bothering me.
I get vitamin D by sitting near an open window at home when the sun is set just right.
I get healthy groceries through the internet. I get water from the tap, sipping through my steel bottle. I don't drink any beverages except water, tea and coffee.

For excersise I do HIIT 3 times a week on a stationary bike and go running 3 times a week when it's dark outside. When I have the money, I will buy barbells and dumbbells to lift. Public gyms are absolute cancer and I won't ever step foot in one again.


I still NEET in my parents' home so I'm finding away to make money through the Internet, without leaving my room.

I minimize expenses by not paying for any media or consumerist bullshit. I know quality sites to 'borrow' every program, music, book. vidya I might ever want. I don't pay for anything that is available digitally.

The only expenses I have are maintainance things like rent, groceries but also technical equipment for my money making and quality drugs / nootropics.

This drastically cuts down the money I need, since I'm not brainwashed by the capatalist memes anymore, I don't need to make much money.

I used to buy clothes, but then I realized my face ruins every cool outfit I might wear, so I only wear black, dark green, grey now. Since I don't meet people anymore, I only have to look good for myself.


I'm building a strong pc to work and play vidya with. I only plan on playing based vidya and will abstain from normieshit like Fortnite, LoL, etc
I abstain from every soyshit bluepilled vidya like Borderlands 3, Horizon Zero Dawn etc. No more fake strong female leads, no more cuck shit, I won't expose myself to this social brainwashing.

I have no normies to influence me on my media choices, so I can casually enjoy the most based art ever created, without degenerates telling me I'm weird for liking it.

I don't go on Reddit, Instagram or any other of these bluepilled deliberately addicting sites anymore. I don't read YouTube comments, I don't watch normie videos.

I create art for myself, working on my audio production skills but also on my video production. It's a good outlet for emotional trauma.

I constantly learn new things and try to keep my mind sharp, I've seen firsthand what passive 24/7 media consumption does to you, I try to actively improve my brain and exposing it to new ideas. I 'borrow' courses on every skill I might want to learn.
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Drink alcohol, buddy boyo
Dude. I plan on doing this same exact shit
Public gyms are absolute cancer and I won't ever step foot in one again.
Search for a good 24/7 gym and go very early or very late tbh .
Only old people and boomers there at that time and all they do is slowly rot away with the treadmill set to 1.
I abstain from every soyshit bluepilled vidya like Borderlands 3
Man , i was so fucking hyped for this game , but they truly fucked up the story .
Doesnt compare in the slightest to BL2 Handsome Chad .
Also this bullshit about misgendering fl4k .
But they truly nailed the gunplay and abilities in this one , ngl .
Go talk to Lilith jfl .
Dude. I plan on doing this same exact shit
Based, I feel so fired up for this new life
Search for a good 24/7 gym and go very early or very late tbh .
Only old people and boomers there at that time and all they do is slowly rot away with the treadmill set to 1.
I don't want to meet or see ANY normies, the only gyms here are from 6 to 22.
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My family, I will cut contact with them once I have the money to live on my own.
They have always been a massive detriment to my life, poisoning my body with unhealthy food and poisoning my mind with their bluepilled memes.
They made my life worse in so many ways, and soyciety tries to keep me with them by saying bs how you must respect your parents.
I'm 38 and have inadvertently implemented most of what you've described, although not by choice. The trauma of existing in this society and dealing with its psychopaths gave me no other recourse.
Nice ideas there, personally I'm not sure I'd be able to deal with the loneliness
Nice topic man. I plan something like this too. But most of the time I will meditate and make my readings. I also would add escortcelling.
I want to set up my own 3D printing + silicone molding factory once I have enough money to disappear from society.
I used to always try to be popular and liked by everyone, using machiavellian strategies as a kid without even knowing about them.

I finally realized that normies, the mainstream will never accept or like me because I'm ugly and non-NT.

I'm writing this mostly to map out my new life, but I believe many users here could learn something in this post to escape the cult that is western society.

I'm completely unplugging from bluepilled society.


I cut contact with every person I ever knew, except for my family, I will cut contact with them once I have the money to live on my own.
They have always been a massive detriment to my life, poisoning my body with unhealthy food and poisoning my mind with their bluepilled memes.
They made my life worse in so many ways, and soyciety tries to keep me with them by saying bs how you must respect your parents.

I won't socialize or make any effort in seeing any people with normie traits. If I must be alone for the rest of my life, so be it.
True friendship doesn't exist and everyone is just looking out for himself. Every relationship is transactional, unconditional love doesn't exist.
I don't compromise myself for this women worshipping soycult anymore.

I have realized that women will never find me attractive, the sex from betabuxxing isn't good enough also. So the only way for me to fulfill my sexual needs is through rape and escorts. I won't break the law but I will make use of legal loopholes like every succesful man.
I will make use of my countries legal escort services once I get my money right.


I only go outside when it's dark. Since I live in a safe area, I can enjoy the outsides without degenerates bothering me.
I get vitamin D by sitting near an open window at home when the sun is set just right.
I get healthy groceries through the internet. I get water from the tap, sipping through my steel bottle. I don't drink any beverages except water, tea and coffee.

For excersise I do HIIT 3 times a week on a stationary bike and go running 3 times a week when it's dark outside. When I have the money, I will buy barbells and dumbbells to lift. Public gyms are absolute cancer and I won't ever step foot in one again.


I still NEET in my parents' home so I'm finding away to make money through the Internet, without leaving my room.

I minimize expenses by not paying for any media or consumerist bullshit. I know quality sites to 'borrow' every program, music, book. vidya I might ever want. I don't pay for anything that is available digitally.

The only expenses I have are maintainance things like rent, groceries but also technical equipment for my money making and quality drugs / nootropics.

This drastically cuts down the money I need, since I'm not brainwashed by the capatalist memes anymore, I don't need to make much money.

I used to buy clothes, but then I realized my face ruins every cool outfit I might wear, so I only wear black, dark green, grey now. Since I don't meet people anymore, I only have to look good for myself.


I'm building a strong pc to work and play vidya with. I only plan on playing based vidya and will abstain from normieshit like Fortnite, LoL, etc
I abstain from every soyshit bluepilled vidya like Borderlands 3, Horizon Zero Dawn etc. No more fake strong female leads, no more cuck shit, I won't expose myself to this social brainwashing.

I have no normies to influence me on my media choices, so I can casually enjoy the most based art ever created, without degenerates telling me I'm weird for liking it.

I don't go on Reddit, Instagram or any other of these bluepilled deliberately addicting sites anymore. I don't read YouTube comments, I don't watch normie videos.

I create art for myself, working on my audio production skills but also on my video production. It's a good outlet for emotional trauma.

I constantly learn new things and try to keep my mind sharp, I've seen firsthand what passive 24/7 media consumption does to you, I try to actively improve my brain and exposing it to new ideas. I 'borrow' courses on every skill I might want to learn.

Get on good terms with your parents and don't move out. You can save over $1500 a month this way

Say some nice shit to them daily as the cost to pay for saving tons of money
I'm 38 and have inadvertently implemented most of what you've described, although not by choice. The trauma of existing in this society and dealing with its psychopaths gave me no other recourse.

At 38 what else could you do? How exactly does a 38 year old man have a social life?
the problem with NEET is that you get fucked in the end.

your "make money from the internet" plan needs a fucking lot more work. I'm saying this as someone who makes money from the internet. 99.99% of people utterly fucking fail because they aren't cut out for it.

And everyone I tell this to thinks they're part of the 0.001% that are cut out for it.
sounds comfy but id rather go ER
the problem with NEET is that you get fucked in the end.

your "make money from the internet" plan needs a fucking lot more work. I'm saying this as someone who makes money from the internet. 99.99% of people utterly fucking fail because they aren't cut out for it.

And everyone I tell this to thinks they're part of the 0.001% that are cut out for it.
Yeah you're right. I have some talents like a deep narrator voice i can use to grow some kind of yt channel, its one of the things people give me compliments for

i have nothing but time and low living expenses so i can develop more markatable skills

What kind of internet money do u make?
sounds comfy but id rather go ER
Get on good terms with your parents and don't move out. You can save over $1500 a month this way

Say some nice shit to them daily as the cost to pay for saving tons of money
Yeah you're probably right, i really want to live alone ngl, but i should have a solid income stream first
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Sad life awaits the subhuman
Nice topic man. I plan something like this too. But most of the time I will meditate and make my readings. I also would add escortcelling.
True, actual deep meditation is very powerful
Yeah you're right. I have some talents like a deep narrator voice i can use to grow some kind of yt channel, its one of the things people give me compliments for

i have nothing but time and low living expenses so i can develop more markatable skills

What kind of internet money do u make?


Yeah you're probably right, i really want to live alone ngl, but i should have a solid income stream first

I do affiliate marketing mate.

If you want to make internet money, you're going to have to work hard as shit, have a plan and do whatever it takes to make money. incredibly competitive.

I know people do make YT money and money from voice overs, but I don't know anything about it. Wish I could help you out.

EDIT: BUT if you do make internet money, life gets a lot fucking better. you might even change your mind about isolating yourself. I recommend all incels try and moneymaxx in whatever way they can
the problem with NEET is that you get fucked in the end.

your "make money from the internet" plan needs a fucking lot more work. I'm saying this as someone who makes money from the internet. 99.99% of people utterly fucking fail because they aren't cut out for it.

And everyone I tell this to thinks they're part of the 0.001% that are cut out for it.
Care to elaborate? It seems that 'making money online' is a meme now.
Ive always wanted to be a lone sheppard in fields of grass. Maybe one day.
Didn’t read , But good luck boyo. Idk what i’m going to do in my future
Care to elaborate? It seems that 'making money online' is a meme now.

it's a meme for nearly everyone because you have to be either a good looking guy or girl and do the social media celebrity thing (which is 0% chance working if you're an incel and like 2% chance if you're not) or you have to do something like ecommerce, affiliate marketing or some other shit like that.

to succeed at those things you need to be a fucking nerd that can handle split-testing, web design and working out advertising platforms (no low IQ person) you have to be ruthless (because most of it is just fucking stealing other people's ideas, or selling shit products for huge markups) AND you have to be willing to deal with the fact that you will sometimes lose a shitload of money as well as gain it.

in other words you have to be High IQ, low inhib and willing to fucking stick it out because it's up and down and fucking chaos.

you can make very good money, but it's not easy to start. same thing as crypto was about a year ago. most people are going to fail out when they realise you can't be low IQ and have no plan and just accidentally get loads of money.
it's a meme for nearly everyone because you have to be either a good looking guy or girl and do the social media celebrity thing (which is 0% chance working if you're an incel and like 2% chance if you're not) or you have to do something like ecommerce, affiliate marketing or some other shit like that.

to succeed at those things you need to be a fucking nerd that can handle split-testing, web design and working out advertising platforms (no low IQ person) you have to be ruthless (because most of it is just fucking stealing other people's ideas, or selling shit products for huge markups) AND you have to be willing to deal with the fact that you will sometimes lose a shitload of money as well as gain it.

in other words you have to be High IQ, low inhib and willing to fucking stick it out because it's up and down and fucking chaos.

you can make very good money, but it's not easy to start. same thing as crypto was about a year ago. most people are going to fail out when they realise you can't be low IQ and have no plan and just accidentally get loads of money.
Thanks for the informative post, man. I've always suspected that being an incel would be an impediment, even in an online business, where you're not revealing your face. Like you said, you have to be low inhibition, which is not typically an incel trait. It's a nuclear Black Pill when you realize that being incel goes much deeper than just the inability to attract foids. As an incel, you're very likely to have a shitty package of genetic traits that affects all areas of your life. Many guys on this forum don't realize that.

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