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Serious I'm at the point where I'm tired of hiding.



18 y.o, sub5, nonNT, 5'6, blackcel
May 26, 2024
There's a lot of thoughts and ideas currently racing through my mind.

I feel a lot of hate. It's very likely that my Mom doesn't give a shit about me and she's playing a persona. I'm being finessed by my fucking Mom. Because on some days, she'll say give me a hug and show me some grade I got in grade 3 or try to give me an inspirational message, but my Dad did the same thing to my sister before he said he never wanted to see her again, and threatened her physically.

My Mom doesn't give a flipping fuck about me. I hate the fucking sheboon language she speaks in. She's mocking me. When I set an alarm to wake up at 4 am, she says "tsk." When I was fully redpilled a year ago and on the self improvement train, she didn't support me. When I was getting good grades, she said I was "selfish" for "studying too much." Bunch of bullshit. I realize now, both my parents don't give a fuck about me. Neither my Dad who I can't legally see, or my Mom who pretends to care about me.

The FitxFearless video. You're probably annoyed because I've talked about it a thousand times, but if you really analyse it, the video was funny, but the situation isn't. Before I was blackpilled, I was fully redpilled. I studied until 2 am some nights because I wanted to maintain good grades in hard classes. I followed Hamza, Andrew Tate, before I reset my channel, I would record shitty videos after doing 100 push ups. I did all of that fucking work, but because I'm ugly, it meant fucking jackshit. My brother fucking plays video games all day, fucking Roblox, Snapchat, whilst I used to be hyper-obsessed over self improvement and would do extreme things like "quit music" and take cold showers at 5 am because I was a dumbass. I had genuine body dsmorphia. I was on the fucking suicide hotline, texting it multiple times a day. I couldn't look myself in the Mirror. I would pull my ears back, put my 2 fingers over my nose, imagining how much better I would look after plastic surgery. I listened to some dickheads in the Fitxfearless discord server to go on call, told a fake story, I was fucking 17 when the call happened, and I was raised a Muslim. If I was raised a fucking Muslim and I just graduated High School, and my overbearing sheboon Mom is controlling as fuck, obviously I would never approach a woman with that context. Because my whole life, my Mom and Islam told me to not talk to girls, I was bullied in middle school, and I was isolated in High School, only focusing on grades.

I did self improvement, it meant fucking jackshit, because I was publicly humiliated for the entire fucking world to see, based on context that made me look worse. My brother is fucking lazy as shit, my Mother is fucking controlling and sheboon, my Father is fucking non-existent.

The video with the cuts and everything is edited for humour. But the actual uncut livestream is brutal. It only amplifies the things I did being for nothing

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF2ufiTBjM0

Timestamp 39:11 (go to 45:25)

"Have a good day man. Have a good day. This shit is fucking pathetic. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Unbelievable."

The situation isn't funny at all. The cut up and edited video is funny objectively, but the actual situation I'm in. Everyone in my fucking University, all of my old classmates mocking me, the work I put in being for nothing. And if you don't believe me, which proves my point, then go look at my Instagram and see the physique pictures with no gym equipment, just bodyweight. Go look up my old threads in r/disciplined. I used to be active in Hamza's Skool community Adonis Gang. It all meant fucking nothing. I tried improving my social skills, I tried talking to people, I consumed Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate's guides on Social Skills, I used to watch fucking Hamza guides, it meant fucking nothing.

My life was a fucking joke since I was a child. I've gotten mockery on youtube comments, discord comments, reddit, in real life. People calling me a pussy in my own server, and since I'm so used to it, I don't even get mad at the fact someone casually calls me a pussy. "You're not welcome here." "Get the fuck out of here." "cringe" "Autism" "Loser" Snickers, laughter. Over and fucking over. The 32 year old discord mod in the Fitx server who told me to get the fuck out of the server, around a couple weeks later, in late August when the video was still booming and I was getting mockery and hate comments everyday, I said in my server, I'm suicidal, I feel urges, then I rejoin the FitxFearless discord on an alt in early september because I was curious if they were talking about me, and someone I was friended with said in the Fitx server "Cheese said he's going to kill himself (my old discord name and name even here was MHCheese454 so people called me Cheese) the mod was saying "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I don't feel bad for him.", maybe I'm a faggot for this, but I basically ran out of the lecture hall I was in on the verge of tears and hyperventilating, and ran to another building, calmed down, then went back into the lecture hall. That was a month ago, it doesn't matter now, it's just some stupid discord message but it just reinforced the belief in my head that people would probably be happier if I wasn't here.

What's the point of this vent? The work I did was for nothing. I probably full on hate my family. I've been considered a joke for my entire life. The fitxfearless clips are going more viral. People are making reaction videos.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNIU0wcsI6M

The point of this vent is the title. I don't want to hide anymore. I mean that in a literal sense.

People here said it was cringe when I went on "melodramatic monologues" on how I don't care about dying, acting like an anime character. The reason I talk about death is because I believe it will be worth it to die for something like this.

That "something like this" refers to not hiding, the ability to speak my mind and be a "truth teller." It's not an unrealistic scenario. There has been cases of people jumped, killed, thrown in jail, assaulted, for expressing their opinion. I'm an ugly male. People despise ugly men. If I as an ugly male, speak an uncontroversial opinion that people don't like, and someone jumps me, then things like death and violence are possible realities.

The last straw was reputation. I've been a fucking good boy for my whole life, I stayed in School, studied for my classes, didn't do drugs, didn't smoke, didn't go to a single fucking party, and was fucking ostracized and treated like shit anyways. I've been a fucking good boy not defying my mother, doing University, and she fucking despises me and shit talks me in her sheboon native language to her relatives. It would damage "Muh reputation" is massive cope in my situation, because my reputation was out of the window anyways.

I am a global humiliation. My reputation is already fucking ruined anyways. If my reputation is ruined and I claim to not be afraid of death, why the fuck am I hiding? Why the fuck am I wearing a hoodie in public, not talking back to my Mom, head down, not posting videos on my Instagram because people from my old school follow me randomly and I don't want my old normie classmates to judge me?

This world is fucking shit. Society is shit. My reputation is gone forever. It was millions and millions of views, everyone at my old school, my brother's school, my University, fucking everyone. My Mom is shit talking me anyways, even if I do what she wants. So why the fuck am I scared?

I want to be like Jake Rix and Sneako.

They speak their fucking minds even if they get mocked for it.

I'm not going to hide in public, or look at the floor when the normie girl who was in my middle school walks past me, when she's probably getting fucking dicked down in University, and I'm too scared to look her in the eye because the Fitx video went viral. I'm not going to listen to my faggot Uncle or my sheboon Mom talking shit. I want to be a truth teller, I want to expose modern society. I need more attention, not less. If I try to hide, then all of the humiliation and negative attention is still there, because people will associate my name with that video. Even if it "dies down", people will still associate my name with that FitxFearless video. I want people to associate me with me. To post on social media my opinion, even if it results in fucking death or removal of job opportunities because it was already unlikely for me to get a job anyways because an employer could just do a simple 30 minute background check and see the "Here's why being an incel is ruining your life" anyways, and because incel is a buzzword, kick me out of the door. My reputation was already ruined from the day the Fitxfearless video went viral. In August. It's October. My reputation was ruined 2 months ago.

I want to expose that society is unfair, I want to expose that lookism exists, I want to expose that I did fucking work and it led to fucking nothing, I want to expose how fucking lazy normies are, I'm not going to fucking hide in public, and I want to speak what I believe is the truth, and spread it and be a content creator and truth teller. Grow on social media based off of exposing the truth of this shitty society.

"That's stupid because if you utilize free speech, then your already damaged and unsalvageable reputation will make it impossible to find a job." I care about this more than I care about financial security.

"Someone might jump you or try to kill you if you say something they don't like." My life was fucking worthless anyways. That's why I'm willing to die for a good cause.

I'm not hiding for shit. I would rather have my online footprint be me spreading truth nukes about society, and in real life, speak my fucking mind, with free speech, instead of being a good boy, putting my head down, and letting this corrupt fucking society that I hate operate without saying anything because "muh reputation" (already tarnished from the fitx vide) "muh future job" (already unlikely I was going to get one.)

I don't want to be an obedient slave, I don't want to hide or cower in fear, I want to tell the truth about this shitty society, not try to have a "clean digital footprint" that's regulated by this clown world globohomo fucking society. I want to have free speech and speak my mind.

This isn't me trying to act cool or edgy, because I know objectively this is a stupid decision, this is just what I believe I should do.

Why am I telling you this? Because you as incels, are the only few who experience the unfairness of this bullshit society. I relate to you more than the normies I fucking hate. My last post I said "Fuck being a normie." "I'm not going to try to act "normal."

I would rather be humiliated and laughed at by being the crazy guy who talks nonsense on his social media page, then humiliated for putting my head down, hiding and doing what everyone else tells me to do.
ChatGPT Summary for the NT-cels who didn't understand what I'm saying or TLDR:

"Sasukecel" expresses deep feelings of anger, alienation, and despair, fueled by family dynamics, societal pressures, and the viral Fitxfearless video, which he believes ruined his reputation. He feels that despite his efforts at self-improvement—such as studying hard, following redpill ideologies, and improving his physique—he remains ridiculed and rejected, both online and in real life, primarily due to what he perceives as lookism (discrimination based on appearance). His family, particularly his mother, exacerbates these feelings by showing little support or respect, making him feel unloved and disrespected.

For much of his life, he tried to conform by being a "good boy," focusing on school, avoiding parties, and trying to maintain a clean image. He even used to hide in public by wearing hoodies and avoiding eye contact to escape the shame of the viral video. However, he has now reached a point where he refuses to hide any longer. He wants to embrace free speech, speak his mind publicly, and expose what he believes are the harsh truths about modern society, even if it means facing further humiliation, violence, or losing future job opportunities.

He admires figures like Sneako and Jake Rix for speaking their minds despite public backlash and now desires to do the same, even accepting the potential consequences, including death. He feels that, since his reputation is already ruined, he has nothing left to lose and would rather be known for speaking the truth than for quietly conforming to a society he despises.
I'm going to sleep now, I'll reply in the morning
He admires figures like Sneako

Jeffrey Epstein Trump GIF
Based that you came back you are that blackcel that appeared in the video?
I want to be like Jake Rix and Sneako.
Everyone wishes they could get paid just for yapping about current events. You're competing against all of these people.
you aren't blackpilled if you preach that all incels can ascend if they follow your plan, which iirc involved... softmaxx and social skills maxxing and a bit of hardmaxxing. None of which will work on a framelet 3/10 face ricecel

go ahead and ignore that fact and reply (if you care to) just biasedly restating how you plan to help, without considering the flaws

it's still :redpill:

the blackpill is that its over because of your looks yet your sole message is 'all incels can ascend and i will help them to do so'

cope lol
Everyone wishes they could get paid just for yapping about current events. You're competing against all of these people.
:yes::yes::yes::yes: OP is also in denial of this uncomfortable reality, denial of :blackpill:
Last edited:
I'm a lolcow that speaks my mind and damn the consequences. I can because I'm old, on autismbux and retired.

You don't do this when you're 18 years old. Stop it.
Nobody gives a shit about you nigger. You think people think about your stupid video day and our and they care enough to hate you for it? nobody cares
I'm a lolcow that speaks my mind and damn the consequences. I can because I'm old, on autismbux and retired.

You don't do this when you're 18 years old. Stop it.
How old are you, since you say you are retired? Are you a similar age to emba at 60 something?
Keep studying because universities and companies want blackcels like you
I'm a lolcow that speaks my mind and damn the consequences. I can because I'm old, on autismbux and retired.

You don't do this when you're 18 years old. Stop it.
It's (probably) about having dignity.
Nobody gives a shit about you nigger. You think people think about your stupid video day and our and they care enough to hate you for it? nobody cares
Probably true, but reputation is big among blacks. And not "staying down" is very important.
you aren't blackpilled if you preach that all incels can ascend if they follow your plan, which iirc involved... softmaxx and social skills maxxing and a bit of hardmaxxing. None of which will work on a framelet 3/10 face ricecel

go ahead and ignore that fact and reply (if you care to) just biasedly restating how you plan to help, without considering the flaws

it's still :redpill:

the blackpill is that its over because of your looks yet your sole message is 'all incels can ascend and i will help them to do so'

cope lol

:yes::yes::yes::yes: OP is also in denial of this uncomfortable reality, denial of :blackpill:
Obviously, you haven't seen any of his videos and what he's actually talking about. He's not living in denial. He's just not going to let it ruin his life and ability to cope. Basically, he's coping. He's not "staying down."
Everyone wishes they could get paid just for yapping about current events. You're competing against all of these people.
I think he does it for personal reasons, not to get rich. A steam valve....
Ok. By retired, I assume you mean just collecting NEETBUXX, not technically "retirement" legally.
I used to tell everyone I was retired @40. It sounds cozy huh?
>Muh blackcel is not real

Most sane blackcel:
Obviously, you haven't seen any of his videos and what he's actually talking about. He's not living in denial. He's just not going to let it ruin his life and ability to cope. Basically, he's coping. He's not "staying down."
i've read his posts where he claims to be able to 'allow all incels a world in which they can ascend' which will never happen so its :redpill:
Sneako is based. He calls out the Jew, liberalism and feminism. He's also entertaining to watch, I don't watch his streams currently though.

Typical normie advice JFL :feelskek:

There were more reaction videos. One had 5k views, the other had 1.5k views. Because people react to "Fitxfearless funniest moments compilation" and I'm included in the compilation because I'm a lolcow.

Everyone wishes they could get paid just for yapping about current events. You're competing against all of these people.

It's not even for the aspect of getting paid, it's rejecting what society has placed for me. Because I'm a lolcow (and also because I'm sub5), society inadvertently wants me to not go outside in public. To delete all of my social media accounts, to not go out in public. When I went to Campus, I would wear a hoodie and go on paths where there wen't many people to get to my class. I was planning on skipping my brother's graduation in June, and I didn't post any videos on my Instagram because I feared old classmates would see me sperging out. But I realized that if I do what society wants me to do, I would still be a lolcow anyways. Might as well go out and show my ugly face in public, go to my brother's graduation, post the controversial spergy videos on my Instagram, but "people will make fun of me." I was going to get made fun of anyways. So it's about not hiding and speaking my mind from a society doesn't want me.
you aren't blackpilled if you preach that all incels can ascend if they follow your plan, which iirc involved... softmaxx and social skills maxxing and a bit of hardmaxxing. None of which will work on a framelet 3/10 face ricecel

go ahead and ignore that fact and reply (if you care to) just biasedly restating how you plan to help, without considering the flaws

it's still :redpill:

the blackpill is that its over because of your looks yet your sole message is 'all incels can ascend and i will help them to do so'

cope lol

:yes::yes::yes::yes: OP is also in denial of this uncomfortable reality, denial of :blackpill:

It's obvious I'm not fully blackpilled because if I was fully blackpilled, I would have roped by now.

I agree in that the blackpill is objective reality, but I want to overcome objective reality with delusion. Going on the Fitxfearless call was such a stupid decision, that now I'm at a higher echelon of truecel. Not only am I short, ugly, non-white and autistic, but I'm a global lolcow for millions to see and laugh at.

The logical and blackpill conclusion is my life is over because God is cruel and I never had a chance.

The 3/10 framelet asian guy has a higher chance of ascending then me, because Asians are smart, and he can easily become some Software Developer or some nerd thing to moneymax, and he's not a viral humiliation and assuming he's NT, he can easily make friends. I'm 3/10 facially, nonNT, and I'm a low iq blackcel.

All incels can ascend theoretically, just as anyone could theoretically become a millionaire. The difficulty is still very high.

Realistically, it's likely I'll fail. It's likely I'll always be a global humiliation, I'll never ascend and my online footprint will prevent me from laying down a stable job. But it's better to die fighting then die surrendered.
I'm a lolcow that speaks my mind and damn the consequences. I can because I'm old, on autismbux and retired.

You don't do this when you're 18 years old. Stop it.
The average 18 year old's life isn't ruined at 18. Maybe this is my version of going ER. Because when people go ER, they go all in on something before roping. I don't plan on roping but this is me going all in on something.
Nobody gives a shit about you nigger. You think people think about your stupid video day and our and they care enough to hate you for it? nobody cares
My old classmates view my tiktok profile and follow me on instagram. When I didn't wear a hoodie i would get recognized on Campus, and people I know give me funny looks. I don't think the video is all they think about, but the video is the only reputation they have of me.

Even if they're not talking about me, in their heads, they see me as a global humiliation. Even if they're not thinking at me day in and day out, I'm still a lolcow. Employers care and being associated with inceldom makes it unlikely someone will hire me because society is becoming more liberal and feminist as time goes on. I'm basically fucked by all angles.
Keep studying because universities and companies want blackcels like you
I'm staying in University. I was contemplating if I should stay in University or drop out because "is there a point in going to University if I'm not going to be hired in a corporate position" anyways, but it makes more sense to be an ugly blackcel with a University degree then an ugly blackcel without a University degree. If I was more attractive, it would make sense to drop out, but I shouldn't. Why would Universities want people like me? I worry about being kicked out of University.
That is a very long post. I will read it later
The average 18 year old's life isn't ruined at 18. Maybe this is my version of going ER. Because when people go ER, they go all in on something before roping. I don't plan on roping but this is me going all in on something.

My old classmates view my tiktok profile and follow me on instagram. When I didn't wear a hoodie i would get recognized on Campus, and people I know give me funny looks. I don't think the video is all they think about, but the video is the only reputation they have of me.

Even if they're not talking about me, in their heads, they see me as a global humiliation. Even if they're not thinking at me day in and day out, I'm still a lolcow. Employers care and being associated with inceldom makes it unlikely someone will hire me because society is becoming more liberal and feminist as time goes on. I'm basically fucked by all angles.

I'm staying in University. I was contemplating if I should stay in University or drop out because "is there a point in going to University if I'm not going to be hired in a corporate position" anyways, but it makes more sense to be an ugly blackcel with a University degree then an ugly blackcel without a University degree. If I was more attractive, it would make sense to drop out, but I shouldn't. Why would Universities want people like me? I worry about being kicked out of University.
You're making it to be a bigger deal than it already is, nobody gives a fuck, just tell them you were joking, you could take it positively as an opportunity to make people strike up conversations with you
Why did you even go on that retards channel you probably knew you'd be humiliated anyway
The average 18 year old's life isn't ruined at 18. Maybe this is my version of going ER. Because when people go ER, they go all in on something before roping. I don't plan on roping but this is me going all in on something.

My old classmates view my tiktok profile and follow me on instagram. When I didn't wear a hoodie i would get recognized on Campus, and people I know give me funny looks. I don't think the video is all they think about, but the video is the only reputation they have of me.

Even if they're not talking about me, in their heads, they see me as a global humiliation. Even if they're not thinking at me day in and day out, I'm still a lolcow. Employers care and being associated with inceldom makes it unlikely someone will hire me because society is becoming more liberal and feminist as time goes on. I'm basically fucked by all angles.

I'm staying in University. I was contemplating if I should stay in University or drop out because "is there a point in going to University if I'm not going to be hired in a corporate position" anyways, but it makes more sense to be an ugly blackcel with a University degree then an ugly blackcel without a University degree. If I was more attractive, it would make sense to drop out, but I shouldn't. Why would Universities want people like me? I worry about being kicked out of University.
If you are going to uni you might as well finish it with a degree. Get a first or 2:1 rest is useless nobody looks at it even ur resume goes straight in the bin.

I went to some giga-garbage uni and got a first honors while cheating all my exams. I entered a pact with some other nigga and he just used TeamViewer on my laptop to do the exam (we were doing them on laptops), then I installed it on his and did his JFL. There were other components of grading obviously but I just snaked my way around them somehow.

Uni is useless anyway, I learned more in first week of my job than I did in 3 years of uni JFL.
People are going to forget all about that irrelevant clip by the time you graduate.

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