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Venting I'm 21, and I am a fucking failure

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Deleted member 101

I just wanna be loved, but don’t think I’m worthy
Nov 7, 2017
>still a virgin
>never had a gf
>never kissed a girl
>never held hands with a girl
>have never even had a girl interested in me
>haven't had a female friend since I was a little kid
>have no friends and have barely had a social life
>still don't have a driver's license
>still live with my parents
>only work experience is a shitty grocery store job
>have been in community college for ALMOST 4 YEARS while everyone I graduated high school with is graduating from actual universities (I might finally graduate this semester but fuck starting uni at 22)
>have yet to travel outside of North America while everyone else I know have travelled the world, from Europe to Asia, either by themselves or with friends/SOs
>have crippling depression, low self-esteem, bad social anxiety, and subpar social skills that makes it tough to try to lift myself out of it
>lonely and horny as fuck

I turn 22 in July. I know I am young, but missing these milestones everyone hits at younger ages males me feel like a fucking failure. I feel like I'm running out of time. I feel like if I don't kill myself soon, I'm gonna end up a 40 year old virgin with a shitty retail wageslave job.

Hell I feel like a failure compared to fellow incels. I've heard of some of you having decent jobs down the road. One guy is gonna go to an Ivy League school after he's done with the military; he's also in a traveling rock band and was accepted into schools like fucking Northwestern (a dream school of mine that I'm too dumb to get into) in high school.

Some times I wish I could be immortal, never aging so time wouldn't be against me.

Fuck my life.
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try being 30 and incel, lmao

you're still a fucking child
your not the only one bro
21 lol.
I'm 35 and virgin and been gymceling for 10 years and 6' and white and not balding and I earn quite a bit and none of it matters.
try being 30 and incel, lmao

you're still a fucking child
I'll be 30 before I even know it

It is super abnormal to be a kissless virgin at 22
same man 22 year old kiss-less handhold-less virgin
21 lol.
I'm 35 and virgin and been gymceling for 10 years and 6' and white and not balding and I earn quite a bit and none of it matters.
At least you have money

And I'll be your age before I even know it
Lol I'm the same im also 21, but at least you were in a community college, I'm a bigger loser than you im a NEET and 2time college dropout
Let me just tell you right now that it's not going to get any better.

At least you have money

And I'll be your age before I even know it

I have money but there's nothing I want that can be bought. I just don't have to worry about bills or rent and that's it... I have more time to appreciate my inceldom.

And for what it's worth, guys I know who were in your situation when they were in their early 20s, they all eventually got girlfriends. Except me.
21 lol.
I'm 35 and virgin and been gymceling for 10 years and 6' and white and not balding and I earn quite a bit and none of it matters.
You've had sex with multiple people. You're not an Incel.
>still a virgin
>never had a gf
>never kissed a girl
>never held hands with a girl
>have never even had a girl interested in me
>haven't had a female friend since I was a little kid
>have no friends and have barely had a social life
>still don't have a driver's license
>still live with my parents
>only work experience is a shitty grocery store job
>have been in community college for ALMOST 4 YEARS while everyone I graduated high school with is graduating from actual universities (I might finally graduate this semester but fuck starting uni at 22)
>have yet to travel outside of North America while everyone else I know have travelled the world, from Europe to Asia, either by themselves or with friends/SOs
>have crippling depression, low self-esteem, bad social anxiety, and subpar social skills that makes it tough to try to lift myself out of it
>lonely and horny as fuck

I turn 22 in July. I know I am young, but missing these milestones everyone hits at younger ages males me feel like a fucking failure. I feel like I'm running out of time. I feel like if I don't kill myself soon, I'm gonna end up a 40 year old virgin with a shitty retail wageslave job.

Hell I feel like a failure compared to fellow incels. I've heard of some of you having decent jobs down the road. One guy is gonna go to an Ivy League school after he's done with the military; he's also in a traveling rock band and was accepted into schools like fucking Northwestern (a dream school of mine that I'm too dumb to get into) in high school.

Some times I wish I could be immortal, never aging so time wouldn't be against me.

Fuck my life.

Trevelling is shit though, I don't understand why normies like it so much.
I have? I'm not? Did you maybe mistake me for somebody else?
No, I remember you saying on r/Incels that you've had sex before.

I grant you that sticking your dick into some slag you'll never see again or even care for isn't much better than being Incel, but still.
Trevelling is shit though, I don't understand why normies like it so much.

Women like it because they can fuck without any social consequences. Guys like it because women can fuck them without any social consequences. It's 100% about fucking.
Trevelling is shit though, I don't understand why normies like it so much.
I consider travelling one of my hobbies
Women like it because they can fuck without any social consequences. Guys like it because women can fuck them without any social consequences. It's 100% about fucking.
I don't think about fucking women when I'm on vacation
I don't think about fucking women when I'm on vacation

So why do you like traveling then? Why is Google Street View not superior in every way?
Everyone is is in the same boat if not worse off.
So why do you like traveling then? Why is Google Street View not superior in every way?

you've got to be trolling
doing things is better than just watching them
incels should understand that better than just about anyone
you've got to be trolling
doing things is better than just watching them

Not trolling, I just don't see the point of traveling unless it's for business. Like what would you like to see and why would it be better to see it while being squeezed by fat tourists?
Welcome to the club.
21 lol.
I'm 35 and virgin and been gymceling for 10 years and 6' and white and not balding and I earn quite a bit and none of it matters.

If you're a virgin at 35, your odds of losing it now are very slim. At 40, consider it over (for real, not the funny way "it's over" this forum likes to say).

You are a truecel and have my respect.
Just noticing how much you are a failure compared to others fills my tank with suicidefuel
You are not alone
So why do you like traveling then? Why is Google Street View not superior in every way?
Because I like exploring new places in person...

Are you for real
Your biggest problem is that you are a poorfag. I was nearly exactly like you at your age. Lost virginity to a hooker eventually. You will never get any more desirable (as you get older it'll get worse), but if you make enough money to escortcel and buy shit, it makes life easier.

Figure out what you can do for good money and start working towards it. It doesn't have to be anything you love doing (you'll be miserable until you die regardless, just like the rest of us), but it has to pay well.
Not trolling, I just don't see the point of traveling unless it's for business. Like what would you like to see and why would it be better to see it while being squeezed by fat tourists?
I mean there's lots of stuff you can see and do that aren't tourist traps
Your biggest problem is that you are a poorfag. I was nearly exactly like you at your age. Lost virginity to a hooker eventually. You will never get any more desirable (as you get older it'll get worse), but if you make enough money to escortcel and buy shit, it makes life easier.

Figure out what you can do for good money and start working towards it. It doesn't have to be anything you love doing (you'll be miserable until you die regardless, just like the rest of us), but it has to pay well.
I don't think I can handle an entire life alone and unloved...
Go make a change, go teach English in Vietnam or something. Eat and sleep properly, maybe even go to the gym and try to make a positive change. This post is either a cry for help or just to vent, either way take care of yourself, if you want you can message me directly through here if that's possible. You're only 21, there's shitloads of time to put things right.
22 year old college dropout khhv, life is going nowhere, haven’t travelled outside the USA. Even then I still have hope but at the same time dead inside
No girls want a ugly black guy I’m invisible to these people, why did life have to be this why
Your peers are like 7 years or more ahead of you. No chance of catching up.
Yeah, i'm a failure, the world can suck me.
Your situation ain't that bad tbh

>still a virgin
>never had a gf
>never kissed a girl
>never held hands with a girl
>have never even had a girl interested in me
>haven't had a female friend since I was a little kid
>have no friends and have barely had a social life
>still live with my parents
>only work experience is a shitty grocery store job
>have crippling depression, low self-esteem, bad social anxiety, and subpar social skills that makes it tough to try to lift myself out of it
>lonely and horny as fuck

That's literally me. You and I are the same fucking person. Holy shit.

But I want to add a few things to remind you...

>still a virgin
>still don't have a driver's license
>still live with my parents
>only work experience is a shitty grocery store job
>have been in community college for ALMOST 4 YEARS while everyone I graduated high school with is graduating from actual universities (I might finally graduate this semester but fuck starting uni at 22)
>have yet to travel outside of North America while everyone else I know have travelled the world, from Europe to Asia, either by themselves or with friends/SOs

> it's okay to live with your parents at 21 you dumbass. Maybe it's different for you but in my state 21 and parents isn't a big deal. 25 and over is when it becomes a problem.

> stop being a pussy and get a driver's license. You don't need social skills or a Chad-face to get one. So fucking do the things that your inceldom isn't stopping you from doing.

> I know a normie who started Uni at 25 and still got a great job and has his own downtown apartment now. Fuck societal norms and do what works for you.

> Travelling in your state of life is stupid. I haven't travelled either and everyone I know has. But that's because they have their lives in order and I don't. They have friends, a career, they are happy with themselves. I don't have any of these things and no GF to travel with and FUCK travelling with your parents. So don't worry about that. Think of travel as a reward for when you get your life in order.
some of you guys want to live forever, others cant wait to die
this whole forum is bipolar
Everyone on here is a failure.
im gonna be 24 soon. time flies by. feels like i was just 19 yesterday
Your situation ain't that bad tbh

That's literally me. You and I are the same fucking person. Holy shit.

But I want to add a few things to remind you...

> it's okay to live with your parents at 21 you dumbass. Maybe it's different for you but in my state 21 and parents isn't a big deal. 25 and over is when it becomes a problem.

> stop being a pussy and get a driver's license. You don't need social skills or a Chad-face to get one. So fucking do the things that your inceldom isn't stopping you from doing.

> I know a normie who started Uni at 25 and still got a great job and has his own downtown apartment now. Fuck societal norms and do what works for you.

> Travelling in your state of life is stupid. I haven't travelled either and everyone I know has. But that's because they have their lives in order and I don't. They have friends, a career, they are happy with themselves. I don't have any of these things and no GF to travel with and FUCK travelling with your parents. So don't worry about that. Think of travel as a reward for when you get your life in order.

Well I am the closest I've been to getting the license. Just need to refine a few things and I should have it in a few months

At my age I feel I should be in a dorm, or rent my own college apartment

And the travel thing was because I really enjoy traveling and I'm jealous people I graduated with have gone to places I've wanted to see for years now
some of you guys want to live forever, others cant wait to die
this whole forum is bipolar
I want to die so I can end the pain but I'm afraid of dying
21 lol.
I'm 35 and virgin and been gymceling for 10 years and 6' and white and not balding and I earn quite a bit and none of it matters.

white and not balding at 35? that's extremely rare these days
white and not balding at 35? that's extremely rare these days
My neighbors son is in college and has a worse hairline than me. I'm easily old enuf to be his dad. He looks like a grown man.
I don't think I can handle an entire life alone and unloved...
I don't think any of us who are older than you thought they could handle it either. But it isn't likely to change, inceldom is a terminal condition after all.

The sooner you accept it the better. No femoid will ever love or desire you. Understand that you have no redeeming qualities other than your tradeable skills. But the good news is that picking, learning and mastering the right tradeable skills can make your life better in other ways.

(That said, you have to absolutely ROCK at whatever you pick as a moneymaker. Unless you are clearly better, you will always be passed up for a mediocre, but sociable and handsome Chad, or for an equally mediocre femoid in the name of appeasing political correctness police).

Believe me, breaking out of poverty is an absolute breeze compared to breaking out of inceldom (anything is a breeze compared to something impossible). Once you become well-off though, it's only the matter of finding the copes that work.
Your situation ain't that bad tbh

> and FUCK travelling with your parents. So don't worry about that. Think of travel as a reward for when you get your life in order.

I usually go on trips with my dad. Yeah I'd much rather go with buddies or a gf but I have a good time with my dad.

I do have an online friend that I'm fixing things with. He lives in Minnesota. I'd love to hang out with him but his job would make that difficult.

I'd love to go on my own but my folks don't think I'm ready (which sucks ass for a 21 year old but what can I do). I also would have loved to go to Japan with some of my former online buddies, but no one could afford it.

Believe me, breaking out of poverty is an absolute breeze compared to breaking out of inceldom (anything is a breeze compared to something impossible). Once you become well-off though, it's only the matter of finding the copes that work.

I wouldn't say I'm in poverty. My parents are upper middle class and I've been way less wasteful with my money in recent months.

But yeah, I don't feel I can be happy without either a small group of close friends + mutually loving gf or being a multi millionaire or a billionair (because I am kinda hedonistic and have some expensive taste). Or both lmao
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I'm 35 and virgin and been gymceling for 10 years and 6' and white and not balding and I earn quite a bit and none of it matters.


a) this disproves "just be white" theory
b) this disproves "just be tall" theory
c) "just have a good job" theory
d) you have shitty-as-fuck social skills
e) you are ugly as sin
f) you are lying and you're not tall or rich

So...which is it?

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